package com.spbsu.bernulli.betaBinomialMixture; import com.spbsu.bernulli.EM; import com.spbsu.bernulli.caches.BetaCache; import com.spbsu.bernulli.caches.Digamma1Cache; import com.spbsu.bernulli.caches.DigammaCache; import com.spbsu.commons.math.vectors.Mx; import; import com.spbsu.commons.random.FastRandom; import java.util.Arrays; import static java.lang.Double.isNaN; //reparametrezation of beta-distribution for solve singularities // alpha + beta <= MaxN — maximim number of "prior" observations //reparametrization of beta — \mu \in [0,1] and N. //optimizaion — EM for mixture, after E — newton with alternating mu and N, shrinking N on maxN public class RegularizedBetaBinomialMixtureEM extends EM<BetaBinomialMixture> { final int k; final int[] sums; final int n; final Mx dummy; final BetaBinomialMixture model; final FastRandom random; final SpecialFunctionCache funcs[]; final MeanOptimization mean; final PrecisionOptimization precision; final int N; //it's regularized — maximum number of pseudo-observations final double mu[]; final double precisions[]; public RegularizedBetaBinomialMixtureEM(int k, final int[] sums, final int n, final int N, FastRandom random) { this.k = k; //components count this.sums = sums; this.n = n; this.dummy = new VecBasedMx(sums.length, k); this.model = new BetaBinomialMixture(k, n, random); this.random = random; this.funcs = new SpecialFunctionCache[k]; = new double[k]; this.precisions = new double[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { precisions[i] = (this.model.alphas[i] + this.model.betas[i]); mu[i] = this.model.alphas[i] / precisions[i]; precisions[i] = Math.min(precisions[i], N); this.funcs[i] = new SpecialFunctionCache(mu[i], precisions[i], n); } updateModel(); this.N = N; this.mean = new MeanOptimization(); precision = new PrecisionOptimization(N); } private void updateCache() { for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { funcs[i].update(model.alphas[i], model.betas[i]); } } @Override protected void expectation() { double[] probs = new double[k]; updateCache(); for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; ++i) { final int m = sums[i]; double denum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { probs[j] = model.q[j] * funcs[j].calculate(m, n); denum += probs[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { dummy.set(i, j, probs[j] /= denum); } } } private final int newtonIters = 3; private final double gradientStep = 0.05; private final double newtonStep = 0.01; private final int gradientIters = 20; private final int iterations = 3; boolean first = true; @Override protected void maximization() { final double probs[] = new double[k]; for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { probs[j] += dummy.get(i, j); } } double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { total += probs[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) model.q[i] = probs[i] / total; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { mean.maximize(); precision.maximize(); } } int count = 300; double oldLikelihood = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; @Override protected boolean stop() { final double currentLL = likelihood(); if (Math.abs(oldLikelihood - currentLL) < 1e-1) { return true; } oldLikelihood = currentLL; return --count < 0; } @Override public BetaBinomialMixture model() { return model; } @Override protected double likelihood() { updateCache(); double ll = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; ++i) { double p = 0; final int m = sums[i]; for (int j = 0; j < model.alphas.length; ++j) { p += model.q[j] * funcs[j].calculate(m, n); } ll += Math.log(p); } return ll; } //emperical bayes estimation with fitted beta-mixture public double[] estimate(boolean fit) { if (fit) { fit(); } expectation(); double result[] = new double[sums.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) result[i] += dummy.get(i, j) * (sums[i] + model.alphas[j]) * 1.0 / (n + model.betas[j] + model.alphas[j]); } return result; } class MeanOptimization { final double gradientCache[]; final double newtonCache[]; MeanOptimization() { this.gradientCache = new double[2 * model.alphas.length]; this.newtonCache = new double[3 * model.alphas.length]; } private boolean newtonStep(double step) { updateCache(); Arrays.fill(newtonCache, 0.0); fillGradient(); final double cache[] = new double[k]; final double cache2[] = new double[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { final double beta = model.betas[i]; final double alpha = model.alphas[i]; cache[i] = -2 * (funcs[i].digamma(Type.Alpha, 0) - funcs[i].digamma(Type.Beta, 0)); cache[i] += beta * (funcs[i].digamma1(Type.Alpha, 0) + funcs[i].digamma1(Type.Beta, 0)); cache2[i] = alpha * beta * (funcs[i].digamma1(Type.Alpha, 0) + funcs[i].digamma1(Type.Beta, 0)); cache2[i] += (beta - alpha) * (funcs[i].digamma(Type.Alpha, 0) - funcs[i].digamma(Type.Beta, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; ++i) { final int m = sums[i]; for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { final SpecialFunctionCache func = funcs[j]; final double prob = dummy.get(i, j); final double alpha = model.alphas[j]; final double beta = model.betas[j]; final int idx0 = 3 * j; //a final int idx1 = 3 * j + 1;//b final int idx2 = 3 * j + 2;//d final double dpp; final double dqq; { final double tmp1 = -2 * func.digamma(Type.Beta, n - m) - beta * func.digamma1(Type.Beta, n - m); final double tmp2 = 2 * func.digamma(Type.Alpha, m) - beta * func.digamma1(Type.Alpha, m); final double tmp = prob * (tmp1 + tmp2 + cache[j]); dpp = -beta * tmp; dqq = alpha * tmp; } final double dpq; { final double tmp1 = (beta - alpha) * (func.digamma(Type.Beta, n - m) - func.digamma(Type.Alpha, m)); final double tmp2 = -(alpha * beta) * (func.digamma1(Type.Beta, n - m) + func.digamma1(Type.Alpha, m)); final double tmp = prob * (tmp1 + tmp2 + cache2[j]); dpq = tmp; } newtonCache[idx0] += dpp; newtonCache[idx1] += dpq; newtonCache[idx2] += dqq; } } for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { //gradient final double dp = gradientCache[2 * i]; final double dq = gradientCache[2 * i + 1]; //hessian final double a = newtonCache[3 * i]; final double b = newtonCache[3 * i + 1]; final double d = newtonCache[3 * i + 2]; final double det = a * d - b * b; final double dirp = (d * dp - b * dq) / det; final double dirq = (a * dq - b * dp) / det; while (mu[i] - step * dirp < 1e-3 || 1 - mu[i] - step * dirq < 1e-3) { step *= step; if (step < 1e-15) return true; } double p = mu[i] - step * dirp; double q = 1 - mu[i] - step * dirq; p /= (p + q); mu[i] = p; } updateModel(); return false; } //don't use it before update private void fillGradient() { Arrays.fill(gradientCache, 0.0); final double cache[] = new double[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { cache[i] = funcs[i].digamma(Type.Alpha, 0) - funcs[i].digamma(Type.Beta, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; ++i) { final int m = sums[i]; for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { final double p = dummy.get(i, j); final double tmp = p * (cache[j] - funcs[j].digamma(Type.Alpha, m) + funcs[j].digamma(Type.Beta, n - m)); final double grad1 = -model.betas[j] * tmp / precisions[j]; final double grad2 = model.alphas[j] * tmp / precisions[j]; gradientCache[2 * j] += grad1; gradientCache[2 * j + 1] += grad2; } } } private boolean gradientStep(double step) { updateCache(); fillGradient(); for (int i = 0; i < gradientCache.length; ++i) { if (isNaN(gradientCache[i])) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { final double alpha = model.alphas[i]; final double dalpha = gradientCache[2 * i]; final double beta = model.betas[i]; final double dbeta = gradientCache[2 * i + 1]; while (alpha + step * dalpha < 1e-3 || beta + step * dbeta < 1e-3) { step *= step; if (step < 1e-15) return true; } final double newAlpha = alpha + step * dalpha; final double newBeta = beta + step * dbeta; mu[i] = newAlpha / (newAlpha + newBeta); } updateModel(); return false; } boolean first = true; boolean maximize() { // if (first) { for (int i = 0; i < gradientIters; ++i) gradientStep(gradientStep); // first = false; // } // for (int i = 0; i < newtonIters; ++i) // newtonStep(newtonStep); return true; } } class PrecisionOptimization { final double gradientCache[]; final double newtonCache[]; final int maxPrecision; boolean[] stopped; int stoppedCount; PrecisionOptimization(int N) { this.gradientCache = new double[model.alphas.length]; this.maxPrecision = N; this.newtonCache = new double[model.alphas.length]; this.stopped = new boolean[model.alphas.length]; stoppedCount = 0; } private boolean newtonStep(double step) { updateCache(); Arrays.fill(newtonCache, 0.0); fillGradient(); final double cache[] = new double[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { if (stopped[i]) continue; final double p = mu[i]; cache[i] = -p * p * funcs[i].digamma1(Type.Alpha, 0) - (1 - p) * (1 - p) * funcs[i].digamma1(Type.Beta, 0); cache[i] += -funcs[i].digamma1(Type.AlphaBeta, n) + funcs[i].digamma1(Type.AlphaBeta, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; ++i) { final int m = sums[i]; for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { if (stopped[j]) continue; final double prob = dummy.get(i, j); final double p = mu[j]; final double dgrad = prob * (cache[j] + (1 - p) * (1 - p) * funcs[j].digamma1(Type.Beta, n - m) + p * p * funcs[j].digamma1(Type.Alpha, m)); newtonCache[j] += dgrad; } } for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { if (stopped[i]) continue; //matrix double N = precisions[i] - step * (gradientCache[i] / newtonCache[i]); if (N > 0) { if (precisions[i] > maxPrecision) { precisions[i] = maxPrecision; stopped[i] = true; stoppedCount++; } else { precisions[i] = N; } } } updateModel(); return false; } //don't use it before update() private void fillGradient() { Arrays.fill(gradientCache, 0.0); final double cache[] = new double[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { if (stopped[i]) continue; cache[i] = -mu[i] * funcs[i].digamma(Type.Alpha, 0) - (1 - mu[i]) * funcs[i].digamma(Type.Beta, 0) + funcs[i].digamma(Type.AlphaBeta, 0) - funcs[i].digamma(Type.AlphaBeta, n); } for (int i = 0; i < sums.length; ++i) { final int m = sums[i]; for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) { if (stopped[j]) continue; final double prob = dummy.get(i, j); final double p = mu[j]; final SpecialFunctionCache func = funcs[j]; final double grad = (1 - p) * func.digamma(Type.Beta, n - m) + p * func.digamma(Type.Alpha, m) + cache[j]; gradientCache[j] += prob * grad; } } } private boolean gradientStep(double step) { updateCache(); fillGradient(); for (int i = 0; i < gradientCache.length; ++i) { if (isNaN(gradientCache[i])) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { if (stopped[i]) continue; while (precisions[i] + step * gradientCache[i] < 1e-3) { step *= 0.5; if (step < 1e-10) return false; } precisions[i] += step * gradientCache[i]; if (precisions[i] > maxPrecision) { precisions[i] = maxPrecision; stopped[i] = true; stoppedCount++; } } updateModel(); return false; } boolean first = true; boolean maximize() { if (stoppedCount == k) return false; if (first) { for (int i = 0; i < gradientIters; ++i) gradientStep(gradientStep); first = false; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) gradientStep(0.01); for (int i = 0; i < newtonIters; ++i) newtonStep(newtonStep); return true; // } } } private void updateModel() { for (int i = 0; i < model.alphas.length; ++i) { model.alphas[i] = mu[i] * precisions[i]; model.betas[i] = (1 - mu[i]) * precisions[i]; } } private enum Type { Alpha, Beta, AlphaBeta } private double alpha(double mu, double N) { return mu * N; } private double beta(double mu, double N) { return (1 - mu) * N; } private class SpecialFunctionCache { DigammaCache head; DigammaCache tail; DigammaCache alphabeta; Digamma1Cache dalphabeta; Digamma1Cache dhead; Digamma1Cache dtail; BetaCache betaCache; public SpecialFunctionCache(double mu, double N, int n) { betaCache = new BetaCache(alpha(mu, N), beta(mu, N), n); head = new DigammaCache(mu * N, n); tail = new DigammaCache((1 - mu) * N, n); dhead = new Digamma1Cache(mu * N, n); dtail = new Digamma1Cache((1 - mu) * N, n); dalphabeta = new Digamma1Cache(N, n); alphabeta = new DigammaCache(N, n); } public double calculate(int m, int n) { return betaCache.calculate(m, n); } final public double digamma(Type type, int offset) { if (type == Type.Alpha) { return head.calculate(offset); } else if (type == Type.Beta) { return tail.calculate(offset); } return alphabeta.calculate(offset); } public double digamma1(Type type, int offset) { if (type == Type.Alpha) { return dhead.calculate(offset); } else if (type == Type.Beta) { return dtail.calculate(offset); } return dalphabeta.calculate(offset); } final public void update(final double alpha, final double beta) { betaCache.update(alpha, beta); head.update(alpha); tail.update(beta); dhead.update(alpha); dtail.update(beta); dalphabeta.update(alpha + beta); alphabeta.update(alpha + beta); } } }