* Copyright 2015-2017 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates
* and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.hawkular.alerts.rest;
import static javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON;
import static org.hawkular.alerts.rest.CommonUtil.isEmpty;
import static org.hawkular.alerts.rest.CommonUtil.parseTagQuery;
import static org.hawkular.alerts.rest.CommonUtil.parseTags;
import static org.hawkular.alerts.rest.HawkularAlertsApp.TENANT_HEADER_NAME;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.HeaderParam;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.event.Alert;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.event.Event;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.paging.Page;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.paging.Pager;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.services.AlertsCriteria;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.services.AlertsService;
import org.hawkular.alerts.api.services.EventsCriteria;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses;
* REST endpoint for cross tenant operations
* @author Jay Shaughnessy
* @author Lucas Ponce
@Api(value = "/admin", description = "Cross tenant Operations")
public class CrossTenantHandler {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CrossTenantHandler.class);
private static final Map<String, Set<String>> queryParamValidationMap = new HashMap<>();
static {
ResponseUtil.populateQueryParamsMap(CrossTenantHandler.class, queryParamValidationMap);
String tenantId;
AlertsService alertsService;
StreamWatcher streamWatcher;
public CrossTenantHandler() {
log.debug("Creating instance.");
@ApiOperation(value = "Get alerts with optional filtering from multiple tenants.",
notes = "If not criteria defined, it fetches all alerts available in the system. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"Multiple tenants are expected on HawkularTenant header as a comma separated list. + \n" +
"i.e. HawkularTenant: tenant1,tenant2,tenant3 + \n" +
"Tags Query language (BNF): + \n" +
"[source] \n" +
"---- \n" +
"<tag_query> ::= ( <expression> | \"(\" <object> \")\" " +
"| <object> <logical_operator> <object> ) \n" +
"<expression> ::= ( <tag_name> | <not> <tag_name> " +
"| <tag_name> <boolean_operator> <tag_value> | " +
"<tag_name> <array_operator> <array> ) \n" +
"<not> ::= [ \"NOT\" | \"not\" ] \n" +
"<logical_operator> ::= [ \"AND\" | \"OR\" | \"and\" | \"or\" ] \n" +
"<boolean_operator> ::= [ \"=\" | \"!=\" ] \n" +
"<array_operator> ::= [ \"IN\" | \"NOT IN\" | \"in\" | \"not in\" ] \n" +
"<array> ::= ( \"[\" \"]\" | \"[\" ( \",\" <tag_value> )* ) \n" +
"<tag_name> ::= <identifier> \n" +
"<tag_value> ::= ( \"'\" <regexp> \"'\" | <simple_value> ) \n" +
"; \n" +
"; <identifier> and <simple_value> follow pattern [a-zA-Z_0-9][\\-a-zA-Z_0-9]* \n" +
"; <regexp> follows any valid Java Regular Expression format \n" +
"---- \n",
response = Alert.class, responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Successfully fetched list of alerts."),
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Bad Request/Invalid Parameters", response = ResponseUtil.ApiError.class),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error.", response = ResponseUtil.ApiError.class)
@QueryParamValidation(name = "findAlerts")
public Response findAlerts(
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts created before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts created after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified alertIds.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of alert IDs.")
final String alertIds,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified triggers. ",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of trigger IDs.")
final String triggerIds,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified lifecycle status.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of [OPEN, ACKNOWLEDGED, RESOLVED]")
final String statuses,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified severity. ",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of [LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL]")
final String severities,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "[DEPRECATED] Filter out events for unspecified tags.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of tags, each tag of format 'name\\|value'. + \n" +
"Specify '*' for value to match all values.")
final String tags,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified tags.",
allowableValues = "A tag query expression.")
final String tagQuery,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts resolved before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startResolvedTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts resolved after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endResolvedTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts acknowledged before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startAckTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts acknowledged after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endAckTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts with some lifecycle state before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startStatusTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts with some lifecycle after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endStatusTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Return only thin alerts, do not include: evalSets, resolvedEvalSets.")
final Boolean thin,
final UriInfo uri) {
try {
ResponseUtil.checkForUnknownQueryParams(uri, queryParamValidationMap.get("findAlerts"));
Pager pager = RequestUtil.extractPaging(uri);
Set<String> tenantIds = getTenants(tenantId);
We maintain old tags criteria as deprecated (it can be removed in a next major version).
If present, the tags criteria has precedence over tagQuery parameter.
String unifiedTagQuery;
if (!isEmpty(tags)) {
unifiedTagQuery = parseTagQuery(parseTags(tags));
} else {
unifiedTagQuery = tagQuery;
AlertsCriteria criteria = new AlertsCriteria(startTime, endTime, alertIds, triggerIds, statuses,
severities, unifiedTagQuery, startResolvedTime, endResolvedTime, startAckTime, endAckTime,
startStatusTime, endStatusTime, thin);
Page<Alert> alertPage = alertsService.getAlerts(tenantIds, criteria, pager);
log.debugf("Alerts: %s", alertPage);
if (isEmpty(alertPage)) {
return ResponseUtil.ok(alertPage);
return ResponseUtil.paginatedOk(alertPage, uri);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ResponseUtil.onException(e, log);
@ApiOperation(value = "Get events with optional filtering from multiple tenants.",
notes = "If not criteria defined, it fetches all events stored in the system. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"Multiple tenants are expected on HawkularTenant header as a comma separated list. + \n" +
"i.e. HawkularTenant: tenant1,tenant2,tenant3 + \n" +
"Tags Query language (BNF): + \n" +
"[source] \n" +
"---- \n" +
"<tag_query> ::= ( <expression> | \"(\" <object> \")\" " +
"| <object> <logical_operator> <object> ) \n" +
"<expression> ::= ( <tag_name> | <not> <tag_name> " +
"| <tag_name> <boolean_operator> <tag_value> | " +
"<tag_name> <array_operator> <array> ) \n" +
"<not> ::= [ \"NOT\" | \"not\" ] \n" +
"<logical_operator> ::= [ \"AND\" | \"OR\" | \"and\" | \"or\" ] \n" +
"<boolean_operator> ::= [ \"=\" | \"!=\" ] \n" +
"<array_operator> ::= [ \"IN\" | \"NOT IN\" | \"in\" | \"not in\" ] \n" +
"<array> ::= ( \"[\" \"]\" | \"[\" ( \",\" <tag_value> )* ) \n" +
"<tag_name> ::= <identifier> \n" +
"<tag_value> ::= ( \"'\" <regexp> \"'\" | <simple_value> ) \n" +
"; \n" +
"; <identifier> and <simple_value> follows pattern [a-zA-Z_0-9][\\-a-zA-Z_0-9]* \n" +
"; <regexp> follows any valid Java Regular Expression format \n" +
"---- \n",
response = Event.class, responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Successfully fetched list of events."),
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Bad Request/Invalid Parameters.", response = ResponseUtil.ApiError.class),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error.", response = ResponseUtil.ApiError.class)
@QueryParamValidation(name = "findEvents")
public Response findEvents(
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events created before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events created after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events for unspecified eventIds.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of event IDs.")
@QueryParam("eventIds") final String eventIds,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events for unspecified triggers.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of trigger IDs.")
final String triggerIds,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events for unspecified categories. ",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of category values.")
final String categories,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "[DEPRECATED] Filter out events for unspecified tags.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of tags, each tag of format 'name\\|value'. + \n" +
"Specify '*' for value to match all values.")
final String tags,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events for unspecified tags.",
allowableValues = "A tag query expression.")
final String tagQuery,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Return only thin events, do not include: evalSets.")
final Boolean thin,
final UriInfo uri) {
try {
ResponseUtil.checkForUnknownQueryParams(uri, queryParamValidationMap.get("findEvents"));
Pager pager = RequestUtil.extractPaging(uri);
Set<String> tenantIds = getTenants(tenantId);
We maintain old tags criteria as deprecated (it can be removed in a next major version).
If present, the tags criteria has precedence over tagQuery parameter.
String unifiedTagQuery;
if (!isEmpty(tags)) {
unifiedTagQuery = parseTagQuery(parseTags(tags));
} else {
unifiedTagQuery = tagQuery;
EventsCriteria criteria = new EventsCriteria(startTime, endTime, eventIds, triggerIds, categories,
unifiedTagQuery, thin);
Page<Event> eventPage = alertsService.getEvents(tenantIds, criteria, pager);
log.debugf("Events: %s", eventPage);
if (isEmpty(eventPage)) {
return ResponseUtil.ok(eventPage);
return ResponseUtil.paginatedOk(eventPage, uri);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ResponseUtil.onException(e, log);
@ApiOperation(value = "Watch alerts with optional filtering from multiple tenants.",
notes = "Return a stream of alerts ordered by the current lifecycle stime. + \n" +
"Changes on lifecycle alert are monitored and sent by the watcher. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"If not criteria defined, it fetches all alerts available in the system. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"Time criterias are used only for the initial query. + \n" +
"After initial query, time criterias are discarded, watching alerts by current lifecycle stime. + \n" +
"Non time criterias are active. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"Multiple tenants are expected on HawkularTenant header as a comma separated list. + \n" +
"i.e. HawkularTenant: tenant1,tenant2,tenant3 + \n" +
"Tags Query language (BNF): + \n" +
"[source] \n" +
"---- \n" +
"<tag_query> ::= ( <expression> | \"(\" <object> \")\" " +
"| <object> <logical_operator> <object> ) \n" +
"<expression> ::= ( <tag_name> | <not> <tag_name> " +
"| <tag_name> <boolean_operator> <tag_value> | " +
"<tag_name> <array_operator> <array> ) \n" +
"<not> ::= [ \"NOT\" | \"not\" ] \n" +
"<logical_operator> ::= [ \"AND\" | \"OR\" | \"and\" | \"or\" ] \n" +
"<boolean_operator> ::= [ \"=\" | \"!=\" ] \n" +
"<array_operator> ::= [ \"IN\" | \"NOT IN\" | \"in\" | \"not in\" ] \n" +
"<array> ::= ( \"[\" \"]\" | \"[\" ( \",\" <tag_value> )* ) \n" +
"<tag_name> ::= <identifier> \n" +
"<tag_value> ::= ( \"'\" <regexp> \"'\" | <simple_value> ) \n" +
"; \n" +
"; <identifier> and <simple_value> follow pattern [a-zA-Z_0-9][\\-a-zA-Z_0-9]* \n" +
"; <regexp> follows any valid Java Regular Expression format \n" +
"---- \n",
response = Alert.class, responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Stream of alerts.", response = Alert.class),
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Errors will close the stream. Description is sent before stream is closed.", response = ResponseUtil.ApiError.class)
@QueryParamValidation(name = "watchAlerts")
public Response watchAlerts(
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts created before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts created after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified alertIds.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of alert IDs.")
final String alertIds,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified triggers. ",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of trigger IDs.")
final String triggerIds,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified lifecycle status.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of [OPEN, ACKNOWLEDGED, RESOLVED]")
final String statuses,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified severity. ",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of [LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL]")
final String severities,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "[DEPRECATED] Filter out events for unspecified tags.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of tags, each tag of format 'name\\|value'. + \n" +
"Specify '*' for value to match all values.")
final String tags,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts for unspecified tags.",
allowableValues = "A tag query expression.")
final String tagQuery,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts resolved before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startResolvedTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts resolved after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endResolvedTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts acknowledged before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startAckTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts acknowledged after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endAckTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts with some lifecycle state before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startStatusTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out alerts with some lifecycle after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endStatusTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Define interval when watcher notifications will be sent.",
allowableValues = "Interval in seconds")
final Long watchInterval,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Return only thin alerts, do not include: evalSets, resolvedEvalSets.")
final Boolean thin,
final UriInfo uri) {
try {
ResponseUtil.checkForUnknownQueryParams(uri, queryParamValidationMap.get("findEvents"));
Set<String> tenantIds = getTenants(tenantId);
String unifiedTagQuery;
if (!isEmpty(tags)) {
unifiedTagQuery = parseTagQuery(parseTags(tags));
} else {
unifiedTagQuery = tagQuery;
AlertsCriteria criteria = new AlertsCriteria(startTime, endTime, alertIds, triggerIds, statuses,
severities, unifiedTagQuery, startResolvedTime, endResolvedTime, startAckTime, endAckTime,
startStatusTime, endStatusTime, thin);
return Response.ok(streamWatcher.watchAlerts(tenantIds, criteria, watchInterval)).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
return ResponseUtil.badRequest("Bad arguments: " + e.getMessage());
return ResponseUtil.internalError(e);
@ApiOperation(value = "Watch events with optional filtering from multiple tenants.",
notes = "Return a stream of events ordered by ctime. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"If not criteria defined, it fetches all events stored in the system. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"Time criterias are used only for the initial query. + \n" +
"After initial query, time criterias are discarded, watching events by ctime. + \n" +
"Non time criterias are active. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"If not criteria defined, it fetches all events stored in the system. + \n" +
" + \n" +
"Multiple tenants are expected on HawkularTenant header as a comma separated list. + \n" +
"i.e. HawkularTenant: tenant1,tenant2,tenant3 + \n" +
"Tags Query language (BNF): + \n" +
"[source] \n" +
"---- \n" +
"<tag_query> ::= ( <expression> | \"(\" <object> \")\" " +
"| <object> <logical_operator> <object> ) \n" +
"<expression> ::= ( <tag_name> | <not> <tag_name> " +
"| <tag_name> <boolean_operator> <tag_value> | " +
"<tag_name> <array_operator> <array> ) \n" +
"<not> ::= [ \"NOT\" | \"not\" ] \n" +
"<logical_operator> ::= [ \"AND\" | \"OR\" | \"and\" | \"or\" ] \n" +
"<boolean_operator> ::= [ \"=\" | \"!=\" ] \n" +
"<array_operator> ::= [ \"IN\" | \"NOT IN\" | \"in\" | \"not in\" ] \n" +
"<array> ::= ( \"[\" \"]\" | \"[\" ( \",\" <tag_value> )* ) \n" +
"<tag_name> ::= <identifier> \n" +
"<tag_value> ::= ( \"'\" <regexp> \"'\" | <simple_value> ) \n" +
"; \n" +
"; <identifier> and <simple_value> follows pattern [a-zA-Z_0-9][\\-a-zA-Z_0-9]* \n" +
"; <regexp> follows any valid Java Regular Expression format \n" +
"---- \n",
response = Event.class, responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Stream of events.", response = Event.class),
@ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Errors will close the stream. Description is sent before stream is closed.", response = ResponseUtil.ApiError.class)
@QueryParamValidation(name = "watchEvents")
public Response watchEvents(
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events created before this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long startTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events created after this time.",
allowableValues = "Timestamp in millisecond since epoch.")
final Long endTime,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events for unspecified eventIds.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of event IDs.")
@QueryParam("eventIds") final String eventIds,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events for unspecified triggers.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of trigger IDs.")
final String triggerIds,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events for unspecified categories. ",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of category values.")
final String categories,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "[DEPRECATED] Filter out events for unspecified tags.",
allowableValues = "Comma separated list of tags, each tag of format 'name\\|value'. + \n" +
"Specify '*' for value to match all values.")
final String tags,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Filter out events for unspecified tags.",
allowableValues = "A tag query expression.")
final String tagQuery,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Define interval when watcher notifications will be sent.",
allowableValues = "Interval in seconds")
final Long watchInterval,
@ApiParam(required = false, value = "Return only thin events, do not include: evalSets.")
final Boolean thin,
final UriInfo uri) {
try {
ResponseUtil.checkForUnknownQueryParams(uri, queryParamValidationMap.get("findEvents"));
Set<String> tenantIds = getTenants(tenantId);
String unifiedTagQuery;
if (!isEmpty(tags)) {
unifiedTagQuery = parseTagQuery(parseTags(tags));
} else {
unifiedTagQuery = tagQuery;
EventsCriteria criteria = new EventsCriteria(startTime, endTime, eventIds, triggerIds, categories,
unifiedTagQuery, thin);
return Response.ok(streamWatcher.watchEvents(tenantIds, criteria, watchInterval)).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
return ResponseUtil.badRequest("Bad arguments: " + e.getMessage());
return ResponseUtil.internalError(e);
private Set<String> getTenants(String tenantId) {
Set<String> tenantIds = new TreeSet<>();
for (String t : tenantId.split(",")) {
return tenantIds;