package de.escalon.hypermedia.spring.siren; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize; import java.util.List; /** * Created by Dietrich on 17.04.2016. */ @JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_EMPTY) @JsonPropertyOrder({"name", "title", "method", "href", "type", "fields"}) public class SirenAction extends AbstractSirenEntity { private String name; private String method; private String href; private String type; private List<SirenField> fields; /** * @param sirenClasses * @param name * A string that identifies the action to be performed. Action names MUST be unique within the set of * actions for an entity. The behaviour of clients when parsing a Siren document that violates this * constraint is undefined. Requir ed. * @param title * Descriptive text about the action. Optional. * @param method * An enumerated attribute mapping to a protocol method. For HTTP, these values may be GET, PUT, POST, * DELETE, or PATCH. As new methods are introduced, this list can be extended. If this attribute is * omitted, * GET should be assumed. Option al. * @param href * The URI of the action. Required. * @param type * The encoding type for the request. When omitted and the fields attribute exists, the default value is * applica tion/x-www-form-urlencoded. Optional. * @param fields * A collection of fields, expressed as an array of objects in JSON Siren such as { "fields" : [{ ... }] }. * See Fields. Optional. */ public SirenAction(List<String> sirenClasses, String name, String title, String method, String href, String type, List<SirenField> fields) { super(title, sirenClasses); = name; this.method = method; this.href = href; this.type = type; this.fields = fields; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getMethod() { return method; } public String getHref() { return href; } public String getType() { return type; } public List<SirenField> getFields() { return fields; } }