package com.lob.protocol.request; import com.lob.Or; import; import; import; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import static com.lob.Util.checkNotNull; public class CheckRequest extends AbstractDataFieldRequest implements HasLobParams { public static final String LOGO = "logo"; public static final String CHECK_BOTTOM = "check_bottom"; public static final String ATTACHMENT = "attachment"; private final Integer checkNumber; // optional parameter, needs to be null if not set private final BankAccountId bankAccount; private final Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> to; private final Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> from; private final Money amount; private final String message; private final String memo; private final LobParam logo; private final LobParam checkBottom; private final LobParam attachment; private final String mailType; private final String sendDate; public CheckRequest( final Integer checkNumber, final BankAccountId bankAccount, final Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> to, final Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> from, final Money amount, final String message, final String memo, final LobParam logo, final LobParam checkBottom, final LobParam attachment, final String sendDate, final String mailType, final Map<String, String> metadata, final Map<String, String> data, final String description) { super(metadata, data, description); this.checkNumber = checkNumber; this.bankAccount = checkNotNull(bankAccount, "bank account is required"); = checkNotNull(to, "to is required"); this.from = checkNotNull(from, "from is required"); this.amount = checkNotNull(amount, "amount is required"); this.message = message; this.memo = memo; this.logo = logo; this.checkBottom = checkBottom; this.attachment = attachment; this.mailType = mailType; this.sendDate = sendDate; } @Override public Collection<LobParam> getLobParams() { return super.beginParams() .put("check_number", checkNumber) .put("bank_account", bankAccount) .put("to", to) .put("from", from) .put("amount", amount) .put("message", message) .put("memo", memo) .put(logo) .put(checkBottom) .put(attachment) .put("mail_type", mailType) .put("send_date", sendDate) .build(); } public Integer getCheckNumber() { return checkNumber; } public BankAccountId getBankAccount() { return bankAccount; } public Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> getTo() { return to; } public Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> getFrom() { return from; } public Money getAmount() { return amount; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public String getMemo() { return memo; } public LobParam getLogo() { return logo; } @Deprecated public LobParam getFile() { return getCheckBottom(); } public LobParam getCheckBottom() { return checkBottom; } public LobParam getAttachment() { return attachment; } public String getMailType() { return mailType; } public String getSendDate() { return sendDate; } @Override public String toString() { return "CheckRequest{" + "checkNumber=" + checkNumber + ", bankAccount=" + bankAccount + ", to=" + to + ", from=" + from + ", amount=" + amount + ", message='" + message + '\'' + ", memo='" + memo + '\'' + ", logo='" + logo + '\'' + ", checkBottom='" + checkBottom + '\'' + ", attachment='" + attachment + '\'' + ", mailType='" + mailType + '\'' + ", sendDate='" + sendDate + '\'' + super.toString(); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends AbstractDataFieldRequest.Builder<Builder> { private final static DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMAT = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime(); private Integer checkNumber; private BankAccountId bankAccount; private Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> to; private Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> from; private Money amount; private String message; private String memo; private LobParam logo; private LobParam checkBottom; private LobParam attachment; private String mailType; private String sendDate; private Builder() {} public Builder checkNumber(final Integer checkNumber) { this.checkNumber = checkNumber; return this; } public Builder bankAccount(final BankAccountId bankAccount) { this.bankAccount = bankAccount; return this; } public Builder to(final AddressId to) { = Or.typeA(to); return this; } public Builder to(final AddressRequest to) { = Or.typeB(to); return this; } public Builder to(final Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> to) { = to; return this; } public Builder from(final AddressId from) { this.from = Or.typeA(from); return this; } public Builder from(final AddressRequest from) { this.from = Or.typeB(from); return this; } public Builder from(final Or<AddressId, AddressRequest> from) { this.from = from; return this; } public Builder amount(final long amount) { this.amount = Money.of(CurrencyUnit.USD, amount); return this; } public Builder amount(final double amount) { this.amount = Money.of(CurrencyUnit.USD, amount); return this; } public Builder amount(final Money amount) { this.amount = amount; return this; } public Builder message(final String message) { this.message = message; return this; } public Builder memo(final String memo) { this.memo = memo; return this; } public Builder logo(final String logo) { this.logo = LobParam.strings(LOGO, logo); return this; } public Builder logo(final File logo) { this.logo = LobParam.file(LOGO, logo); return this; } public Builder logo(final LobParam logo) { this.logo = logo; return this; } @Deprecated public Builder file(final String file) { return this.checkBottom(file); } @Deprecated public Builder file(final File file) { return this.checkBottom(file); } @Deprecated public Builder file(final LobParam file) { return this.checkBottom(file); } public Builder checkBottom(final String checkBottom) { this.checkBottom = LobParam.strings(CHECK_BOTTOM, checkBottom); return this; } public Builder checkBottom(final File checkBottom) { this.checkBottom = LobParam.file(CHECK_BOTTOM, checkBottom); return this; } public Builder checkBottom(final LobParam checkBottom) { this.checkBottom = checkBottom; return this; } public Builder attachment(final String attachment) { this.attachment = LobParam.strings(ATTACHMENT, attachment); return this; } public Builder attachment(final File attachment) { this.attachment = LobParam.file(ATTACHMENT, attachment); return this; } public Builder attachment(final LobParam attachment) { this.attachment = attachment; return this; } public Builder mailType(final String mailType) { this.mailType = mailType; return this; } public Builder sendDate(final DateTime sendDate) { this.sendDate = sendDate.toString(DATE_FORMAT); return this; } public Builder sendDate(final String sendDate) { this.sendDate = sendDate; return this; } public Builder butWith() { return new Builder() .checkNumber(checkNumber) .bankAccount(bankAccount) .to(to) .from(from) .amount(amount) .message(message) .memo(memo) .logo(logo) .checkBottom(checkBottom) .attachment(attachment) .sendDate(sendDate) .mailType(mailType) .metadata(metadata) .data(data) .description(description); } public CheckRequest build() { return new CheckRequest(checkNumber, bankAccount, to, from, amount, message, memo, logo, checkBottom, attachment, sendDate, mailType, metadata, data, description); } } }