package; abstract class CacheEntryBase<V> { protected long versionCopy; protected volatile long version; protected V value; /** * Determines the ordering of objects in this priority queue. * @return <code>true</code> if parameter <tt>a</tt> is less than parameter <tt>b</tt>. */ final boolean lessThan(CacheEntryBase<?> that) { // reverse the parameter order so that the queue keeps the oldest items return versionCopy > that.versionCopy; } } /** * A PriorityQueue maintains a partial ordering of its elements such that the least element can always be found in constant time. * Put()'s and pop()'s require log(size) time. * * <p><b>NOTE</b>: This class will pre-allocate a full array of length <code>maxSize+1</code>. */ final class LRUQueue<T extends CacheEntryBase<?>> { final T[] heap; int size; // the number of elements currently stored in the PriorityQueue int maxSize; LRUQueue(int maxSize, T[] heap) { this.heap = heap; this.maxSize = maxSize; } static int calHeapSize(int maxSize) { if(maxSize <= 0) return 2; // allocate 1 extra to avoid if statement in top() else if(maxSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("too big maxSize"); return maxSize + 1; // +1 because all access to heap is 1-based. heap[0] is unused. } T insertWithOverflow(T element) { if(size < maxSize) { int i = ++size; // Adds an Object to a PriorityQueue in log(size) time for(int j = i >>> 1; j > 0 && element.lessThan(heap[j]); i = j, j >>>= 1) // upHeap() heap[i] = heap[j]; // shift parents down heap[i] = element; // install saved node return null; } T ret = heap[1]; if(element.lessThan(ret) || size <= 0) return element; downHeap(element); return ret; } /** Removes and returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in log(size) time. */ T pop() { if(size <= 0) return null; T ret = heap[1]; // save first value if(size == 1) { heap[1] = null; // permit GC of objects size = 0; return ret; } T node = heap[size]; // move last to first heap[size--] = null; // permit GC of objects downHeap(node); // adjust heap return ret; } private void downHeap(T node) { for(int i = 1, j = 2, k = 3;;) // j = i << 1 (find smaller child); k = j + 1; { if(k <= size && heap[k].lessThan(heap[j])) j = k; if(j > size || !heap[j].lessThan(node)) { heap[i] = node; // install saved node return; } heap[i] = heap[j]; // shift up child i = j; j = i << 1; k = j + 1; } } }