/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.joints; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Joint; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World; /** * A wheel joint. This joint provides two degrees of freedom: translation along an axis fixed in body1 and rotation in * the plane. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to drive the rotation or to * model rotational friction. This joint is designed for vehicle suspensions. */ public class WheelJoint extends Joint { // @off /*JNI #include <Box2D/Box2D.h> */ public WheelJoint(World world, long addr) { super(world, addr); } /** Get the current joint translation, usually in meters. */ public float getJointTranslation() { return jniGetJointTranslation(addr); } private native float jniGetJointTranslation(long addr); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; return joint->GetJointTranslation(); */ /** Get the current joint translation speed, usually in meters per second. */ public float getJointSpeed() { return jniGetJointSpeed(addr); } private native float jniGetJointSpeed(long addr); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; return joint->GetJointSpeed(); */ /** Is the joint motor enabled? */ private boolean isMotorEnabled() { return jniIsMotorEnabled(addr); } private native boolean jniIsMotorEnabled(long addr); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; return joint->IsMotorEnabled(); */ /** Enable/disable the joint motor. */ public void enableMotor(boolean flag) { jniEnableMotor(addr, flag); } private native void jniEnableMotor(long addr, boolean flag); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; joint->EnableMotor(flag); */ /** Set the motor speed, usually in radians per second. */ public void setMotorSpeed(float speed) { jniSetMotorSpeed(addr, speed); } private native void jniSetMotorSpeed(long addr, float speed); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; joint->SetMotorSpeed(speed); */ /** Get the motor speed, usually in radians per second. */ public float getMotorSpeed() { return jniGetMotorSpeed(addr); } private native float jniGetMotorSpeed(long addr); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; return joint->GetMotorSpeed(); */ /** Set/Get the maximum motor force, usually in N-m. */ public void setMaxMotorTorque(float torque) { jniSetMaxMotorTorque(addr, torque); } private native void jniSetMaxMotorTorque(long addr, float torque); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; joint->SetMaxMotorTorque(torque); */ public float getMaxMotorTorque() { return jniGetMaxMotorTorque(addr); } private native float jniGetMaxMotorTorque(long addr); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; return joint->GetMaxMotorTorque(); */ /** Get the current motor torque given the inverse time step, usually in N-m. */ public float getMotorTorque(float invDt) { return jniGetMotorTorque(addr, invDt); } private native float jniGetMotorTorque(long addr, float invDt); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; return joint->GetMotorTorque(invDt); */ /** Set/Get the spring frequency in hertz. Setting the frequency to zero disables the spring. */ public void setSpringFrequencyHz(float hz) { jniSetSpringFrequencyHz(addr, hz); } private native void jniSetSpringFrequencyHz(long addr, float hz); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; joint->SetSpringFrequencyHz(hz); */ public float getSpringFrequencyHz() { return jniGetSpringFrequencyHz(addr); } private native float jniGetSpringFrequencyHz(long addr); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; return joint->GetSpringFrequencyHz(); */ /** Set/Get the spring damping ratio */ public void setSpringDampingRatio(float ratio) { jniSetSpringDampingRatio(addr, ratio); } private native void jniSetSpringDampingRatio(long addr, float ratio); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; joint->SetSpringDampingRatio(ratio); */ public float getSpringDampingRatio() { return jniGetSpringDampingRatio(addr); } private native float jniGetSpringDampingRatio(long addr); /* b2WheelJoint* joint = (b2WheelJoint*)addr; return joint->GetSpringDampingRatio(); */ }