* Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014 Red Hat, Inc. and others.
* Distributed under license by Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is made available under the terms of the
* Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Xavier Coulon - Initial API and implementation
package org.jboss.tools.ws.ui.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.jboss.tools.ws.ui.dialogs.EnumParamType;
import org.jboss.tools.ws.ui.dialogs.URLTemplateParameter;
* Utility class to parse an URL Template and extract all the parameters from
* it.
* @author xcoulon
public class JAXRSPathTemplateParser {
/** Pattern to match expression such as {@code "{name:int}" }.*/
private static final Pattern PATH_PARAM_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\{(\\w+):([^:]+)\\}"); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Pattern to match expression such as {@code "name={int}" }.*/
private static final Pattern OPTIONAL_PARAM_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(;|\\?|&)(\\w+)=\\{([^:]+)\\}"); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Pattern to match expression such as <pre>name={String:"FOO"}</pre> or <pre>name={int:"123.456"}</pre>. */
private static final Pattern OPTIONAL_PARAM_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUE_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(;|\\?|&)(\\w+)=\\{([^:]+):\"(.+)\"\\}"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Parses the given urlTemplate and extracts all
* {@link URLTemplateParameter}s from it.
* <pathParamPattern>
* Supports a mix of syntaxes:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code /rest/members/id:int}</li>
* <li>{@code /rest/members/id:[0-9][0-9]*}</li>
* <li>{@code /rest/members;matrix=int}?start={int}&size={int}}</li>
* and supports also syntax with {@code List} and {@code Set}, such as:
* {@code /rest/members/query?from=int&to={int}&orderBy={orderBy:List<String>}}
* </ul>
* <p>Finally, it should also work with the following kind of syntax:</p>
* {@code rest/members/user/{id:int}/{encoding:(/encoding/[^/]+?)?};matrix={String}?start={int}
* @param urlTemplate
* @return a list of {@link URLTemplateParameter}s, or emty list if none was
* found.
public static URLTemplateParameter[] parse(final String urlTemplate) {
// quick fail
if (urlTemplate == null || urlTemplate.isEmpty()) {
return new URLTemplateParameter[0];
final List<URLTemplateParameter> templateParameters = new ArrayList<URLTemplateParameter>();
// let's scan the given template, looking for content between '{' and
// '}' characters
int scanIndex = 0;
while (scanIndex != -1 || scanIndex >= urlTemplate.length()) {
final int bracketBeginIndex = urlTemplate.indexOf('{', scanIndex);
final int bracketEndIndex = urlTemplate.indexOf('}', bracketBeginIndex);
final int commaBeginIndex = urlTemplate.indexOf(';', scanIndex);
final int questionMarkBeginIndex = urlTemplate.indexOf('?', scanIndex);
final int ampersandMarkBeginIndex = urlTemplate.indexOf('&', scanIndex);
if (bracketBeginIndex == -1 || bracketEndIndex == -1) {
// now, let see which character comes first: bracket, comma, question mark or ampersand
int nextCharacterIndex = nextCharacterIndex(bracketBeginIndex, commaBeginIndex, questionMarkBeginIndex, ampersandMarkBeginIndex);
if(nextCharacterIndex == -1) {
final char nextCharacter = urlTemplate.charAt(nextCharacterIndex);
if(nextCharacter == '{') {
final String expression = urlTemplate.substring(nextCharacterIndex, bracketEndIndex + 1);
final Matcher pathParamTemplateMatcher = PATH_PARAM_TEMPLATE_PATTERN.matcher(expression);
if(pathParamTemplateMatcher.matches()) {
final URLTemplateParameter templateParameter = URLTemplateParameter.Builder.from(expression)
.withName(pathParamTemplateMatcher.group(1), true)
scanIndex = nextCharacterIndex+expression.length();
} else if(nextCharacter == ';' || nextCharacter == '?' || nextCharacter == '&') {
final String expression = urlTemplate.substring(nextCharacterIndex, bracketEndIndex + 1);
final Matcher optionalParamTemplateMatcher = OPTIONAL_PARAM_TEMPLATE_PATTERN.matcher(expression);
final Matcher optionalParamWithDefaultStringValueTemplateMatcher = OPTIONAL_PARAM_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUE_TEMPLATE_PATTERN.matcher(expression);
if(optionalParamTemplateMatcher.matches()) {
final URLTemplateParameter templateParameter = URLTemplateParameter.Builder.from(expression)
.withName(optionalParamTemplateMatcher.group(2), true)
} else if(optionalParamWithDefaultStringValueTemplateMatcher.matches()) {
final URLTemplateParameter templateParameter = URLTemplateParameter.Builder.from(expression)
.withName(optionalParamWithDefaultStringValueTemplateMatcher.group(2), true)
scanIndex = nextCharacterIndex+expression.length();
return templateParameters.toArray(new URLTemplateParameter[templateParameters.size()]);
* @param nextCharacter
* @return the {@link EnumParamType} given the character:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code ;} -> {@link EnumParamType#MATRIX_PARAM}</li>
* <li>{@code ?} -> {@link EnumParamType#QUERY_PARAM}</li>
* <li>{@code &} -> {@link EnumParamType#QUERY_PARAM}</li>
private static EnumParamType getParamType(final char nextCharacter) {
switch(nextCharacter) {
case '?':
case '&':
return EnumParamType.QUERY_PARAM;
case ';':
return EnumParamType.MATRIX_PARAM;
return null;
* Returns the lowest character index value in the given values, excluding the {@code -1} value.
* @param characterIndexes
* @return the lowest characterIndex value
private static int nextCharacterIndex(final int... characterIndexes) {
int minValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for(int characterIndex : characterIndexes) {
if(characterIndex != -1) {
minValue = Math.min(minValue, characterIndex);
if(minValue ==Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return -1;
return minValue;
* Utility class to search for the last position of a token amongst a set of
* given tokens in a {@link String}
* @author xcoulon
static class CharSearcher {
private final char[] tokens;
private CharSearcher(char[] tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;
static CharSearcher findLastIndexOf(final char... tokens) {
return new CharSearcher(tokens);
* Returns the highest index of the tokens locations in the given
* content
* @param content
* @return
public int in(final String content) {
int location = -1;
for(char token : tokens) {
location = Math.max(location, content.lastIndexOf(token));
return location;