/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2017 Mountainminds GmbH & Co. KG and Contributors * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Marc R. Hoffmann - initial API and implementation * *******************************************************************************/ package org.jacoco.report.check; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.jacoco.core.analysis.ICounter.CounterValue; import org.jacoco.core.analysis.ICoverageNode; import org.jacoco.core.analysis.ICoverageNode.CounterEntity; /** * Descriptor for a limit which is given by a {@link Rule}. */ public class Limit { private static final Map<CounterValue, String> VALUE_NAMES; private static final Map<CounterEntity, String> ENTITY_NAMES; static { final Map<CounterValue, String> values = new HashMap<CounterValue, String>(); values.put(CounterValue.TOTALCOUNT, "total count"); values.put(CounterValue.MISSEDCOUNT, "missed count"); values.put(CounterValue.COVEREDCOUNT, "covered count"); values.put(CounterValue.MISSEDRATIO, "missed ratio"); values.put(CounterValue.COVEREDRATIO, "covered ratio"); VALUE_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(values); final Map<CounterEntity, String> entities = new HashMap<CounterEntity, String>(); entities.put(CounterEntity.INSTRUCTION, "instructions"); entities.put(CounterEntity.BRANCH, "branches"); entities.put(CounterEntity.COMPLEXITY, "complexity"); entities.put(CounterEntity.LINE, "lines"); entities.put(CounterEntity.METHOD, "methods"); entities.put(CounterEntity.CLASS, "classes"); ENTITY_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(entities); } private CounterEntity entity; private CounterValue value; private BigDecimal minimum; private BigDecimal maximum; /** * Creates a new instance with the following defaults: * <ul> * <li>counter entity: {@link CounterEntity#INSTRUCTION} * <li>counter value: {@link CounterValue#COVEREDRATIO} * <li>minimum: no limit * <li>maximum: no limit * </ul> */ public Limit() { this.entity = CounterEntity.INSTRUCTION; this.value = CounterValue.COVEREDRATIO; } /** * @return the configured counter entity to check */ public CounterEntity getEntity() { return entity; } /** * Sets the counter entity to check. * * @param entity * counter entity to check * TODO: use CounterEntity directly once Maven 3 is required. */ public void setCounter(final String entity) { this.entity = CounterEntity.valueOf(entity); } /** * @return the configured value to check */ public CounterValue getValue() { return value; } /** * Sets the value to check. * * @param value * value to check * TODO: use CounterValue directly once Maven 3 is required. */ public void setValue(final String value) { this.value = CounterValue.valueOf(value); } /** * @return configured minimum value, or <code>null</code> if no minimum is * given */ public String getMinimum() { return minimum == null ? null : minimum.toPlainString(); } /** * Sets allowed minimum value as decimal string representation. The given * precision is also considered in error messages. Coverage ratios are given * in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. * * @param minimum * allowed minimum or <code>null</code>, if no minimum should be * checked */ public void setMinimum(final String minimum) { this.minimum = minimum == null ? null : new BigDecimal(minimum); } /** * @return configured maximum value, or <code>null</code> if no maximum is * given */ public String getMaximum() { return maximum == null ? null : maximum.toPlainString(); } /** * Sets allowed maximum value as decimal string representation. The given * precision is also considered in error messages. Coverage ratios are given * in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. * * @param maximum * allowed maximum or <code>null</code>, if no maximum should be * checked */ public void setMaximum(final String maximum) { this.maximum = maximum == null ? null : new BigDecimal(maximum); } String check(final ICoverageNode node) { final double d = node.getCounter(entity).getValue(value); if (Double.isNaN(d)) { return null; } final BigDecimal bd = BigDecimal.valueOf(d); if (minimum != null && minimum.compareTo(bd) > 0) { return message("minimum", bd, minimum, RoundingMode.FLOOR); } if (maximum != null && maximum.compareTo(bd) < 0) { return message("maximum", bd, maximum, RoundingMode.CEILING); } return null; } private String message(final String minmax, final BigDecimal v, final BigDecimal ref, final RoundingMode mode) { final BigDecimal rounded = v.setScale(ref.scale(), mode); return String.format("%s %s is %s, but expected %s is %s", ENTITY_NAMES.get(entity), VALUE_NAMES.get(value), rounded.toPlainString(), minmax, ref.toPlainString()); } }