package; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters.Encoding; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters.FormatType; import; public interface PropAttachment<T> extends VProperty<T> { /** * FMTTYPE: Format type parameter * RFC 5545, 3.2.8, page 19 * specify the content type of a referenced object. */ FormatType getFormatType(); void setFormatType(FormatType formatType); /** * ENCODING: Incline Encoding * RFC 5545, 3.2.7, page 18 * * Specify an alternate inline encoding for the property value. * Values can be "8BIT" text encoding defined in [RFC2045] * "BASE64" binary encoding format defined in [RFC4648] * * If the value type parameter is ";VALUE=BINARY", then the inline * encoding parameter MUST be specified with the value" ;ENCODING=BASE64". */ Encoding getEncoding(); void setEncoding(Encoding encoding); }