* Licensed to GraphHopper GmbH under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* GraphHopper GmbH licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.graphhopper.matching;
import com.bmw.hmm.SequenceState;
import com.bmw.hmm.ViterbiAlgorithm;
import com.graphhopper.GraphHopper;
import com.graphhopper.matching.util.HmmProbabilities;
import com.graphhopper.matching.util.TimeStep;
import com.graphhopper.routing.*;
import com.graphhopper.routing.ch.CHAlgoFactoryDecorator;
import com.graphhopper.routing.ch.PrepareContractionHierarchies;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.DefaultEdgeFilter;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.EdgeFilter;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.HintsMap;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting;
import com.graphhopper.storage.CHGraph;
import com.graphhopper.storage.Graph;
import com.graphhopper.storage.index.LocationIndexTree;
import com.graphhopper.storage.index.QueryResult;
import com.graphhopper.util.*;
import com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* This class matches real world GPX entries to the digital road network stored
* in GraphHopper. The Viterbi algorithm is used to compute the most likely
* sequence of map matching candidates. The Viterbi algorithm takes into account
* the distance between GPX entries and map matching candidates as well as the
* routing distances between consecutive map matching candidates.
* <p>
* <p>
* See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Map_matching and Newson, Paul, and John
* Krumm. "Hidden Markov map matching through noise and sparseness." Proceedings
* of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic
* Information Systems. ACM, 2009.
* @author Peter Karich
* @author Michael Zilske
* @author Stefan Holder
* @author kodonnell
public class MapMatching {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
// Penalty in m for each U-turn performed at the beginning or end of a path between two
// subsequent candidates.
private double uTurnDistancePenalty;
private final Graph graph;
private final Graph routingGraph;
private final LocationIndexMatch locationIndex;
private double measurementErrorSigma = 50.0;
private double transitionProbabilityBeta = 2.0;
private final int nodeCount;
private DistanceCalc distanceCalc = new DistancePlaneProjection();
private final RoutingAlgorithmFactory algoFactory;
private final AlgorithmOptions algoOptions;
public MapMatching(GraphHopper hopper, AlgorithmOptions algoOptions) {
// Convert heading penalty [s] into U-turn penalty [m]
final double PENALTY_CONVERSION_VELOCITY = 5; // [m/s]
final double headingTimePenalty = algoOptions.getHints().getDouble(
Parameters.Routing.HEADING_PENALTY, Parameters.Routing.DEFAULT_HEADING_PENALTY);
uTurnDistancePenalty = headingTimePenalty * PENALTY_CONVERSION_VELOCITY;
this.locationIndex = new LocationIndexMatch(hopper.getGraphHopperStorage(),
(LocationIndexTree) hopper.getLocationIndex());
// create hints from algoOptions, so we can create the algorithm factory
HintsMap hints = new HintsMap();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : algoOptions.getHints().toMap().entrySet()) {
hints.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// default is non-CH
if (!hints.has(Parameters.CH.DISABLE)) {
hints.put(Parameters.CH.DISABLE, true);
if (!hopper.getCHFactoryDecorator().isDisablingAllowed())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot disable CH. Not allowed on server side");
// TODO ugly workaround, duplicate data: hints can have 'vehicle' but algoOptions.weighting too!?
// Similar problem in GraphHopper class
String vehicle = hints.getVehicle();
if (vehicle.isEmpty()) {
if (algoOptions.hasWeighting()) {
vehicle = algoOptions.getWeighting().getFlagEncoder().toString();
} else {
vehicle = hopper.getEncodingManager().fetchEdgeEncoders().get(0).toString();
if (!hopper.getEncodingManager().supports(vehicle)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vehicle " + vehicle + " unsupported. "
+ "Supported are: " + hopper.getEncodingManager());
algoFactory = hopper.getAlgorithmFactory(hints);
Weighting weighting;
CHAlgoFactoryDecorator chFactoryDecorator = hopper.getCHFactoryDecorator();
boolean forceFlexibleMode = hints.getBool(Parameters.CH.DISABLE, false);
if (chFactoryDecorator.isEnabled() && !forceFlexibleMode) {
if (!(algoFactory instanceof PrepareContractionHierarchies)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Although CH was enabled a non-CH algorithm "
+ "factory was returned " + algoFactory);
weighting = ((PrepareContractionHierarchies) algoFactory).getWeighting();
this.routingGraph = hopper.getGraphHopperStorage().getGraph(CHGraph.class, weighting);
} else {
weighting = algoOptions.hasWeighting()
? algoOptions.getWeighting()
: new FastestWeighting(hopper.getEncodingManager().getEncoder(vehicle),
this.routingGraph = hopper.getGraphHopperStorage();
this.graph = hopper.getGraphHopperStorage();
this.algoOptions = AlgorithmOptions.start(algoOptions).weighting(weighting).build();
this.nodeCount = routingGraph.getNodes();
public void setDistanceCalc(DistanceCalc distanceCalc) {
this.distanceCalc = distanceCalc;
* Beta parameter of the exponential distribution for modeling transition
* probabilities.
public void setTransitionProbabilityBeta(double transitionProbabilityBeta) {
this.transitionProbabilityBeta = transitionProbabilityBeta;
* Standard deviation of the normal distribution [m] used for modeling the
* GPS error.
public void setMeasurementErrorSigma(double measurementErrorSigma) {
this.measurementErrorSigma = measurementErrorSigma;
* This method does the actual map matching.
* <p>
* @param gpxList the input list with GPX points which should match to edges
* of the graph specified in the constructor
public MatchResult doWork(List<GPXEntry> gpxList) {
if (gpxList.size() < 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few coordinates in input file ("
+ gpxList.size() + "). Correct format?");
// filter the entries:
List<GPXEntry> filteredGPXEntries = filterGPXEntries(gpxList);
if (filteredGPXEntries.size() < 2) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Only " + filteredGPXEntries.size()
+ " filtered GPX entries (from " + gpxList.size()
+ "), but two or more are needed");
// now find each of the entries in the graph:
final EdgeFilter edgeFilter = new DefaultEdgeFilter(algoOptions.getWeighting().getFlagEncoder());
List<Collection<QueryResult>> queriesPerEntry =
lookupGPXEntries(filteredGPXEntries, edgeFilter);
// Add virtual nodes and edges to the graph so that candidates on edges can be represented
// by virtual nodes.
final QueryGraph queryGraph = new QueryGraph(routingGraph).setUseEdgeExplorerCache(true);
List<QueryResult> allQueryResults = new ArrayList<>();
for (Collection<QueryResult> qrs : queriesPerEntry)
// Different QueryResults can have the same tower node as their closest node.
// Hence, we now dedupe the query results of each GPX entry by their closest node (#91).
// This must be done after calling queryGraph.lookup() since this replaces some of the
// QueryResult nodes with virtual nodes. Virtual nodes are not deduped since there is at
// most one QueryResult per edge and virtual nodes are inserted into the middle of an edge.
// Reducing the number of QueryResults improves performance since less shortest/fastest
// routes need to be computed.
queriesPerEntry = deduplicateQueryResultsByClosestNode(queriesPerEntry);
logger.debug("================= Query results =================");
int i = 1;
for (Collection<QueryResult> entries : queriesPerEntry) {
logger.debug("Query results for GPX entry {}", i++);
for (QueryResult qr : entries) {
logger.debug("Node id: {}, virtual: {}, snapped on: {}, pos: {},{}, "
+ "query distance: {}", qr.getClosestNode(),
isVirtualNode(qr.getClosestNode()), qr.getSnappedPosition(),
qr.getSnappedPoint().getLat(), qr.getSnappedPoint().getLon(),
// Creates candidates from the QueryResults of all GPX entries (a candidate is basically a
// QueryResult + direction).
List<TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> timeSteps =
createTimeSteps(filteredGPXEntries, queriesPerEntry, queryGraph);
logger.debug("=============== Time steps ===============");
i = 1;
for (TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> ts : timeSteps) {
logger.debug("Candidates for time step {}", i++);
for (GPXExtension candidate : ts.candidates) {
// Compute the most likely sequence of map matching candidates:
List<SequenceState<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> seq = computeViterbiSequence(timeSteps,
gpxList.size(), queryGraph);
logger.debug("=============== Viterbi results =============== ");
i = 1;
for (SequenceState<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> ss : seq) {
logger.debug("{}: {}, path: {}", i, ss.state,
ss.transitionDescriptor != null ? ss.transitionDescriptor.calcEdges() : null);
// finally, extract the result:
final EdgeExplorer explorer = queryGraph.createEdgeExplorer(edgeFilter);
// Needs original gpxList to compute stats.
MatchResult matchResult = computeMatchResult(seq, gpxList, queriesPerEntry, explorer);
logger.debug("=============== Matched real edges =============== ");
i = 1;
for (EdgeMatch em : matchResult.getEdgeMatches()) {
logger.debug("{}: {}", i, em.getEdgeState());
return matchResult;
* Filters GPX entries to only those which will be used for map matching (i.e. those which
* are separated by at least 2 * measurementErrorSigman
private List<GPXEntry> filterGPXEntries(List<GPXEntry> gpxList) {
List<GPXEntry> filtered = new ArrayList<>();
GPXEntry prevEntry = null;
int last = gpxList.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
GPXEntry gpxEntry = gpxList.get(i);
if (i == 0 || i == last || distanceCalc.calcDist(
prevEntry.getLat(), prevEntry.getLon(),
gpxEntry.getLat(), gpxEntry.getLon()) > 2 * measurementErrorSigma) {
prevEntry = gpxEntry;
} else {
logger.debug("Filter out GPX entry: {}", i + 1);
return filtered;
* Find the possible locations (edges) of each GPXEntry in the graph.
private List<Collection<QueryResult>> lookupGPXEntries(List<GPXEntry> gpxList,
EdgeFilter edgeFilter) {
final List<Collection<QueryResult>> gpxEntryLocations = new ArrayList<>();
for (GPXEntry gpxEntry : gpxList) {
final List<QueryResult> queryResults = locationIndex.findNClosest(
gpxEntry.lat, gpxEntry.lon, edgeFilter, measurementErrorSigma);
return gpxEntryLocations;
private List<Collection<QueryResult>> deduplicateQueryResultsByClosestNode(
List<Collection<QueryResult>> queriesPerEntry) {
final List<Collection<QueryResult>> result = new ArrayList<>(queriesPerEntry.size());
for (Collection<QueryResult> queryResults : queriesPerEntry) {
final Map<Integer, QueryResult> dedupedQueryResults = new HashMap<>();
for (QueryResult qr : queryResults) {
dedupedQueryResults.put(qr.getClosestNode(), qr);
return result;
* Creates TimeSteps with candidates for the GPX entries but does not create emission or
* transition probabilities. Creates directed candidates for virtual nodes and undirected
* candidates for real nodes.
private List<TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> createTimeSteps(
List<GPXEntry> filteredGPXEntries, List<Collection<QueryResult>> queriesPerEntry,
QueryGraph queryGraph) {
final int n = filteredGPXEntries.size();
if (queriesPerEntry.size() != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"filteredGPXEntries and queriesPerEntry must have same size.");
final List<TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> timeSteps = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
GPXEntry gpxEntry = filteredGPXEntries.get(i);
final Collection<QueryResult> queryResults = queriesPerEntry.get(i);
List<GPXExtension> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
for (QueryResult qr : queryResults) {
int closestNode = qr.getClosestNode();
if (queryGraph.isVirtualNode(closestNode)) {
// get virtual edges:
List<VirtualEdgeIteratorState> virtualEdges = new ArrayList<>();
EdgeIterator iter = queryGraph.createEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(closestNode);
while (iter.next()) {
if (!queryGraph.isVirtualEdge(iter.getEdge())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Virtual nodes must only have virtual edges "
+ "to adjacent nodes.");
queryGraph.getEdgeIteratorState(iter.getEdge(), iter.getAdjNode()));
if (virtualEdges.size() != 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Each virtual node must have exactly 2 "
+ "virtual edges (reverse virtual edges are not returned by the "
+ "EdgeIterator");
// Create a directed candidate for each of the two possible directions through
// the virtual node. This is needed to penalize U-turns at virtual nodes
// (see also #51). We need to add candidates for both directions because
// we don't know yet which is the correct one. This will be figured
// out by the Viterbi algorithm.
// Adding further candidates to explicitly allow U-turns through setting
// incomingVirtualEdge==outgoingVirtualEdge doesn't make sense because this
// would actually allow to perform a U-turn without a penalty by going to and
// from the virtual node through the other virtual edge or its reverse edge.
VirtualEdgeIteratorState e1 = virtualEdges.get(0);
VirtualEdgeIteratorState e2 = virtualEdges.get(1);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
// get favored/unfavored edges:
VirtualEdgeIteratorState incomingVirtualEdge = j == 0 ? e1 : e2;
VirtualEdgeIteratorState outgoingVirtualEdge = j == 0 ? e2 : e1;
// create candidate
QueryResult vqr = new QueryResult(qr.getQueryPoint().lat, qr.getQueryPoint().lon);
GPXExtension candidate = new GPXExtension(gpxEntry, vqr, incomingVirtualEdge,
} else {
// Create an undirected candidate for the real node.
GPXExtension candidate = new GPXExtension(gpxEntry, qr);
final TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> timeStep = new TimeStep<>(gpxEntry, candidates);
return timeSteps;
* Computes the most likely candidate sequence for the GPX entries.
private List<SequenceState<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> computeViterbiSequence(
List<TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> timeSteps, int originalGpxEntriesCount,
QueryGraph queryGraph) {
final HmmProbabilities probabilities
= new HmmProbabilities(measurementErrorSigma, transitionProbabilityBeta);
final ViterbiAlgorithm<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> viterbi = new ViterbiAlgorithm<>();
logger.debug("\n=============== Paths ===============");
int timeStepCounter = 0;
TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> prevTimeStep = null;
int i = 1;
for (TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> timeStep : timeSteps) {
logger.debug("\nPaths to time step {}", i++);
computeEmissionProbabilities(timeStep, probabilities);
if (prevTimeStep == null) {
viterbi.startWithInitialObservation(timeStep.observation, timeStep.candidates,
} else {
computeTransitionProbabilities(prevTimeStep, timeStep, probabilities, queryGraph);
viterbi.nextStep(timeStep.observation, timeStep.candidates,
timeStep.emissionLogProbabilities, timeStep.transitionLogProbabilities,
if (viterbi.isBroken()) {
String likelyReasonStr = "";
if (prevTimeStep != null) {
GPXEntry prevGPXE = prevTimeStep.observation;
GPXEntry gpxe = timeStep.observation;
double dist = distanceCalc.calcDist(prevGPXE.lat, prevGPXE.lon,
gpxe.lat, gpxe.lon);
if (dist > 2000) {
likelyReasonStr = "Too long distance to previous measurement? "
+ Math.round(dist) + "m, ";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sequence is broken for submitted track at time step "
+ timeStepCounter + " (" + originalGpxEntriesCount + " points). "
+ likelyReasonStr + "observation:" + timeStep.observation + ", "
+ timeStep.candidates.size() + " candidates: "
+ getSnappedCandidates(timeStep.candidates)
+ ". If a match is expected consider increasing max_visited_nodes.");
prevTimeStep = timeStep;
return viterbi.computeMostLikelySequence();
private void computeEmissionProbabilities(TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> timeStep,
HmmProbabilities probabilities) {
for (GPXExtension candidate : timeStep.candidates) {
// road distance difference in meters
final double distance = candidate.getQueryResult().getQueryDistance();
private void computeTransitionProbabilities(TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> prevTimeStep,
TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> timeStep,
HmmProbabilities probabilities,
QueryGraph queryGraph) {
final double linearDistance = distanceCalc.calcDist(prevTimeStep.observation.lat,
prevTimeStep.observation.lon, timeStep.observation.lat, timeStep.observation.lon);
// time difference in seconds
final double timeDiff
= (timeStep.observation.getTime() - prevTimeStep.observation.getTime()) / 1000.0;
logger.debug("Time difference: {} s", timeDiff);
for (GPXExtension from : prevTimeStep.candidates) {
for (GPXExtension to : timeStep.candidates) {
// enforce heading if required:
if (from.isDirected()) {
// Make sure that the path starting at the "from" candidate goes through
// the outgoing edge.
if (to.isDirected()) {
// Make sure that the path ending at "to" candidate goes through
// the incoming edge.
// Need to create a new routing algorithm for every routing.
RoutingAlgorithm algo = algoFactory.createAlgo(queryGraph, algoOptions);
final Path path = algo.calcPath(from.getQueryResult().getClosestNode(),
if (path.isFound()) {
timeStep.addRoadPath(from, to, path);
// The router considers unfavored virtual edges using edge penalties
// but this is not reflected in the path distance. Hence, we need to adjust the
// path distance accordingly.
final double penalizedPathDistance = penalizedPathDistance(path,
logger.debug("Path from: {}, to: {}, penalized path length: {}",
from, to, penalizedPathDistance);
final double transitionLogProbability = probabilities
.transitionLogProbability(penalizedPathDistance, linearDistance);
timeStep.addTransitionLogProbability(from, to, transitionLogProbability);
} else {
logger.debug("No path found for from: {}, to: {}", from, to);
* Returns the path length plus a penalty if the starting/ending edge is unfavored.
private double penalizedPathDistance(Path path,
Set<EdgeIteratorState> penalizedVirtualEdges) {
double totalPenalty = 0;
// Unfavored edges in the middle of the path should not be penalized because we are
// only concerned about the direction at the start/end.
final List<EdgeIteratorState> edges = path.calcEdges();
if (!edges.isEmpty()) {
if (penalizedVirtualEdges.contains(edges.get(0))) {
totalPenalty += uTurnDistancePenalty;
if (edges.size() > 1) {
if (penalizedVirtualEdges.contains(edges.get(edges.size() - 1))) {
totalPenalty += uTurnDistancePenalty;
return path.getDistance() + totalPenalty;
private MatchResult computeMatchResult(List<SequenceState<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> seq,
List<GPXEntry> gpxList,
List<Collection<QueryResult>> queriesPerEntry,
EdgeExplorer explorer) {
final Map<String, EdgeIteratorState> virtualEdgesMap = createVirtualEdgesMap(
queriesPerEntry, explorer);
MatchResult matchResult = computeMatchedEdges(seq, virtualEdgesMap);
computeGpxStats(gpxList, matchResult);
return matchResult;
private MatchResult computeMatchedEdges(List<SequenceState<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> seq,
Map<String, EdgeIteratorState> virtualEdgesMap) {
List<EdgeMatch> edgeMatches = new ArrayList<>();
double distance = 0.0;
long time = 0;
EdgeIteratorState currentEdge = null;
List<GPXExtension> gpxExtensions = new ArrayList<>();
GPXExtension queryResult = seq.get(0).state;
for (int j = 1; j < seq.size(); j++) {
queryResult = seq.get(j).state;
Path path = seq.get(j).transitionDescriptor;
distance += path.getDistance();
time += path.getTime();
for (EdgeIteratorState edgeIteratorState : path.calcEdges()) {
EdgeIteratorState directedRealEdge = resolveToRealEdge(virtualEdgesMap,
if (directedRealEdge == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Did not find real edge for "
+ edgeIteratorState.getEdge());
if (currentEdge == null || !equalEdges(directedRealEdge, currentEdge)) {
if (currentEdge != null) {
EdgeMatch edgeMatch = new EdgeMatch(currentEdge, gpxExtensions);
gpxExtensions = new ArrayList<>();
currentEdge = directedRealEdge;
if (edgeMatches.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No edge matches found for submitted track. Too short? Sequence size " + seq.size());
EdgeMatch lastEdgeMatch = edgeMatches.get(edgeMatches.size() - 1);
if (!gpxExtensions.isEmpty() && !equalEdges(currentEdge, lastEdgeMatch.getEdgeState())) {
edgeMatches.add(new EdgeMatch(currentEdge, gpxExtensions));
} else {
MatchResult matchResult = new MatchResult(edgeMatches);
return matchResult;
* Calculate GPX stats to determine quality of matching.
private void computeGpxStats(List<GPXEntry> gpxList, MatchResult matchResult) {
double gpxLength = 0;
GPXEntry prevEntry = gpxList.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < gpxList.size(); i++) {
GPXEntry entry = gpxList.get(i);
gpxLength += distanceCalc.calcDist(prevEntry.lat, prevEntry.lon, entry.lat, entry.lon);
prevEntry = entry;
long gpxMillis = gpxList.get(gpxList.size() - 1).getTime() - gpxList.get(0).getTime();
private boolean equalEdges(EdgeIteratorState edge1, EdgeIteratorState edge2) {
return edge1.getEdge() == edge2.getEdge()
&& edge1.getBaseNode() == edge2.getBaseNode()
&& edge1.getAdjNode() == edge2.getAdjNode();
private EdgeIteratorState resolveToRealEdge(Map<String, EdgeIteratorState> virtualEdgesMap,
EdgeIteratorState edgeIteratorState) {
if (isVirtualNode(edgeIteratorState.getBaseNode())
|| isVirtualNode(edgeIteratorState.getAdjNode())) {
return virtualEdgesMap.get(virtualEdgesMapKey(edgeIteratorState));
} else {
return edgeIteratorState;
private boolean isVirtualNode(int node) {
return node >= nodeCount;
* Returns a map where every virtual edge maps to its real edge with correct orientation.
private Map<String, EdgeIteratorState> createVirtualEdgesMap(
List<Collection<QueryResult>> queriesPerEntry, EdgeExplorer explorer) {
// TODO For map key, use the traversal key instead of string!
Map<String, EdgeIteratorState> virtualEdgesMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Collection<QueryResult> queryResults : queriesPerEntry) {
for (QueryResult qr : queryResults) {
if (isVirtualNode(qr.getClosestNode())) {
EdgeIterator iter = explorer.setBaseNode(qr.getClosestNode());
while (iter.next()) {
int node = traverseToClosestRealAdj(explorer, iter);
if (node == qr.getClosestEdge().getAdjNode()) {
} else if (node == qr.getClosestEdge().getBaseNode()) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException();
return virtualEdgesMap;
private String virtualEdgesMapKey(EdgeIteratorState iter) {
return iter.getBaseNode() + "-" + iter.getEdge() + "-" + iter.getAdjNode();
private String reverseVirtualEdgesMapKey(EdgeIteratorState iter) {
return iter.getAdjNode() + "-" + iter.getEdge() + "-" + iter.getBaseNode();
private int traverseToClosestRealAdj(EdgeExplorer explorer, EdgeIteratorState edge) {
if (!isVirtualNode(edge.getAdjNode())) {
return edge.getAdjNode();
EdgeIterator iter = explorer.setBaseNode(edge.getAdjNode());
while (iter.next()) {
if (iter.getAdjNode() != edge.getBaseNode()) {
return traverseToClosestRealAdj(explorer, iter);
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find adjacent edge " + edge);
private String getSnappedCandidates(Collection<GPXExtension> candidates) {
String str = "";
for (GPXExtension gpxe : candidates) {
if (!str.isEmpty()) {
str += ", ";
str += "distance: " + gpxe.getQueryResult().getQueryDistance() + " to "
+ gpxe.getQueryResult().getSnappedPoint();
return "[" + str + "]";
private void printMinDistances(List<TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path>> timeSteps) {
TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> prevStep = null;
int index = 0;
for (TimeStep<GPXExtension, GPXEntry, Path> ts : timeSteps) {
if (prevStep != null) {
double dist = distanceCalc.calcDist(
prevStep.observation.lat, prevStep.observation.lon,
ts.observation.lat, ts.observation.lon);
double minCand = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (GPXExtension prevGPXE : prevStep.candidates) {
for (GPXExtension gpxe : ts.candidates) {
GHPoint psp = prevGPXE.getQueryResult().getSnappedPoint();
GHPoint sp = gpxe.getQueryResult().getSnappedPoint();
double tmpDist = distanceCalc.calcDist(psp.lat, psp.lon, sp.lat, sp.lon);
if (tmpDist < minCand) {
minCand = tmpDist;
logger.debug(index + ": " + Math.round(dist) + "m, minimum candidate: "
+ Math.round(minCand) + "m");
prevStep = ts;
private static class MapMatchedPath extends Path {
public MapMatchedPath(Graph graph, Weighting weighting) {
super(graph, weighting);
public Path setFromNode(int from) {
return super.setFromNode(from);
public void processEdge(int edgeId, int adjNode, int prevEdgeId) {
super.processEdge(edgeId, adjNode, prevEdgeId);
public Path calcPath(MatchResult mr) {
MapMatchedPath p = new MapMatchedPath(graph, algoOptions.getWeighting());
if (!mr.getEdgeMatches().isEmpty()) {
int prevEdge = EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE;
for (EdgeMatch em : mr.getEdgeMatches()) {
p.processEdge(em.getEdgeState().getEdge(), em.getEdgeState().getAdjNode(), prevEdge);
prevEdge = em.getEdgeState().getEdge();
return p;
} else {
return p;