package hd; import hd.TestData; import hd.TestData.TestDataDeserializer; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; import org.junit.After; import; import; import; import; import; import; import api.hd.Config; import api.hd.HDStore; import api.hd.JsonConstants; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class HDStoreTest { private Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(TestData.class, new TestDataDeserializer()).create(); private TestData testData; private String cloudConfig = ""; @Before public void setUp() { HDStore store = HDStore.getInstance(); store.purge(); try { store.setPath("/tmp", true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public HDStoreTest() { testData = new TestData("red", "blue", "sweet", 4); } // Writes to store & cache // @Ignore("expected:<{fish=blue, roses=red, number=4, sugar=sweet}> but was:<{fish=blue, roses=red, number=4.0, sugar=sweet}> - due to deserialization error, not caching error") @Test public void testReadWrite() { String key = "storekey" + System.currentTimeMillis(); HDStore store = HDStore.getInstance(); store.write(key, testData); TestData data = gson.fromJson(, TestData.class); assertEquals(testData, data); } // Writes to store & not cache // @Ignore("expected:<{fish=blue, roses=red, number=4, sugar=sweet}> but was:<{fish=blue, roses=red, number=4.0, sugar=sweet}> - due to deserialization error, not caching error") @Test public void testStoreFetch() { String key = "storekey2" + System.currentTimeMillis(); HDStore store = HDStore.getInstance();, testData); TestData data = gson.fromJson(store.fetch(key), TestData.class); System.out.println(data.toString()); assertEquals(testData, data); boolean exists = Files.exists(Paths.get(store.getDirectory() + File.separator + key + ".json")); assertTrue(exists); } // Test purge @Test public void testPurge() throws IOException { Integer fileCount = 0; HDStore store = HDStore.getInstance();"testPurgeKey", testData); fileCount = new File(store.getDirectory()).listFiles().length; assertTrue(0 < fileCount); store.purge(); fileCount = new File(store.getDirectory()).listFiles().length; assertTrue(0 == fileCount); } // Reads all devices from Disk (Keys need to be in Device*json format) @Test public void testFetchDevices() { HDStore store = HDStore.getInstance(); // Store 3 fake devices String key = "Device" + System.currentTimeMillis();, testData); key = "Device" + System.currentTimeMillis();, testData); key = "Device" + System.currentTimeMillis();, testData); JsonObject devices = store.fetchDevices(); JsonArray d = (JsonArray) devices.get(JsonConstants.DEVICES); assertEquals(d.isJsonArray(), true); for (JsonElement je: d) { // Test each fake device TestData data = gson.fromJson(je, TestData.class); assertEquals(testData, data); } // Purge the store store.purge(); } // Moves a file from disk into store (vanishes from previous location). @Test public void testMoveIn() throws IOException { HDStore store = HDStore.getInstance(); String jsonstr = gson.toJson(testData); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream("TmpDevice.json"); try { stream.write(jsonstr.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); stream.flush(); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } store.moveIn("TmpDevice.json", "TmpDevice.json"); assertTrue(!Files.exists(Paths.get("TmpDevice.json"))); assertTrue(Files.exists(Paths.get(store.getDirectory() + File.separator + "TmpDevice.json"))); } // Test singleton"ship @Test public void testSingleton() throws IOException { HDStore store = HDStore.getInstance(); HDStore store2 = HDStore.getInstance(); store.setPath("/tmp", true); assertEquals(store2.getDirectory(), "/tmp/hd40store"); } }