package org.jbpm.command; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.jbpm.JbpmException; import org.jbpm.graph.def.Action; import org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement; import org.jbpm.graph.def.Node; import org.jbpm.graph.def.NodeCollection; import org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition; import org.jbpm.graph.def.SuperState; import org.jbpm.graph.def.Transition; import org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance; import org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token; import org.jbpm.graph.log.ActionLog; import org.jbpm.graph.log.NodeLog; import org.jbpm.graph.log.SignalLog; import org.jbpm.graph.log.TransitionLog; import org.jbpm.graph.node.ProcessState; import org.jbpm.graph.node.TaskNode; import org.jbpm.job.Job; import org.jbpm.job.Timer; import org.jbpm.logging.log.ProcessLog; import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.Task; import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance; /** * Modificat per Límit per evitar el problema de nodes amb el nom que conté un * caràcter '/'. * * <b>THIS COMMAND IS NOT YET STABLE, BUT FEEL FREE TO TEST :-)</b><br> * * Status update: Still not complete, but refactored and added simple test cases: * {@link ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommandTest}.<br> * * Change the version of a running process instance. * * This works only, if the current node is also available in the new * version of the process definition or a name mapping has to be provided.<br> * * <b>Currently known limitations:</b> * <ul> * <li> {@link Task}s cannot move "into" another node. If an active * {@link TaskInstance} exists, the {@link Task} definition must exist in the * {@link TaskNode} with the same (or mapped) name. Otherwise the right node * cannot be found easily because it may be ambiguous.</li> * <li> Sub processes aren't yet tested. Since the {@link ProcessState} is * a {@link Node} like any other, it should work anyway.</li> * <li> Can have <b>negative impact on referential integrity</b>! Because * one {@link ProcessInstance} can have {@link ProcessLog}s point to * old {@link ProcessDefinition}s. Hence, delete a {@link ProcessDefinition} * may not work and throw an Exception (Integrity constraint violation)</li> * <li> In combination with ESB the ESB uses {@link Token}.id <b>and</b> {@link Node}.id * as correlation identifier. After changing the version of a {@link ProcessInstance} * the {@link Node}.id has changed, so a signal from ESB will result in an exception * and has to be corrected manually.</li> * </ul> * * @author Bernd Ruecker ( */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand extends AbstractProcessInstanceBaseCommand { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2277080393930008224L; /** * new version of process, if <=0, the latest process definition is used */ private int newVersion = -1; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand.class); /** * the map configures for every node-name in the old process definition (as * key) which node-name to use in the new process definition. * * if a node is not mentioned in this Map, old node name = new node name is * applied */ private Map<String, String> nodeNameMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, String> taskNameMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); public ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand() { } public ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand(long processId, int newVersion) { super(); super.setProcessInstanceId(processId); this.newVersion = newVersion; } public String getAdditionalToStringInformation() { return ";newVersion=" + newVersion; } private ProcessDefinition loadNewProcessDefinition(String processName) { if (newVersion <= 0) return getJbpmContext().getGraphSession().findLatestProcessDefinition(processName); else return getJbpmContext().getGraphSession().findProcessDefinition(processName, newVersion); } public ProcessInstance execute(ProcessInstance pi) { ProcessDefinition oldDef = pi.getProcessDefinition(); ProcessDefinition newDef = loadNewProcessDefinition(oldDef.getName()); if (newDef == null) { throw new JbpmException( "Process definition " + oldDef.getName() + " in version " + newVersion + " not found."); } log.debug("Start changing process id " + pi.getId() + " from version " + pi.getProcessDefinition().getVersion() + " to new version " + newDef.getVersion()); pi.setProcessDefinition(newDef); changeTokenVersion(pi.getRootToken()); log.debug("process id " + pi.getId() + " changed to version " + pi.getProcessDefinition().getVersion()); return pi; } private ProcessDefinition getNewProcessDefinition(Token t) { return t.getProcessInstance().getProcessDefinition(); } private void changeTokenVersion(Token token) { ProcessDefinition newDef = getNewProcessDefinition(token); log.debug("change token id " + token.getId() + " to new version " + newDef.getVersion()); // change node reference on token (current node) Node oldNode = token.getNode(); Node newNode = findReplacementNode(newDef, oldNode); token.setNode(newNode); // Change timers too! adjustTimersForToken(token); // change tasks adjustTaskInstancesForToken(token); // change children recursively if (token.getChildren() != null) { Iterator<Token> tokenIter = token.getChildren().values().iterator(); while (tokenIter.hasNext()) { changeTokenVersion(; } } // change log references adjustLogsForToken(newDef, token); } private void adjustLogsForToken(ProcessDefinition newDef, Token token) { Map<Long, Transition> transicions = new HashMap<Long, Transition>(); List<TransitionLog> transiotionLogs = getTransitionLogs(token); for (TransitionLog log : transiotionLogs) { if (log.getTransition() != null) { Transition oldTransition = log.getTransition(); Transition newTransition = transicions.get(oldTransition.getId()); if (newTransition == null) { newTransition = findReplacementTransition(newDef, oldTransition); transicions.put(oldTransition.getId(), newTransition); } setLogTransition(log, newTransition); } } List<SignalLog> signalLogs = getSignalLogs(token); for (SignalLog log : signalLogs) { if (log.getTransition() != null) { Transition oldTransition = log.getTransition(); Transition newTransition = transicions.get(oldTransition.getId()); if (newTransition == null) { newTransition = findReplacementTransition(newDef, oldTransition); transicions.put(oldTransition.getId(), newTransition); } setLogSignal(log, newTransition); } } List<NodeLog> nodeLogs = getNodeLogs(token); for (NodeLog log : nodeLogs) { if (log.getNode() != null) { Node oldNode = log.getNode(); Node newNode = findReplacementNode(newDef, oldNode); setLogNode(log, newNode); } } List<ActionLog> actionLogs = getActionLogs(token); for (ActionLog log : actionLogs) { if (log.getAction() != null) { Action oldAction = log.getAction(); if (oldAction.getProcessDefinition() != null) { Action newAction = findReplacementAction(newDef, oldAction); log.setAction(newAction); } } } } private List<TransitionLog> getTransitionLogs(Token t) { Query q = getJbpmContext().getSession().createQuery( "select tl " + "from org.jbpm.graph.log.TransitionLog as tl " + "where tl.token.processInstance = :processInstance"); q.setEntity("processInstance", t.getProcessInstance()); return q.list(); } private List<SignalLog> getSignalLogs(Token t) { Query q = getJbpmContext().getSession().createQuery( "select sl " + "from org.jbpm.graph.log.SignalLog as sl " + "where sl.token.processInstance = :processInstance"); q.setEntity("processInstance", t.getProcessInstance()); return q.list(); } private List<NodeLog> getNodeLogs(Token t) { Query q = getJbpmContext().getSession().createQuery( "select nl " + "from org.jbpm.graph.log.NodeLog as nl " + "where nl.token.processInstance = :processInstance"); q.setEntity("processInstance", t.getProcessInstance()); return q.list(); } private List<ActionLog> getActionLogs(Token t) { Query q = getJbpmContext().getSession().createQuery( "select al " + "from org.jbpm.graph.log.ActionLog as al " + "where al.token.processInstance = :processInstance"); q.setEntity("processInstance", t.getProcessInstance()); return q.list(); } private void setLogTransition(TransitionLog log, Transition transition) { Query updateQuery = getJbpmContext().getSession().createQuery( "update org.jbpm.graph.log.TransitionLog set " + "transition = :transition, " + "sourceNode = :nodeFrom, " + "destinationNode = :nodeTo " + "where id = :logId"); updateQuery.setEntity("transition", transition); updateQuery.setEntity("nodeFrom", transition.getFrom()); updateQuery.setEntity("nodeTo", transition.getTo()); updateQuery.setLong("logId", log.getId()); updateQuery.executeUpdate(); } private void setLogSignal(SignalLog log, Transition transition) { Query updateQuery = getJbpmContext().getSession().createQuery( "update org.jbpm.graph.log.SignalLog set " + "transition = :transition " + "where id = :logId"); updateQuery.setEntity("transition", transition); updateQuery.setLong("logId", log.getId()); updateQuery.executeUpdate(); } private void setLogNode(NodeLog log, Node node) { Query updateQuery = getJbpmContext().getSession().createQuery( "update org.jbpm.graph.log.NodeLog set " + "node = :node " + "where id = :logId"); updateQuery.setEntity("node", node); updateQuery.setLong("logId", log.getId()); updateQuery.executeUpdate(); } private void adjustTaskInstancesForToken(Token token) { ProcessDefinition newDef = getNewProcessDefinition(token); Iterator<TaskInstance> iter = getTasksForToken(token).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TaskInstance ti =; // find new task Task oldTask = ti.getTask(); Node oldNode = oldTask.getTaskNode(); Task newTask = findReplacementTask(newDef, oldNode, oldTask); ti.setTask(newTask); // Canviam el TaskMngmtInstance per a associar-lo a la nova definició de procés ti.getTaskMgmtInstance().setTaskMgmtDefinition(newDef.getTaskMgmtDefinition()); log.debug("change dependent task-instance with id " + oldTask.getId()); // // Canviam el processDefinition dels tasksMgmtInstance dels tasksInstance de la versió que s'intenta esborrar a la de la tasca. // TaskMgmtDefinition tmd = ti.getTaskMgmtInstance().getTaskMgmtDefinition(); // tmd.setProcessDefinition(newDef); // if (tmd.getStartTask() != null) { // tmd.setStartTask(newDef.getTaskMgmtDefinition().getStartTask()); // } // getJbpmContext().getSession().save(tmd); } } private void adjustTimersForToken(Token token) { ProcessDefinition newDef = getNewProcessDefinition(token); List<Job> jobs = getJbpmContext().getJobSession().findJobsByToken(token); for (Job job : jobs) { if (job instanceof Timer) { // check all timers if connected to a GraphElement Timer timer = (Timer) job; if (timer.getGraphElement() != null) { // and change the reference (take name mappings into // account!) if (timer.getGraphElement() instanceof Task) { // change to new task definition Task oldTask = (Task) timer.getGraphElement(); TaskNode oldNode = oldTask.getTaskNode(); timer.setGraphElement(findReplacementTask(newDef, oldNode, oldTask)); } else { // change to new node GraphElement oldNode = timer.getGraphElement(); // TODO: What with other GraphElements? timer.setGraphElement(findReplacementNode(newDef, oldNode)); } } } } } private Node findReplacementNode(ProcessDefinition newDef, GraphElement oldNode) { String name = getReplacementNodeName(oldNode); log.debug("get replacement for node with name '" + name + "'"); // Node newNode = newDef.findNode(name); Node newNode = findNode(newDef, name); if (newNode == null) { throw new JbpmException("node with name '" + name + "' not found in new process definition"); } return newNode; } private Task findReplacementTask(ProcessDefinition newDef, Node oldNode, Task oldTask) { String replacementTaskName = getReplacementTaskName(oldTask); Node newTaskNode = findReplacementNode(newDef, oldNode); Query q = getJbpmContext().getSession().getNamedQuery("TaskMgmtSession.findTaskForNode"); q.setString("taskName", replacementTaskName); q.setLong("taskNodeId", newTaskNode.getId()); Task newTask = (Task) q.uniqueResult(); if (newTask == null) { throw new JbpmException("Task '" + replacementTaskName + "' for node '" + newTaskNode.getName() + "' not found in new process definition"); } return newTask; } private Transition findReplacementTransition(ProcessDefinition newDef, Transition oldTransition) { Transition newTransition = null; Node newNodeFrom = findReplacementNode(newDef, oldTransition.getFrom()); if (newNodeFrom != null) { Node newNodeTo = findReplacementNode(newDef, oldTransition.getTo()); if (newNodeTo != null) { Query q = getJbpmContext().getSession().createQuery( "from org.jbpm.graph.def.Transition t " + "where t.from = :nodeFrom " + " and = :nodeTo"); q.setEntity("nodeFrom", newNodeFrom); q.setEntity("nodeTo", newNodeTo); List<Transition> transicions = (List<Transition>)q.list(); if (!transicions.isEmpty()) { if (transicions.size() == 1) newTransition = transicions.get(0); else { for (Transition t: transicions) { if (oldTransition.getName() == null) { if (t.getName() == null) newTransition = t; } else if (t.getName() != null && t.getName().equals(oldTransition.getName())) { newTransition = t; break; } } } } } } if (newTransition == null) { throw new JbpmException("Transition for nodes from='" + oldTransition.getFrom().getName() + "' and to='" + oldTransition.getTo().getName() + "' not found in new process definition"); } return newTransition; } private Action findReplacementAction(ProcessDefinition newDef, Action oldAction) { Action newAction = null; if (oldAction.getName() != null) { newAction = newDef.getAction(oldAction.getName()); } if (newAction == null) { throw new JbpmException("Action '" + oldAction.getName() + "' not found in new process definition"); } return newAction; } /** * @param oldNode * @return the name of the new node (given in the map or return default * value, which is the old node name) */ private String getReplacementNodeName(GraphElement oldNode) { String oldName = (oldNode instanceof Node ? ((Node) oldNode).getFullyQualifiedName() : oldNode.getName()); if (nodeNameMapping.containsKey(oldName)) { return (String) nodeNameMapping.get(oldName); } // return new node name = old node name as default return oldName; } private String getReplacementTaskName(Task oldTask) { String oldName = oldTask.getName(); if (taskNameMapping.containsKey(oldName)) { return (String) taskNameMapping.get(oldName); } // return new node name = old node name as default return oldName; } public static Node findNode(NodeCollection nodeCollection, String hierarchicalName) { Node node = null; if ((hierarchicalName != null) && (!"".equals(hierarchicalName.trim()))) { // Afegit per evitar el problema de nodes amb el nom que // conté un caràcter '/'. node = nodeCollection.getNode(hierarchicalName); if (node != null) { return node; } // if ((hierarchicalName.startsWith("/")) && (nodeCollection instanceof SuperState)) { nodeCollection = ((SuperState) nodeCollection).getProcessDefinition(); } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(hierarchicalName, "/"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String namePart = tokenizer.nextToken(); if ("..".equals(namePart)) { if (nodeCollection instanceof ProcessDefinition) { throw new JbpmException("couldn't find node '" + hierarchicalName + "' because of a '..' on the process definition."); } nodeCollection = (NodeCollection) ((GraphElement) nodeCollection).getParent(); } else if (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { nodeCollection = (NodeCollection) nodeCollection.getNode(namePart); } else { node = nodeCollection.getNode(namePart); } } } return node; } /** * We may still have open tasks, even though their parent tokens have been * ended. So we'll simply get all tasks from this process instance and * cancel them if they are still active. * */ private List getTasksForToken(Token token) { Query query = getJbpmContext().getSession().getNamedQuery("TaskMgmtSession.findTaskInstancesByTokenId"); query.setLong("tokenId", token.getId()); return query.list(); } public Map getNodeNameMapping() { return nodeNameMapping; } public void setNodeNameMapping(Map<String, String> nameMapping) { if (nameMapping == null) { this.nodeNameMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); } else { this.nodeNameMapping = nameMapping; } } public int getNewVersion() { return newVersion; } public void setNewVersion(int newVersion) { this.newVersion = newVersion; } public Map getTaskNameMapping() { return taskNameMapping; } public void setTaskNameMapping(Map<String, String> nameMapping) { if (nameMapping == null) { this.taskNameMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); } else { this.taskNameMapping = nameMapping; } } /** * @deprecated use getProcessInstanceId instead */ public long getProcessId() { if (getProcessInstanceIds() != null && getProcessInstanceIds().length > 0) return getProcessInstanceIds()[0]; else return 0; } /** * @deprecated use setProcessInstanceId instead */ public void setProcessId(long processId) { super.setProcessInstanceId(processId); } /** * @deprecated use getNodeNameMapping instead */ public Map getNameMapping() { return getNodeNameMapping(); } /** * @deprecated use setNodeNameMapping instead */ public void setNameMapping(Map nameMapping) { setNodeNameMapping(nameMapping); } // methods for fluent programming public ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand nodeNameMapping(Map<String, String> nameMapping) { setNodeNameMapping(nameMapping); return this; } public ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand newVersion(int newVersion) { setNewVersion(newVersion); return this; } public ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand taskNameMapping(Map<String, String> nameMapping) { setTaskNameMapping(nameMapping); return this; } public ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand nodeNameMappingAdd(String oldNodeName, String newNodeName) { if (nodeNameMapping == null) { this.nodeNameMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); } this.nodeNameMapping.put(oldNodeName, newNodeName); return this; } public ChangeProcessInstanceVersionCommand taskNameMappingAdd(String oldTaskName, String newNodeName) { if (taskNameMapping == null) { this.taskNameMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); } this.taskNameMapping.put(oldTaskName, newNodeName); return this; } }