/* Copyright (C) 2014 konik.io * * This file is part of the Konik library. * * The Konik library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * The Konik library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with the Konik library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package io.konik.zugferd.unece.codes; import io.konik.util.KonikEnum; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnum; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnumValue; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter; /** * = The Document Name Code Enumeration. * Based on UN/EDIFACT 1001 *Document name code* * Version 2013 b * * @see http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d13b/tred/tred1001.htm[UN/EDIFACT 1001 Document name code] * */ @XmlEnum @XmlType(name = "DocumentCodeType") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) public enum DocumentCode { /** * Certificate providing the values of an analysis. */ @XmlEnumValue("1") _1("Certificate of analysis"), /** * Certificate certifying the conformity to predefined * definitions. */ @XmlEnumValue("2") _2("Certificate of conformity"), /** * Certificate certifying the quality of goods, services * etc. */ @XmlEnumValue("3") _3("Certificate of quality"), /** * Report providing the results of a test session. */ @XmlEnumValue("4") _4("Test report"), /** * Report specifying the performance values of products. */ @XmlEnumValue("5") _5("Product performance report"), /** * Report providing specification values of products. */ @XmlEnumValue("6") _6("Product specification report"), /** * Reports on events during production process. */ @XmlEnumValue("7") _7("Process data report"), /** * Document/message describes the test report of the first * sample. */ @XmlEnumValue("8") _8("First sample test report"), /** * A document/message to enable the transmission of * information regarding pricing and catalogue details for * goods and services offered by a seller to a buyer. */ @XmlEnumValue("9") _9("Price/sales catalogue"), /** * Document/message providing basic data concerning a * party. */ @XmlEnumValue("10") _10("Party information"), /** * A pre-approved document relating to federal label * approval requirements. */ @XmlEnumValue("11") _11("Federal label approval"), /** * Certificate certifying a specific quality of * agricultural products. */ @XmlEnumValue("12") _12("Mill certificate"), /** * Document/message which evidences the transport of goods * by post (e.g. mail, parcel, etc.). */ @XmlEnumValue("13") _13("Post receipt"), /** * Certificate certifying the weight of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("14") _14("Weight certificate"), /** * Document/message specifying the weight of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("15") _15("Weight list"), /** * Document by means of which the documentary credit * applicant specifies the conditions for the certificate * and by whom the certificate is to be issued. */ @XmlEnumValue("16") _16("Certificate"), /** * Document identifying goods in which the issuing * authority expressly certifies that the goods originate * in a specific country or part of, or group of countries. * It also states the price and/or cost of the goods with * the purpose of determining the customs origin. */ @XmlEnumValue("17") _17("Combined certificate of value and origin"), /** * Specific form of transit declaration issued by the * exporter (movement certificate). */ @XmlEnumValue("18") _18("Movement certificate A.TR.1"), /** * Certificate certifying the quantity of goods, services * etc. */ @XmlEnumValue("19") _19("Certificate of quantity"), /** * Usage of QALITY-message. */ @XmlEnumValue("20") _20("Quality data message"), /** * Request information based on defined criteria. */ @XmlEnumValue("21") _21("Query"), /** * Document/message returned as an answer to a question. */ @XmlEnumValue("22") _22("Response to query"), /** * Information regarding the status of a related message. */ @XmlEnumValue("23") _23("Status information"), /** * Message/document identifying containers that have been * unloaded and then reloaded onto the same means of * transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("24") _24("Restow"), /** * Message/document itemising containers to be discharged * from vessel. */ @XmlEnumValue("25") _25("Container discharge list"), /** * Document/message providing contributions advice used for * corporate superannuation schemes. */ @XmlEnumValue("26") _26("Corporate superannuation contributions advice"), /** * Document/message providing contributions advice used for * superannuation schemes which are industry wide. */ @XmlEnumValue("27") _27("Industry superannuation contributions advice"), /** * Member maintenance message used for corporate * superannuation schemes. */ @XmlEnumValue("28") _28("Corporate superannuation member maintenance message"), /** * Member maintenance message used for industry wide * superannuation schemes. */ @XmlEnumValue("29") _29("Industry superannuation member maintenance message"), /** * Payroll deductions advice used in the life insurance * industry. */ @XmlEnumValue("30") _30("Life insurance payroll deductions advice"), /** * A Message/document requesting to move cargo from one * Customs control point to another. */ @XmlEnumValue("31") _31("Underbond request"), /** * A message/document issuing Customs approval to move * cargo from one Customs control point to another. */ @XmlEnumValue("32") _32("Underbond approval"), /** * Document / message issued by the authority in the * exporting country evidencing the sealing of export meat * lockers. */ @XmlEnumValue("33") _33("Certificate of sealing of export meat lockers"), /** * Message identifying the status of cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("34") _34("Cargo status"), /** * A message specifying information relating to held * inventories. */ @XmlEnumValue("35") _35("Inventory report"), /** * Official document to identify a person. */ @XmlEnumValue("36") _36("Identity card"), /** * Document/message in which the competent national * authorities provide a declarant with an acceptance or a * rejection about a received declaration for European * statistical purposes. */ @XmlEnumValue("37") _37("Response to a trade statistics message"), /** * Official document proving immunisation against certain * diseases. */ @XmlEnumValue("38") _38("Vaccination certificate"), /** * An official document giving permission to travel in * foreign countries. */ @XmlEnumValue("39") _39("Passport"), /** * An official document giving permission to drive a car in * a given country. */ @XmlEnumValue("40") _40("Driving licence (national)"), /** * An official document giving a native of one country * permission to drive a vehicle in certain other * countries. */ @XmlEnumValue("41") _41("Driving licence (international)"), /** * A document giving free access to a service. */ @XmlEnumValue("42") _42("Free pass"), /** * A document giving access to a service for a determined * period of time. */ @XmlEnumValue("43") _43("Season ticket"), /** * (1125) A message to report the transport status and/or * change in the transport status (i.e. event) between * agreed parties. */ @XmlEnumValue("44") _44("Transport status report"), /** * (1127) A message to request a transport status report * (e.g. through the national multimodal status report * message IFSTA). */ @XmlEnumValue("45") _45("Transport status request"), /** * A banking status document and/or message. */ @XmlEnumValue("46") _46("Banking status"), /** * Document/message in which a declarant provides * information about extra-Community trade of goods * required by the body responsible for the collection of * trade statistics. Trade by a country in the European * Union with a country outside the European Union. */ @XmlEnumValue("47") _47("Extra-Community trade statistical declaration"), /** * 10385 * Written instructions relating to dangerous goods and * defined in the European Agreement of Dangerous Transport * by Road known as ADR (Accord europeen relatif au * transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par * Route). */ @XmlEnumValue("48") _48("Written instructions in conformance with ADR article number"), /** * Official certification that damages to the goods to be * transported have been discovered. */ @XmlEnumValue("49") _49("Damage certification"), /** * A validated priced tender. */ @XmlEnumValue("50") _50("Validated priced tender"), /** * A document providing a response to a previously sent * price/sales catalogue. */ @XmlEnumValue("51") _51("Price/sales catalogue response"), /** * A document providing the result of price negotiations. */ @XmlEnumValue("52") _52("Price negotiation result"), /** * Document or message to supply advice on a dangerous or * hazardous material to industrial customers so as to * enable them to take measures to protect their employees * and the environment from any potential harmful effects * from these material. */ @XmlEnumValue("53") _53("Safety and hazard data sheet"), /** * A statement of an account containing the booked items as * in the ledger of the account servicing financial * institution. */ @XmlEnumValue("54") _54("Legal statement of an account"), /** * A statement from the account servicing financial * institution containing items pending to be booked. */ @XmlEnumValue("55") _55("Listing statement of an account"), /** * Last statement of a period containing the interest * calculation and the final balance of the last entry * date. */ @XmlEnumValue("56") _56("Closing statement of an account"), /** * Report on the movement of containers or other items of * transport equipment to record physical movement activity * and establish the beginning of a rental period. */ @XmlEnumValue("57") _57("Transport equipment on-hire report"), /** * Report on the movement of containers or other items of * transport equipment to record physical movement activity * and establish the end of a rental period. */ @XmlEnumValue("58") _58("Transport equipment off-hire report"), /** * No shortage, surplus or damaged outturn resulting from * container vessel unpacking. */ @XmlEnumValue("59") _59("Treatment - nil outturn"), /** * Movement type indicator: goods are moved under customs * control for warehousing due to being time-up. */ @XmlEnumValue("60") _60("Treatment - time-up underbond"), /** * Movement type indicator: goods are to move by sea under * customs control to a customs office where formalities * will be completed. */ @XmlEnumValue("61") _61("Treatment - underbond by sea"), /** * Cargo consists of personal effects. */ @XmlEnumValue("62") _62("Treatment - personal effect"), /** * Cargo consists of timber. */ @XmlEnumValue("63") _63("Treatment - timber"), /** * Document/message issued either by a factor to indicate * his preliminary credit assessment on a buyer, or by a * seller to request a factor's preliminary credit * assessment on a buyer. */ @XmlEnumValue("64") _64("Preliminary credit assessment"), /** * Document/message issued either by a factor to give a * credit cover on a buyer, or by a seller to request a * factor's credit cover. */ @XmlEnumValue("65") _65("Credit cover"), /** * Document/message issued by a factor to indicate the * money movements of a seller's or another factor's * account with him. */ @XmlEnumValue("66") _66("Current account"), /** * Document/message issued by a party (usually the buyer) * to indicate that one or more invoices or one or more * credit notes are disputed for payment. */ @XmlEnumValue("67") _67("Commercial dispute"), /** * Document/message issued by a factor to a seller or to * another factor to indicate that the rest of the amounts * of one or more invoices uncollectable from buyers are * charged back to clear the invoice(s) off the ledger. */ @XmlEnumValue("68") _68("Chargeback"), /** * Document/message issued by a factor to a seller or to * another factor to reassign an invoice or credit note * previously assigned to him. */ @XmlEnumValue("69") _69("Reassignment"), /** * Document message issued by a factor to indicate the * movements of invoices, credit notes and payments of a * seller's account. */ @XmlEnumValue("70") _70("Collateral account"), /** * Document/message issued by a creditor to a debtor to * request payment of one or more invoices past due. */ @XmlEnumValue("71") _71("Request for payment"), /** * A message or document issuing permission to unship * cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("72") _72("Unship permit"), /** * Transmission of one or more statistical definitions. */ @XmlEnumValue("73") _73("Statistical definitions"), /** * Transmission of one or more items of data or data sets. */ @XmlEnumValue("74") _74("Statistical data"), /** * Request for one or more items or data sets of * statistical data. */ @XmlEnumValue("75") _75("Request for statistical data"), /** * Document/message to provide split quantities and * delivery dates referring to a previous delivery * instruction. */ @XmlEnumValue("76") _76("Call-off delivery"), /** * Message covers information about the consignment status. */ @XmlEnumValue("77") _77("Consignment status report"), /** * Advice of inventory movements. */ @XmlEnumValue("78") _78("Inventory movement advice"), /** * Advice of stock on hand. */ @XmlEnumValue("79") _79("Inventory status advice"), /** * Debit information related to a transaction for goods or * services to the relevant party. */ @XmlEnumValue("80") _80("Debit note related to goods or services"), /** * Document message used to provide credit information * related to a transaction for goods or services to the * relevant party. */ @XmlEnumValue("81") _81("Credit note related to goods or services"), /** * Document/message claiming payment for the supply of * metered services (e.g., gas, electricity, etc.) supplied * to a fixed meter whose consumption is measured over a * period of time. */ @XmlEnumValue("82") _82("Metered services invoice"), /** * Document message for providing credit information * related to financial adjustments to the relevant party, * e.g., bonuses. */ @XmlEnumValue("83") _83("Credit note related to financial adjustments"), /** * Document/message for providing debit information related * to financial adjustments to the relevant party. */ @XmlEnumValue("84") _84("Debit note related to financial adjustments"), /** * Message/document identifying a customs manifest. The * document itemises a list of cargo prepared by shipping * companies from bills of landing and presented to customs * for formal report of cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("85") _85("Customs manifest"), /** * A document code to indicate that the message being * transmitted identifies all short and surplus cargoes * off-loaded from a vessel at a specified discharging * port. */ @XmlEnumValue("86") _86("Vessel unpack report"), /** * A document code to indicate that the message being * transmitted is summary manifest information for general * cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("87") _87("General cargo summary manifest report"), /** * A document code to indicate that the message being * transmitted is a consignment unpack report only. */ @XmlEnumValue("88") _88("Consignment unpack report"), /** * Document or message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that meat or meat by- * products comply with the requirements set by the * importing country. */ @XmlEnumValue("89") _89("Meat and meat by-products sanitary certificate"), /** * Document or message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that meat food products * comply with the requirements set by the importing * country. */ @XmlEnumValue("90") _90("Meat food products sanitary certificate"), /** * Document or message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that poultry products * comply with the requirements set by the importing * country. */ @XmlEnumValue("91") _91("Poultry sanitary certificate"), /** * Document or message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that horsemeat products * comply with the requirements set by the importing * country. */ @XmlEnumValue("92") _92("Horsemeat sanitary certificate"), /** * Document or message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that casing products * comply with the requirements set by the importing * country. */ @XmlEnumValue("93") _93("Casing sanitary certificate"), /** * Document or message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that pharmaceutical * products comply with the requirements set by the * importing country. */ @XmlEnumValue("94") _94("Pharmaceutical sanitary certificate"), /** * Document or message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that inedible products * comply with the requirements set by the importing * country. */ @XmlEnumValue("95") _95("Inedible sanitary certificate"), /** * Notification of impending arrival details for vessel. */ @XmlEnumValue("96") _96("Impending arrival"), /** * Message reporting the means of transport used to carry * goods or cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("97") _97("Means of transport advice"), /** * Message reporting the arrival details of goods or cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("98") _98("Arrival information"), /** * Message/document sent by the cargo handler indicating * that the cargo has moved from a Customs controlled * premise. */ @XmlEnumValue("99") _99("Cargo release notification"), /** * Certificate asserting that the goods have been submitted * to the excise authorities before departure from the * exporting country or before delivery in case of import * traffic. */ @XmlEnumValue("100") _100("Excise certificate"), /** * An official document providing registration details. */ @XmlEnumValue("101") _101("Registration document"), /** * Used to specify that the message is a tax notification. */ @XmlEnumValue("102") _102("Tax notification"), /** * Report on the movement of containers or other items of * transport equipment being exchanged, establishing * relevant rental periods. */ @XmlEnumValue("103") _103("Transport equipment direct interchange report"), /** * Advice that containers or other items of transport * equipment may be expected to be delivered to a certain * location. */ @XmlEnumValue("104") _104("Transport equipment impending arrival advice"), /** * Document/message issued within an enterprise to initiate * the purchase of articles, materials or services required * for the production or manufacture of goods to be offered * for sale or otherwise supplied to customers. */ @XmlEnumValue("105") _105("Purchase order"), /** * Report of damaged items of transport equipment that have * been returned. */ @XmlEnumValue("106") _106("Transport equipment damage report"), /** * advice * Advice providing estimates of transport equipment * maintenance and repair costs. */ @XmlEnumValue("107") _107("Transport equipment maintenance and repair work estimate"), /** * Instruction to release an item of empty transport * equipment to a specified party or parties. */ @XmlEnumValue("108") _108("Transport equipment empty release instruction"), /** * Report on the inward movement of cargo, containers or * other items of transport equipment which have been * delivered to a facility by an inland carrier. */ @XmlEnumValue("109") _109("Transport movement gate in report"), /** * Document/message issued within an enterprise to initiate * the manufacture of goods to be offered for sale. */ @XmlEnumValue("110") _110("Manufacturing instructions"), /** * Report on the outward movement of cargo, containers or * other items of transport equipment (either full or * empty) which have been picked up by an inland carrier. */ @XmlEnumValue("111") _111("Transport movement gate out report"), /** * Instruction to unpack specified cargo from specified * containers or other items of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("112") _112("Transport equipment unpacking instruction"), /** * Report on the completion of unpacking specified * containers or other items of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("113") _113("Transport equipment unpacking report"), /** * Request for confirmation that an item of transport * equipment will be available for collection. */ @XmlEnumValue("114") _114("Transport equipment pick-up availability request"), /** * Confirmation that an item of transport equipment is * available for collection. */ @XmlEnumValue("115") _115("Transport equipment pick-up availability confirmation"), /** * Report that an item of transport equipment has been * collected. */ @XmlEnumValue("116") _116("Transport equipment pick-up report"), /** * Report on the movement of containers or other items of * transport within a facility. */ @XmlEnumValue("117") _117("Transport equipment shift report"), /** * Instruction to unload specified cargo, containers or * transport equipment from a means of transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("118") _118("Transport discharge instruction"), /** * Report on cargo, containers or transport equipment * unloaded from a particular means of transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("119") _119("Transport discharge report"), /** * Document/message issued within an enterprise ordering * the taking out of stock of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("120") _120("Stores requisition"), /** * Instruction to load cargo, containers or transport * equipment onto a means of transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("121") _121("Transport loading instruction"), /** * Report on completion of loading cargo, containers or * other transport equipment onto a means of transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("122") _122("Transport loading report"), /** * authorisation * Authorisation to have transport equipment repaired or to * have maintenance performed. */ @XmlEnumValue("123") _123("Transport equipment maintenance and repair work"), /** * Report of the departure of a means of transport from a * particular facility. */ @XmlEnumValue("124") _124("Transport departure report"), /** * Advice that an item or items of empty transport * equipment are available for return. */ @XmlEnumValue("125") _125("Transport empty equipment advice"), /** * Order to accept items of transport equipment which are * to be delivered by an inland carrier (rail, road or * barge) to a specified facility. */ @XmlEnumValue("126") _126("Transport equipment acceptance order"), /** * Instruction to perform a specified service or services * on an item or items of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("127") _127("Transport equipment special service instruction"), /** * Report on the number of items of transport equipment * stored at one or more locations. */ @XmlEnumValue("128") _128("Transport equipment stock report"), /** * Order to release cargo or items of transport equipment * to a specified party. */ @XmlEnumValue("129") _129("Transport cargo release order"), /** * Document/message issued within an enterprise containing * data about goods sold, to be used as the basis for the * preparation of an invoice. */ @XmlEnumValue("130") _130("Invoicing data sheet"), /** * Instruction to pack cargo into a container or other item * of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("131") _131("Transport equipment packing instruction"), /** * Notification of customs clearance of cargo or items of * transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("132") _132("Customs clearance notice"), /** * Notice specifying expiration of Customs documents * relating to cargo or items of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("133") _133("Customs documents expiration notice"), /** * Request for transport equipment to be made available for * hire. */ @XmlEnumValue("134") _134("Transport equipment on-hire request"), /** * Order to release empty items of transport equipment for * on-hire to a lessee, and authorising collection by or on * behalf of a specified party. */ @XmlEnumValue("135") _135("Transport equipment on-hire order"), /** * Request to terminate the lease on an item of transport * equipment at a specified time. */ @XmlEnumValue("136") _136("Transport equipment off-hire request"), /** * Order to perform a survey on specified items of * transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("137") _137("Transport equipment survey order"), /** * Response to an order to conduct a survey of transport * equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("138") _138("Transport equipment survey order response"), /** * Survey report of specified items of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("139") _139("Transport equipment survey report"), /** * Document/message within an enterprise giving * instructions on how goods are to be packed. */ @XmlEnumValue("140") _140("Packing instructions"), /** * A document and/or message advising of items which have * to be booked to a financial account. */ @XmlEnumValue("141") _141("Advising items to be booked to a financial account"), /** * order * Order to draw up an estimate of the costs of maintenance * or repair of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("142") _142("Transport equipment maintenance and repair work estimate"), /** * Report of transport equipment which has been repaired or * has had maintenance performed. */ @XmlEnumValue("143") _143("Transport equipment maintenance and repair notice"), /** * Order to make available empty containers. */ @XmlEnumValue("144") _144("Empty container disposition order"), /** * Order that the containers or cargo specified are to be * discharged from a vessel. */ @XmlEnumValue("145") _145("Cargo vessel discharge order"), /** * Order that specified cargo, containers or groups of * containers are to be loaded in or on a vessel. */ @XmlEnumValue("146") _146("Cargo vessel loading order"), /** * One purchase order that contains the orders of two or * more vendors and the associated delivery points for * each. */ @XmlEnumValue("147") _147("Multidrop order"), /** * A document authorizing the bailing of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("148") _148("Bailment contract"), /** * A document indicating an agreement containing basic * terms and conditions applicable to future contracts * between two parties. */ @XmlEnumValue("149") _149("Basic agreement"), /** * Document/message giving instructions about the transport * of goods within an enterprise. */ @XmlEnumValue("150") _150("Internal transport order"), /** * A document indicating the granting of funds. */ @XmlEnumValue("151") _151("Grant"), /** * A document indicating a contract calling for the * indefinite deliveries of indefinite quantities of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("152") _152("Indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contract"), /** * A document indicating a contract calling for indefinite * deliveries of definite quantities. */ @XmlEnumValue("153") _153("Indefinite delivery definite quantity contract"), /** * A document indicating a requirements contract that * authorizes the filling of all purchase requirements * during a specified contract period. */ @XmlEnumValue("154") _154("Requirements contract"), /** * A document indicating an order that tasks a contractor * to perform a specified function. */ @XmlEnumValue("155") _155("Task order"), /** * A document indicating a plan that identifies which items * will be made and which items will be bought. */ @XmlEnumValue("156") _156("Make or buy plan"), /** * A document indicating a plan that identifies the * manufacturer's subcontracting strategy for a specific * contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("157") _157("Subcontractor plan"), /** * A document indicating a summary of cost data. */ @XmlEnumValue("158") _158("Cost data summary"), /** * A document indicating cost and price data whose accuracy * has been certified. */ @XmlEnumValue("159") _159("Certified cost and price data"), /** * A document indicating a determination of the wages to be * paid. */ @XmlEnumValue("160") _160("Wage determination"), /** * A report to provide the status of funds applicable to * the contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("161") _161("Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR)"), /** * A certification as to the accuracy of inspection and * test results. */ @XmlEnumValue("162") _162("Certified inspection and test results"), /** * A report that is both an inspection report for materials * and a receiving document. */ @XmlEnumValue("163") _163("Material inspection and receiving report"), /** * A document indicating a specification used to purchase * an item. */ @XmlEnumValue("164") _164("Purchasing specification"), /** * A document indicating a bond that guarantees the payment * of monies or a performance. */ @XmlEnumValue("165") _165("Payment or performance bond"), /** * A document that indicates the specification contains the * security and classification requirements for a contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("166") _166("Contract security classification specification"), /** * A document indicating the specification of how an item * is to be manufactured. */ @XmlEnumValue("167") _167("Manufacturing specification"), /** * A document certifying that more than 50 percent of the * cost of an item is attributed to US origin. */ @XmlEnumValue("168") _168("Buy America certificate of compliance"), /** * Notice to return leased containers. */ @XmlEnumValue("169") _169("Container off-hire notice"), /** * Order to accept cargo to be delivered by a carrier. */ @XmlEnumValue("170") _170("Cargo acceptance order"), /** * Notice specifying the pick-up of released cargo or * containers from a certain address. */ @XmlEnumValue("171") _171("Pick-up notice"), /** * Document or message that authorises receiver to plan * orders, based on information in this message, and send * these orders as suggestions to the sender. */ @XmlEnumValue("172") _172("Authorisation to plan and suggest orders"), /** * Document or message that authorises receiver to plan and * ship orders based on information in this message. */ @XmlEnumValue("173") _173("Authorisation to plan and ship orders"), /** * The document or message is a drawing. */ @XmlEnumValue("174") _174("Drawing"), /** * A report identifying the cost performance on a contract * at specified levels of the work breakdown structure * (format 2 - organizational categories). */ @XmlEnumValue("175") _175("Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 2"), /** * A report providing the status of the cost and schedule * applicable to a contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("176") _176("Cost Schedule Status Report (CSSR)"), /** * A report identifying the cost performance on a contract * including the current month's values at specified levels * of the work breakdown structure (format 1 - work * breakdown structure). */ @XmlEnumValue("177") _177("Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 1"), /** * A report identifying the cost performance on a contract * that summarizes changes to a contract over a given * reporting period with beginning and ending values * (format 3 - baseline). */ @XmlEnumValue("178") _178("Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 3"), /** * A report identifying the cost performance on a contract * including forecasts of labour requirements for the * remaining portion of the contract (format 4 - staffing). */ @XmlEnumValue("179") _179("Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 4"), /** * A report identifying the cost performance on a contract * that summarizes cost or schedule variances (format 5 - * explanations and problem analysis). */ @XmlEnumValue("180") _180("Cost Performance Report (CPR) format 5"), /** * Document or message progressively issued by the * container terminal operator in charge of discharging a * vessel identifying containers that have been discharged * from a specific vessel at that point in time. */ @XmlEnumValue("181") _181("Progressive discharge report"), /** * Confirmation of a balance at an entry date. */ @XmlEnumValue("182") _182("Balance confirmation"), /** * Order to unload goods from a container. */ @XmlEnumValue("183") _183("Container stripping order"), /** * Order to stuff specified goods or consignments in a * container. */ @XmlEnumValue("184") _184("Container stuffing order"), /** * Declaration to the public authority upon arrival of the * conveyance. */ @XmlEnumValue("185") _185("Conveyance declaration (arrival)"), /** * Declaration to the public authority upon departure of * the conveyance. */ @XmlEnumValue("186") _186("Conveyance declaration (departure)"), /** * Combined declaration of arrival and departure to the * public authority. */ @XmlEnumValue("187") _187("Conveyance declaration (combined)"), /** * A project plan for recovery after a delay or problem * resolution. */ @XmlEnumValue("188") _188("Project recovery plan"), /** * A project plan for the production of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("189") _189("Project production plan"), /** * Documents/messages issued within an enterprise for the * for the purpose of collection of production and other * internal statistics, and for other administration * purposes. */ @XmlEnumValue("190") _190("Statistical and other administrative internal documents"), /** * A high level, all encompassing master schedule of * activities to complete a project. */ @XmlEnumValue("191") _191("Project master schedule"), /** * A priced tender based upon an alternate specification. */ @XmlEnumValue("192") _192("Priced alternate tender bill of quantity"), /** * An estimate based upon a detailed, quantity based * specification (bill of quantity). */ @XmlEnumValue("193") _193("Estimated priced bill of quantity"), /** * Document/message providing a draft bill of quantity, * issued in an unpriced form. */ @XmlEnumValue("194") _194("Draft bill of quantity"), /** * Instruction for the collection of the documentary * credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("195") _195("Documentary credit collection instruction"), /** * Request for an amendment of a documentary credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("196") _196("Request for an amendment of a documentary credit"), /** * Documentary credit amendment information. */ @XmlEnumValue("197") _197("Documentary credit amendment information"), /** * Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("198") _198("Advice of an amendment of a documentary credit"), /** * Response to an amendment of a documentary credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("199") _199("Response to an amendment of a documentary credit"), /** * Provides information on documentary credit issuance. */ @XmlEnumValue("200") _200("Documentary credit issuance information"), /** * Request to establish a direct payment valuation. */ @XmlEnumValue("201") _201("Direct payment valuation request"), /** * Document/message addressed, for instance, by a general * contractor to the owner, in order that a direct payment * be made to a subcontractor. */ @XmlEnumValue("202") _202("Direct payment valuation"), /** * Document/message establishing a provisional payment * valuation. */ @XmlEnumValue("203") _203("Provisional payment valuation"), /** * Document/message establishing the financial elements of * a situation of works. */ @XmlEnumValue("204") _204("Payment valuation"), /** * Document/message providing a confirmed assessment, by * quantity, of the completed work for a construction * contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("205") _205("Quantity valuation"), /** * Document/message providing an initial assessment, by * quantity, of the completed work for a construction * contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("206") _206("Quantity valuation request"), /** * Document/message providing a formal specification * identifying quantities and prices that are the basis of * a contract for a construction project. BOQ means: Bill * of quantity. */ @XmlEnumValue("207") _207("Contract bill of quantities - BOQ"), /** * Document/message providing a detailed, quantity based * specification, issued in an unpriced form to invite * tender prices. */ @XmlEnumValue("208") _208("Unpriced bill of quantity"), /** * Document/message providing a detailed, quantity based * specification, updated with prices to form a tender * submission for a construction contract. BOQ means: Bill * of quantity. */ @XmlEnumValue("209") _209("Priced tender BOQ"), /** * Document/message issued by a party interested in the * purchase of goods specified therein and indicating * particular, desirable conditions regarding delivery * terms, etc., addressed to a prospective supplier with a * view to obtaining an offer. */ @XmlEnumValue("210") _210("Enquiry"), /** * Document/message containing a provisional assessment in * support of a request for payment for completed work for * a construction contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("211") _211("Interim application for payment"), /** * Document/message in which the debtor expresses the * intention to pay. */ @XmlEnumValue("212") _212("Agreement to pay"), /** * The message is a request for financial cancellation. */ @XmlEnumValue("213") _213("Request for financial cancellation"), /** * The message contains pre-authorised direct debit(s). */ @XmlEnumValue("214") _214("Pre-authorised direct debit(s)"), /** * Document/message by means of which a buyer informs a * seller that the buyer intends to enter into contractual * negotiations. */ @XmlEnumValue("215") _215("Letter of intent"), /** * Document/message providing an approved detailed, * quantity based specification (bill of quantity), in an * unpriced form. */ @XmlEnumValue("216") _216("Approved unpriced bill of quantity"), /** * A payment valuation for unscheduled items. */ @XmlEnumValue("217") _217("Payment valuation for unscheduled items"), /** * The final payment request of a series of payment * requests submitted upon completion of all the work. */ @XmlEnumValue("218") _218("Final payment request based on completion of work"), /** * A request for payment for completed units. */ @XmlEnumValue("219") _219("Payment request for completed units"), /** * Document/message by means of which a buyer initiates a * transaction with a seller involving the supply of goods * or services as specified, according to conditions set * out in an offer, or otherwise known to the buyer. */ @XmlEnumValue("220") _220("Order"), /** * Usage of document/message for general order purposes * with later split into quantities and delivery dates and * maybe delivery locations. */ @XmlEnumValue("221") _221("Blanket order"), /** * Document/message ordering the remainder of a * production's batch. */ @XmlEnumValue("222") _222("Spot order"), /** * Document/message for goods in leasing contracts. */ @XmlEnumValue("223") _223("Lease order"), /** * Document/message for urgent ordering. */ @XmlEnumValue("224") _224("Rush order"), /** * Document/message to order repair of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("225") _225("Repair order"), /** * Document/message to provide split quantities and * delivery dates referring to a previous blanket order. */ @XmlEnumValue("226") _226("Call off order"), /** * Order to deliver goods into stock with agreement on * payment when goods are sold out of this stock. */ @XmlEnumValue("227") _227("Consignment order"), /** * Document/message to order samples. */ @XmlEnumValue("228") _228("Sample order"), /** * Document/message informing buyer or seller of the * replacement of goods previously ordered. */ @XmlEnumValue("229") _229("Swap order"), /** * Change to an purchase order already sent. */ @XmlEnumValue("230") _230("Purchase order change request"), /** * Response to an purchase order already received. */ @XmlEnumValue("231") _231("Purchase order response"), /** * Document/message for hiring human resources or renting * goods or equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("232") _232("Hire order"), /** * Document/message to order spare parts. */ @XmlEnumValue("233") _233("Spare parts order"), /** * A price/sales catalogue containing special prices which * are valid only for a specified period or under specified * conditions. */ @XmlEnumValue("234") _234("Campaign price/sales catalogue"), /** * Document or message issued by party identifying the * containers for which they are responsible. */ @XmlEnumValue("235") _235("Container list"), /** * A message which enables the transmission of delivery or * product forecasting requirements. */ @XmlEnumValue("236") _236("Delivery forecast"), /** * A document or message to order cross docking services. */ @XmlEnumValue("237") _237("Cross docking services order"), /** * The message contains non-pre-authorised direct debit(s). */ @XmlEnumValue("238") _238("Non-pre-authorised direct debit(s)"), /** * The message contains rejected direct debit(s). */ @XmlEnumValue("239") _239("Rejected direct debit(s)"), /** * (1174) Document/message giving instruction regarding the * delivery of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("240") _240("Delivery instructions"), /** * Usage of DELFOR-message. */ @XmlEnumValue("241") _241("Delivery schedule"), /** * Usage of DELJIT-message. */ @XmlEnumValue("242") _242("Delivery just-in-time"), /** * The message contains pre-authorised direct debit * request(s). */ @XmlEnumValue("243") _243("Pre-authorised direct debit request(s)"), /** * The message contains non-pre-authorised direct debit * request(s). */ @XmlEnumValue("244") _244("Non-pre-authorised direct debit request(s)"), /** * Document/message issued by a buyer releasing the * despatch of goods after receipt of the Ready for * despatch advice from the seller. */ @XmlEnumValue("245") _245("Delivery release"), /** * Settlement of a letter of credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("246") _246("Settlement of a letter of credit"), /** * The message is a bank to bank funds transfer. */ @XmlEnumValue("247") _247("Bank to bank funds transfer"), /** * The message contains customer payment order(s). */ @XmlEnumValue("248") _248("Customer payment order(s)"), /** * The message contains low value payment order(s) only. */ @XmlEnumValue("249") _249("Low value payment order(s)"), /** * Declaration regarding crew members aboard the * conveyance. */ @XmlEnumValue("250") _250("Crew list declaration"), /** * This is a request for information. */ @XmlEnumValue("251") _251("Inquiry"), /** * A response to a previously sent banking status message. */ @XmlEnumValue("252") _252("Response to previous banking status message"), /** * A high level, all encompassing master plan to complete a * project. */ @XmlEnumValue("253") _253("Project master plan"), /** * A plan for project work to be completed. */ @XmlEnumValue("254") _254("Project plan"), /** * A schedule of project activities to be completed. */ @XmlEnumValue("255") _255("Project schedule"), /** * Available resources for project planning purposes. */ @XmlEnumValue("256") _256("Project planning available resources"), /** * Work calendar information for project planning purposes. */ @XmlEnumValue("257") _257("Project planning calendar"), /** * An order to supply fixed quantities of products at fixed * regular intervals. */ @XmlEnumValue("258") _258("Standing order"), /** * A document detailing times and dates of events * pertaining to a cargo movement. */ @XmlEnumValue("259") _259("Cargo movement event log"), /** * An analysis of the cargo for a voyage. */ @XmlEnumValue("260") _260("Cargo analysis voyage report"), /** * A document which indicates that the customer is claiming * credit in a self billing environment. */ @XmlEnumValue("261") _261("Self billed credit note"), /** * Credit note for goods and services that covers multiple * transactions involving more than one invoice. */ @XmlEnumValue("262") _262("Consolidated credit note - goods and services"), /** * A message detailing statuses related to the adjustment * of inventory. */ @XmlEnumValue("263") _263("Inventory adjustment status report"), /** * Instruction to perform one or more different movements * of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("264") _264("Transport equipment movement instruction"), /** * Report on one or more different movements of transport * equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("265") _265("Transport equipment movement report"), /** * Report on one or more changes of status associated with * an item or items of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("266") _266("Transport equipment status change report"), /** * Certificate attesting that fumigation has been * performed. */ @XmlEnumValue("267") _267("Fumigation certificate"), /** * Certificate attesting to the quality, origin or * appellation of wine. */ @XmlEnumValue("268") _268("Wine certificate"), /** * Certificate attesting that wool is free from specified * risks to human or animal health. */ @XmlEnumValue("269") _269("Wool health certificate"), /** * Paper document attached to a consignment informing the * receiving party about contents of this consignment. */ @XmlEnumValue("270") _270("Delivery note"), /** * Document/message specifying the distribution of goods in * individual packages (in trade environment the despatch * advice message is used for the packing list). */ @XmlEnumValue("271") _271("Packing list"), /** * Requesting a new code. */ @XmlEnumValue("272") _272("New code request"), /** * Request a change to an existing code. */ @XmlEnumValue("273") _273("Code change request"), /** * Requesting a new simple data element. */ @XmlEnumValue("274") _274("Simple data element request"), /** * Request a change to an existing simple data element. */ @XmlEnumValue("275") _275("Simple data element change request"), /** * Requesting a new composite data element. */ @XmlEnumValue("276") _276("Composite data element request"), /** * Request a change to an existing composite data element. */ @XmlEnumValue("277") _277("Composite data element change request"), /** * Request a new segment. */ @XmlEnumValue("278") _278("Segment request"), /** * Requesting a change to an existing segment. */ @XmlEnumValue("279") _279("Segment change request"), /** * Request for a new message (NMR). */ @XmlEnumValue("280") _280("New message request"), /** * Requesting a Message in Development (MiD). */ @XmlEnumValue("281") _281("Message in development request"), /** * Requesting a change to an existing message. */ @XmlEnumValue("282") _282("Modification of existing message"), /** * Report of assigned tracking numbers. */ @XmlEnumValue("283") _283("Tracking number assignment report"), /** * Document/message defining the contents of a user * directory set or parts thereof. */ @XmlEnumValue("284") _284("User directory definition"), /** * Requesting a United Nations Standard Message (UNSM). */ @XmlEnumValue("285") _285("United Nations standard message request"), /** * Document/message defining the contents of a service * directory set or parts thereof. */ @XmlEnumValue("286") _286("Service directory definition"), /** * Message covers information about the status. */ @XmlEnumValue("287") _287("Status report"), /** * Message to describe a Kanban schedule. */ @XmlEnumValue("288") _288("Kanban schedule"), /** * A message to submit master data, a set of data that is * rarely changed, to identify and describe products a * supplier offers to their (potential) customer or buyer. */ @XmlEnumValue("289") _289("Product data message"), /** * A claim for parts and/or labour charges incurred . */ @XmlEnumValue("290") _290("A claim for parts and/or labour charges"), /** * A message providing a response to a previously * transmitted delivery schedule. */ @XmlEnumValue("291") _291("Delivery schedule response"), /** * A message requesting a party to inspect items. */ @XmlEnumValue("292") _292("Inspection request"), /** * A message informing a party of the results of an * inspection. */ @XmlEnumValue("293") _293("Inspection report"), /** * A message used by an application to acknowledge * reception of a message and/or to report any errors. */ @XmlEnumValue("294") _294("Application acknowledgement and error report"), /** * An invoice which requests payment for the difference in * price between an original invoice and the result of the * application of a price variation formula. */ @XmlEnumValue("295") _295("Price variation invoice"), /** * A credit note which is issued against a price variation * invoice. */ @XmlEnumValue("296") _296("Credit note for price variation"), /** * A message instructing a party to collect goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("297") _297("Instruction to collect"), /** * Listing of all details of dangerous goods carried. */ @XmlEnumValue("298") _298("Dangerous goods list"), /** * Code specifying the continued validity of previously * submitted registration information. */ @XmlEnumValue("299") _299("Registration renewal"), /** * Code specifying the modification of previously submitted * registration information. */ @XmlEnumValue("300") _300("Registration change"), /** * Code specifying a response to an occurrence of a * registration message. */ @XmlEnumValue("301") _301("Response to registration"), /** * A document specifying the criterion and format for * exchanging information in an electronic data interchange * syntax. */ @XmlEnumValue("302") _302("Implementation guideline"), /** * Document/message is a request for transfer. */ @XmlEnumValue("303") _303("Request for transfer"), /** * A report to convey cost performance data for a project * or contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("304") _304("Cost performance report"), /** * A message to inform a message issuer that a previously * sent message has been received by the addressee's * application, or that a previously sent message has been * rejected by the addressee's application. */ @XmlEnumValue("305") _305("Application error and acknowledgement"), /** * A financial statement for a cash pool. */ @XmlEnumValue("306") _306("Cash pool financial statement"), /** * Message to describe a sequence of product delivery. */ @XmlEnumValue("307") _307("Sequenced delivery schedule"), /** * A credit note sent to the party paying on behalf of a * number of buyers. */ @XmlEnumValue("308") _308("Delcredere credit note"), /** * Final discharge report by healthcare provider. */ @XmlEnumValue("309") _309("Healthcare discharge report, final"), /** * (1332) Document/message which, with a view to concluding * a contract, sets out the conditions under which the * goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("310") _310("Offer / quotation"), /** * Document/message requesting a quote on specified goods * or services. */ @XmlEnumValue("311") _311("Request for quote"), /** * Message providing acknowledgement information at the * business application level concerning the processing of * a message. */ @XmlEnumValue("312") _312("Acknowledgement message"), /** * Message indicating that a message was rejected due to * errors encountered at the application level. */ @XmlEnumValue("313") _313("Application error message"), /** * A consolidated voyage summary which contains the * information in a certificate of analysis, a voyage * analysis and a cargo movement time log for a voyage. */ @XmlEnumValue("314") _314("Cargo movement voyage summary"), /** * (1296) Document/message evidencing an agreement between * the seller and the buyer for the supply of goods or * services; its effects are equivalent to those of an * order followed by an acknowledgement of order. */ @XmlEnumValue("315") _315("Contract"), /** * Document to apply for usage of berth or mooring * facilities. */ @XmlEnumValue("316") _316("Application for usage of berth or mooring facilities"), /** * Document to apply for designation of berthing places. */ @XmlEnumValue("317") _317("Application for designation of berthing places"), /** * Document to apply for shifting from the designated place * in port. */ @XmlEnumValue("318") _318("Application for shifting from the designated place in port"), /** * of dangerous goods * Supplementary document to apply for cargo operation of * dangerous goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("319") _319("Supplementary document for application for cargo operation"), /** * Document/message acknowledging an undertaking to fulfil * an order and confirming conditions or acceptance of * conditions. */ @XmlEnumValue("320") _320("Acknowledgement of order"), /** * dangerous goods * Supplementary document to apply for transport of * dangerous goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("321") _321("Supplementary document for application for transport of"), /** * Payment effected by an Optical Character Reading (OCR) * document. */ @XmlEnumValue("322") _322("Optical Character Reading (OCR) payment"), /** * Preliminary sales report sent before all the information * is available. */ @XmlEnumValue("323") _323("Preliminary sales report"), /** * Official document specifying, for a given dangerous * goods item, information such as nature of hazard, * protective devices, actions to be taken in case of * accident, spillage or fire and first aid to be given. */ @XmlEnumValue("324") _324("Transport emergency card"), /** * Document/message serving as a preliminary invoice, * containing - on the whole - the same information as the * final invoice, but not actually claiming payment. */ @XmlEnumValue("325") _325("Proforma invoice"), /** * Document/message specifying details of an incomplete * invoice. */ @XmlEnumValue("326") _326("Partial invoice"), /** * Document/message describing instructions for operation. */ @XmlEnumValue("327") _327("Operating instructions"), /** * Plates on goods identifying and describing an article. */ @XmlEnumValue("328") _328("Name/product plate"), /** * The document or message contains a bordereau describing * co-insurance ceding information. */ @XmlEnumValue("329") _329("Co-insurance ceding bordereau"), /** * Document/message issued by a supplier requesting * instructions from the buyer regarding the details of the * delivery of goods ordered. */ @XmlEnumValue("330") _330("Request for delivery instructions"), /** * Commercial transaction (invoice) will include a packing * list. */ @XmlEnumValue("331") _331("Commercial invoice which includes a packing list"), /** * Document/message is for trade data. */ @XmlEnumValue("332") _332("Trade data"), /** * Declaration provided to customs for cargo examination. */ @XmlEnumValue("333") _333("Customs declaration for cargo examination"), /** * Alternate declaration provided to customs for cargo * examination. */ @XmlEnumValue("334") _334("Customs declaration for cargo examination, alternate"), /** * Document/message issued by a supplier to a carrier * requesting space to be reserved for a specified * consignment, indicating desirable conveyance, despatch * time, etc. */ @XmlEnumValue("335") _335("Booking request"), /** * Document/message contains information regarding the crew * list and conveyance. */ @XmlEnumValue("336") _336("Customs crew and conveyance"), /** * alternate * Alternate Customs declaration summary with commercial * transaction details. */ @XmlEnumValue("337") _337("Customs summary declaration with commercial detail,"), /** * A message reporting items which have been booked to a * financial account. */ @XmlEnumValue("338") _338("Items booked to a financial account report"), /** * the receiver * A message reporting transactions which need further * information from the receiver. */ @XmlEnumValue("339") _339("Report of transactions which need further information from"), /** * (1121) Document/message advising details of cargo and * exporter's requirements for its physical movement. */ @XmlEnumValue("340") _340("Shipping instructions"), /** * Document/message issued by a consignor in which he gives * details of a consignment of goods that enables an * airline or its agent to prepare an air waybill. */ @XmlEnumValue("341") _341("Shipper's letter of instructions (air)"), /** * A message reporting transactions for information only. */ @XmlEnumValue("342") _342("Report of transactions for information only"), /** * Document/message giving instructions regarding local * transport of goods, e.g. from the premises of an * enterprise to those of a carrier undertaking further * transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("343") _343("Cartage order (local transport)"), /** * A message giving additional information about the * exchange of an EDI associated object. */ @XmlEnumValue("344") _344("EDI associated object administration message"), /** * Document/message issued by a supplier informing a buyer * that goods ordered are ready for despatch. */ @XmlEnumValue("345") _345("Ready for despatch advice"), /** * Sales report containing summaries for several earlier * sent sales reports. */ @XmlEnumValue("346") _346("Summary sales report"), /** * A message enquiring the status of previously sent * orders. */ @XmlEnumValue("347") _347("Order status enquiry"), /** * A message reporting the status of previously sent * orders. */ @XmlEnumValue("348") _348("Order status report"), /** * vessel * Document to declare inward and outward movement of a * vessel. */ @XmlEnumValue("349") _349("Declaration regarding the inward and outward movement of"), /** * Document/message issued by a supplier initiating the * despatch of goods to a buyer (consignee). */ @XmlEnumValue("350") _350("Despatch order"), /** * Document/message by means of which the seller or * consignor informs the consignee about the despatch of * goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("351") _351("Despatch advice"), /** * Document to notify usage of berth or mooring facilities. */ @XmlEnumValue("352") _352("Notification of usage of berth or mooring facilities"), /** * time * Document to apply for vessel's entering into port area * in night-time. */ @XmlEnumValue("353") _353("Application for vessel's entering into port area in night-"), /** * place in port * Document to notify shifting from designated place in * port once secured at the designated place. */ @XmlEnumValue("354") _354("Notification of emergency shifting from the designated"), /** * alternate * Alternate Customs declaration summary without any * commercial transaction details. */ @XmlEnumValue("355") _355("Customs summary declaration without commercial detail,"), /** * A document that guarantees performance. */ @XmlEnumValue("356") _356("Performance bond"), /** * A document that guarantees the payment of monies. */ @XmlEnumValue("357") _357("Payment bond"), /** * Preliminary discharge report by healthcare provider. */ @XmlEnumValue("358") _358("Healthcare discharge report, preliminary"), /** * Document containing request for provision of a health * service. */ @XmlEnumValue("359") _359("Request for provision of a health service"), /** * Document/message requesting price conditions under which * goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("360") _360("Request for price quote"), /** * Document/message confirming price conditions under which * goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("361") _361("Price quote"), /** * Document/message confirming delivery conditions under * which goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("362") _362("Delivery quote"), /** * Document/message confirming price and delivery * conditions under which goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("363") _363("Price and delivery quote"), /** * Document/message confirming contractual price conditions * under which goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("364") _364("Contract price quote"), /** * Document/message confirming contractual price conditions * and contractual delivery conditions under which goods * are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("365") _365("Contract price and delivery quote"), /** * Document/message confirming price conditions under which * goods are offered, provided that they are sold to the * end-customer specified on the quote. */ @XmlEnumValue("366") _366("Price quote, specified end-customer"), /** * Document/message confirming price conditions and * delivery conditions under which goods are offered, * provided that they are sold to the end-customer * specified on the quote. */ @XmlEnumValue("367") _367("Price and delivery quote, specified end-customer"), /** * Document/message from a supplier to a distributor * confirming price conditions under which goods can be * sold by a distributor to the end-customer specified on * the quote with compensation for loss of inventory value. */ @XmlEnumValue("368") _368("Price quote, ship and debit"), /** * Document/message from a supplier to a distributor * confirming price conditions and delivery conditions * under which goods can be sold by a distributor to the * end-customer specified on the quote with compensation * for loss of inventory value. */ @XmlEnumValue("369") _369("Price and delivery quote, ship and debit"), /** * Document/message in which the party responsible for the * issue of a set of trade documents specifies the various * recipients of originals and copies of these documents, * with an indication of the number of copies distributed * to each of them. */ @XmlEnumValue("370") _370("Advice of distribution of documents"), /** * Document containing a plan for provision of health * service. */ @XmlEnumValue("371") _371("Plan for provision of health service"), /** * Instructions for the dispensing and use of medicine or * remedy. */ @XmlEnumValue("372") _372("Prescription"), /** * Request to issue a prescription for medicine or remedy. */ @XmlEnumValue("373") _373("Prescription request"), /** * Document containing information of products dispensed * according to a prescription. */ @XmlEnumValue("374") _374("Prescription dispensing report"), /** * (1109) Certificate providing confirmation that a * consignment has been shipped. */ @XmlEnumValue("375") _375("Certificate of shipment"), /** * A product inquiry which stands until it is cancelled. */ @XmlEnumValue("376") _376("Standing inquiry on product information"), /** * Document/message providing data concerning the credit * information of a party. */ @XmlEnumValue("377") _377("Party credit information"), /** * Document/message providing data concerning the payment * behaviour of a party. */ @XmlEnumValue("378") _378("Party payment behaviour information"), /** * Message to request information about a metering point. */ @XmlEnumValue("379") _379("Request for metering point information"), /** * (1334) Document/message claiming payment for goods or * services supplied under conditions agreed between seller * and buyer. */ @XmlEnumValue("380") _380("Commercial invoice"), /** * (1113) Document/message for providing credit information * to the relevant party. */ @XmlEnumValue("381") _381("Credit note"), /** * (1111) Document/message in which a seller specifies the * amount of commission, the percentage of the invoice * amount, or some other basis for the calculation of the * commission to which a sales agent is entitled. */ @XmlEnumValue("382") _382("Commission note"), /** * Document/message for providing debit information to the * relevant party. */ @XmlEnumValue("383") _383("Debit note"), /** * Commercial invoice that includes revised information * differing from an earlier submission of the same * invoice. */ @XmlEnumValue("384") _384("Corrected invoice"), /** * Commercial invoice that covers multiple transactions * involving more than one vendor. */ @XmlEnumValue("385") _385("Consolidated invoice"), /** * An invoice to pay amounts for goods and services in * advance; these amounts will be subtracted from the final * invoice. */ @XmlEnumValue("386") _386("Prepayment invoice"), /** * Document/message for invoicing the hiring of human * resources or renting goods or equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("387") _387("Hire invoice"), /** * An invoice for tax purposes. */ @XmlEnumValue("388") _388("Tax invoice"), /** * An invoice the invoicee is producing instead of the * seller. */ @XmlEnumValue("389") _389("Self-billed invoice"), /** * An invoice sent to the party paying for a number of * buyers. */ @XmlEnumValue("390") _390("Delcredere invoice"), /** * Response to a request for information about a metering * point. */ @XmlEnumValue("391") _391("Metering point information response"), /** * A notification of a change of supplier. */ @XmlEnumValue("392") _392("Notification of change of supplier"), /** * Invoice assigned to a third party for collection. */ @XmlEnumValue("393") _393("Factored invoice"), /** * Usage of INVOIC-message for goods in leasing contracts. */ @XmlEnumValue("394") _394("Lease invoice"), /** * Commercial invoice that covers a transaction other than * one involving a sale. */ @XmlEnumValue("395") _395("Consignment invoice"), /** * Credit note related to assigned invoice(s). */ @XmlEnumValue("396") _396("Factored credit note"), /** * A document providing a response to a previously sent * commercial account summary message. */ @XmlEnumValue("397") _397("Commercial account summary response"), /** * Document by means of which the supplier or consignor * informs the buyer, consignee or the distribution centre * about the despatch of goods for cross docking. */ @XmlEnumValue("398") _398("Cross docking despatch advice"), /** * Document by means of which the supplier or consignor * informs the buyer, consignee or the distribution centre * about the despatch of goods for transshipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("399") _399("Transshipment despatch advice"), /** * An order which falls outside the framework of an * agreement. */ @XmlEnumValue("400") _400("Exceptional order"), /** * An order requesting the supply of products packed * according to the final delivery point which will be * moved across a dock in a distribution centre without * further handling. */ @XmlEnumValue("401") _401("Pre-packed cross docking order"), /** * An order requesting the supply of products which will be * moved across a dock, de-consolidated and re-consolidated * according to the final delivery location requirements. */ @XmlEnumValue("402") _402("Intermediate handling cross docking order"), /** * Information giving the various availabilities of a means * of transportation. */ @XmlEnumValue("403") _403("Means of transportation availability information"), /** * Information giving the various schedules of a means of * transportation. */ @XmlEnumValue("404") _404("Means of transportation schedule information"), /** * Notification regarding the delivery of transport * equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("405") _405("Transport equipment delivery notice"), /** * Notification to the supplier regarding the termination * of a contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("406") _406("Notification to supplier of contract termination"), /** * Notification to the supplier about changes regarding a * metering point. */ @XmlEnumValue("407") _407("Notification to supplier of metering point changes"), /** * Notification about the change of a meter. */ @XmlEnumValue("408") _408("Notification of meter change"), /** * Document/message containing instructions from a customer * to his bank to pay an amount in a specified currency to * a nominated party in another country by a method either * specified (e.g. teletransmission, air mail) or left to * the discretion of the bank. */ @XmlEnumValue("409") _409("Instructions for bank transfer"), /** * Notification of the change of metering point * identification. */ @XmlEnumValue("410") _410("Notification of metering point identification change"), /** * The Utilities time series message is sent between * responsible parties in a utilities infrastructure for * the purpose of reporting time series and connected * technical and/or administrative information. */ @XmlEnumValue("411") _411("Utilities time series message"), /** * Application by a customer to his bank to issue a * banker's draft stating the amount and currency of the * draft, the name of the payee and the place and country * of payment. */ @XmlEnumValue("412") _412("Application for banker's draft"), /** * Information about components in an infrastructure. */ @XmlEnumValue("413") _413("Infrastructure condition"), /** * Acknowledgement of the change of supplier. */ @XmlEnumValue("414") _414("Acknowledgement of change of supplier"), /** * Document/Message providing technical description and * information of the crop production. */ @XmlEnumValue("415") _415("Data Plot Sheet"), /** * Soil analysis document. */ @XmlEnumValue("416") _416("Soil analysis"), /** * Farmyard manure analysis document. */ @XmlEnumValue("417") _417("Farmyard manure analysis"), /** * Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data * Model, to Customs concerning the export of cargo carried * by commercial means of transport over land, e.g. truck * or train. */ @XmlEnumValue("418") _418("WCO Cargo Report Export, Rail or Road"), /** * Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data * Model, to Customs concerning the export of cargo carried * by commercial means of transport over water or through * the air, e.g. vessel or aircraft. */ @XmlEnumValue("419") _419("WCO Cargo Report Export, Air or Maritime"), /** * Payment credit note effected by an Optical Character * Reading (OCR) document. */ @XmlEnumValue("420") _420("Optical Character Reading (OCR) payment credit note"), /** * Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data * Model, to Customs concerning the import of cargo carried * by commercial means of transport over land, e.g. truck * or train. */ @XmlEnumValue("421") _421("WCO Cargo Report Import, Rail or Road"), /** * Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data * Model, to Customs concerning the import of cargo carried * by commercial means of transport over water or through * the air, e.g. vessel or aircraft. */ @XmlEnumValue("422") _422("WCO Cargo Report Import, Air or Maritime"), /** * Single step declaration, in accordance with the WCO * Customs Data Model, to Customs by which goods are * declared for a Customs export procedure based on the * 1999 Kyoto Convention. */ @XmlEnumValue("423") _423("WCO one-step export declaration"), /** * First part of a simplified declaration, in accordance * with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which * goods are declared for Customs export procedure based on * the 1999 Kyoto Convention. */ @XmlEnumValue("424") _424("WCO first step of two-step export declaration"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank advises that a * collection has been paid, giving details and methods of * funds disposal. */ @XmlEnumValue("425") _425("Collection payment advice"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank advises payment under a * documentary credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("426") _426("Documentary credit payment advice"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank advises acceptance under * a documentary credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("427") _427("Documentary credit acceptance advice"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank advises negotiation * under a documentary credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("428") _428("Documentary credit negotiation advice"), /** * Document/message whereby a customer requests his bank to * issue a guarantee in favour of a nominated party in * another country, stating the amount and currency and the * specific conditions of the guarantee. */ @XmlEnumValue("429") _429("Application for banker's guarantee"), /** * Document/message in which a bank undertakes to pay out a * limited amount of money to a designated party, on * conditions stated therein (other than those laid down in * the Uniform Customs Practice). */ @XmlEnumValue("430") _430("Banker's guarantee"), /** * Document/message in which a beneficiary of a documentary * credit accepts responsibility for non-compliance with * the terms and conditions of the credit, and undertakes * to refund the money received under the credit, with * interest and charges accrued. */ @XmlEnumValue("431") _431("Documentary credit letter of indemnity"), /** * Notification to the grid operator regarding the * termination of a contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("432") _432("Notification to grid operator of contract termination"), /** * Notification to the grid operator about changes * regarding a metering point. */ @XmlEnumValue("433") _433("Notification to grid operator of metering point changes"), /** * Notification of a change of balance responsible entity. */ @XmlEnumValue("434") _434("Notification of balance responsible entity change"), /** * Preadvice indicating a credit to happen in the future. */ @XmlEnumValue("435") _435("Preadvice of a credit"), /** * Report on the profile of transport equipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("436") _436("Transport equipment profile report"), /** * Document/message requesting price conditions and * delivery conditions under which goods are offered, * provided that they are sold to the end-customer * specified on the request for quote. */ @XmlEnumValue("437") _437("Request for price and delivery quote, specified end-user"), /** * Document/message from a distributor to a supplier * requesting price conditions under which goods can be * sold by the distributor to the end-customer specified on * the request for quote with compensation for loss of * inventory value. */ @XmlEnumValue("438") _438("Request for price quote, ship and debit"), /** * Document/message from a distributor to a supplier * requesting price conditions and delivery conditions * under which goods can be sold by the distributor to the * end-customer specified on the request for quote with * compensation for loss of inventory value. */ @XmlEnumValue("439") _439("Request for price and delivery quote, ship and debit"), /** * A list of delivery point addresses. */ @XmlEnumValue("440") _440("Delivery point list."), /** * Document specifying the routes for transport between * locations. */ @XmlEnumValue("441") _441("Transport routing information"), /** * Document/message requesting delivery conditions under * which goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("442") _442("Request for delivery quote"), /** * Document/message requesting price and delivery * conditions under which goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("443") _443("Request for price and delivery quote"), /** * Document/message requesting contractual price conditions * under which goods are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("444") _444("Request for contract price quote"), /** * Document/message requesting contractual price conditions * and contractual delivery conditions under which goods * are offered. */ @XmlEnumValue("445") _445("Request for contract price and delivery quote"), /** * Document/message requesting price conditions under which * goods are offered, provided that they are sold to the * end-customer specified on the request for quote. */ @XmlEnumValue("446") _446("Request for price quote, specified end-customer"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank is instructed (or * requested) to handle financial and/or commercial * documents in order to obtain acceptance and/or payment, * or to deliver documents on such other terms and * conditions as may be specified. */ @XmlEnumValue("447") _447("Collection order"), /** * Document/message whereby a draft or similar instrument * and/or commercial documents are presented to a bank for * acceptance, discounting, negotiation, payment or * collection, whether or not against a documentary credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("448") _448("Documents presentation form"), /** * Message related to conducting a search for an * identification match. */ @XmlEnumValue("449") _449("Identification match"), /** * Document/message containing information needed to * initiate the payment. It may cover the financial * settlement for one or more commercial trade * transactions. A payment order is an instruction to the * ordered bank to arrange for the payment of one specified * amount to the beneficiary. */ @XmlEnumValue("450") _450("Payment order"), /** * Document/message containing information needed to * initiate the payment. It may cover the financial * settlement for several commercial trade transactions, * which it is possible to specify in a special payments * detail part. It is an instruction to the ordered bank to * arrange for the payment of one specified amount to the * beneficiary. */ @XmlEnumValue("451") _451("Extended payment order"), /** * Document/message containing a payment order to debit one * or more accounts and to credit one or more * beneficiaries. */ @XmlEnumValue("452") _452("Multiple payment order"), /** * goods * Message used to inform a supplier that delivered goods * cannot be paid due to circumstances which prevent * payment. */ @XmlEnumValue("453") _453("Notice that circumstances prevent payment of delivered"), /** * Document/message sent by an account servicing * institution to one of its account owners, to inform the * account owner of an entry which has been or will be * credited to its account for a specified amount on the * date indicated. */ @XmlEnumValue("454") _454("Credit advice"), /** * Document/message sent by an account servicing * institution to one of its account owners, to inform the * account owner of an entry that has been or will be * credited to its account for a specified amount on the * date indicated. It provides extended commercial * information concerning the relevant remittance advice. */ @XmlEnumValue("455") _455("Extended credit advice"), /** * Advice on a debit. */ @XmlEnumValue("456") _456("Debit advice"), /** * Reversal of debit accounting entry by bank. */ @XmlEnumValue("457") _457("Reversal of debit"), /** * Reversal of credit accounting entry by bank. */ @XmlEnumValue("458") _458("Reversal of credit"), /** * The document is a ticket giving access to a travel * service. */ @XmlEnumValue("459") _459("Travel ticket"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank is requested to issue a * documentary credit on the conditions specified therein. */ @XmlEnumValue("460") _460("Documentary credit application"), /** * The document is a credit, guarantee or charge card. */ @XmlEnumValue("461") _461("Payment card"), /** * Document to advise that the goods ordered are ready for * transshipment. */ @XmlEnumValue("462") _462("Ready for transshipment despatch advice"), /** * Document by means of which the supplier or consignor * informs the buyer, consignee or distribution centre * about the despatch of products packed according to the * final delivery point requirements which will be moved * across a dock in a distribution centre without further * handling. */ @XmlEnumValue("463") _463("Pre-packed cross docking despatch advice"), /** * Document by means of which the supplier or consignor * informs the buyer, consignee or the distribution centre * about the despatch of products which will be moved * across a dock, de-consolidated and re-consolidated * according to final delivery location requirements. */ @XmlEnumValue("464") _464("Intermediate handling cross docking despatch advice"), /** * Document/message in which a bank states that it has * issued a documentary credit under which the beneficiary * is to obtain payment, acceptance or negotiation on * compliance with certain terms and conditions and against * presentation of stipulated documents and such drafts as * may be specified. The credit may or may not be confirmed * by another bank. */ @XmlEnumValue("465") _465("Documentary credit"), /** * Document/message issued by an advising bank in order to * transmit a documentary credit to a beneficiary, or to * another advising bank. */ @XmlEnumValue("466") _466("Documentary credit notification"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank advises that (part of) a * documentary credit is being or has been transferred in * favour of a second beneficiary. */ @XmlEnumValue("467") _467("Documentary credit transfer advice"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank advises that the terms * and conditions of a documentary credit have been * amended. */ @XmlEnumValue("468") _468("Documentary credit amendment notification"), /** * Document/message whereby a bank notifies a beneficiary * of the details of an amendment to the terms and * conditions of a documentary credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("469") _469("Documentary credit amendment"), /** * Document/message sent by a shipping agent to an * authority for reporting information on waste disposal. */ @XmlEnumValue("470") _470("Waste disposal report"), /** * Document/message advising of the remittance of payment. */ @XmlEnumValue("481") _481("Remittance advice"), /** * Document/message sent by a port authority to another * port authority for reporting information on waste * disposal. */ @XmlEnumValue("482") _482("Port authority waste disposal report"), /** * An endorsement on a passport or any other recognised * travel document indicating that it has been examined and * found correct, especially as permitting the holder to * enter or leave a country. */ @XmlEnumValue("483") _483("Visa"), /** * Document/message containing a direct debit request to * credit one or more accounts and to debit one or more * debtors. */ @XmlEnumValue("484") _484("Multiple direct debit request"), /** * Draft drawn in favour of a third party either by one * bank on another bank, or by a branch of a bank on its * head office (or vice versa) or upon another branch of * the same bank. In either case, the draft should comply * with the specifications laid down for cheques in the * country in which it is to be payable. */ @XmlEnumValue("485") _485("Banker's draft"), /** * Document/message containing a direct debit to credit one * or more accounts and to debit one or more debtors. */ @XmlEnumValue("486") _486("Multiple direct debit"), /** * Document or message issuing permission to disembark. */ @XmlEnumValue("487") _487("Certificate of disembarkation permission"), /** * Document certifying that the object was free of rats * when inspected and that it is exempt from a deratting * statement. */ @XmlEnumValue("488") _488("Deratting exemption certificate"), /** * Order to connect a reefer container to a reefer point. */ @XmlEnumValue("489") _489("Reefer connection order"), /** * Document/message, issued and signed in conformity with * the applicable legislation, which contains an * unconditional order whereby the drawer directs the * drawee to pay a definite sum of money to the payee or to * his order, on demand or at a definite time, against the * surrender of the document itself. */ @XmlEnumValue("490") _490("Bill of exchange"), /** * Document/message, issued and signed in conformity with * the applicable legislation, which contains an * unconditional promise whereby the maker undertakes to * pay a definite sum of money to the payee or to his * order, on demand or at a definite time, against the * surrender of the document itself. */ @XmlEnumValue("491") _491("Promissory note"), /** * Usage of STATAC-message. */ @XmlEnumValue("493") _493("Statement of account message"), /** * Document/message ordering the direct delivery of * goods/consignment from one means of transport into * another means of transport in one movement. */ @XmlEnumValue("494") _494("Direct delivery (transport)"), /** * Second part of a simplified declaration, in accordance * with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which * goods are declared for Customs export procedure based on * the 1999 Kyoto Convention. */ @XmlEnumValue("495") _495("WCO second step of two-step export declaration"), /** * Single step declaration, in accordance with the WCO * Customs Data Model, to Customs by which goods are * declared for Customs import procedure based on the 1999 * Kyoto Convention. */ @XmlEnumValue("496") _496("WCO one-step import declaration"), /** * First part of a simplified declaration, in accordance * with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which * goods are declared for Customs import procedure based on * the 1999 Kyoto Convention. */ @XmlEnumValue("497") _497("WCO first step of two-step import declaration"), /** * Second part of a simplified declaration, in accordance * with the WCO Customs Data Model, to Customs by which * goods are declared for Customs import procedure based on * the 1999 Kyoto Convention. */ @XmlEnumValue("498") _498("WCO second step of two-step import declaration"), /** * Identification of the previous transport document. */ @XmlEnumValue("499") _499("Previous transport document"), /** * Document/message issued to the insured certifying that * insurance has been effected and that a policy has been * issued. Such a certificate for a particular cargo is * primarily used when good are insured under the terms of * a floating or an open policy; at the request of the * insured it can be exchanged for a policy. */ @XmlEnumValue("520") _520("Insurance certificate"), /** * cargo * A permit related to a transport document granting the * transport of cargo under the conditions as specifically * required. */ @XmlEnumValue("521") _521("Special requirements permit related to the transport of"), /** * Dangerous Goods Notification for a vessel carrying * liquid cargo in bulk. */ @XmlEnumValue("522") _522("Dangerous Goods Notification for Tanker vessel"), /** * Dangerous Goods Notification for a vessel carrying cargo * other than bulk liquid cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("523") _523("Dangerous Goods Notification for non-tanker vessel"), /** * Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data * Model, to Customs regarding the conveyance arriving in a * Customs territory. */ @XmlEnumValue("524") _524("WCO Conveyance Arrival Report"), /** * Declaration, in accordance with the WCO Customs Data * Model, to Customs regarding the conveyance departing a * Customs territory. */ @XmlEnumValue("525") _525("WCO Conveyance Departure Report"), /** * A document/message justifying an accounting entry. */ @XmlEnumValue("526") _526("Accounting voucher"), /** * A document which indicates that the customer is claiming * debit in a self billing environment. */ @XmlEnumValue("527") _527("Self billed debit note"), /** * The official document used for military personnel on * travel orders, substituting a passport. */ @XmlEnumValue("528") _528("Military Identification Card"), /** * A permit to re-enter a country. */ @XmlEnumValue("529") _529("Re-Entry Permit"), /** * Document/message issued by the insurer evidencing an * agreement to insure and containing the conditions of the * agreement concluded whereby the insurer undertakes for a * specific fee to indemnify the insured for the losses * arising out of the perils and accidents specified in the * contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("530") _530("Insurance policy"), /** * Document identifying a refugee recognized by a country. */ @XmlEnumValue("531") _531("Refugee Permit"), /** * Document/message for providing credit information to the * relevant party. */ @XmlEnumValue("532") _532("Forwarder’s credit note"), /** * To indicate that the document/message justifying an * accounting entry is original. */ @XmlEnumValue("533") _533("Original accounting voucher"), /** * To indicate that the document/message justifying an * accounting entry is a copy. */ @XmlEnumValue("534") _534("Copy accounting voucher"), /** * To indicate that the document/message justifying an * accounting entry is pro-forma. */ @XmlEnumValue("535") _535("Pro-forma accounting voucher"), /** * A certificate on ship security issued based on the * International code for the Security of Ships and of Port * facilities (ISPS code). */ @XmlEnumValue("536") _536("International Ship Security Certificate"), /** * An interim certificate on ship security issued basis * under the International code for the Security of Ships * and of Port facilities (ISPS code). */ @XmlEnumValue("537") _537("Interim International Ship Security Certificate"), /** * Certificate that guarantees quality manufacturing and * processing of food products, medications, cosmetics, * etc. */ @XmlEnumValue("538") _538("Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certificate"), /** * An agreement between one or more contracting authorities * and one or more economic operators, the purpose of which * is to establish the terms governing contracts to be * awarded during a given period, in particular with regard * to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged. */ @XmlEnumValue("539") _539("Framework Agreement"), /** * A document/message used when an insured reports to his * insurer details of individual shipments which are * covered by an insurance contract - an open cover or a * floating policy - between the parties. */ @XmlEnumValue("550") _550("Insurance declaration sheet (bordereau)"), /** * Offering of capacity for the transport of goods for a * date and a route. */ @XmlEnumValue("551") _551("Transport capacity offer"), /** * Ship Security Plan (SSP) is a document prepared in terms * of the ISPS Code to contribute to the prevention of * illegal acts against the ship and its crew. */ @XmlEnumValue("552") _552("Ship Security Plan"), /** * Document/message reporting invoice discrepancies * indentified by the forwarder. */ @XmlEnumValue("553") _553("Forwarder’s invoice discrepancy report"), /** * Offering of capacity to store goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("554") _554("Storage capacity offer"), /** * Document/message issued by an insurer specifying the * cost of an insurance which has been effected and * claiming payment therefore. */ @XmlEnumValue("575") _575("Insurer's invoice"), /** * Request for capacity to store goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("576") _576("Storage capacity request"), /** * Request for capacity for the transport of goods for a * date and a route. */ @XmlEnumValue("577") _577("Transport capacity request"), /** * Customs declaration for goods under the external * Community/common transit procedure. This applies to * "non-Community goods" ("T1" under EU legislation and EC- * EFTA "Transit Convention"). */ @XmlEnumValue("578") _578("EU Customs declaration for External Community Transit (T1)"), /** * Customs declaration for goods under the internal * Community/common transit procedure. This applies to * "Community goods" ("T2" under EU legislation and EC-EFTA * "Transit Convention"). */ @XmlEnumValue("579") _579("EU Customs declaration for internal Community Transit (T2)"), /** * Document/message issued by an insurer (insurance broker, * agent, etc.) to notify the insured that his insurance * have been carried out. */ @XmlEnumValue("580") _580("Cover note"), /** * Community Transit (T2F) * Declaration for goods under the internal Community * transit procedure in the context of trade between the * "VAT" territory of EU Member States and EU territories * where the VAT rules do not apply, such as Canary * islands, some French overseas territories, the Channel * islands and the Aaland islands, and between those * territories. ("T2F" under EU Legislation). */ @XmlEnumValue("581") _581("EU Customs declaration for non-fiscal area internal"), /** * (T2SM) * Customs declaration for goods under the internal * Community transit procedure between the Community and * San Marino. ("T2SM" under EU Legislation). */ @XmlEnumValue("582") _582("EU Customs declaration for internal transit to San Marino"), /** * Customs declaration for goods under the Community/common * transit procedure for mixed consignments (i.e. * consignments that comprise goods of different statuses, * like "T1" and "T2") ("T" under EU Legislation). */ @XmlEnumValue("583") _583("EU Customs declaration for mixed consignments (T)"), /** * (T2L) * Form establishing the Community status of goods ("T2L" * under EU Legislation). */ @XmlEnumValue("584") _584("EU Document for establishing the Community status of goods"), /** * for certain fiscal purposes (T2LF) * Form establishing the Community status of goods in the * context of trade between the "VAT" territory of EU * Member States and EU territories where the VAT rules do * not apply, such as Canary islands, some French overseas * territories, the Channel islands and the Aaland islands, * and between those territories ("T2LF" under EU * Legislation). */ @XmlEnumValue("585") _585("EU Document for establishing the Community status of goods"), /** * San Marino (T2LSM) * Form establishing the Community status of goods ("T2L" * under European Legislation) in the context of trade * between the EU and San Marino. ("T2LSM" under EU * Legislation). */ @XmlEnumValue("586") _586("Document for establishing the Customs Status of goods for"), /** * A Customs declaration in which goods move under cover of * TIR Carnets. */ @XmlEnumValue("587") _587("Customs declaration for TIR Carnet goods"), /** * A document reporting the security status and related * information of a means of transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("588") _588("Transport Means Security Report"), /** * A certificate verifying that meat has been produced from * slaughter in accordance with Islamic laws and practices. */ @XmlEnumValue("589") _589("Halal Slaughtering Certificate"), /** * Document/message issued to a freight forwarder, giving * instructions regarding the action to be taken by the * forwarder for the forwarding of goods described therein. */ @XmlEnumValue("610") _610("Forwarding instructions"), /** * Document/message issued by a freight forwarder in an * exporting country advising his counterpart in an * importing country about the forwarding of goods * described therein. */ @XmlEnumValue("621") _621("Forwarder's advice to import agent"), /** * Document/message issued by a freight forwarder informing * an exporter of the action taken in fulfillment of * instructions received. */ @XmlEnumValue("622") _622("Forwarder's advice to exporter"), /** * Invoice issued by a freight forwarder specifying * services rendered and costs incurred and claiming * payment therefore. */ @XmlEnumValue("623") _623("Forwarder's invoice"), /** * Non-negotiable document issued by a forwarder to certify * that he has assumed control of a specified consignment, * with irrevocable instructions to send it to the * consignee indicated in the document or to hold it at his * disposal. E.g. FIATA-FCR. */ @XmlEnumValue("624") _624("Forwarder's certificate of receipt"), /** * A certificate verifying the heat treatment of the * product is in conformance with international standards * to ensure the product’s healthiness and/or shows the * mode of heat treatment indicating the temperature and * the amount of time the product or raw material used in * the product was treated (such as milk). */ @XmlEnumValue("625") _625("Heat Treatment Certificate"), /** * Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Certificate * A certificate used in the trade of endangered species in * accordance with the CITES convention. */ @XmlEnumValue("626") _626("Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of"), /** * A certificate confirming that a specified product is * free for sale in the country of origin. */ @XmlEnumValue("627") _627("Free Sale Certificate in the Country of Origin"), /** * Document/message issued by the competent body in * accordance with transit regulations in force, by which * authorization is granted to a party to move articles * under customs procedure. */ @XmlEnumValue("628") _628("Transit license"), /** * A certification that livestock or animal products, that * are either imported or entering free zones, are kept * under health supervision for a time period determined by * veterinary quarantine instructions. */ @XmlEnumValue("629") _629("Veterinary quarantine certificate"), /** * (1123) Document/message provided by the shipper or his * agent to the carrier, multimodal transport operator, * terminal or other receiving authority, giving * information about export consignments offered for * transport, and providing for the necessary receipts and * declarations of liability. Sometimes a multipurpose * cargo handling document also fulfilling the functions of * document 632, 633, 650 and 655. */ @XmlEnumValue("630") _630("Shipping note"), /** * Document/message issued by a forwarder acting as * Warehouse Keeper acknowledging receipt of goods placed * in a warehouse, and stating or referring to the * conditions which govern the warehousing and the release * of goods. The document contains detailed provisions * regarding the rights of holders-by-endorsement, transfer * of ownership, etc. E.g. FIATA-FWR. */ @XmlEnumValue("631") _631("Forwarder's warehouse receipt"), /** * Document/message to acknowledge the receipt of goods and * in addition may indicate receiving conditions. */ @XmlEnumValue("632") _632("Goods receipt"), /** * Documents/messages specifying services rendered, storage * and handling costs, demurrage and other charges due to * the owner of goods described therein. */ @XmlEnumValue("633") _633("Port charges documents"), /** * A document legalized from a competent authority that * shows the components of the product (food additive, * detergent, disinfectant and sanitizer). */ @XmlEnumValue("634") _634("Certified list of ingredients"), /** * Negotiable receipt document, issued by a Warehouse * Keeper to a person placing goods in a warehouse and * conferring title to the goods stored. */ @XmlEnumValue("635") _635("Warehouse warrant"), /** * A document legalized from a competent authority that * shows that the product has been tested microbiologically * and is free from any pathogens and fit for human * consumption and/or declares that the product is in * compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary measures. */ @XmlEnumValue("636") _636("Health certificate"), /** * A document that shows that the product (food additive, * detergent, disinfectant and sanitizer) is suitable to be * used in the food industry. */ @XmlEnumValue("637") _637("Food grade certificate"), /** * legumes * Certificate of inspection for the vessel stating its * readiness and suitability for transporting grains and * legumes. */ @XmlEnumValue("638") _638("Certificate of suitability for transport of grains and"), /** * Inspection document shows that the container, the * cooling devices and measured temperature is in good * working condition. */ @XmlEnumValue("639") _639("Certificate of refrigerated transport equipment inspection"), /** * Document/message issued by a party entitled to authorize * the release of goods specified therein to a named * consignee, to be retained by the custodian of the goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("640") _640("Delivery order"), /** * A report of temperature readings over a period. */ @XmlEnumValue("641") _641("Thermographic reading report"), /** * A certificate to verify readiness of a transport or * transport area such as a reservoir or hold to transport * food items. */ @XmlEnumValue("642") _642("Certificate of food item transport readiness"), /** * A document legalized from a competent authority that * shows that the food packaging product is safe to come * into contact with food. */ @XmlEnumValue("643") _643("Food packaging contact certificate"), /** * A document that shows the main structure that composes * the packaging material. */ @XmlEnumValue("644") _644("Packaging material composition report"), /** * A certification executed by the competent authority from * country of exportation stating the export price of the * goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("645") _645("Export price certificate"), /** * A certification executed by the competent authority from * country of production stating the price of the goods to * the general public. */ @XmlEnumValue("646") _646("Public price certificate"), /** * A document containing results from the study which * determines the shelf life, namely the time period of * storage at a specified condition within which a drug * substance or drug product still meets its established * specifications; its identity, strength, quality and * purity. */ @XmlEnumValue("647") _647("Drug shelf life study report"), /** * Organization for Animal Health (OIE) * A certification that the products have been treated in a * way consistent with the standards set by the World * Organization for Animal Health (OIE). */ @XmlEnumValue("648") _648("Certificate of compliance with standards of the World"), /** * A license granted by a competent authority to a * production facility for manufacturing specific products. */ @XmlEnumValue("649") _649("Production facility license"), /** * Document/message issued by a cargo handling organization * (port administration, terminal operator, etc.) for the * removal or other handling of goods under their care. */ @XmlEnumValue("650") _650("Handling order"), /** * A license granted by a competent authority to a * manufacturer for production of specific products. */ @XmlEnumValue("651") _651("Manufacturing license"), /** * An official letter issued by an import authority granted * to the importer of goods from a low risk country which * allows the importer to place its products in the local * market with certain favorable considerations. */ @XmlEnumValue("652") _652("Low risk country formal letter"), /** * Correspondence previously exchanged. */ @XmlEnumValue("653") _653("Previous correspondence"), /** * A declaration to be presented to the competent authority * when radioactive material moves cross-border. */ @XmlEnumValue("654") _654("Declaration for radioactive material"), /** * Document/message authorizing goods specified therein to * be brought out of a fenced-in port or terminal area. */ @XmlEnumValue("655") _655("Gate pass"), /** * Document/message providing information on a resale. */ @XmlEnumValue("656") _656("Resale information"), /** * A message/document consistent with the model for re- * export phytosanitary certificates of the IPPC, attesting * that a consignment meets phytosanitary import * requirements. */ @XmlEnumValue("657") _657("Phytosanitary Re-export Certificate"), /** * A full bayplan containing all occupied and/or blocked * stowage locations. */ @XmlEnumValue("658") _658("Bayplan/stowage plan, full"), /** * A partial bayplan. containing only a selected part of * the available stowage locations. */ @XmlEnumValue("659") _659("Bayplan/stowage plan, partial"), /** * Non-negotiable document evidencing the contract for the * transport of cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("700") _700("Waybill"), /** * Document/message evidencing a contract of carriage * covering the movement of goods by any mode of transport, * or combination of modes, for national as well as * international transport, under any applicable * international convention or national law and under the * conditions of carriage of any carrier or transport * operator undertaking or arranging the transport referred * to in the document. */ @XmlEnumValue("701") _701("Universal (multipurpose) transport document"), /** * Document/message issued by a carrier or a carrier's * agent, acknowledging receipt for carriage of goods * specified therein on conditions stated or referred to in * the document, enabling the carrier to issue a transport * document. */ @XmlEnumValue("702") _702("Goods receipt, carriage"), /** * The document made out by an agent/consolidator which * evidences the contract between the shipper and the * agent/consolidator for the arrangement of carriage of * goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("703") _703("House waybill"), /** * A bill of lading issued by the master of a vessel (in * actuality the owner or charterer of the vessel). It * could cover a number of house bills. */ @XmlEnumValue("704") _704("Master bill of lading"), /** * Negotiable document/message which evidences a contract * of carriage by sea and the taking over or loading of * goods by carrier, and by which carrier undertakes to * deliver goods against surrender of the document. A * provision in the document that goods are to be delivered * to the order of a named person, or to order, or to * bearer, constitutes such an undertaking. */ @XmlEnumValue("705") _705("Bill of lading"), /** * The original of the bill of lading issued by a transport * company. When issued by the maritime industry it could * signify ownership of the cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("706") _706("Bill of lading original"), /** * A copy of the bill of lading issued by a transport * company. */ @XmlEnumValue("707") _707("Bill of lading copy"), /** * Bill of lading indicating an empty container. */ @XmlEnumValue("708") _708("Empty container bill"), /** * Document which evidences a transport of liquid bulk * cargo. */ @XmlEnumValue("709") _709("Tanker bill of lading"), /** * Non-negotiable document which evidences a contract for * the carriage of goods by sea and the taking over of the * goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier * undertakes to deliver the goods to the consignee named * in the document. */ @XmlEnumValue("710") _710("Sea waybill"), /** * Negotiable transport document made out to a named * person, to order or to bearer, signed by the carrier and * handed to the sender after receipt of the goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("711") _711("Inland waterway bill of lading"), /** * Non-negotiable document which evidences a contract for * the carriage of goods by sea and the taking over or * loading of the goods by the carrier, and by which the * carrier undertakes to deliver the goods to the consignee * named in the document. E.g. Sea waybill. Remark: * Synonymous with "straight" or "non-negotiable Bill of * lading" used in certain countries, e.g. Canada. */ @XmlEnumValue("712") _712("Non-negotiable maritime transport document (generic)"), /** * Document/message issued by a ship's officer to * acknowledge that a specified consignment has been * received on board a vessel, and the apparent condition * of the goods; enabling the carrier to issue a Bill of * lading. */ @XmlEnumValue("713") _713("Mate's receipt"), /** * The bill of lading issued not by the carrier but by the * freight forwarder/consolidator known by the carrier. */ @XmlEnumValue("714") _714("House bill of lading"), /** * Document/message issued by a commercial party or a bank * of an insurance company accepting responsibility to the * beneficiary of the indemnity in accordance with the * terms thereof. */ @XmlEnumValue("715") _715("Letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading"), /** * Non-negotiable document issued by a freight forwarder * evidencing a contract for the carriage of goods by sea * and the taking over or loading of the goods by the * freight forwarder, and by which the freight forwarder * undertakes to deliver the goods to the consignee named * in the document. */ @XmlEnumValue("716") _716("Forwarder's bill of lading"), /** * Transport document constituting a contract for the * carriage of goods between the sender and the carrier * (the railway). For international rail traffic, this * document must conform to the model prescribed by the * international conventions concerning carriage of goods * by rail, e.g. CIM Convention, SMGS Convention. */ @XmlEnumValue("720") _720("Rail consignment note (generic term)"), /** * Accounting document, one copy of which is drawn up for * each consignment note; it accompanies the consignment * over the whole route and is a rail transport document. */ @XmlEnumValue("722") _722("Road list-SMGS"), /** * Document/message which gives right to the owner to exert * all functions normally transferred to a guard in a train * by which an escorted consignment is transported. */ @XmlEnumValue("723") _723("Escort official recognition"), /** * Fictitious transport document regarding a previous * transport, enabling a carrier's agent to give to another * carrier's agent (in a different country) the possibility * to collect charges relating to the original transport * (rail environment). */ @XmlEnumValue("724") _724("Recharging document"), /** * Transport document/message which evidences a contract * between a carrier and a sender for the carriage of goods * by road (generic term). Remark: For international road * traffic, this document must contain at least the * particulars prescribed by the convention on the contract * for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR). */ @XmlEnumValue("730") _730("Road consignment note"), /** * Document/message made out by or on behalf of the shipper * which evidences the contract between the shipper and * carrier(s) for carriage of goods over routes of the * carrier(s) and which is identified by the airline prefix * issuing the document plus a serial (IATA). */ @XmlEnumValue("740") _740("Air waybill"), /** * Document/message made out by or on behalf of the * agent/consolidator which evidences the contract between * the agent/consolidator and carrier(s) for carriage of * goods over routes of the carrier(s) for a consignment * consisting of goods originated by more than one shipper * (IATA). */ @XmlEnumValue("741") _741("Master air waybill"), /** * A temporary air waybill which contains only limited * information because of the absence of the original. */ @XmlEnumValue("743") _743("Substitute air waybill"), /** * Declaration to Customs regarding the personal effects of * crew members aboard the conveyance; equivalent to IMO * FAL 4. */ @XmlEnumValue("744") _744("Crew's effects declaration"), /** * Declaration to Customs regarding passengers aboard the * conveyance; equivalent to IMO FAL 6. */ @XmlEnumValue("745") _745("Passenger list"), /** * Document/message created by the consignor or by the * departure station, joined to the transport or sent to * the consignee, giving the possibility to the consignee * or the arrival station to attest the delivery of the * goods. The document must be returned to the consignor or * to the departure station. */ @XmlEnumValue("746") _746("Delivery notice (rail transport)"), /** * Document/message which, according to Article 106 of the * "Agreement concerning Postal Parcels" under the UPU * convention, is to accompany post parcels. */ @XmlEnumValue("750") _750("Despatch note (post parcels)"), /** * A transport document used when more than one mode of * transportation is involved in the movement of cargo. It * is a contract of carriage and receipt of the cargo for a * multimodal transport. It indicates the place where the * responsible transport company in the move takes * responsibility for the cargo, the place where the * responsibility of this transport company in the move * ends and the conveyances involved. */ @XmlEnumValue("760") _760("Multimodal/combined transport document (generic)"), /** * Bill of lading which evidences a contract of carriage * from one place to another in separate stages of which at * least one stage is a sea transit, and by which the * issuing carrier accepts responsibility for the carriage * as set forth in the through bill of lading. */ @XmlEnumValue("761") _761("Through bill of lading"), /** * Negotiable document/message issued by a forwarder to * certify that he has taken charge of a specified * consignment for despatch and delivery in accordance with * the consignor's instructions, as indicated in the * document, and that he accepts responsibility for * delivery of the goods to the holder of the document * through the intermediary of a delivery agent of his * choice. E.g. FIATA-FCT. */ @XmlEnumValue("763") _763("Forwarder's certificate of transport"), /** * Negotiable or non-negotiable document evidencing a * contract for the performance and/or procurement of * performance of combined transport of goods and bearing * on its face either the heading "Negotiable combined * transport document issued subject to Uniform Rules for a * Combined Transport Document (ICC Brochure No. 298)" or * the heading "Non-negotiable Combined Transport Document * issued subject to Uniform Rules for a Combined Transport * Document (ICC Brochure No. 298)". */ @XmlEnumValue("764") _764("Combined transport document (generic)"), /** * Document/message which evidences a multimodal transport * contract, the taking in charge of the goods by the * multimodal transport operator, and an undertaking by him * to deliver the goods in accordance with the terms of the * contract. (International Convention on Multimodal * Transport of Goods). */ @XmlEnumValue("765") _765("Multimodal transport document (generic)"), /** * Document which evidences a multimodal transport * contract, the taking in charge of the goods by the * multimodal transport operator, and an undertaking by him * to deliver the goods in accordance with the terms of the * contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("766") _766("Combined transport bill of lading/multimodal bill of lading"), /** * Document/message issued by a carrier to confirm that * space has been reserved for a consignment in means of * transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("770") _770("Booking confirmation"), /** * Instructions for release or delivery of goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("775") _775("Calling forward notice"), /** * Document/message issued by a transport operation * specifying freight costs and charges incurred for a * transport operation and stating conditions of payment. */ @XmlEnumValue("780") _780("Freight invoice"), /** * Notification from the carrier to the consignee in * writing, by telephone or by any other means (express * letter, message, telegram, etc.) informing him that a * consignment addressed to him is being or will shortly be * held at his disposal at a specified point in the place * of destination. */ @XmlEnumValue("781") _781("Arrival notice (goods)"), /** * Request made by the carrier to the sender, or, as the * case may be, the consignee, for instructions as to the * disposal of the consignment when circumstances prevent * delivery and the return of the goods has not been * requested by the consignor in the transport document. */ @XmlEnumValue("782") _782("Notice of circumstances preventing delivery (goods)"), /** * Request made by the carrier to the sender, or, the * consignee as the case may be, for instructions as to the * disposal of the goods when circumstances prevent * transport before departure or en route, after acceptance * of the consignment concerned. */ @XmlEnumValue("783") _783("Notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)"), /** * Notification in writing, sent by the carrier to the * sender, to inform him at his request of the actual date * of delivery of the goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("784") _784("Delivery notice (goods)"), /** * Listing of goods comprising the cargo carried in a means * of transport or in a transport-unit. The cargo manifest * gives the commercial particulars of the goods, such as * transport document numbers, consignors, consignees, * shipping marks, number and kind of packages and * descriptions and quantities of the goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("785") _785("Cargo manifest"), /** * Document/message containing the same information as a * cargo manifest, and additional details on freight * amounts, charges, etc. */ @XmlEnumValue("786") _786("Freight manifest"), /** * Document/message used in road transport, listing the * cargo carried on a road vehicle, often referring to * appended copies of Road consignment note. */ @XmlEnumValue("787") _787("Bordereau"), /** * Document/message specifying the contents of particular * freight containers or other transport units, prepared by * the party responsible for their loading into the * container or unit. */ @XmlEnumValue("788") _788("Container manifest (unit packing list)"), /** * Document used by the rail organization to indicate * freight charges or additional charges in each case where * the departure station is not able to calculate the * charges for the total voyage (e.g. tariff not yet * updated, part of voyage not covered by the tariff). This * document must be considered as joined to the transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("789") _789("Charges note"), /** * (1030) Document that is joined to the transport or sent * by separate means, giving to the departure rail * organization the proof that the cash-on delivery amount * has been encashed by the arrival rail organization * before reimbursement of the consignor. */ @XmlEnumValue("790") _790("Advice of collection"), /** * Document certifying a ship's safety to a specified date. */ @XmlEnumValue("791") _791("Safety of ship certificate"), /** * Document certifying the safety of a ship's radio * facilities to a specified date. */ @XmlEnumValue("792") _792("Safety of radio certificate"), /** * Document certifying the safety of a ship's equipment to * a specified date. */ @XmlEnumValue("793") _793("Safety of equipment certificate"), /** * Document declaring a ship owner's liability for oil * propelling or carried on a vessel. */ @XmlEnumValue("794") _794("Civil liability for oil certificate"), /** * Document specifying the limit of a ship's legal * submersion under various conditions. */ @XmlEnumValue("795") _795("Loadline document"), /** * Document certifying that a ship is free of rats, valid * to a specified date. */ @XmlEnumValue("796") _796("Derat document"), /** * Document certifying the health condition on board a * vessel, valid to a specified date. */ @XmlEnumValue("797") _797("Maritime declaration of health"), /** * Official certificate stating the vessel's registry. */ @XmlEnumValue("798") _798("Certificate of registry"), /** * Declaration to Customs regarding the contents of the * ship's stores (equivalent to IMO FAL 3) i.e. goods * intended for consumption by passengers/crew on board * vessels, aircraft or trains, whether or not sold or * landed; goods necessary for operation/maintenance of * conveyance, including fuel/lubricants, excluding spare * parts/equipment (IMO). */ @XmlEnumValue("799") _799("Ship's stores declaration"), /** * Application for a permit issued by a government * authority permitting exportation of a specified * commodity subject to specified conditions as quantity, * country of destination, etc. */ @XmlEnumValue("810") _810("Export licence, application for"), /** * Permit issued by a government authority permitting * exportation of a specified commodity subject to * specified conditions as quantity, country of * destination, etc. Synonym: Embargo permit. */ @XmlEnumValue("811") _811("Export licence"), /** * Document/message completed by an exporter/seller as a * means whereby the competent body may control that the * amount of foreign exchange accrued from a trade * transaction is repatriated in accordance with the * conditions of payment and exchange control regulations * in force. */ @XmlEnumValue("812") _812("Exchange control declaration, export"), /** * European community transit declaration. */ @XmlEnumValue("820") _820("Despatch note model T"), /** * Transit declaration for goods circulating under internal * community transit procedures (between European Union * (EU) countries). */ @XmlEnumValue("821") _821("Despatch note model T1"), /** * Ascertainment that the declared goods were originally * produced in an European Union (EU) country. */ @XmlEnumValue("822") _822("Despatch note model T2"), /** * Control document (export declaration) used particularly * in case of re-sending without use with only VAT * collection, refusal, unconformity with contract etc. */ @XmlEnumValue("823") _823("Control document T5"), /** * Rail consignment note prepared by the consignor for the * facilitation of an eventual return to the origin of the * goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("824") _824("Re-sending consignment note"), /** * Ascertainment that the declared goods were originally * produced in an European Union (EU) country. May only be * used for goods that are loaded on one single means of * transport in one single departure point for one single * delivery point. */ @XmlEnumValue("825") _825("Despatch note model T2L"), /** * Document/message by which goods are declared for export * Customs clearance, conforming to the layout key set out * at Appendix I to Annex C.1 concerning outright * exportation to the Kyoto convention (CCC). Within a * Customs union, "for despatch" may have the same meaning * as "for exportation". */ @XmlEnumValue("830") _830("Goods declaration for exportation"), /** * Generic term, sometimes referred to as Freight * declaration, applied to the documents providing the * particulars required by the Customs concerning the cargo * (freight) carried by commercial means of transport * (CCC). */ @XmlEnumValue("833") _833("Cargo declaration (departure)"), /** * Document/message submitted to a competent body by party * requesting a Goods control certificate to be issued in * accordance with national or international standards, or * conforming to legislation in the importing country, or * as specified in the contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("840") _840("Application for goods control certificate"), /** * Document/message issued by a competent body evidencing * the quality of the goods described therein, in * accordance with national or international standards, or * conforming to legislation in the importing country, or * as specified in the contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("841") _841("Goods control certificate"), /** * Document/message submitted to a competent body by party * requesting a Phytosanitary certificate to be issued. */ @XmlEnumValue("850") _850("Application for phytosanitary certificate"), /** * A message/doucment consistent with the model for * certificates of the IPPC, attesting that a consignment * meets phytosanitary import requirements. */ @XmlEnumValue("851") _851("Phytosanitary certificate"), /** * Document/message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that alimentary and * animal products, including dead animals, are fit for * human consumption, and giving details, when relevant, of * controls undertaken. */ @XmlEnumValue("852") _852("Sanitary certificate"), /** * Document/message issued by the competent authority in * the exporting country evidencing that live animals or * birds are not infested or infected with disease, and * giving details regarding their provenance, and of * vaccinations and other treatment to which they have been * subjected. */ @XmlEnumValue("853") _853("Veterinary certificate"), /** * Document/message submitted to a competent body by a * party requesting an Inspection certificate to be issued * in accordance with national or international standards, * or conforming to legislation in the country in which it * is required, or as specified in the contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("855") _855("Application for inspection certificate"), /** * Document/message issued by a competent body evidencing * that the goods described therein have been inspected in * accordance with national or international standards, in * conformity with legislation in the country in which the * inspection is required, or as specified in the contract. */ @XmlEnumValue("856") _856("Inspection certificate"), /** * Document/message submitted to a competent body by an * interested party requesting a Certificate of origin to * be issued in accordance with relevant criteria, and on * the basis of evidence of the origin of the goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("860") _860("Certificate of origin, application for"), /** * Document/message identifying goods, in which the * authority or body authorized to issue it certifies * expressly that the goods to which the certificate * relates originate in a specific country. The word * "country" may include a group of countries, a region or * a part of a country. This certificate may also include a * declaration by the manufacturer, producer, supplier, * exporter or other competent person. */ @XmlEnumValue("861") _861("Certificate of origin"), /** * Appropriate statement as to the origin of the goods, * made in connection with their exportation by the * manufacturer, producer, supplier, exporter or other * competent person on the Commercial invoice or any other * document relating to the goods (CCC). */ @XmlEnumValue("862") _862("Declaration of origin"), /** * Certificate drawn up in accordance with the rules laid * down by an authority or approved body, certifying that * the goods described therein qualify for a designation * specific to the given region (e.g. champagne, port wine, * Parmesan cheese). */ @XmlEnumValue("863") _863("Regional appellation certificate"), /** * Document/message describing a certificate of origin * meeting the requirements for preferential treatment. */ @XmlEnumValue("864") _864("Preference certificate of origin"), /** * Specific form of certificate of origin for goods * qualifying for preferential treatment under the * generalized system of preferences (includes a combined * declaration of origin and certificate, form A). */ @XmlEnumValue("865") _865("Certificate of origin form GSP"), /** * Document/message to be prepared by an exporter in his * country and presented to a diplomatic representation of * the importing country for endorsement and subsequently * to be presented by the importer in connection with the * import of the goods described therein. */ @XmlEnumValue("870") _870("Consular invoice"), /** * (1115) Document/message issued by a consignor in * accordance with applicable conventions or regulations, * describing hazardous goods or materials for transport * purposes, and stating that the latter have been packed * and labelled in accordance with the provisions of the * relevant conventions or regulations. */ @XmlEnumValue("890") _890("Dangerous goods declaration"), /** * Document/message in which an exporter provides * information about exported goods required by the body * responsible for the collection of international trade * statistics. */ @XmlEnumValue("895") _895("Statistical document, export"), /** * Document/message in which a declarant provides * information about goods required by the body responsible * for the collection of trade statistics. */ @XmlEnumValue("896") _896("INTRASTAT declaration"), /** * Document/message whereby an official authority (Customs * or governmental) certifies that goods have been * delivered. */ @XmlEnumValue("901") _901("Delivery verification certificate"), /** * Document/message in which an interested party applies to * the competent body for authorization to import either a * limited quantity of articles subject to import * restrictions, or an unlimited quantity of such articles * during a limited period, and specifies the kind of * articles, their origin and value, etc. */ @XmlEnumValue("910") _910("Import licence, application for"), /** * Document/message issued by the competent body in * accordance with import regulations in force, by which * authorization is granted to a named party to import * either a limited quantity of designated articles or an * unlimited quantity of such articles during a limited * period, under conditions specified in the document. */ @XmlEnumValue("911") _911("Import licence"), /** * CUSDEC transmission that does not include data from the * commercial detail section of the message. */ @XmlEnumValue("913") _913("Customs declaration without commercial detail"), /** * CUSDEC transmission that includes data from both the * commercial detail and item detail sections of the * message. */ @XmlEnumValue("914") _914("Customs declaration with commercial and item detail"), /** * CUSDEC transmission that does not include data from the * item detail section of the message. */ @XmlEnumValue("915") _915("Customs declaration without item detail"), /** * Document that has a relationship with the stated * document/message. */ @XmlEnumValue("916") _916("Related document"), /** * Receipt for Customs duty/tax/fee paid. */ @XmlEnumValue("917") _917("Receipt (Customs)"), /** * Document/message whereby an importer/buyer requests the * competent body to allocate an amount of foreign exchange * to be transferred to an exporter/seller in payment for * goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("925") _925("Application for exchange allocation"), /** * Document/message issued by the competent body * authorizing an importer/buyer to transfer an amount of * foreign exchange to an exporter/seller in payment for * goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("926") _926("Foreign exchange permit"), /** * Document/message completed by an importer/buyer as a * means for the competent body to control that a trade * transaction for which foreign exchange has been * allocated has been executed and that money has been * transferred in accordance with the conditions of payment * and the exchange control regulations in force. */ @XmlEnumValue("927") _927("Exchange control declaration (import)"), /** * Document/message by which goods are declared for import * Customs clearance [sister entry of 830]. */ @XmlEnumValue("929") _929("Goods declaration for importation"), /** * Document/message by which goods are declared for import * Customs clearance according to Annex B.1 (concerning * clearance for home use) to the Kyoto convention (CCC). */ @XmlEnumValue("930") _930("Goods declaration for home use"), /** * Document/message issued by an importer notifying Customs * that goods have been removed from an importing means of * transport to the importer's premises under a Customs- * approved arrangement for immediate release, or * requesting authorization to do so. */ @XmlEnumValue("931") _931("Customs immediate release declaration"), /** * Document/message whereby a Customs authority releases * goods under its control to be placed at the disposal of * the party concerned. Synonym: Customs release note. */ @XmlEnumValue("932") _932("Customs delivery note"), /** * Generic term, sometimes referred to as Freight * declaration, applied to the documents providing the * particulars required by the Customs concerning the cargo * (freight) carried by commercial means of transport * (CCC). */ @XmlEnumValue("933") _933("Cargo declaration (arrival)"), /** * Document/message in which a declarant (importer) states * the invoice or other price (e.g. selling price, price of * identical goods), and specifies costs for freight, * insurance and packing, etc., terms of delivery and * payment, any relationship with the trading partner, * etc., for the purpose of determining the Customs value * of goods imported. */ @XmlEnumValue("934") _934("Value declaration"), /** * Document/message required by the Customs in an importing * country in which an exporter states the invoice or other * price (e.g. selling price, price of identical goods), * and specifies costs for freight, insurance and packing, * etc., terms of delivery and payment, for the purpose of * determining the Customs value in the importing country * of goods consigned to that country. */ @XmlEnumValue("935") _935("Customs invoice"), /** * Document/message which, according to Article 106 of the * "Agreement concerning Postal Parcels" under the UPU * Convention, must accompany post parcels and in which the * contents of such parcels are specified. */ @XmlEnumValue("936") _936("Customs declaration (post parcels)"), /** * Document/message in which an importer states the * pertinent information required by the competent body for * assessment of value-added tax. */ @XmlEnumValue("937") _937("Tax declaration (value added tax)"), /** * Document/message containing a general tax declaration. */ @XmlEnumValue("938") _938("Tax declaration (general)"), /** * Document/message containing the demand of tax. */ @XmlEnumValue("940") _940("Tax demand"), /** * Document/message giving the permission to export * specified goods. */ @XmlEnumValue("941") _941("Embargo permit"), /** * Document/message by which the sender declares goods for * Customs transit according to Annex E.1 (concerning * Customs transit) to the Kyoto convention (CCC). */ @XmlEnumValue("950") _950("Goods declaration for Customs transit"), /** * International Customs transit document by which the * sender declares goods for carriage by rail in accordance * with the provisions of the 1952 International Convention * to facilitate the crossing of frontiers for goods * carried by rail (TIF Convention of UIC). */ @XmlEnumValue("951") _951("TIF form"), /** * International Customs document (International Transit by * Road), issued by a guaranteeing association approved by * the Customs authorities, under the cover of which goods * are carried, in most cases under Customs seal, in road * vehicles and/or containers in compliance with the * requirements of the Customs TIR Convention of the * International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR * Carnets (UN/ECE). */ @XmlEnumValue("952") _952("TIR carnet"), /** * EC customs transit document issued by EC customs * authorities for transit and/or temporary user of goods * within the EC. */ @XmlEnumValue("953") _953("EC carnet"), /** * Customs certificate used in preferential goods * interchanges between EC countries and EC external * countries. */ @XmlEnumValue("954") _954("EUR 1 certificate of origin"), /** * International Customs document (Admission Temporaire / * Temporary Admission) which, issued under the terms of * the ATA Convention (1961), incorporates an * internationally valid guarantee and may be used, in lieu * of national Customs documents and as security for import * duties and taxes, to cover the temporary admission of * goods and, where appropriate, the transit of goods. If * accepted for controlling the temporary export and * reimport of goods, international guarantee does not * apply (CCC). */ @XmlEnumValue("955") _955("ATA carnet"), /** * A set of documents, replacing the various (national) * forms for Customs declaration within the EC, implemented * on 01-01-1988. */ @XmlEnumValue("960") _960("Single administrative document"), /** * General response message to permit the transfer of data * from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message. */ @XmlEnumValue("961") _961("General response (Customs)"), /** * Document response message to permit the transfer of data * from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message. */ @XmlEnumValue("962") _962("Document response (Customs)"), /** * Error response message to permit the transfer of data * from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message. */ @XmlEnumValue("963") _963("Error response (Customs)"), /** * Package response message to permit the transfer of data * from Customs to the transmitter of the previous message. */ @XmlEnumValue("964") _964("Package response (Customs)"), /** * Tax calculation/confirmation response message to permit * the transfer of data from Customs to the transmitter of * the previous message. */ @XmlEnumValue("965") _965("Tax calculation/confirmation response (Customs)"), /** * Document/message issued by the competent body for prior * allocation of a quota. */ @XmlEnumValue("966") _966("Quota prior allocation certificate"), /** * Document which contains consignment information * concerning the wagons and their lading in a case of a * multiple wagon consignment. */ @XmlEnumValue("970") _970("Wagon report"), /** * Document for a course of transit used for a carrier who * is neither the carrier at the beginning nor the arrival. * The transit carrier can directly invoice the expenses * for its part of the transport. */ @XmlEnumValue("971") _971("Transit Conveyor Document"), /** * Document which is a copy of the rail consignment note * printed especially for the need of the forwarder. */ @XmlEnumValue("972") _972("Rail consignment note forwarder copy"), /** * Document giving details for the carriage of excisable * goods on a duty-suspended basis. */ @XmlEnumValue("974") _974("Duty suspended goods"), /** * A document providing proof that a transit declaration * has been accepted. */ @XmlEnumValue("975") _975("Proof of transit declaration"), /** * Document for the carriage of containers. Syn: transfer * note. */ @XmlEnumValue("976") _976("Container transfer note"), /** * Customs transit document for the carriage of shipments * of the NATO armed forces under Customs supervision. */ @XmlEnumValue("977") _977("NATO transit document"), /** * Document containing the authorization from the relevant * authority for the international carriage of waste. Syn: * Transfrontier waste shipment permit. */ @XmlEnumValue("978") _978("Transfrontier waste shipment authorization"), /** * Document certified by the carriers and the consignee to * be used for the international carriage of waste. */ @XmlEnumValue("979") _979("Transfrontier waste shipment movement document"), /** * Document issued by Customs granting the end-use Customs * procedure. */ @XmlEnumValue("990") _990("End use authorization"), /** * Document/message describing a contract with a government * authority. */ @XmlEnumValue("991") _991("Government contract"), /** * Document/message describing an import document that is * used for statistical purposes. */ @XmlEnumValue("995") _995("Statistical document, import"), /** * Message with application for opening of a documentary * credit. */ @XmlEnumValue("996") _996("Application for documentary credit"), /** * Indication of the previous Customs document/message * concerning the same transaction. */ @XmlEnumValue("998") _998("Previous Customs document/message"); /** the code prfix used in this Enumeration. */ public static final String PREFIX = "_"; /** The code. */ private final String code; /** the description for the code. */ private final String description; /** * Instantiates a new document name code. * * @param description the short name */ private DocumentCode(String description) { this.code = name().substring(1); this.description = description; } /** * Gets the code. * * @return the code */ public String getCode() { return name().substring(1); } /** * Gets the description. * * @return the description */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Gets the type by the provided code. * * @param code the code * @return the type by code or throws a IllegalArgumentException if the type does not exist. */ public static DocumentCode getByCode(String code) { return valueOf(PREFIX + code); } /** * Checks if the given code is contained in the Enumeration. * * @param code the code * @return true, if is known code */ public static boolean isKnownCode(final String code) { return KonikEnum.isKnownCode(DocumentCode.class, code); } @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder().append("[").append(code).append("] ").append(description).toString(); } }