package com.jcommerce.gwt.client; //import it.sauronsoftware.base64.Base64; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; public abstract class PageState implements Command{ public static PageState curState; private ContentWidget pageInstance; private boolean editting = false; private Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public String getMenuDisplayName() { return ""; } public abstract String getPageClassName(); // will break if the value contains =&-_ public final String EQUAL = "="; public final String AND = "&"; public final String LEFT = "-"; public final String RIGHT = "-"; public final String EQUALCODE="%FFFFFF"; public final String ANDCODE="%EEEEEE"; public final String LEFTCODE="%CCCCC"; public final String RIGHTCODE="%DDDDDD"; public ContentWidget getPageInstance() { return pageInstance; } public void setPageInstance(ContentWidget pageInstance) { this.pageInstance = pageInstance; } public boolean isEditting() { return editting; } public void setEditting(boolean editting) { this.editting = editting; } public final void execute() { curState = this; System.out.println("token: "+getFullHistoryToken()); History.newItem(getFullHistoryToken()); } public String getFullHistoryToken() { return getPageClassName()+getHistoryToken(); } public String getHistoryToken() { StringBuffer uriBuf = new StringBuffer(); System.out.println("map:"+map); // uriBuf.append(getPageName()); for(String key : map.keySet()) { Object value = map.get(key); uriBuf.append(AND).append(encode(key)).append(EQUAL); if(value instanceof List) { List<String> valueList = (List<String>)value; // TODO leon consider if valuelist is empty?? uriBuf.append(LEFT); for(String s:valueList) { uriBuf.append(encode(s)).append(","); } uriBuf.append(RIGHT); } else { uriBuf.append(encode((String)value)); } } return uriBuf.toString(); } public String encode (String s){ if (s == null) { return s; } String res = s; res = res.replace(EQUAL, EQUALCODE); res = res.replace(AND, ANDCODE); res = res.replace(LEFT, LEFTCODE); res = res.replace(RIGHT, RIGHTCODE); // String res = Base64.encode(s); // byte[] ss = Base64.encode(Util.getBytes(s)); // res = Util.toString(ss); res = URL.encode(res); // res = URLEncoder.encode(res, "UTF-8"); // res = res.replace('+', '*'); // res = res.replace('/', '-'); Logger.getClientLogger().log("encode: before="+s+", after="+res); return res; } public String decode(String s){ String res = s; res = URL.decode(res); // res = res.replace('-', '/'); // res = res.replace('*', '+'); // res = URLDecoder.decode(res, "UTF-8"); res = res.replace(EQUALCODE, EQUAL); res = res.replace(ANDCODE, AND ); res = res.replace(LEFTCODE,LEFT); res = res.replace(RIGHTCODE, RIGHT); // byte[] ss = Base64.decode(Util.getBytes(s)); // res = Util.toString(ss); // res = Base64.decode(s); Logger.getClientLogger().log("decode: before="+s+", after="+res); return res; } public void fromHistoryToken(String uri) { // TODO simple version. need improve // &p1=abc&p2={opq,xyz} // map.clear(); if(uri == null || "".equals(uri)) return; String[] ss = uri.split(AND); for(String s:ss) { // debug Logger.getClientLogger().log("s: "+s); String[] pair = s.split(EQUAL); if(pair.length==2) { String key = decode(pair[0]); if(pair[1].indexOf(LEFT)>=0) { //p2={opq,xyz} String vv = pair[1].substring(pair[1].indexOf(LEFT)+1, pair[1].lastIndexOf(RIGHT)); Logger.getClientLogger().log("vv: "+vv); String[] values = vv.split(","); List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>(); for(String value:values) { valueList.add(decode(value)); } map.put(key, valueList); } else { String value = decode(pair[1]); map.put(key, value); } } } } public static String[] parseFullHistoryToken (String fullHistoryToken) { String pageClassName = fullHistoryToken; String stateStr = ""; int i=fullHistoryToken.indexOf("&"); if(i>=0) { pageClassName = fullHistoryToken.substring(0, i); stateStr = fullHistoryToken.substring(i); } String[] res = new String[]{pageClassName, stateStr}; return res; } public void setValue(String key, Object value){ if ("null".equals(value)) { value = null; } if (value != null) { map.put(key, value); } } public Object getValue(String key){ if ("null".equals(map.get(key))) { return null; } return map.get(key); } public static void main(String[] args) { // PageState ps = new PageState() { // public String getPageName() { // return "test"; // } // }; // ps.setValue("p1", "abc"); // // List<String> p2 = new ArrayList<String>(); // p2.add("张三"); // p2.add("李四"); // // ps.setValue("p2", p2); // // String token = ps.getHistoryToken(); // Logger.getClientLogger().log("token: "+token); // // ps.fromHistoryToken(token); // Logger.getClientLogger().log("p1: "+ps.getValue("p1")); // Logger.getClientLogger().log("p2: "); // for(String value: (List<String>)(ps.getValue("p2"))) { // Logger.getClientLogger().log(value); // } // // token = ps.getHistoryToken(); // Logger.getClientLogger().log("token again: "+token); State newState = new State(); newState.setMessage("添加商品类型成功-=&"); State choice1 = new State(); choice1.setValue("p1", "id1"); newState.addChoice("attribute", choice1.getFullHistoryToken()); String token = newState.getHistoryToken(); Logger.getClientLogger().log("token: "+token); newState.fromHistoryToken(token); Logger.getClientLogger().log("message: "+newState.getMessage()); Logger.getClientLogger().log("choice: "); for(String[] value: (List<String[]>)(newState.getChoices())) { Logger.getClientLogger().log(value[0]+","+value[1]); } } public static class State extends PageState { public static final String MESSAGE = "msg"; public static final String CHOICES = "ch"; public static final String SEPERATOR = "xxxxxx"; public String getPageClassName() { return "mypage"; } public void addChoice(String name, String historyToken) { List<String> choices = (List<String>)getValue(CHOICES); if(choices == null) { choices = new ArrayList<String>(); setValue(CHOICES, choices); } choices.add(name+SEPERATOR+historyToken); } public List<String[]> getChoices() { List<String> choices = (List<String>)getValue(CHOICES); List<String[]> res = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for(String choice:choices) { int i = choice.indexOf(SEPERATOR); String[] ss = new String[] {choice.substring(0, i), choice.substring(i+SEPERATOR.length())}; res.add(ss); } return res; } public void setMessage(String message) { setValue(MESSAGE, message); } public String getMessage() { return (String)getValue(MESSAGE); } } }