package org.apache.taverna.tavlang; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import io.airlift.airline.Arguments; import io.airlift.airline.Cli; import io.airlift.airline.Cli.CliBuilder; import io.airlift.airline.Command; import io.airlift.airline.Help; import io.airlift.airline.Option; import; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /* * The command line options for convert, validate and inspect workflows. * Use the airlift/airline library * */ public class CommandLineTool { private static Cli<TvnLangTool> parser() { CliBuilder<TvnLangTool> build = Cli.<TvnLangTool> builder("tavlang") .withDescription("Convert, manage workflows") .withDefaultCommand(HelpCommand.class) .withCommand(CommandConvert.class) // Conversion .withCommand(HelpCommand.class) // Help .withCommand(CommandInspect.class) // Inspect .withCommand(CommandValidate.class) // Validate .withCommand(CommandVersion.class) // Version .withCommand(CommandStat.class); // Statistics return; } public CommandLineTool() { }; public void parse(String... args) { TvnLangTool command = parser().parse(args); command.execute(); System.out.println(); } public static abstract class TvnLangTool { public abstract void execute(); } // placeholder for output file types public static class Filetypes { @Option(name = "--wfdesc", description = "Convert the workflow file to wfdesc-turtle") public static boolean isWfdesc = false; @Option(name = "--wfbundle", description = "Convert the workflow file to wfbundle") public static boolean isWfbundle = false; @Option(name = "--robundle", description = "Convert the given bundle into Research Object bundle") public static boolean isRo = false; @Option(name = "--structure", description = "Convert the workflow into *.structure") public static boolean isStructure = false; @Option(name = "--json", description = "Convert the workflow into json") public static boolean isJson = false; @Option(name = "--iwir", description = "Convert scufl2 workflows into IWIR 1.1 specification") public static boolean isIwir = false; // The tool can only handle one output format at a time. // Return the file type which is selected public static String isTrue() { if (isWfdesc) return "wfdesc"; else if (isWfbundle) return "wfbundle"; else if (isRo) return "robundle"; else if (isStructure) return "structure"; else if (isJson) return "json"; else if (isIwir) return "iwir"; else{ System.out.println("Invalid argument...."); TvnLangTool command = parser().parse("help", "convert"); command.execute(); return null; } } } public static class Inspect { @Option(name = "--servicetypes", description = "List the service types used in workflow") public static boolean servicetypes = false; @Option(name = "--processornames", description = "List a tree of processor names used in workflow") public static boolean processor = false; public String getWay() { if (servicetypes) return "servicetypes"; else if (processor) return "processornames"; else{ System.out.println("Invalid argument...."); TvnLangTool command = parser().parse("help", "inspect"); command.execute(); return null; } } } // Placeholder for optional parameters: Ex: -i, -o public static class Optional { // The input file or directory @Option(name = { "-i", "--input" }, description = "Input file/ file dir for conversion") public static String in_file_dir; // The out put file or directory. When this is set, all the converted // files will be saved into the directory that specified. @Option(name = { "-o", "--output" }, description = "Output file/ directory") public static String out_file_dir; public static String getInFile() { return in_file_dir; } public static String getOutFile() { return out_file_dir; } } @Command(name = "help", description = "Display help information about Taverna") public static class HelpCommand extends TvnLangTool { @Inject public Help help; @Override public void execute() {; } } // Command for convert workflows @Command(name = "convert", description = "Convert the given workflow") public static class CommandConvert extends TvnLangTool { @Inject Optional optional = new Optional(); @Inject Filetypes filetypes = new Filetypes(); @Arguments(usage = "<output format> <input files> ", description = "List of files to be converted.\n " + "Give the list of files to be converted without -i/-o and the converted files will be saved in to /converted folder in the same dir") public final List<String> files = Lists.newArrayList(); // When this is true, the command will run recursively in a directory. @Option(name = { "-r", "--recursive" }, description = "Execute the command recursively") public boolean recurse = false; // Option for validate the given workflow when converting @Option(name = { "-V", "--validate" }, description = "Validate the workflow before convert") public boolean validate = false; @Override public void execute() { //Validate before convert if(validate){ Validate validate = new Validate(files, null, false); if(validate.getCheck()){ System.out.println("Conversion failed...! Workflow bundle has errors"); return; } } runcommand(); } public void runcommand(){ if (Filetypes.isRo) { try { new ToRobundle(files, Optional.getOutFile()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // else if(Filetypes.isIwir || Filetypes.isJson || Filetypes.isStructure || Filetypes.isWfbundle || Filetypes.isWfdesc) } else if(Filetypes.isIwir || Filetypes.isJson || Filetypes.isStructure || Filetypes.isWfbundle || Filetypes.isWfdesc){ if (recurse) { new Scufl2Convert(Filetypes.isTrue(), Optional.getInFile(), Optional.getOutFile()); } else { new Scufl2Convert(Filetypes.isTrue(), files, Optional.getOutFile()); } }else{ System.out.println("Invalid argument...."); TvnLangTool command = parser().parse("help", "convert"); command.execute(); } } } // Version command @Command(name = "version", description = "Show version information") public static class CommandVersion extends TvnLangTool { @Override public void execute() { System.out.print(getClass().getPackage().getImplementationTitle()); System.out.println(" " + getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion()); } } // Command for inspection of workflows....!! @Command(name = "inspect", description = "Inspect the given workflow and show the results on the terminal") public static class CommandInspect extends TvnLangTool { @Inject Inspect inspect = new Inspect(); @Option(name = { "-l", "--log" }, description = "Specify the file name where results should be stored ([some dir]/log.txt)") public String file; @Arguments(usage = "<option> <input files>", description = "Inspect the given workflow") public List<String> toInspect = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public void execute() { if (Inspect.processor) { try { new ProcessorNames(toInspect, file); } catch (ReaderException | IOException | JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (Inspect.servicetypes) { try { new ServiceTypes(toInspect, file); } catch (IOException | ReaderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }else{ System.out.println("Invalid argument...."); TvnLangTool command = parser().parse("help", "inspect"); command.execute(); } } } // Command for validation @Command(name = "validate", description = "Validate the given workflow") public static class CommandValidate extends TvnLangTool{ @Option(name = { "-l", "--log" }, description = "Specify the file name where results should be stored ([some dir]/log.txt)") public String file; @Option(name = {"-v", "--verbose"}, description = "Verbose mode") public boolean verbose; // @Arguments(usage = "<option> <input files> <output dir>", description = "Validate the given workflow file/s") @Arguments(usage = "input files", description = "Validate the given workflow file/s") public List<String> toValidate = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public void execute() { Validate validate = new Validate(toValidate, file, verbose); } } //Command for getting workflow stats @Command (name = "stats", description = "Shows the workflow statistics") public static class CommandStat extends TvnLangTool{ @Option(name = {"-l", "--log"}, description ="Save the workflow statistics in a file") public String file; @Option(name = {"-v", "--verbose"}, description = "Verbose mode") public boolean verbose; @Arguments(usage="input files", description = "Enter the workflow bundle files") public List<String> files; @Override public void execute() { GetWfStat stat = new GetWfStat(files, file, verbose); } } }