package com.github.codingricky.marvel; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Version; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.CollectionURI; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.CollectionURIDeserializer; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.Comic; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.Creator; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.Event; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.MarvelCharacter; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.Result; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.Series; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.model.Story; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.parameter.CharacterParameters; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.parameter.ComicParameters; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.parameter.CreatorParameters; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.parameter.EventParameters; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.parameter.SeriesParameters; import com.github.codingricky.marvel.parameter.StoryParameters; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Content; import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Request; import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Response; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class RestClient { private final URLFactory urlFactory; private final ObjectMapper objectMapper; private Proxy proxy; public RestClient(String privateKey, String publicKey) { this.urlFactory = new URLFactory(privateKey, publicKey); this.objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule("CollectionURIDeserializerModule", new Version(1, 0, 0, null, null, null)); module.addDeserializer(CollectionURI.class, new CollectionURIDeserializer()); objectMapper.registerModule(module); } public RestClient(String privateKey, String publicKey, Proxy proxy) { this(privateKey, publicKey); this.proxy = proxy; } /** * Fetches lists of characters. * * @param characterParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<MarvelCharacter> getCharacters(CharacterParameters characterParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getCharactersURL(characterParameters)); return convertToResult(MarvelCharacter.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of characters filtered by character id. * * @param characterId * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<MarvelCharacter> getCharacter(int characterId) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getCharacterURL(characterId)); return convertToResult(MarvelCharacter.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of comics filtered by character id. * * @param comicParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Comic> getCharactersComics(ComicParameters comicParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getCharactersComicsURL(comicParameters)); return convertToResult(Comic.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of events filtered by character id. * * @param eventParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Event> getCharactersEvents(EventParameters eventParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getCharactersEventURL(eventParameters)); return convertToResult(Event.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of stories filtered by character id. * * @param storyParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Story> getCharactersStories(StoryParameters storyParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getCharactersStoriesURL(storyParameters)); return convertToResult(Story.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of series filtered by character id. * * @param seriesParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Series> getCharactersSeries(SeriesParameters seriesParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getCharactersSeriesURL(seriesParameters)); return convertToResult(Series.class, result); } /** * Fetches a list of comics. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Comic> getComics() throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getComicsURL()); return convertToResult(Comic.class, result); } /** * Fetches a single comic by id. * * @param comicId * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Comic> getComics(int comicId) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getComicsURL(comicId)); return convertToResult(Comic.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of characters filtered by comic id. * * @param comicParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<MarvelCharacter> getComicsCharacters(ComicParameters comicParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getComicsCharactersURL(comicParameters)); return convertToResult(MarvelCharacter.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of events filtered by a comic id. * * @param eventParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Event> getComicsEvents(EventParameters eventParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getComicsEventsURL(eventParameters)); return convertToResult(Event.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of stories filtered by a comic id. * * @param storyParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Story> getComicsStories(StoryParameters storyParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getComicsStoriesURL(storyParameters)); return convertToResult(Story.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of creators filtered by comic id. * * @param creatorParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Creator> getComicsCreators(CreatorParameters creatorParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getComicsCreatorsURL(creatorParameters)); return convertToResult(Creator.class, result); } /** * Fetches list of events. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Event> getEvents() throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getEventsURL()); return convertToResult(Event.class, result); } /** * Fetches a single event by id. * * @param eventId * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Event> getEvents(int eventId) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getEventsURL(eventId)); return convertToResult(Event.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of characters filtered by an event id. * * @param eventParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<MarvelCharacter> getEventsCharacters(EventParameters eventParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getEventsCharactersURL(eventParameters)); return convertToResult(MarvelCharacter.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of comics filtered by an event id. * * @param eventParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Comic> getEventsComics(EventParameters eventParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getEventsComicsURL(eventParameters)); return convertToResult(Comic.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of creators filtered by an event id. * * @param eventParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Creator> getEventsCreators(EventParameters eventParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getEventsCreatorsURL(eventParameters)); return convertToResult(Creator.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of stories filtered by an event id. * @param eventParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Story> getEventsStories(EventParameters eventParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getEventsStoriesURL(eventParameters)); return convertToResult(Story.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of series. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Series> getSeries() throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getSeriesURL()); return convertToResult(Series.class, result); } /** * Fetches a single comic series by id. * * @param seriesId * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Series> getSeries(int seriesId) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getSeriesURL(seriesId)); return convertToResult(Series.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of characters by a series id. * * @param seriesParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<MarvelCharacter> getSeriesCharacters(SeriesParameters seriesParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getSeriesCharactersURL(seriesParameters)); return convertToResult(MarvelCharacter.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of comics by a series id. * * @param seriesParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Comic> getSeriesComics(SeriesParameters seriesParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getSeriesComicsURL(seriesParameters)); return convertToResult(Comic.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of creators by a series id. * * @param seriesParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Creator> getSeriesCreators(SeriesParameters seriesParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getSeriesCreatorsURL(seriesParameters)); return convertToResult(Creator.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of stories by a series id. * * @param seriesParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Story> getSeriesStories(SeriesParameters seriesParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getSeriesStoriesURL(seriesParameters)); return convertToResult(Story.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of stories. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Story> getStories() throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getStoriesURL()); return convertToResult(Story.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of stories filtered by story id. * * @param storyId * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Story> getStories(int storyId) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getStoriesURL(storyId)); return convertToResult(Story.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of characters filtered by story id. * * @param storyParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<MarvelCharacter> getStoriesCharacters(StoryParameters storyParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getStoriesCharactersURL(storyParameters)); return convertToResult(MarvelCharacter.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of comics filtered by story id. * * @param storyParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Comic> getStoriesComics(StoryParameters storyParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getStoriesComicsURL(storyParameters)); return convertToResult(Comic.class, result); } /** * Fetches lists of creators filtered by story id. * * @param storyParameters * @return * @throws IOException */ public Result<Creator> getStoriesCreators(StoryParameters storyParameters) throws IOException { final String result = getURL(urlFactory.getStoriesCreatorsURL(storyParameters)); return convertToResult(Creator.class, result); } private <T> Result<T> convertToResult(Class clazz, String result) throws IOException { JavaType javaType = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(Result.class, clazz); final Result<T> mappedResult = objectMapper.readValue(result, javaType); mappedResult.setRawResponse(result); return mappedResult; } private String getURL(String url) throws IOException { final HttpResponse httpResponse = getResponse(url); if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { throw new MarvelRestException(httpResponse); } return EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity()); } private HttpResponse getResponse(String url) throws IOException { if (proxy == null) { return Request.Get(url).execute().returnResponse(); } else { return Request.Get(url).viaProxy(new HttpHost(proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort())).execute().returnResponse(); } } }