package edu.ysu.itrace;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressListener;
* Keeps updated information about the stack overflow document viewed in one Browser.
public class SOManager {
* Types of stack overflow entities.
public enum SOEType {
TITLE, //for Question part only
TAG, //for Question part only
public enum SOEPart {
* Information extracted about a stack overflow entity.
public class StackOverflowEntity {
public SOEPart part;
public SOEType type;
public int partNum; //number of part (ie. Answer number 1, Answer number 2), Question part is always 1
public int typeNum; //number of type (ie. Comment number 1, Comment number 2), Vote, and Title will always be 1
//numbering is by the first element to be seen in the html code
private Browser browser;
* Constructor. Sets up the Browser with a progress listener.
* @param browser Browser to which this SO DOM pertains.
public SOManager(Browser browser) {
this.browser = browser;
* add the progress listener with a JavaScript function
* to find the SOE at a specified location
* Returns a string representation of the URL to the
* Stack Overflow question page associated with the current browser.
public String getURL() {
return browser.getUrl();
* Returns a string representation of the title of the
* Stack Overflow web page
public String getTitle() {
return (String) browser.evaluate("if (typeof findSOGaze == 'function') {"
+ "try {"
+ "var title = document.getElementsByTagName('title');"
+ "return title[0].textContent;"
+ "} catch(err) {"
+ "return err.message;"
+ "}"
+ "}");
* Gets the stack overflow entity found at a location on the page.
* @param relativeX x gaze coordinate relative to the control browser.
* @param relativeY y gaze coordinate relative to the control browser.
* @return the stack overflow entity
public StackOverflowEntity getSOE(int relativeX, int relativeY) {
StackOverflowEntity entity = new StackOverflowEntity();
//call JavaScript with relativeX and relativeY to map the x,y position to its SOE
String soe = (String) browser.evaluate( "if (typeof findSOGaze == 'function') {"
+ "return findSOGaze(" + relativeX + "," + relativeY +");"
+ "}");
//create the soe based on the returned string soe
if (soe != null) {
if (soe.contains("question image")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.QUESTION;
entity.type = SOEType.IMAGE;
entity.partNum = 1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("question text")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.QUESTION;
entity.type = SOEType.TEXT;
entity.partNum = 1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("question code")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.QUESTION;
entity.type = SOEType.CODE;
entity.partNum = 1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("question title")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.QUESTION;
entity.type = SOEType.TITLE;
entity.partNum = 1;
entity.typeNum = 1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("question tag")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.QUESTION;
entity.type = SOEType.TAG;
entity.partNum = 1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("question vote")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.QUESTION;
entity.type = SOEType.VOTE;
entity.partNum = 1;
entity.typeNum = 1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("question comment")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.QUESTION;
entity.type = SOEType.COMMENT;
entity.partNum = 1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("answer image")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.ANSWER;
entity.type = SOEType.IMAGE;
entity.partNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[2])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("answer text")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.ANSWER;
entity.type = SOEType.TEXT;
entity.partNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[2])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("answer code")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.ANSWER;
entity.type = SOEType.CODE;
entity.partNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[2])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("answer comment")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.ANSWER;
entity.type = SOEType.COMMENT;
entity.partNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
entity.typeNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[2])+1;
return entity;
if (soe.contains("answer vote")) {
entity.part = SOEPart.ANSWER;
entity.type = SOEType.VOTE;
entity.partNum = Integer.parseInt(soe.split("-")[1])+1;
entity.typeNum = 1;
return entity;
return null;
* Set up a page load listener to declare a JavaScript function for finding the SOE
* at a specified position on every new page load
private void addSOEFinder() {
browser.addProgressListener(new ProgressListener() {
public void changed(ProgressEvent event) {
public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
"function foundSOGaze(x, y, bounds) {"
+ "return (y > bounds.bottom+10 || y < || x < bounds.left-10 || x > bounds.right+10) ? false:true;"
+ "}"
+ "function findSOGaze(x,y) {"
+ "try {"
+ "var question = document.getElementById('question');"
+ "var qPostText = question.getElementsByClassName('post-text');"
+ "var i;"
+ "var qCode = qPostText[0].getElementsByTagName('code');"
+ "for (i = 0; i < qCode.length; i++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, qCode[i].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'question code' + '-' + i;"
+ "}"
+ "var qImage = qPostText[0].getElementsByTagName('img');"
+ "for (i = 0; i < qImage.length; i++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, qImage[i].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'question image' + '-' + i;"
+ "}"
+ "var qText = qPostText[0].querySelectorAll('p, ol, ul, dl, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6');"
+ "for (i = 0; i < qText.length; i++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, qText[i].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'question text' + '-' + i;"
+ "}"
+ "var qTags = question.getElementsByClassName('post-tag');"
+ "for (i = 0; i < qTags.length; i++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, qTags[i].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'question tag' + '-' + i;"
+ "}"
+ "var qVote = question.getElementsByClassName('vote');"
+ "found = foundSOGaze(x, y, qVote[0].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'question vote';"
+ "var qHeader = document.getElementById('question-header');"
+ "var qTitle = qHeader.getElementsByTagName('h1');"
+ "found = foundSOGaze(x, y, qTitle[0].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'question title';"
+ "var qComment = question.getElementsByClassName('comment-text');"
+ "for (i = 0; i < qComment.length; i++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, qComment[i].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'question comment' + '-' + i;"
+ "}"
+ "var answers = document.getElementById('answers');"
+ "if (answers == null) return null;"
+ "var aVotes = answers.getElementsByClassName('vote');"
+ "for (i = 0; i < aVotes.length; i++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, aVotes[i].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'answer vote' + '-' + i;"
+ "}"
+ "var aPostText = answers.getElementsByClassName('post-text');"
+ "for (i = 0; i < aPostText.length; i++) {"
+ "var aImage = aPostText[i].getElementsByTagName('img');"
+ "var aText = aPostText[i].querySelectorAll('p, ol, ul, dl, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6');"
+ "var aCode = aPostText[i].getElementsByTagName('code');"
+ "var j;"
+ "for (j = 0; j < aCode.length; j++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, aCode[j].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'answer code' + '-' + i + '-' + j;"
+ "}"
+ "for (j = 0; j < aImage.length; j++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, aImage[j].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'answer image' + '-' + i + '-' + j;"
+ "}"
+ "for (j = 0; j < aText.length; j++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, aText[j].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'answer text' + '-' + i + '-' + j;"
+ "}"
+ "}"
+ "var answerComments = answers.getElementsByClassName('comments');"
+ "for (i = 0; i < answerComments.length; i++) {"
+ "var aComments = answerComments[i].getElementsByClassName('comment-text');"
+ "for (var j = 0; j < aComments.length; j++) {"
+ "var found = foundSOGaze(x, y, aComments[j].getBoundingClientRect());"
+ "if (found == true) return 'answer comment' + '-' + i + '-' + j;"
+ "}"
+ "}"
+ "} catch(err) {"
+ "return err.message;"
+ "}"
+ "}");