* Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
package com.liferay.portal.kernel.util;
import aQute.bnd.annotation.ProviderType;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSONObject;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.settings.LocalizedValuesMap;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.settings.Settings;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml.Document;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.portlet.PortletPreferences;
import javax.portlet.PortletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
* Stores and retrieves localized strings from XML, and provides utility methods
* for updating localizations from JSON, portlet requests, and maps. Used for
* adding localization to strings, most often for model properties.
* <p>
* Localized values are cached in this class rather than in the value object
* since value objects get flushed from cache fairly quickly. Though lookups
* performed on a key based on an XML file are slower than lookups done at the
* value object level in general, the value object will get flushed at a rate
* which works against the performance gain. The cache is a soft hash map which
* prevents memory leaks within the system while enabling the cache to live
* longer than in a weak hash map.
* </p>
* @author Alexander Chow
* @author Jorge Ferrer
* @author Mauro Mariuzzo
* @author Julio Camarero
* @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
public interface Localization {
* Deserializes the JSON object into a map of locales and localized strings.
* @param jsonObject the JSON object
* @return the locales and localized strings
public Object deserialize(JSONObject jsonObject);
public String[] getAvailableLanguageIds(Document document);
* Returns the available locales from the localizations XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @return the language IDs of the available locales
public String[] getAvailableLanguageIds(String xml);
* Returns a valid default locale for importing a localized entity.
* @param className the class name of the entity
* @param classPK the primary keys of the entity
* @param contentDefaultLocale the default Locale of the entity
* @param contentAvailableLocales the available locales of the entity
* @return the valid locale
public Locale getDefaultImportLocale(
String className, long classPK, Locale contentDefaultLocale,
Locale[] contentAvailableLocales);
public String getDefaultLanguageId(Document document);
public String getDefaultLanguageId(Document document, Locale defaultLocale);
* Returns the default locale from the localizations XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @return the language ID of the default locale, or the system default
* locale if the default locale cannot be retrieved from the XML
public String getDefaultLanguageId(String xml);
public String getDefaultLanguageId(String xml, Locale defaultLocale);
public String getLocalization(
Function<String, String> localizationFunction,
String requestedLanguageId, String defaultLanguageId);
* Returns the localized string from the localizations XML in the language.
* The default language is used if no localization exists for the requested
* language.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized string
public String getLocalization(String xml, String requestedLanguageId);
* Returns the localized string from the localizations XML in the language,
* optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the
* requested language.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization
* exists for the requested language
* @return the localized string, or an empty string if
* <code>useDefault</code> is <code>false</code> and no localization
* exists for the requested language
public String getLocalization(
String xml, String requestedLanguageId, boolean useDefault);
* Returns the localized string from the localizations XML in the language,
* optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the
* requested language. If no localization exists, the default value is
* returned.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization
* exists for the requested language
* @param defaultValue the value returned if no localization exists
* @return the localized string, or the <code>defaultValue</code> if
* <code>useDefault</code> is <code>false</code> and no localization
* exists for the requested language
public String getLocalization(
String xml, String requestedLanguageId, boolean useDefault,
String defaultValue);
* Returns a map of locales and localized strings for the key. If no
* localization exists for a locale or the localization matches the default
* locale, that locale is not included in the map.
* @param locales the locales to be used in the map
* @param defaultLocale the default locale
* @param key the language key to be translated
* @return the locales and localized strings for the key
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
Collection<Locale> locales, Locale defaultLocale, String key);
* Returns a map of locales and localized strings for the parameter in the
* request.
* @param request the request
* @param parameter the prefix of the parameters containing the localized
* strings. Each localization is loaded from a parameter with this
* prefix, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @return the locales and localized strings
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
HttpServletRequest request, String parameter);
* Returns a map of locales and localized strings for the preference in the
* preferences container.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param preferenceName the prefix of the preference containing the
* localized strings. Each localization is loaded from a preference
* with this prefix, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @return the locales and localized strings
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
PortletPreferences preferences, String preferenceName);
* Returns a map of locales and localized strings for the preference in the
* preferences container. If no localization exists for the preference in
* the default locale, the value of the property is used as the localization
* for it.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param preferenceName the prefix of the preference containing the
* localized strings. Each localization is loaded from a preference
* with this prefix, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @param propertyName the name of the property whose value is used as the
* localization for the default locale, if no localization exists
* for it
* @return the locales and localized strings
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
PortletPreferences preferences, String preferenceName,
String propertyName);
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
PortletPreferences preferences, String preferenceName,
String propertyName, String defaultPropertyValue,
ClassLoader classLoader);
* Returns a map of locales and localized strings for the parameter in the
* portlet request.
* @param portletRequest the portlet request
* @param parameter the prefix of the parameters containing the localized
* strings. Each localization is loaded from a parameter with this
* prefix, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @return the locales and localized strings
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
PortletRequest portletRequest, String parameter);
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
PortletRequest portletRequest, String parameter,
Map<Locale, String> defaultValues);
* Returns a map of locales and localized strings from the localizations
* XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @return the locales and localized strings
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(String xml);
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
String xml, boolean useDefault);
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
String bundleName, ClassLoader classLoader, String key,
boolean includeBetaLocales);
* Returns a map of locales and localized strings for the given languageIds
* and values.
* @param languageIds the languageIds of the localized Strings
* @param values the localized strings for the different languageId
* @return the map of locales and values for the given parameters
public Map<Locale, String> getLocalizationMap(
String[] languageIds, String[] values);
* Returns the localizations XML for the parameter from the portlet request,
* attempting to get data from the preferences container if it is not
* available in the portlet request.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param portletRequest the portlet request
* @param parameter the prefix of the parameters containing the localized
* strings. Each localization is loaded from a parameter with this
* prefix, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @return the locales and localized strings
public String getLocalizationXmlFromPreferences(
PortletPreferences preferences, PortletRequest portletRequest,
String parameter);
* Returns the localizations XML for the parameter from the portlet request,
* attempting to get data from the preferences container if it is not
* available in the portlet request. If no localization exists in the
* default locale, the default value is used as the localization for it.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param portletRequest the portlet request
* @param parameter the prefix of the parameters containing the localized
* strings. Each localization is loaded from a parameter with this
* prefix, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @param defaultValue the value used as the localization for the default
* locale, if no localization exists for it
* @return the locales and localized strings
public String getLocalizationXmlFromPreferences(
PortletPreferences preferences, PortletRequest portletRequest,
String parameter, String defaultValue);
* Returns the localizations XML for the prefixed parameter from the portlet
* request, attempting to get data from the preferences container if it is
* not available in the portlet request. If no localization exists for the
* the default locale, the default value is used as the localization for it.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param portletRequest the portlet request
* @param parameter the prefix of the parameters containing the localized
* strings. Each localization is loaded from a parameter with this
* prefix, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @param prefix the value used in the request to prefix the parameter name
* @param defaultValue the value used as the localization for the default
* locale, if no localization exists for it
* @return the locales and localized strings, or the
* <code>defaultValue</code> if no localization exists
public String getLocalizationXmlFromPreferences(
PortletPreferences preferences, PortletRequest portletRequest,
String parameter, String prefix, String defaultValue);
* Returns the localized name in the language. The localized name is the
* name, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @param name the name to be localized
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized name for the language
public String getLocalizedName(String name, String languageId);
public Map<Locale, String> getMap(LocalizedValuesMap localizedValuesMap);
* Returns the localized preferences key in the language. Generally this is
* just the preferences key, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @param key the preferences key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized preferences key
* @deprecated As of 7.0.0, replaced by {@link #getLocalizedName(String,
* String)}
public String getPreferencesKey(String key, String languageId);
* Returns the localized preferences value for the key in the language. The
* default language is used if no localization exists for the requested
* language.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param key the preferences key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized preferences value
public String getPreferencesValue(
PortletPreferences preferences, String key, String languageId);
* Returns the localized preferences value for the key in the language,
* optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the
* requested language.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param key the preferences key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization
* exists for the requested language
* @return the localized preferences value, or an empty string if
* <code>useDefault</code> is <code>false</code> and no localization
* exists for the requested language
public String getPreferencesValue(
PortletPreferences preferences, String key, String languageId,
boolean useDefault);
* Returns the localized preferences values for the key in the language. The
* default language is used if no localization exists for the requested
* language.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param key the preferences key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized preferences values
public String[] getPreferencesValues(
PortletPreferences preferences, String key, String languageId);
* Returns the localized preferences values for the key in the language,
* optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the
* requested language.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param key the preferences key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization
* exists for the requested language
* @return the localized preferences values, or an empty string if
* <code>useDefault</code> is <code>false</code> and no localization
* exists for the requested language
public String[] getPreferencesValues(
PortletPreferences preferences, String key, String languageId,
boolean useDefault);
* Returns the localized settings value for the key in the language. The
* default language is used if no localization exists for the requested
* language.
* @param settings the settings
* @param key the settings key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized settings value
public String getSettingsValue(
Settings settings, String key, String languageId);
* Returns the localized settings value for the key in the language,
* optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the
* requested language.
* @param settings the settings
* @param key the settings key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization
* exists for the requested language
* @return the localized settings value. If <code>useDefault</code> is
* <code>false</code> and no localization exists for the requested
* language, an empty string is returned.
public String getSettingsValue(
Settings settings, String key, String languageId, boolean useDefault);
* Returns the localized settings values for the key in the language. The
* default language is used if no localization exists for the requested
* language.
* @param settings the settings
* @param key the settings key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized settings values
public String[] getSettingsValues(
Settings settings, String key, String languageId);
* Returns the localized settings values for the key in the language,
* optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the
* requested language.
* @param settings the settings
* @param key the settings key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization
* exists for the requested language
* @return the localized settings values. If <code>useDefault</code> is
* <code>false</code> and no localization exists for the requested
* language, an empty array is returned.
public String[] getSettingsValues(
Settings settings, String key, String languageId, boolean useDefault);
public String getXml(LocalizedValuesMap localizedValuesMap, String key);
public String getXml(
Map<String, String> map, String defaultLanguageId, String key);
* Removes the localization for the language from the localizations XML. The
* localized strings are stored as characters in the XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @return the localizations XML with the language removed
public String removeLocalization(
String xml, String key, String requestedLanguageId);
* Removes the localization for the language from the localizations XML,
* optionally storing the localized strings as CDATA in the XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @param cdata whether to store localized strings as CDATA in the XML
* @return the localizations XML with the language removed
public String removeLocalization(
String xml, String key, String requestedLanguageId, boolean cdata);
* Removes the localization for the language from the localizations XML,
* optionally storing the localized strings as CDATA in the XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @param cdata whether to store localized strings as CDATA in the XML
* @param localized whether there is a localized field
* @return the localizations XML with the language removed
public String removeLocalization(
String xml, String key, String requestedLanguageId, boolean cdata,
boolean localized);
* Sets the localized preferences values for the parameter in the portlet
* request.
* @param portletRequest the portlet request
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param parameter the prefix of the parameters containing the localized
* strings. Each localization is loaded from a parameter with this
* prefix, followed by an underscore, and the language ID.
* @throws Exception if an exception occurred
public void setLocalizedPreferencesValues(
PortletRequest portletRequest, PortletPreferences preferences,
String parameter)
throws Exception;
* Sets the localized preferences value for the key in the language.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param key the preferences key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @param value the localized value
* @throws Exception if an exception occurred
public void setPreferencesValue(
PortletPreferences preferences, String key, String languageId,
String value)
throws Exception;
* Sets the localized preferences values for the key in the language.
* @param preferences the preferences container
* @param key the preferences key
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @param values the localized values
* @throws Exception if an exception occurred
public void setPreferencesValues(
PortletPreferences preferences, String key, String languageId,
String[] values)
throws Exception;
* Updates the localized string for all the available languages in the
* localizations XML for the map of locales and localized strings and
* changes the default language. The localized strings are stored as
* characters in the XML.
* @param localizationMap the locales and localized strings
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param defaultLanguageId the ID of the default language
* @return the updated localizations XML
public String updateLocalization(
Map<Locale, String> localizationMap, String xml, String key,
String defaultLanguageId);
* Updates the localized string for the system default language in the
* localizations XML. The localized strings are stored as characters in the
* XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param value the localized string
* @return the updated localizations XML
public String updateLocalization(String xml, String key, String value);
* Updates the localized string for the language in the localizations XML.
* The localized strings are stored as characters in the XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param value the localized string
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @return the updated localizations XML
public String updateLocalization(
String xml, String key, String value, String requestedLanguageId);
* Updates the localized string for the language in the localizations XML
* and changes the default language. The localized strings are stored as
* characters in the XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param value the localized string
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @param defaultLanguageId the ID of the default language
* @return the updated localizations XML
public String updateLocalization(
String xml, String key, String value, String requestedLanguageId,
String defaultLanguageId);
* Updates the localized string for the language in the localizations XML
* and changes the default language, optionally storing the localized
* strings as CDATA in the XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param value the localized string
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @param defaultLanguageId the ID of the default language
* @param cdata whether to store localized strings as CDATA in the XML
* @return the updated localizations XML
public String updateLocalization(
String xml, String key, String value, String requestedLanguageId,
String defaultLanguageId, boolean cdata);
* Updates the localized string for the language in the localizations XML
* and changes the default language, optionally storing the localized
* strings as CDATA in the XML.
* @param xml the localizations XML
* @param key the name of the localized string, such as "Title"
* @param value the localized string
* @param requestedLanguageId the ID of the language
* @param defaultLanguageId the ID of the default language
* @param cdata whether to store localized strings as CDATA in the XML
* @param localized whether there is a localized field
* @return the updated localizations XML
public String updateLocalization(
String xml, String key, String value, String requestedLanguageId,
String defaultLanguageId, boolean cdata, boolean localized);