// jTDS JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase
// Copyright (C) 2004 The jTDS Project
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc;
import java.sql.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import java.io.*;
import net.sourceforge.jtds.util.Logger;
* @author
* Alin Sinpalean, Holger Rehn
public class CSUnitTest extends DatabaseTestCase
static PrintStream output = null;
public CSUnitTest( String name )
super( name );
if( output == null )
output = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( "nul" ) );
catch( FileNotFoundException ex )
throw new RuntimeException( "could not create device nul" );
public static void main( String args[] )
Logger.setActive( true );
if( args.length > 0 )
output = System.out;
junit.framework.TestSuite s = new TestSuite();
for( int i = 0; i < args.length; i++ )
s.addTest( new CSUnitTest( args[i] ) );
junit.textui.TestRunner.run( s );
junit.textui.TestRunner.run( CSUnitTest.class );
public void testMaxRows0003()
throws Exception
final int ROWCOUNT = 200;
final int ROWLIMIT = 123;
dropTable( "#t0003" );
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate( "create table #t0003 ( i int )" );
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement( "insert into #t0003 values (?)" );
for( int i = 1; i <= ROWCOUNT; i ++ )
pstmt.setInt( 1, i );
assertEquals( 1, pstmt.executeUpdate() );
pstmt = con.prepareStatement( "select i from #t0003 order by i" );
pstmt.setMaxRows( ROWLIMIT );
assertEquals( ROWLIMIT, pstmt.getMaxRows() );
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
int count = 0;
while( rs.next() )
assertEquals( ++ count, rs.getInt( "i" ) );
assertEquals( ROWLIMIT, count );
public void testGetAsciiStream0018() throws Exception {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs;
String bigtext1 =
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
"abcdefghijklmnop" +
String bigimage1 = "0x" +
"0123456789abcdef" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
"fedcba9876543210" +
String sql =
"create table #t0018 ( " +
" mybinary binary(5) not null, " +
" myvarbinary varbinary(4) not null, " +
" mychar char(10) not null, " +
" myvarchar varchar(8) not null, " +
" mytext text not null, " +
" myimage image not null, " +
" mynullbinary binary(3) null, " +
" mynullvarbinary varbinary(6) null, " +
" mynullchar char(10) null, " +
" mynullvarchar varchar(40) null, " +
" mynulltext text null, " +
" mynullimage image null) ";
assertEquals(stmt.executeUpdate(sql), 0);
// Insert a row without nulls via a Statement
sql =
"insert into #t0018( " +
" mybinary, " +
" myvarbinary, " +
" mychar, " +
" myvarchar, " +
" mytext, " +
" myimage, " +
" mynullbinary, " +
" mynullvarbinary, " +
" mynullchar, " +
" mynullvarchar, " +
" mynulltext, " +
" mynullimage " +
") " +
"values( " +
" 0xffeeddccbb, " + // mybinary
" 0x78, " + // myvarbinary
" 'Z', " + // mychar
" '', " + // myvarchar
" '" + bigtext1 + "', " + // mytext
" " + bigimage1 + ", " + // myimage
" null, " + // mynullbinary
" null, " + // mynullvarbinary
" null, " + // mynullchar
" null, " + // mynullvarchar
" null, " + // mynulltext
" null " + // mynullimage
assertEquals(stmt.executeUpdate(sql), 1);
sql = "select * from #t0018";
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
if (!rs.next()) {
fail("should get Result");
} else {
output.println("Getting the results");
output.println("mybinary is " + rs.getObject("mybinary"));
output.println("myvarbinary is " + rs.getObject("myvarbinary"));
output.println("mychar is " + rs.getObject("mychar"));
output.println("myvarchar is " + rs.getObject("myvarchar"));
output.println("mytext is " + rs.getObject("mytext"));
output.println("myimage is " + rs.getObject("myimage"));
output.println("mynullbinary is " + rs.getObject("mynullbinary"));
output.println("mynullvarbinary is " + rs.getObject("mynullvarbinary"));
output.println("mynullchar is " + rs.getObject("mynullchar"));
output.println("mynullvarchar is " + rs.getObject("mynullvarchar"));
output.println("mynulltext is " + rs.getObject("mynulltext"));
output.println("mynullimage is " + rs.getObject("mynullimage"));
public void testMoneyHandling0019() throws Exception {
java.sql.Statement stmt;
int i;
BigDecimal money[] = {
new BigDecimal("922337203685477.5807"),
new BigDecimal("-922337203685477.5807"),
new BigDecimal("1.0000"),
new BigDecimal("0.0000"),
new BigDecimal("-1.0000")
BigDecimal smallmoney[] = {
new BigDecimal("214748.3647"),
new BigDecimal("-214748.3648"),
new BigDecimal("1.0000"),
new BigDecimal("0.0000"),
new BigDecimal("-1.0000")
if (smallmoney.length != money.length) {
throw new SQLException("Must have same number of elements in " +
"money and smallmoney");
stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate("create table #t0019 ( " +
" i integer primary key, " +
" mymoney money not null, " +
" mysmallmoney smallmoney not null) " +
for (i=0; i<money.length; i++) {
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0019 values (" +
i + ", " + money[i] + ", " +
smallmoney[i] + ") ");
// long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
// while (l + 500 > System.currentTimeMillis()) ;
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from #t0019 order by i");
for (i=0; rs.next(); i++) {
BigDecimal m;
BigDecimal sm;
m = (BigDecimal)rs.getObject("mymoney");
sm = (BigDecimal)rs.getObject("mysmallmoney");
assertEquals(m, money[i]);
assertEquals(sm, smallmoney[i]);
output.println(m + ", " + sm);
public void testBooleanAndCompute0026() throws Exception {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
int count = stmt.executeUpdate("create table #t0026 " +
" (i integer, " +
" b bit, " +
" s char(5), " +
" f float) ");
output.println("Creating table affected " + count + " rows");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0026 values(0, 0, 'false', 0.0)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0026 values(0, 0, 'N', 10)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0026 values(1, 1, 'true', 7.0)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0026 values(2, 1, 'Y', -5.0)");
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"select * from #t0026 order by i compute sum(f) by i");
|| rs.getBoolean("b")
|| rs.getBoolean("s")
|| rs.getBoolean("f")));
|| rs.getBoolean("b")
|| rs.getBoolean("s")
|| rs.getBoolean("f")));
&& rs.getBoolean("b")
&& rs.getBoolean("s")
&& rs.getBoolean("f"));
&& rs.getBoolean("b")
&& rs.getBoolean("s")
&& rs.getBoolean("f"));
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"select * from #t0026 order by i compute sum(f) by i");
if (!rs.next())
throw new SQLException("Failed");
passed = passed && (! (rs.getBoolean("i")
|| rs.getBoolean("b")
|| rs.getBoolean("s")
|| rs.getBoolean("f")));
if (!rs.next())
throw new SQLException("Failed");
passed = passed && (! (rs.getBoolean("i")
|| rs.getBoolean("b")
|| rs.getBoolean("s")
|| rs.getBoolean("f")));
if (!rs.next())
throw new SQLException("Failed");
passed = passed && (rs.getBoolean("i")
&& rs.getBoolean("b")
&& rs.getBoolean("s")
&& rs.getBoolean("f"));
if (!rs.next())
throw new SQLException("Failed");
passed = passed && (rs.getBoolean("i")
&& rs.getBoolean("b")
&& rs.getBoolean("s")
&& rs.getBoolean("f"));
public void testDataTypes0027() throws Exception {
output.println("Test all the SQLServer datatypes in Statement\n"
+ "and PreparedStatement using the preferred getXXX()\n"
+ "instead of getObject like #t0017.java does.");
output.println("!!!Note- This test is not fully implemented yet!!!");
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs;
stmt.execute("set dateformat ymd");
String sql =
"create table #t0027 ( " +
" mybinary binary(5) not null, " +
" myvarbinary varbinary(4) not null, " +
" mychar char(10) not null, " +
" myvarchar varchar(8) not null, " +
" mydatetime datetime not null, " +
" mysmalldatetime smalldatetime not null, " +
" mydecimal10_3 decimal(10,3) not null, " +
" mynumeric5_4 numeric (5,4) not null, " +
" myfloat6 float(6) not null, " +
" myfloat14 float(6) not null, " +
" myreal real not null, " +
" myint int not null, " +
" mysmallint smallint not null, " +
" mytinyint tinyint not null, " +
" mymoney money not null, " +
" mysmallmoney smallmoney not null, " +
" mybit bit not null, " +
" mytimestamp timestamp not null, " + // auto-updated column, MS SQL only accepts null values, Sybase doesn't accept values at all
" mytext text not null, " +
" myimage image not null, " +
" mynullbinary binary(3) null, " +
" mynullvarbinary varbinary(6) null, " +
" mynullchar char(10) null, " +
" mynullvarchar varchar(40) null, " +
" mynulldatetime datetime null, " +
" mynullsmalldatetime smalldatetime null, " +
" mynulldecimal10_3 decimal(10,3) null, " +
" mynullnumeric15_10 numeric(15,10) null, " +
" mynullfloat6 float(6) null, " +
" mynullfloat14 float(14) null, " +
" mynullreal real null, " +
" mynullint int null, " +
" mynullsmallint smallint null, " +
" mynulltinyint tinyint null, " +
" mynullmoney money null, " +
" mynullsmallmoney smallmoney null, " +
" mynulltext text null, " +
" mynullimage image null) ";
assertEquals(stmt.executeUpdate(sql), 0);
// Insert a row without nulls via a Statement
sql =
"insert into #t0027 " +
" (mybinary, " +
" myvarbinary, " +
" mychar, " +
" myvarchar, " +
" mydatetime, " +
" mysmalldatetime, " +
" mydecimal10_3, " +
" mynumeric5_4, " +
" myfloat6, " +
" myfloat14, " +
" myreal, " +
" myint, " +
" mysmallint, " +
" mytinyint, " +
" mymoney, " +
" mysmallmoney, " +
" mybit, " +
// " mytimestamp, " // auto-updated column, MS SQL only accepts null values, Sybase doesn't accept any value at all
" mytext, " +
" myimage, " +
" mynullbinary, " +
" mynullvarbinary, " +
" mynullchar, " +
" mynullvarchar, " +
" mynulldatetime, " +
" mynullsmalldatetime, " +
" mynulldecimal10_3, " +
" mynullnumeric15_10, " +
" mynullfloat6, " +
" mynullfloat14, " +
" mynullreal, " +
" mynullint, " +
" mynullsmallint, " +
" mynulltinyint, " +
" mynullmoney, " +
" mynullsmallmoney, " +
" mynulltext, " +
" mynullimage) " +
" values " +
" (0x1213141516, " + // mybinary,
" 0x1718191A, " + // myvarbinary
" '1234567890', " + // mychar
" '12345678', " + // myvarchar
" '19991015 21:29:59.01', " + // mydatetime
" '19991015 20:45', " + // mysmalldatetime
" 1234567.089, " + // mydecimal10_3
" 1.2345, " + // mynumeric5_4
" 65.4321, " + // myfloat6
" 1.123456789, " + // myfloat14
" 987654321.0, " + // myreal
" 4097, " + // myint
" 4094, " + // mysmallint
" 200, " + // mytinyint
" 19.95, " + // mymoney
" 9.97, " + // mysmallmoney
" 1, " + // mybit
// " null, " mytimestamp - auto-updated column, MS SQL only accepts null values, Sybase doesn't accept any value at all
" 'abcdefg', " + // mytext
" 0x0AAABB, " + // myimage
" 0x123456, " + // mynullbinary
" 0xAB, " + // mynullvarbinary
" 'z', " + // mynullchar
" 'zyx', " + // mynullvarchar
" '1976-07-04 12:00:00.04', " + // mynulldatetime
" '2000-02-29 13:46', " + // mynullsmalldatetime
" 1.23, " + // mynulldecimal10_3
" 7.1234567891, " + // mynullnumeric15_10
" 987654, " + // mynullfloat6
" 0, " + // mynullfloat14
" -1.1, " + // mynullreal
" -10, " + // mynullint
" 126, " + // mynullsmallint
" 7, " + // mynulltinyint
" -19999.00, " + // mynullmoney
" -9.97, " + // mynullsmallmoney
" '1234', " + // mynulltext
" 0x1200340056) " + // mynullimage)
assertEquals(stmt.executeUpdate(sql), 1);
sql = "select * from #t0027";
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
output.println("mybinary is " + rs.getObject("mybinary"));
output.println("myvarbinary is " + rs.getObject("myvarbinary"));
output.println("mychar is " + rs.getString("mychar"));
output.println("myvarchar is " + rs.getString("myvarchar"));
output.println("mydatetime is " + rs.getTimestamp("mydatetime"));
output.println("mysmalldatetime is " + rs.getTimestamp("mysmalldatetime"));
output.println("mydecimal10_3 is " + rs.getObject("mydecimal10_3"));
output.println("mynumeric5_4 is " + rs.getObject("mynumeric5_4"));
output.println("myfloat6 is " + rs.getDouble("myfloat6"));
output.println("myfloat14 is " + rs.getDouble("myfloat14"));
output.println("myreal is " + rs.getDouble("myreal"));
output.println("myint is " + rs.getInt("myint"));
output.println("mysmallint is " + rs.getShort("mysmallint"));
output.println("mytinyint is " + rs.getShort("mytinyint"));
output.println("mymoney is " + rs.getObject("mymoney"));
output.println("mysmallmoney is " + rs.getObject("mysmallmoney"));
output.println("mybit is " + rs.getObject("mybit"));
output.println("mytimestamp is " + rs.getObject("mytimestamp"));
output.println("mytext is " + rs.getObject("mytext"));
output.println("myimage is " + rs.getObject("myimage"));
output.println("mynullbinary is " + rs.getObject("mynullbinary"));
output.println("mynullvarbinary is " + rs.getObject("mynullvarbinary"));
output.println("mynullchar is " + rs.getString("mynullchar"));
output.println("mynullvarchar is " + rs.getString("mynullvarchar"));
output.println("mynulldatetime is " + rs.getTimestamp("mynulldatetime"));
output.println("mynullsmalldatetime is " + rs.getTimestamp("mynullsmalldatetime"));
output.println("mynulldecimal10_3 is " + rs.getObject("mynulldecimal10_3"));
output.println("mynullnumeric15_10 is " + rs.getObject("mynullnumeric15_10"));
output.println("mynullfloat6 is " + rs.getDouble("mynullfloat6"));
output.println("mynullfloat14 is " + rs.getDouble("mynullfloat14"));
output.println("mynullreal is " + rs.getDouble("mynullreal"));
output.println("mynullint is " + rs.getInt("mynullint"));
output.println("mynullsmallint is " + rs.getShort("mynullsmallint"));
output.println("mynulltinyint is " + rs.getByte("mynulltinyint"));
output.println("mynullmoney is " + rs.getObject("mynullmoney"));
output.println("mynullsmallmoney is " + rs.getObject("mynullsmallmoney"));
output.println("mynulltext is " + rs.getObject("mynulltext"));
output.println("mynullimage is " + rs.getObject("mynullimage"));
public void testCallStoredProcedures0028() throws Exception {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs;
boolean isResultSet;
int updateCount;
int resultSetCount=0;
int rowCount=0;
int numberOfUpdates=0;
isResultSet = stmt.execute("EXEC sp_who");
output.println("execute(EXEC sp_who) returned: " + isResultSet);
while (isResultSet || (updateCount!=-1)) {
if (isResultSet) {
rs = stmt.getResultSet();
ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = rs.getMetaData();
int columnCount = rsMeta.getColumnCount();
output.println("columnCount: " +
for (int n=1; n<= columnCount; n++) {
output.println(Integer.toString(n) + ": " +
while (rs.next()) {
for (int n=1; n<= columnCount; n++) {
output.println(Integer.toString(n) + ": " +
} else {
numberOfUpdates += updateCount;
output.println("UpdateCount: " +
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
output.println("resultSetCount: " + resultSetCount);
output.println("Total rowCount: " + rowCount);
output.println("Number of updates: " + numberOfUpdates);
assertTrue((rowCount>=1) && (numberOfUpdates==0) && (resultSetCount==1));
public void testxx0029() throws Exception {
dropProcedure( "t0029_p1" );
dropProcedure( "t0029_p2" );
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs;
boolean isResultSet;
int updateCount;
int resultSetCount=0;
int rowCount=0;
int numberOfUpdates=0;
output.println("before execute DROP PROCEDURE");
isResultSet =
" create table #t0029_t1 " +
" (t1 datetime not null, " +
" t2 datetime null, " +
" t3 smalldatetime not null, " +
" t4 smalldatetime null, " +
" t5 text null) ");
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
do {
output.println("CREATE TABLE isResultSet: " + isResultSet);
output.println("CREATE TABLE updateCount: " + updateCount);
isResultSet = stmt.getMoreResults();
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
} while (((updateCount!=-1) && !isResultSet) || isResultSet);
isResultSet =
" insert into #t0029_t1 values " +
" ('1999-01-07', '1998-09-09 15:35:05', " +
" getdate(), '1998-09-09 15:35:00', null) " +
" update #t0029_t1 set t1='1999-01-01' " +
" insert into #t0029_t1 values " +
" ('1999-01-08', '1998-09-09 15:35:05', " +
" getdate(), '1998-09-09 15:35:00','456') " +
" update #t0029_t1 set t2='1999-01-02' " +
" declare @ptr varbinary(16) " +
" select @ptr=textptr(t5) from #t0029_t1 " +
" where t1='1999-01-08' " +
" writetext #t0029_t1.t5 @ptr with log '123' ");
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
do {
output.println("CREATE PROCEDURE isResultSet: " + isResultSet);
output.println("CREATE PROCEDURE updateCount: " + updateCount);
isResultSet = stmt.getMoreResults();
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
} while (((updateCount!=-1) && !isResultSet) || isResultSet);
isResultSet =
" set nocount on " +
" EXEC t0029_p1 " +
" SELECT * FROM #t0029_t1 ");
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
do {
output.println("CREATE PROCEDURE isResultSet: " + isResultSet);
output.println("CREATE PROCEDURE updateCount: " + updateCount);
isResultSet = stmt.getMoreResults();
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
} while (((updateCount!=-1) && !isResultSet) || isResultSet);
isResultSet = stmt.execute( "EXEC t0029_p2 ");
output.println("execute(EXEC t0029_p2) returned: " + isResultSet);
while (isResultSet || (updateCount!=-1)) {
if (isResultSet) {
rs = stmt.getResultSet();
ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = rs.getMetaData();
int columnCount = rsMeta.getColumnCount();
output.println("columnCount: " +
for (int n=1; n<= columnCount; n++) {
output.println(Integer.toString(n) + ": " +
while (rs.next()) {
for (int n=1; n<= columnCount; n++) {
output.println(Integer.toString(n) + ": " +
} else {
numberOfUpdates += updateCount;
output.println("UpdateCount: " +
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
output.println("resultSetCount: " + resultSetCount);
output.println("Total rowCount: " + rowCount);
output.println("Number of updates: " + numberOfUpdates);
assertTrue((resultSetCount==1) &&
(rowCount==2) &&
public void testDataTypesByResultSetMetaData0030() throws Exception {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs;
String sql = ("select " +
" convert(tinyint, 2), " +
" convert(smallint, 5) ");
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
if (!rs.next()) {
fail("Expecting one row");
} else {
ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
if (meta.getColumnType(1)!=java.sql.Types.TINYINT) {
fail("tinyint column was read as "
+ meta.getColumnType(1));
if (meta.getColumnType(2)!=java.sql.Types.SMALLINT) {
fail("smallint column was read as "
+ meta.getColumnType(2));
if (rs.getInt(1) != 2) {
fail("Bogus value read for tinyint");
if (rs.getInt(2) != 5) {
fail("Bogus value read for smallint");
public void testTextColumns0031() throws Exception {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
assertEquals(0, stmt.executeUpdate(
"create table #t0031 " +
" (t_nullable text null, " +
" t_notnull text not null, " +
" i int not null) "));
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0031 values(null, '', 1)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0031 values(null, 'b1', 2)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0031 values('', '', 3)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0031 values('', 'b2', 4)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0031 values('a1', '', 5)");
stmt.executeUpdate("insert into #t0031 values('a2', 'b3', 6)");
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from #t0031 " +
" order by i ");
assertEquals(null, rs.getString(1));
assertEquals("", rs.getString(2));
assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(3));
assertEquals(null, rs.getString(1));
assertEquals("b1", rs.getString(2));
assertEquals(2, rs.getInt(3));
assertEquals("", rs.getString(1));
assertEquals("", rs.getString(2));
assertEquals(3, rs.getInt(3));
assertEquals("", rs.getString(1));
assertEquals("b2", rs.getString(2));
assertEquals(4, rs.getInt(3));
assertEquals("a1", rs.getString(1));
assertEquals("", rs.getString(2));
assertEquals(5, rs.getInt(3));
assertEquals("a2", rs.getString(1));
assertEquals("b3", rs.getString(2));
assertEquals(6, rs.getInt(3));
public void testSpHelpSysUsers0032() throws Exception {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
boolean passed = true;
boolean isResultSet;
boolean done;
int i;
int updateCount;
output.println("Starting test #t0032- test sp_help sysusers");
isResultSet = stmt.execute("sp_help sysusers");
output.println("Executed the statement. rc is " + isResultSet);
do {
if (isResultSet) {
output.println("About to call getResultSet");
ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
updateCount = 0;
while (rs.next()) {
for (i=1; i<=meta.getColumnCount(); i++) {
output.print(rs.getString(i) + "\t");
output.println("Done processing the result set");
} else {
output.println("About to call getUpdateCount()");
updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();
output.println("Updated " + updateCount + " rows");
output.println("About to call getMoreResults()");
isResultSet = stmt.getMoreResults();
done = !isResultSet && updateCount==-1;
} while (!done);
static String longString(char ch) {
int i;
StringBuilder str255 = new StringBuilder( 255 );
for (i=0; i<255; i++) {
return str255.toString();
public void testExceptionByUpdate0033() throws Exception {
boolean passed;
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
output.println("Starting test #t0033- make sure Statement.executeUpdate() throws exception");
try {
passed = false;
stmt.executeUpdate("I am sure this is an error");
} catch (SQLException e) {
output.println("The exception is " + e.getMessage());
passed = true;
public void testInsertConflict0049() throws Exception {
try {
dropTable("jTDS_t0049b"); // important: first drop this because of foreign key
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
String query =
"create table jTDS_t0049a( " +
" a integer identity primary key, " +
" b char not null)";
assertEquals(0, stmt.executeUpdate(query));
query = "create table jTDS_t0049b( " +
" a integer not null, " +
" c char not null, " +
" foreign key (a) references jTDS_t0049a(a)) ";
assertEquals(0, stmt.executeUpdate(query));
query = "insert into jTDS_t0049b (a, c) values (?, ?)";
java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
try {
pstmt.setInt(1, 1);
pstmt.setString(2, "a");
fail("Was expecting INSERT to fail");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertEquals("23000", e.getSQLState());
assertEquals(1, stmt.executeUpdate("insert into jTDS_t0049a (b) values ('a')"));
pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
pstmt.setInt(1, 1);
pstmt.setString(2, "a");
assertEquals(1, pstmt.executeUpdate());
} finally {
dropTable("jTDS_t0049b"); // important: first drop this because of foreign key
public void testxx0050() throws Exception {
try {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
dropProcedure( "p0050" );
String query =
"create table jTDS_t0050a( " +
" a integer identity primary key, " +
" b char not null)";
assertEquals(0, stmt.executeUpdate(query));
query =
"create table jTDS_t0050b( " +
" a integer not null, " +
" c char not null, " +
" foreign key (a) references jTDS_t0050a(a)) ";
assertEquals(0, stmt.executeUpdate(query));
query =
"create procedure p0050 (@a integer, @c char) as " +
" insert into jTDS_t0050b (a, c) values (@a, @c)";
assertEquals(0, stmt.executeUpdate(query));
query = "exec p0050 ?, ?";
java.sql.CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall(query);
try {
cstmt.setInt(1, 1);
cstmt.setString(2, "a");
fail("Expecting INSERT to fail");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertEquals("23000", e.getSQLState());
assertEquals(1, stmt.executeUpdate(
"insert into jTDS_t0050a (b) values ('a')"));
assertEquals(1, cstmt.executeUpdate());
} finally {
public void testxx0051() throws Exception {
boolean passed = true;
try {
String types[] = {"TABLE"};
DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = con.getMetaData( );
ResultSet rs = dbMetaData.getTables( null, "%", "t%", types);
while (rs.next()) {
output.println("Table " + rs.getString(3));
output.println(" catalog " + rs.getString(1));
output.println(" schema " + rs.getString(2));
output.println(" name " + rs.getString(3));
output.println(" type " + rs.getString(4));
output.println(" remarks " + rs.getString(5));
} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
passed = false;
output.println("Exception caught. " + e.getMessage());
public void testxx0055() throws Exception {
boolean passed = true;
int i;
try {
String expectedNames[] = {
String types[] = {"TABLE"};
DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = con.getMetaData();
ResultSet rs = dbMetaData.getTables( null, "%", "t%", types);
ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData();
if (rsMetaData.getColumnCount() != expectedNames.length) {
passed = false;
output.println("Bad column count. Should be "
+ expectedNames.length + ", was "
+ rsMetaData.getColumnCount());
for (i=0; passed && i<expectedNames.length; i++) {
if (! rsMetaData.getColumnName(i+1).equals(expectedNames[i])) {
passed = false;
output.println("Bad name for column " + (i+1) + ". "
+ "Was " + rsMetaData.getColumnName(i+1)
+ ", expected "
+ expectedNames[i]);
} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
passed = false;
output.println("Exception caught. " + e.getMessage());
public void testxx0052() throws Exception {
boolean passed = true;
// ugly, I know
byte[] image = {
(byte)0x47, (byte)0x49, (byte)0x46, (byte)0x38,
(byte)0x39, (byte)0x61, (byte)0x0A, (byte)0x00,
(byte)0x0A, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x80, (byte)0xFF,
(byte)0x00, (byte)0xD7, (byte)0x3D, (byte)0x1B,
(byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x2C,
(byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00,
(byte)0x0A, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x0A, (byte)0x00,
(byte)0x00, (byte)0x02, (byte)0x08, (byte)0x84,
(byte)0x8F, (byte)0xA9, (byte)0xCB, (byte)0xED,
(byte)0x0F, (byte)0x63, (byte)0x2B, (byte)0x00,
int i;
int count;
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
String sql =
"create table #t0052 ( " +
" myvarchar varchar(2000) not null, " +
" myvarbinary varbinary(2000) not null) ";
sql =
"insert into #t0052 " +
" (myvarchar, " +
" myvarbinary) " +
" values " +
" (\'This is a test with german umlauts ���\', " +
" 0x4749463839610A000A0080FF00D73D1B0000002C000000000A000A00000208848FA9CBED0F632B003B" +
" )";
sql = "select * from #t0052";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
if (!rs.next()) {
passed = false;
} else {
output.println("Testing getAsciiStream()");
InputStream in = rs.getAsciiStream("myvarchar");
String expect = "This is a test with german umlauts ???";
byte[] toRead = new byte[expect.length()];
count = in.read(toRead);
if (count == expect.length()) {
for (i=0; i<expect.length(); i++) {
if (expect.charAt(i) != toRead[i]) {
passed = false;
output.println("Expected "+expect.charAt(i)
+ " but was "
+ toRead[i]);
} else {
passed = false;
output.println("Premature end in "
+ "getAsciiStream(\"myvarchar\") "
+ count + " instead of "
+ expect.length());
in = rs.getAsciiStream(2);
toRead = new byte[41];
count = in.read(toRead);
if (count == 41) {
for (i=0; i<41; i++) {
if (toRead[i] != (toRead[i] & 0x7F)) {
passed = false;
output.println("Non ASCII characters in getAsciiStream");
} else {
passed = false;
output.println("Premature end in getAsciiStream(1) "
+count+" instead of 41");
output.println("Testing getUnicodeStream()");
Reader reader = rs.getCharacterStream("myvarchar");
expect = "This is a test with german umlauts ���";
char[] charsToRead = new char[expect.length()];
count = reader.read(charsToRead, 0, expect.length());
if (count == expect.length()) {
String result = new String(charsToRead);
if (!expect.equals(result)) {
passed = false;
output.println("Expected "+ expect
+ " but was " + result);
} else {
passed = false;
output.println("Premature end in "
+ "getUnicodeStream(\"myvarchar\") "
+ count + " instead of "
+ expect.length());
/* Cannot think of a meaningfull test */
reader = rs.getCharacterStream(2);
output.println("Testing getBinaryStream()");
/* Cannot think of a meaningfull test */
in = rs.getBinaryStream("myvarchar");
in = rs.getBinaryStream(2);
count = 0;
toRead = new byte[image.length];
do {
int actuallyRead = in.read(toRead, count,
if (actuallyRead == -1) {
passed = false;
output.println("Premature end in "
+" getBinaryStream(2) "
+ count +" instead of "
+ image.length);
count += actuallyRead;
} while (count < image.length);
for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
if (toRead[i] != image[i]) {
passed = false;
output.println("Expected "+toRead[i]
+ "but was "+image[i]);
output.println("Testing getCharacterStream()");
try {
reader = (Reader) UnitTestBase.invokeInstanceMethod(
rs, "getCharacterStream", new Class[]{String.class}, new Object[]{"myvarchar"});
expect = "This is a test with german umlauts ���";
charsToRead = new char[expect.length()];
count = reader.read(charsToRead, 0, expect.length());
if (count == expect.length()) {
String result = new String(charsToRead);
if (!expect.equals(result)) {
passed = false;
output.println("Expected "+ expect
+ " but was " + result);
} else {
passed = false;
output.println("Premature end in "
+ "getCharacterStream(\"myvarchar\") "
+ count + " instead of "
+ expect.length());
/* Cannot think of a meaningfull test */
reader = (Reader) UnitTestBase.invokeInstanceMethod(
rs, "getCharacterStream", new Class[]{Integer.TYPE}, new Object[]{new Integer(2)});
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// FIXME - This will not compile under 1.3...
if (e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchMethodException) {
output.println("JDBC 2 only");
} else {
throw e;
// }
} catch (Throwable t) {
passed = false;
output.println("Exception: "+t.getMessage());
} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
passed = false;
output.println("Exception caught. " + e.getMessage());
public void testxx0053() throws Exception {
boolean passed = true;
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
try {
String sql =
"create table #t0053 ( " +
" myvarchar varchar(2000) not null, " +
" mynchar nchar(2000) not null, " +
" mynvarchar nvarchar(2000) not null, " +
" myntext ntext not null " +
" ) ";
sql =
"insert into #t0053 " +
" (myvarchar, " +
" mynchar, " +
" mynvarchar, " +
" myntext) " +
" values " +
" \'������\', " +
" \'������\', " +
" \'������\' " +
" )";
sql = "select * from #t0053";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
if (!rs.next()) {
passed = false;
} else {
String test = rs.getString(1);
if (test.length() != 270) {
fail("Testing varchars > 255 chars: failed");
test = rs.getString(2);
if (test.length() != 2000 || ! "������".equals(test.trim())) {
fail("Testing nchar: failed, got \'"+test.trim()+"\' instead of \'������\'");
test = rs.getString(3);
if (test.length() != 6 || ! "������".equals(test)) {
fail("Testing nvarchar: failed, got \'"+test+"\' instead of \'������\'");
test = rs.getString(4);
if (test.length() != 6 || ! "������".equals(test)) {
fail("Testing ntext: failed, got \'"+test+"\' instead of \'������\'");
} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
passed = false;
output.println("Exception caught. " + e.getMessage());
public void testxx005x() throws Exception {
boolean passed = true;
output.println("test getting a DECIMAL as a long from the database.");
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select convert(DECIMAL(4,0), 0)");
if (!rs.next()) {
passed = false;
} else {
long l = rs.getLong(1);
if (l != 0) {
passed = false;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select convert(DECIMAL(4,0), 1)");
if (!rs.next()) {
passed = false;
} else {
long l = rs.getLong(1);
if (l != 1) {
passed = false;
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select convert(DECIMAL(4,0), -1)");
if (!rs.next()) {
passed = false;
} else {
long l = rs.getLong(1);
if (l != -1) {
passed = false;
public void testxx0057() throws Exception {
output.println("test putting a zero length string into a parameter");
// open the database
int count;
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
count = stmt.executeUpdate("create table #t0057 "
+ " (a varchar(10) not null, "
+ " b char(10) not null) ");
output.println("Creating table affected " + count + " rows");
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(
"insert into #t0057 values (?, ?)");
pstmt.setString(1, "");
pstmt.setString(2, "");
count = pstmt.executeUpdate();
output.println("Added " + count + " rows");
if (count != 1) {
output.println("Failed to add rows");
} else {
pstmt = con.prepareStatement("select a, b from #t0057");
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
if (!rs.next()) {
output.println("Couldn't read rows from table.");
} else {
output.println("a is |" + rs.getString("a") + "|");
output.println("b is |" + rs.getString("b") + "|");
assertEquals("", rs.getString("a"));
assertEquals(" ", rs.getString("b"));
public void testxx0059() throws Exception {
try {
DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = con.getMetaData( );
ResultSet rs = dbMetaData.getSchemas();
ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData();
boolean JDBC3 = "1.4".compareTo(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")) <= 0;
assertEquals(JDBC3 ? 2 : 1, rsm.getColumnCount());
if (JDBC3) {
while (rs.next()) {
output.println("schema " + rs.getString(1));
} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
output.println("Exception caught. " + e.getMessage());