package com.xiaomi.xms.sales.xmsf.account.utils; import; import android.content.Context; import android.telephony.SmsManager; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.request.HostManager.Parameters; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.util.Constants; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.util.LogUtil; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.util.Utils; import; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.xmsf.account.exception.AccessDeniedException; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.xmsf.account.exception.InvalidCredentialException; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.xmsf.account.exception.InvalidResponseException; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.xmsf.miui.utils.CarrierSelector; import com.xiaomi.xms.sales.xmsf.miui.utils.CloudCoder; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * Helper class to perform account related tasks. */ public final class CloudHelper { private static final String TAG = "CloudHelper"; private static final String LOCATION = "Location"; private static final Integer INT_0 = 0; /** * key: imsi, value: array[0] hashed device id, array[1] hashed imsi */ private static final Map<String, String> mDeviceInfoMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static final CarrierSelector<String> CARRIER_SELECTOR = new CarrierSelector<String>( CarrierSelector.CARRIER.CHINA_MOBILE); static { CARRIER_SELECTOR .register(CarrierSelector.CARRIER.CHINA_MOBILE, Constants.Account.SMS_GW_CM); CARRIER_SELECTOR .register(CarrierSelector.CARRIER.CHINA_UNICOM, Constants.Account.SMS_GW_CU); CARRIER_SELECTOR .register(CarrierSelector.CARRIER.CHINA_TELECOM, Constants.Account.SMS_GW_CT); } public static AccountInfo getServiceTokenByPassword(String userId, String password, String serviceId) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException, InvalidCredentialException, AccessDeniedException { if (userId == null || password == null || serviceId == null) { throw new NullPointerException("invalid params"); } EasyMap<String, String> params = new EasyMap<String, String>() .easyPut("user", userId) .easyPut("pwd", password) .easyPut("sid", serviceId); SimpleRequest.StringContent loginContent = SimpleRequest .postAsString(Constants.Account.URL_LOGIN_AUTH, params, null, false); if (loginContent == null) { throw new IOException("failed to get response from server"); } return processLoginContent(loginContent); } public static AccountInfo getServiceTokenByPassToken(String userId, String passToken, String serviceId) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException, InvalidCredentialException, AccessDeniedException { EasyMap<String, String> params = new EasyMap<String, String>() .easyPut("sid", serviceId); EasyMap<String, String> cookies = new EasyMap<String, String>() .easyPut("userId", userId) .easyPut("passToken", passToken); LogUtil.d(TAG, "The login url is:" + Constants.Account.URL_LOGIN); SimpleRequest.StringContent loginContent = SimpleRequest .getAsString(Constants.Account.URL_LOGIN, params, cookies, false); if (loginContent == null) { throw new IOException("failed to get response from service server"); } return processLoginContent(loginContent); } protected static AccountInfo processLoginContent( SimpleRequest.StringContent loginContent) throws InvalidResponseException, InvalidCredentialException { // location where to get the service token String serviceTokenLocation = loginContent.getHeader(LOCATION); LogUtil.d(TAG, "The callback url is:" + serviceTokenLocation); String userId = loginContent.getHeader("userId"); String passToken = loginContent.getHeader("passToken"); String extParams = loginContent.getHeader("extension-pragma"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serviceTokenLocation)) { throw new InvalidCredentialException( "no get auth location, password mistakes"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(userId)) { throw new InvalidResponseException("no user Id"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(passToken)) { throw new InvalidResponseException( "no passToken in login response"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(extParams)) { throw new InvalidResponseException("empty extension-pragma"); } String security = null; Long nonce = null; try { JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(extParams); security = jObj.optString("ssecurity"); nonce = jObj.optLong("nonce"); } catch (JSONException e) { } if (security == null || nonce == null) { throw new InvalidResponseException("security or nonce is null"); } String clientSign = getClientSign(nonce, security); if (clientSign == null) { Log.e(TAG, "failed to get client sign"); throw new InvalidResponseException("sign parameters failure"); } EasyMap<String, String> params = new EasyMap<String, String>("clientSign", clientSign); // params = params.easyPut("client_id", "180100031013"); SimpleRequest.StringContent serviceTokenContent = null; try { serviceTokenContent = SimpleRequest .getAsString(serviceTokenLocation, params, null, false); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (serviceTokenContent == null) { throw new InvalidResponseException( "no response when get service token"); } LogUtil.d(TAG, "The serviceTokenContent is " + serviceTokenContent); LogUtil.d("test", serviceTokenContent.getHeaders().toString()); String serviceToken = serviceTokenContent .getHeader("serviceToken"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(serviceToken)) { throw new InvalidResponseException( "no service token contained in response"); } return new AccountInfo(userId, passToken, serviceToken, security); } public static void sendActivateSms(Context context, PendingIntent sentIntent, String deviceId, String imsi) { deviceId = hashDeviceInfo(deviceId); imsi = hashDeviceInfo(imsi); SmsManager sm = SmsManager.getDefault(); String gw = selectSmsGw(context); String smsBody = "RP/" + deviceId + "/" + imsi; sm.sendTextMessage(gw, null, smsBody, sentIntent, null); } public static String queryPhone(String deviceId, String imsi) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException { deviceId = hashDeviceInfo(deviceId); imsi = hashDeviceInfo(imsi); String url = String.format(Constants.Account.URL_QUERY_PHONE, deviceId); EasyMap<String, String> param = new EasyMap<String, String>("imsi", imsi); SimpleRequest.MapContent mapContent = null; try { mapContent = SimpleRequest .getAsMap(url, param, null, true); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (mapContent == null) { throw new IOException("failed to get response from server"); } Object code = mapContent.getFromBody("code"); if (INT_0.equals(code)) { Object dataObj = mapContent.getFromBody("data"); if (dataObj instanceof Map) { Map dataMap = (Map) dataObj; Object phoneObj = dataMap.get("phone"); Object imsiObj = dataMap.get("imsi"); if (imsi.equals(imsiObj)) { if (phoneObj instanceof String) { return (String) phoneObj; } } return null; } } throw new InvalidResponseException( "invalid response from server, description:" + mapContent .getFromBody("description")); } public static void regBySms(Context context, PendingIntent sentIntent, String deviceId, String imsi, String password) { deviceId = hashDeviceInfo(deviceId); imsi = hashDeviceInfo(imsi); SmsManager sm = SmsManager.getDefault(); String gw = Utils.Preference.getStringPref(context, Constants.Prefence.PREF_KEY_SMS_WG, Constants.Account.SMS_GW_DEFAULT); String smsBody = "XM/" + deviceId + "/" + imsi + "/" + password; sm.sendTextMessage(gw, null, smsBody, sentIntent, null); } public static String regByEmail(String email, String password) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException { EasyMap<String, String> params = new EasyMap<String, String>() .easyPut("email", email) .easyPut("password", password); SimpleRequest.MapContent regContent = null; try { regContent = SimpleRequest .postAsMap(Constants.Account.URL_REG, params, null, true); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (regContent == null) { throw new IOException("failed to register, no response"); } Object code = regContent.getFromBody("code"); if (INT_0.equals(code)) { Object data = regContent.getFromBody("data"); LogUtil.d(TAG, "get data node:" + data); if (data instanceof Map) { Map dataMap = (Map) data; Object userIdObj = dataMap.get("userId"); if (userIdObj instanceof Integer) { return String.valueOf(userIdObj); } } } LogUtil.w(TAG, String.format("register failed, code: %s, description: %s", code, regContent.getFromBody("description"))); throw new InvalidResponseException( "failed to register due to invalid response from server"); } public static void sendActivateEmail(String userId, String email) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException { EasyMap<String, String> params = new EasyMap<String, String>() .easyPut("userId", userId) .easyPut("addressType", "EM") .easyPut("address", email); SimpleRequest.MapContent regContent = null; try { regContent = SimpleRequest .getAsMap(Constants.Account.URL_RESEND_EMAIL, params, null, true); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (regContent == null) { throw new IOException("failed to register, no response"); } Object code = regContent.getFromBody("code"); if (!INT_0.equals(code)) { throw new InvalidResponseException( "invalid response, failed to send activate email"); } } public static String getUserIdForEmail(String email) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException { return getUserId(email, "EM"); } public static String getUserIdForPhone(String phone) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException { return getUserId(phone, "PH"); } private static String getUserId(String address, String type) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException { EasyMap<String, String> param = new EasyMap<String, String>() .easyPut("type", type) .easyPut("externalId", address); SimpleRequest.MapContent mapContent = null; try { mapContent = SimpleRequest .getAsMap(Constants.Account.URL_USER_EXISTS, param, null, true); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (mapContent == null) { throw new IOException( "failed to get response when getting user id"); } Object code = mapContent.getFromBody("code"); if (INT_0.equals(code)) { Object data = mapContent.getFromBody("data"); if (data instanceof Map) { Map dataMap = (Map) data; Object userIdObj = dataMap.get("userId"); if (userIdObj instanceof Integer) { Integer userId = (Integer) userIdObj; if (userId > 0) { return String.valueOf(userId); } else { LogUtil.d(TAG, "user not registered, id:" + address); return null; } } LogUtil.w(TAG, "invalid user id:" + userIdObj); } } throw new InvalidResponseException(String.format( "server error when getting user id, reason:%s, description:%s, code:%s", mapContent.getFromBody("reason"), mapContent.getFromBody("description"), mapContent.getFromBody("code"))); } protected static String selectSmsGw(Context context) { TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService( Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); String mccmnc = tm.getNetworkOperator(); return CARRIER_SELECTOR.selectValue(mccmnc); } public static String selectSmsGwByServer(Context context) throws IOException, InvalidResponseException, SocketTimeoutException { TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService( Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); String mccmnc = tm.getNetworkOperator(); SimpleRequest.StringContent result = null; EasyMap<String, String> params = new EasyMap<String, String>() .easyPut("region", mccmnc) .easyPut(Parameters.Keys.CLIENT_ID, Parameters.Values.CLIENT_ID); try { result = SimpleRequest .getAsString(Constants.Account.URL_QUERY_SMS_GW, params, null, true); if (result != null) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(result.getBody())) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(result.getBody()); int code = o.getInt("code"); if (code != 0) { throw new InvalidResponseException("fetchSmsGateway: code = " + code); } JSONObject data = o.getJSONObject("data"); if (data == null) { throw new InvalidResponseException("fetchSmsGateway: null data"); } String gw = data.getString("info"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(gw)) { throw new InvalidResponseException("fetchSmsGateway: null gw"); } return gw; } else { throw new InvalidResponseException("fetchSmsGateway: error"); } } else { throw new InvalidResponseException("fetchSmsGateway: error"); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new InvalidResponseException( "failed to get sms gw due to invalid response from server"); } protected static String getClientSign(Long nonce, String security) { TreeMap<String, String> params = new TreeMap<String, String>(); params.put("nonce", String.valueOf(nonce)); return CloudCoder.generateSignature(null, null, params, security); } /** * hash deviceId or imsi * * @param plain plain representation of device id or imsi * @return 16 bytes long hash value */ private static String hashDeviceInfo(String plain) { synchronized (mDeviceInfoMap) { if (plain == null) { plain = "0"; } String hash = mDeviceInfoMap.get(plain); if (hash == null) { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); hash = Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(plain.getBytes()), Base64.URL_SAFE).substring(0, 16); mDeviceInfoMap.put(plain, hash); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "failed to init SHA1 digest"); } } return hash; } } }