package com.jlcm.prototipo.client; public class ClientMSG { ComClient cc; HTML5Client c; //For Bidirectional Communication mode public ClientMSG(String ip, int port, HTML5Client c, HTML5Client.platformCode pc) { if (pc == HTML5Client.platformCode.HTML5) { //Only available on the HTML project - ClientMSG class cc = new GWTClient(ip, port, this); } else { //Only available on the JAVA-ANDROID project //cc = new WSClient(ip, port, this); } this.c = c; //To call the methods of the the upper level class } public void onMessage(String message) { String [] values = message.split("\\s+"); //splitter with the " " separator //int ClientID = Integer.valueOf(values[0]); //Check of the ID (not required) //Calls to the upper level class methods if (values[0].equals("POSITION")) //POSITION player_id pos_x pos_y { c.changePosition(Integer.valueOf(values[1]), Integer.valueOf(values[2]), Integer.valueOf(values[3])); } } public boolean sendMessage(String message) { if (cc != null && cc.isConnected()) { //Only send message return (cc.sendMsg(message)); } else return false; } public int getId() { return (cc.getId()); } //get name from client class //one method for each messages / actions that the client can do public void close() { cc.close(); } }