* Copyright (c) quickfixengine.org All rights reserved.
* This file is part of the QuickFIX FIX Engine
* This file may be distributed under the terms of the quickfixengine.org
* license as defined by quickfixengine.org and appearing in the file
* LICENSE included in the packaging of this file.
* This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING
* See http://www.quickfixengine.org/LICENSE for licensing information.
* Contact ask@quickfixengine.org if any conditions of this licensing
* are not clear to you.
package quickfix;
* Class for storing JDBC setting constants shared by both the log and message
* store classes.
public class JdbcSetting {
* Setting for JDBC driver. This key is used for both the message store and
* the session log.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_DRIVER = "JdbcDriver";
* Setting for JDBC URL. This key is used for both the message store and the
* session log.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_CONNECTION_URL = "JdbcURL";
* Setting for JDBC user. This key is used for both the message store and
* the session log.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_USER = "JdbcUser";
* Setting for JDBC password. This key is used for both the message store
* and the session log.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_PASSWORD = "JdbcPassword";
* Defines the table name for the messages table. Default is "messages".
* If you use a different name, you must set up your database accordingly.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_STORE_MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME = "JdbcStoreMessagesTableName";
* Defines the table name for the session table. Default is "sessions".
* If you use a different name, you must set up your database accordingly.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_STORE_SESSIONS_TABLE_NAME = "JdbcStoreSessionsTableName";
* The JNDI name used to lookup a DataSource for the JDBC plugins.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_DS_NAME = "JdbcDataSourceName";
* The class name of the JNDI initial context factory.
public static final String SETTING_JNDI_CONTEXT_FACTORY = "JndiContextFactory";
* The JNDI provider URL.
public static final String SETTING_JNDI_PROVIDER_URL = "JndiProviderURL";
* Flag for controlling logging of heartbeat messages.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_LOG_HEARTBEATS = "JdbcLogHeartBeats";
* Specifies name of table for logging outgoing messages
public static final String SETTING_LOG_OUTGOING_TABLE = "JdbcLogOutgoingTable";
* Specifies name of table for logging incoming messages
public static final String SETTING_LOG_INCOMING_TABLE = "JdbcLogIncomingTable";
* Specifies name of table for logging events
public static final String SETTING_LOG_EVENT_TABLE = "JdbcLogEventTable";
* Specified the default value for session ID properties that have not been set. This
* is primarily for Oracle which treats empty strings as SQL NULLs.
public static final String SETTING_JDBC_SESSION_ID_DEFAULT_PROPERTY_VALUE = "JdbcSessionIdDefaultPropertyValue";