package javassist.bytecode.annotation; import; import; import javassist.bytecode.ConstPool; /** * A convenience class for constructing a * {@code ..TypeAnnotations_attribute}. * See the source code of the {@link javassist.bytecode.TypeAnnotationsAttribute} class. * * @since 3.19 */ public class TypeAnnotationsWriter extends AnnotationsWriter { /** * Constructs with the given output stream. * * @param os the output stream. * @param cp the constant pool. */ public TypeAnnotationsWriter(OutputStream os, ConstPool cp) { super(os, cp); } /** * Writes {@code num_annotations} in * {@code Runtime(In)VisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute}. * It must be followed by {@code num} instances of {@code type_annotation}. */ public void numAnnotations(int num) throws IOException { super.numAnnotations(num); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code type_parameter_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void typeParameterTarget(int targetType, int typeParameterIndex) throws IOException { output.write(targetType); output.write(typeParameterIndex); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code supertype_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void supertypeTarget(int supertypeIndex) throws IOException { output.write(0x10); write16bit(supertypeIndex); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code type_parameter_bound_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void typeParameterBoundTarget(int targetType, int typeParameterIndex, int boundIndex) throws IOException { output.write(targetType); output.write(typeParameterIndex); output.write(boundIndex); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code empty_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void emptyTarget(int targetType) throws IOException { output.write(targetType); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code type_parameter_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void formalParameterTarget(int formalParameterIndex) throws IOException { output.write(0x16); output.write(formalParameterIndex); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code throws_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void throwsTarget(int throwsTypeIndex) throws IOException { output.write(0x17); write16bit(throwsTypeIndex); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code localvar_target} * of {@code target_info} union. * It must be followed by {@code tableLength} calls * to {@code localVarTargetTable}. */ public void localVarTarget(int targetType, int tableLength) throws IOException { output.write(targetType); write16bit(tableLength); } /** * Writes an element of {@code table[]} of {@code localvar_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void localVarTargetTable(int startPc, int length, int index) throws IOException { write16bit(startPc); write16bit(length); write16bit(index); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code catch_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void catchTarget(int exceptionTableIndex) throws IOException { output.write(0x42); write16bit(exceptionTableIndex); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code offset_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void offsetTarget(int targetType, int offset) throws IOException { output.write(targetType); write16bit(offset); } /** * Writes {@code target_type} and {@code type_argument_target} * of {@code target_info} union. */ public void typeArgumentTarget(int targetType, int offset, int type_argument_index) throws IOException { output.write(targetType); write16bit(offset); output.write(type_argument_index); } /** * Writes {@code path_length} of {@code type_path}. */ public void typePath(int pathLength) throws IOException { output.write(pathLength); } /** * Writes an element of {@code path[]} of {@code type_path}. */ public void typePathPath(int typePathKind, int typeArgumentIndex) throws IOException { output.write(typePathKind); output.write(typeArgumentIndex); } }