package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.PropertyAccessor; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Base64Variant; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotationIntrospectorPair; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.ClassIntrospector; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.VisibilityChecker; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeResolverBuilder; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.StdDateFormat; /** * Immutable container class used to store simple configuration * settings. Since instances are fully immutable, instances can * be freely shared and used without synchronization. */ public final class BaseSettings implements // since 2.1 { // for 2.1.0: private static final long serialVersionUID = 4939673998947122190L; /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration settings; introspection, related /********************************************************** */ /** * Introspector used to figure out Bean properties needed for bean serialization * and deserialization. Overridable so that it is possible to change low-level * details of introspection, like adding new annotation types. */ protected final ClassIntrospector _classIntrospector; /** * Introspector used for accessing annotation value based configuration. */ protected final AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector; /** * Object used for determining whether specific property elements * (method, constructors, fields) can be auto-detected based on * their visibility (access modifiers). Can be changed to allow * different minimum visibility levels for auto-detection. Note * that this is the global handler; individual types (classes) * can further override active checker used (using * {@link JsonAutoDetect} annotation) */ protected final VisibilityChecker<?> _visibilityChecker; /** * Custom property naming strategy in use, if any. */ protected final PropertyNamingStrategy _propertyNamingStrategy; /** * Specific factory used for creating {@link JavaType} instances; * needed to allow modules to add more custom type handling * (mostly to support types of non-Java JVM languages) */ protected final TypeFactory _typeFactory; /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration settings; type resolution /********************************************************** */ /** * Type information handler used for "untyped" values (ones declared * to have type <code>Object.class</code>) */ protected final TypeResolverBuilder<?> _typeResolverBuilder; /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration settings; other /********************************************************** */ /** * Custom date format to use for de-serialization. If specified, will be * used instead of {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.StdDateFormat}. *<p> * Note that the configured format object will be cloned once per * deserialization process (first time it is needed) */ protected final DateFormat _dateFormat; /** * Object used for creating instances of handlers (serializers, deserializers, * type and type id resolvers), given class to instantiate. This is typically * used to do additional configuration (with dependency injection, for example) * beyond simply construction of instances; or to use alternative constructors. */ protected final HandlerInstantiator _handlerInstantiator; /** * Default {@link java.util.Locale} used with serialization formats. * Default value is {@link Locale#getDefault()}. */ protected final Locale _locale; /** * Default {@link java.util.TimeZone} used with serialization formats. * Default value is {@link TimeZone#getDefault()}, which is typically the * local time zone (unless overridden for JVM). *<p> * Note that if a new value is set, time zone is also assigned to * {@link #_dateFormat} of this object. */ protected final TimeZone _timeZone; /** * Explicitly default {@link Base64Variant} to use for handling * binary data (<code>byte[]</code>), used with data formats * that use base64 encoding (like JSON, CSV). * * @since 2.1 */ protected final Base64Variant _defaultBase64; /* /********************************************************** /* Construction /********************************************************** */ public BaseSettings(ClassIntrospector ci, AnnotationIntrospector ai, VisibilityChecker<?> vc, PropertyNamingStrategy pns, TypeFactory tf, TypeResolverBuilder<?> typer, DateFormat dateFormat, HandlerInstantiator hi, Locale locale, TimeZone tz, Base64Variant defaultBase64) { _classIntrospector = ci; _annotationIntrospector = ai; _visibilityChecker = vc; _propertyNamingStrategy = pns; _typeFactory = tf; _typeResolverBuilder = typer; _dateFormat = dateFormat; _handlerInstantiator = hi; _locale = locale; _timeZone = tz; _defaultBase64 = defaultBase64; } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods /********************************************************** */ public BaseSettings withClassIntrospector(ClassIntrospector ci) { if (_classIntrospector == ci) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(ci, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings withAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai) { if (_annotationIntrospector == ai) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, ai, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings withInsertedAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai) { return withAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospectorPair.create(ai, _annotationIntrospector)); } public BaseSettings withAppendedAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai) { return withAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospectorPair.create(_annotationIntrospector, ai)); } public BaseSettings withVisibilityChecker(VisibilityChecker<?> vc) { if (_visibilityChecker == vc) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, vc, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings withVisibility(PropertyAccessor forMethod, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility visibility) { return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker.withVisibility(forMethod, visibility), _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings withPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy pns) { if (_propertyNamingStrategy == pns) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, pns, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings withTypeFactory(TypeFactory tf) { if (_typeFactory == tf) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, tf, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings withTypeResolverBuilder(TypeResolverBuilder<?> typer) { if (_typeResolverBuilder == typer) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, typer, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings withDateFormat(DateFormat df) { if (_dateFormat == df) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, df, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings withHandlerInstantiator(HandlerInstantiator hi) { if (_handlerInstantiator == hi) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, hi, _locale, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } public BaseSettings with(Locale l) { if (_locale == l) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, l, _timeZone, _defaultBase64); } /** * Fluent factory for constructing a new instance that uses specified TimeZone. * Note that timezone used with also be assigned to configured {@link DateFormat}, * changing time formatting defaults. */ public BaseSettings with(TimeZone tz) { if (tz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } DateFormat df = _dateFormat; if (df instanceof StdDateFormat) { df = ((StdDateFormat) df).withTimeZone(tz); } else { // we don't know if original format might be shared; better create a clone: df = (DateFormat) df.clone(); df.setTimeZone(tz); } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, df, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, tz, _defaultBase64); } /** * @since 2.1 */ public BaseSettings with(Base64Variant base64) { if (base64 == _defaultBase64) { return this; } return new BaseSettings(_classIntrospector, _annotationIntrospector, _visibilityChecker, _propertyNamingStrategy, _typeFactory, _typeResolverBuilder, _dateFormat, _handlerInstantiator, _locale, _timeZone, base64); } /* /********************************************************** /* API /********************************************************** */ public ClassIntrospector getClassIntrospector() { return _classIntrospector; } public AnnotationIntrospector getAnnotationIntrospector() { return _annotationIntrospector; } public VisibilityChecker<?> getVisibilityChecker() { return _visibilityChecker; } public PropertyNamingStrategy getPropertyNamingStrategy() { return _propertyNamingStrategy; } public TypeFactory getTypeFactory() { return _typeFactory; } public TypeResolverBuilder<?> getTypeResolverBuilder() { return _typeResolverBuilder; } public DateFormat getDateFormat() { return _dateFormat; } public HandlerInstantiator getHandlerInstantiator() { return _handlerInstantiator; } public Locale getLocale() { return _locale; } public TimeZone getTimeZone() { return _timeZone; } public Base64Variant getBase64Variant() { return _defaultBase64; } }