package edu.wlu.cs.levy.CG; import; import java.util.List; // K-D Tree node class @SuppressWarnings("serial") class KDNode<T> implements Serializable { // these are seen by KDTree protected HPoint k; T v; protected KDNode<T> left, right; protected boolean deleted; // Method ins translated from 352.ins.c of Gonnet & Baeza-Yates protected static <T> int edit(HPoint key, Editor<T> editor, KDNode<T> t, int lev, int K) throws KeyDuplicateException { KDNode<T> next_node = null; int next_lev = (lev + 1) % K; synchronized (t) { if (key.equals(t.k)) { boolean was_deleted = t.deleted; t.v = editor.edit(t.deleted ? null : t.v); t.deleted = t.v == null; if (t.deleted == was_deleted) { return 0; } else if (was_deleted) { return -1; } return 1; } else if (key.coord[lev] > t.k.coord[lev]) { next_node = t.right; if (next_node == null) { t.right = create(key, editor); return t.right.deleted ? 0 : 1; } } else { next_node = t.left; if (next_node == null) { t.left = create(key, editor); return t.left.deleted ? 0 : 1; } } } return edit(key, editor, next_node, next_lev, K); } protected static <T> KDNode<T> create(HPoint key, Editor<T> editor) throws KeyDuplicateException { KDNode<T> t = new KDNode<T>(key, editor.edit(null)); if (t.v == null) { t.deleted = true; } return t; } protected static <T> boolean del(KDNode<T> t) { synchronized (t) { if (!t.deleted) { t.deleted = true; return true; } } return false; } // Method srch translated from 352.srch.c of Gonnet & Baeza-Yates protected static <T> KDNode<T> srch(HPoint key, KDNode<T> t, int K) { for (int lev = 0; t != null; lev = (lev + 1) % K) { if (!t.deleted && key.equals(t.k)) { return t; } else if (key.coord[lev] > t.k.coord[lev]) { t = t.right; } else { t = t.left; } } return null; } // Method rsearch translated from 352.range.c of Gonnet & Baeza-Yates protected static <T> void rsearch(HPoint lowk, HPoint uppk, KDNode<T> t, int lev, int K, List<KDNode<T>> v) { if (t == null) { return; } if (lowk.coord[lev] <= t.k.coord[lev]) { rsearch(lowk, uppk, t.left, (lev + 1) % K, K, v); } if (!t.deleted) { int j = 0; while (j < K && lowk.coord[j] <= t.k.coord[j] && uppk.coord[j] >= t.k.coord[j]) { j++; } if (j == K) { v.add(t); } } if (uppk.coord[lev] > t.k.coord[lev]) { rsearch(lowk, uppk, t.right, (lev + 1) % K, K, v); } } // Method Nearest Neighbor from Andrew Moore's thesis. Numbered // comments are direct quotes from there. NearestNeighborList solution // courtesy of Bjoern Heckel. protected static <T> void nnbr(KDNode<T> kd, HPoint target, HRect hr, float max_dist_sqd, int lev, int K, NearestNeighborList<KDNode<T>> nnl, Checker<T> checker, long timeout) { // 1. if kd is empty then set dist-sqd to infinity and exit. if (kd == null) { return; } if (timeout > 0 && timeout < System.currentTimeMillis()) { return; } // 2. s := split field of kd int s = lev % K; // 3. pivot := dom-elt field of kd HPoint pivot = kd.k; float pivot_to_target = HPoint.sqrdist(pivot, target); // 4. Cut hr into to sub-hyperrectangles left-hr and right-hr. // The cut plane is through pivot and perpendicular to the s // dimension. HRect left_hr = hr; // optimize by not cloning HRect right_hr = (HRect) hr.clone(); left_hr.max.coord[s] = pivot.coord[s]; right_hr.min.coord[s] = pivot.coord[s]; // 5. target-in-left := target_s <= pivot_s boolean target_in_left = target.coord[s] < pivot.coord[s]; KDNode<T> nearer_kd; HRect nearer_hr; KDNode<T> further_kd; HRect further_hr; // 6. if target-in-left then // 6.1. nearer-kd := left field of kd and nearer-hr := left-hr // 6.2. further-kd := right field of kd and further-hr := right-hr if (target_in_left) { nearer_kd = kd.left; nearer_hr = left_hr; further_kd = kd.right; further_hr = right_hr; } // // 7. if not target-in-left then // 7.1. nearer-kd := right field of kd and nearer-hr := right-hr // 7.2. further-kd := left field of kd and further-hr := left-hr else { nearer_kd = kd.right; nearer_hr = right_hr; further_kd = kd.left; further_hr = left_hr; } // 8. Recursively call Nearest Neighbor with paramters // (nearer-kd, target, nearer-hr, max-dist-sqd), storing the // results in nearest and dist-sqd nnbr(nearer_kd, target, nearer_hr, max_dist_sqd, lev + 1, K, nnl, checker, timeout); // KDNode<T> nearest = nnl.getHighest(); float dist_sqd; if (!nnl.isCapacityReached()) { dist_sqd = Float.MAX_VALUE; } else { dist_sqd = nnl.getMaxPriority(); } // 9. max-dist-sqd := minimum of max-dist-sqd and dist-sqd max_dist_sqd = Math.min(max_dist_sqd, dist_sqd); // 10. A nearer point could only lie in further-kd if there were some // part of further-hr within distance max-dist-sqd of // target. HPoint closest = further_hr.closest(target); if (HPoint.sqrdist(closest, target) < max_dist_sqd) { // 10.1 if (pivot-target)^2 < dist-sqd then if (pivot_to_target < dist_sqd) { // 10.1.1 nearest := (pivot, range-elt field of kd) // nearest = kd; // 10.1.2 dist-sqd = (pivot-target)^2 dist_sqd = pivot_to_target; // add to nnl if (!kd.deleted && (checker == null || checker.usable(kd.v))) { nnl.insert(kd, dist_sqd); } // 10.1.3 max-dist-sqd = dist-sqd // max_dist_sqd = dist_sqd; if (nnl.isCapacityReached()) { max_dist_sqd = nnl.getMaxPriority(); } else { max_dist_sqd = Float.MAX_VALUE; } } // 10.2 Recursively call Nearest Neighbor with parameters // (further-kd, target, further-hr, max-dist_sqd), // storing results in temp-nearest and temp-dist-sqd nnbr(further_kd, target, further_hr, max_dist_sqd, lev + 1, K, nnl, checker, timeout); } } // constructor is used only by class; other methods are static private KDNode(HPoint key, T val) { k = key; v = val; left = null; right = null; deleted = false; } protected String toString(int depth) { String s = k + " " + v + (deleted ? "*" : ""); if (left != null) { s = s + "\n" + pad(depth) + "L " + left.toString(depth + 1); } if (right != null) { s = s + "\n" + pad(depth) + "R " + right.toString(depth + 1); } return s; } private static String pad(int n) { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { s += " "; } return s; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void hrcopy(HRect hr_src, HRect hr_dst) { hpcopy(hr_src.min, hr_dst.min); hpcopy(hr_src.max, hr_dst.max); } private static void hpcopy(HPoint hp_src, HPoint hp_dst) { for (int i = 0; i < hp_dst.coord.length; ++i) { hp_dst.coord[i] = hp_src.coord[i]; } } }