package org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model; /* Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of HL7 nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // Generated on Mon, Apr 17, 2017 17:38-0400 for FHIR v3.0.1 import java.util.*; import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.ResourceDef; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.SearchParamDefinition; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Child; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.ChildOrder; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Description; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Block; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.*; import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException; /** * A clinical condition, problem, diagnosis, or other event, situation, issue, or clinical concept that has risen to a level of concern. */ @ResourceDef(name="Condition", profile="") public class Condition extends DomainResource { public enum ConditionClinicalStatus { /** * The subject is currently experiencing the symptoms of the condition or there is evidence of the condition. */ ACTIVE, /** * The subject is having a relapse or re-experiencing the condition after a period of remission or presumed resolution. */ RECURRENCE, /** * The subject is no longer experiencing the symptoms of the condition or there is no longer evidence of the condition. */ INACTIVE, /** * The subject is no longer experiencing the symptoms of the condition, but there is a risk of the symptoms returning. */ REMISSION, /** * The subject is no longer experiencing the symptoms of the condition and there is a negligible perceived risk of the symptoms returning. */ RESOLVED, /** * added to help the parsers with the generic types */ NULL; public static ConditionClinicalStatus fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("active".equals(codeString)) return ACTIVE; if ("recurrence".equals(codeString)) return RECURRENCE; if ("inactive".equals(codeString)) return INACTIVE; if ("remission".equals(codeString)) return REMISSION; if ("resolved".equals(codeString)) return RESOLVED; if (Configuration.isAcceptInvalidEnums()) return null; else throw new FHIRException("Unknown ConditionClinicalStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case ACTIVE: return "active"; case RECURRENCE: return "recurrence"; case INACTIVE: return "inactive"; case REMISSION: return "remission"; case RESOLVED: return "resolved"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case ACTIVE: return ""; case RECURRENCE: return ""; case INACTIVE: return ""; case REMISSION: return ""; case RESOLVED: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case ACTIVE: return "The subject is currently experiencing the symptoms of the condition or there is evidence of the condition."; case RECURRENCE: return "The subject is having a relapse or re-experiencing the condition after a period of remission or presumed resolution."; case INACTIVE: return "The subject is no longer experiencing the symptoms of the condition or there is no longer evidence of the condition."; case REMISSION: return "The subject is no longer experiencing the symptoms of the condition, but there is a risk of the symptoms returning."; case RESOLVED: return "The subject is no longer experiencing the symptoms of the condition and there is a negligible perceived risk of the symptoms returning."; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case ACTIVE: return "Active"; case RECURRENCE: return "Recurrence"; case INACTIVE: return "Inactive"; case REMISSION: return "Remission"; case RESOLVED: return "Resolved"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class ConditionClinicalStatusEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<ConditionClinicalStatus> { public ConditionClinicalStatus fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("active".equals(codeString)) return ConditionClinicalStatus.ACTIVE; if ("recurrence".equals(codeString)) return ConditionClinicalStatus.RECURRENCE; if ("inactive".equals(codeString)) return ConditionClinicalStatus.INACTIVE; if ("remission".equals(codeString)) return ConditionClinicalStatus.REMISSION; if ("resolved".equals(codeString)) return ConditionClinicalStatus.RESOLVED; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ConditionClinicalStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null) return null; if (code.isEmpty()) return new Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus>(this); String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("active".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus>(this, ConditionClinicalStatus.ACTIVE); if ("recurrence".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus>(this, ConditionClinicalStatus.RECURRENCE); if ("inactive".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus>(this, ConditionClinicalStatus.INACTIVE); if ("remission".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus>(this, ConditionClinicalStatus.REMISSION); if ("resolved".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus>(this, ConditionClinicalStatus.RESOLVED); throw new FHIRException("Unknown ConditionClinicalStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(ConditionClinicalStatus code) { if (code == ConditionClinicalStatus.ACTIVE) return "active"; if (code == ConditionClinicalStatus.RECURRENCE) return "recurrence"; if (code == ConditionClinicalStatus.INACTIVE) return "inactive"; if (code == ConditionClinicalStatus.REMISSION) return "remission"; if (code == ConditionClinicalStatus.RESOLVED) return "resolved"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(ConditionClinicalStatus code) { return code.getSystem(); } } public enum ConditionVerificationStatus { /** * This is a tentative diagnosis - still a candidate that is under consideration. */ PROVISIONAL, /** * One of a set of potential (and typically mutually exclusive) diagnoses asserted to further guide the diagnostic process and preliminary treatment. */ DIFFERENTIAL, /** * There is sufficient diagnostic and/or clinical evidence to treat this as a confirmed condition. */ CONFIRMED, /** * This condition has been ruled out by diagnostic and clinical evidence. */ REFUTED, /** * The statement was entered in error and is not valid. */ ENTEREDINERROR, /** * The condition status is unknown. Note that "unknown" is a value of last resort and every attempt should be made to provide a meaningful value other than "unknown". */ UNKNOWN, /** * added to help the parsers with the generic types */ NULL; public static ConditionVerificationStatus fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("provisional".equals(codeString)) return PROVISIONAL; if ("differential".equals(codeString)) return DIFFERENTIAL; if ("confirmed".equals(codeString)) return CONFIRMED; if ("refuted".equals(codeString)) return REFUTED; if ("entered-in-error".equals(codeString)) return ENTEREDINERROR; if ("unknown".equals(codeString)) return UNKNOWN; if (Configuration.isAcceptInvalidEnums()) return null; else throw new FHIRException("Unknown ConditionVerificationStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case PROVISIONAL: return "provisional"; case DIFFERENTIAL: return "differential"; case CONFIRMED: return "confirmed"; case REFUTED: return "refuted"; case ENTEREDINERROR: return "entered-in-error"; case UNKNOWN: return "unknown"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case PROVISIONAL: return ""; case DIFFERENTIAL: return ""; case CONFIRMED: return ""; case REFUTED: return ""; case ENTEREDINERROR: return ""; case UNKNOWN: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case PROVISIONAL: return "This is a tentative diagnosis - still a candidate that is under consideration."; case DIFFERENTIAL: return "One of a set of potential (and typically mutually exclusive) diagnoses asserted to further guide the diagnostic process and preliminary treatment."; case CONFIRMED: return "There is sufficient diagnostic and/or clinical evidence to treat this as a confirmed condition."; case REFUTED: return "This condition has been ruled out by diagnostic and clinical evidence."; case ENTEREDINERROR: return "The statement was entered in error and is not valid."; case UNKNOWN: return "The condition status is unknown. Note that \"unknown\" is a value of last resort and every attempt should be made to provide a meaningful value other than \"unknown\"."; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case PROVISIONAL: return "Provisional"; case DIFFERENTIAL: return "Differential"; case CONFIRMED: return "Confirmed"; case REFUTED: return "Refuted"; case ENTEREDINERROR: return "Entered In Error"; case UNKNOWN: return "Unknown"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class ConditionVerificationStatusEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<ConditionVerificationStatus> { public ConditionVerificationStatus fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("provisional".equals(codeString)) return ConditionVerificationStatus.PROVISIONAL; if ("differential".equals(codeString)) return ConditionVerificationStatus.DIFFERENTIAL; if ("confirmed".equals(codeString)) return ConditionVerificationStatus.CONFIRMED; if ("refuted".equals(codeString)) return ConditionVerificationStatus.REFUTED; if ("entered-in-error".equals(codeString)) return ConditionVerificationStatus.ENTEREDINERROR; if ("unknown".equals(codeString)) return ConditionVerificationStatus.UNKNOWN; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ConditionVerificationStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null) return null; if (code.isEmpty()) return new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(this); String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("provisional".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(this, ConditionVerificationStatus.PROVISIONAL); if ("differential".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(this, ConditionVerificationStatus.DIFFERENTIAL); if ("confirmed".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(this, ConditionVerificationStatus.CONFIRMED); if ("refuted".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(this, ConditionVerificationStatus.REFUTED); if ("entered-in-error".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(this, ConditionVerificationStatus.ENTEREDINERROR); if ("unknown".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(this, ConditionVerificationStatus.UNKNOWN); throw new FHIRException("Unknown ConditionVerificationStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(ConditionVerificationStatus code) { if (code == ConditionVerificationStatus.PROVISIONAL) return "provisional"; if (code == ConditionVerificationStatus.DIFFERENTIAL) return "differential"; if (code == ConditionVerificationStatus.CONFIRMED) return "confirmed"; if (code == ConditionVerificationStatus.REFUTED) return "refuted"; if (code == ConditionVerificationStatus.ENTEREDINERROR) return "entered-in-error"; if (code == ConditionVerificationStatus.UNKNOWN) return "unknown"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(ConditionVerificationStatus code) { return code.getSystem(); } } @Block() public static class ConditionStageComponent extends BackboneElement implements IBaseBackboneElement { /** * A simple summary of the stage such as "Stage 3". The determination of the stage is disease-specific. */ @Child(name = "summary", type = {CodeableConcept.class}, order=1, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Simple summary (disease specific)", formalDefinition="A simple summary of the stage such as \"Stage 3\". The determination of the stage is disease-specific." ) @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet="") protected CodeableConcept summary; /** * Reference to a formal record of the evidence on which the staging assessment is based. */ @Child(name = "assessment", type = {ClinicalImpression.class, DiagnosticReport.class, Observation.class}, order=2, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Formal record of assessment", formalDefinition="Reference to a formal record of the evidence on which the staging assessment is based." ) protected List<Reference> assessment; /** * The actual objects that are the target of the reference (Reference to a formal record of the evidence on which the staging assessment is based.) */ protected List<Resource> assessmentTarget; private static final long serialVersionUID = -1961530405L; /** * Constructor */ public ConditionStageComponent() { super(); } /** * @return {@link #summary} (A simple summary of the stage such as "Stage 3". The determination of the stage is disease-specific.) */ public CodeableConcept getSummary() { if (this.summary == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ConditionStageComponent.summary"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.summary = new CodeableConcept(); // cc return this.summary; } public boolean hasSummary() { return this.summary != null && !this.summary.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #summary} (A simple summary of the stage such as "Stage 3". The determination of the stage is disease-specific.) */ public ConditionStageComponent setSummary(CodeableConcept value) { this.summary = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #assessment} (Reference to a formal record of the evidence on which the staging assessment is based.) */ public List<Reference> getAssessment() { if (this.assessment == null) this.assessment = new ArrayList<Reference>(); return this.assessment; } /** * @return Returns a reference to <code>this</code> for easy method chaining */ public ConditionStageComponent setAssessment(List<Reference> theAssessment) { this.assessment = theAssessment; return this; } public boolean hasAssessment() { if (this.assessment == null) return false; for (Reference item : this.assessment) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } public Reference addAssessment() { //3 Reference t = new Reference(); if (this.assessment == null) this.assessment = new ArrayList<Reference>(); this.assessment.add(t); return t; } public ConditionStageComponent addAssessment(Reference t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.assessment == null) this.assessment = new ArrayList<Reference>(); this.assessment.add(t); return this; } /** * @return The first repetition of repeating field {@link #assessment}, creating it if it does not already exist */ public Reference getAssessmentFirstRep() { if (getAssessment().isEmpty()) { addAssessment(); } return getAssessment().get(0); } /** * @deprecated Use Reference#setResource(IBaseResource) instead */ @Deprecated public List<Resource> getAssessmentTarget() { if (this.assessmentTarget == null) this.assessmentTarget = new ArrayList<Resource>(); return this.assessmentTarget; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("summary", "CodeableConcept", "A simple summary of the stage such as \"Stage 3\". The determination of the stage is disease-specific.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, summary)); childrenList.add(new Property("assessment", "Reference(ClinicalImpression|DiagnosticReport|Observation)", "Reference to a formal record of the evidence on which the staging assessment is based.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, assessment)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1857640538: /*summary*/ return this.summary == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.summary}; // CodeableConcept case 2119382722: /*assessment*/ return this.assessment == null ? new Base[0] : this.assessment.toArray(new Base[this.assessment.size()]); // Reference default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public Base setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1857640538: // summary this.summary = castToCodeableConcept(value); // CodeableConcept return value; case 2119382722: // assessment this.getAssessment().add(castToReference(value)); // Reference return value; default: return super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public Base setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("summary")) { this.summary = castToCodeableConcept(value); // CodeableConcept } else if (name.equals("assessment")) { this.getAssessment().add(castToReference(value)); } else return super.setProperty(name, value); return value; } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1857640538: return getSummary(); case 2119382722: return addAssessment(); default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public String[] getTypesForProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1857640538: /*summary*/ return new String[] {"CodeableConcept"}; case 2119382722: /*assessment*/ return new String[] {"Reference"}; default: return super.getTypesForProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("summary")) { this.summary = new CodeableConcept(); return this.summary; } else if (name.equals("assessment")) { return addAssessment(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public ConditionStageComponent copy() { ConditionStageComponent dst = new ConditionStageComponent(); copyValues(dst); dst.summary = summary == null ? null : summary.copy(); if (assessment != null) { dst.assessment = new ArrayList<Reference>(); for (Reference i : assessment) dst.assessment.add(i.copy()); }; return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ConditionStageComponent)) return false; ConditionStageComponent o = (ConditionStageComponent) other; return compareDeep(summary, o.summary, true) && compareDeep(assessment, o.assessment, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ConditionStageComponent)) return false; ConditionStageComponent o = (ConditionStageComponent) other; return true; } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.isEmpty(summary, assessment); } public String fhirType() { return "Condition.stage"; } } @Block() public static class ConditionEvidenceComponent extends BackboneElement implements IBaseBackboneElement { /** * A manifestation or symptom that led to the recording of this condition. */ @Child(name = "code", type = {CodeableConcept.class}, order=1, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Manifestation/symptom", formalDefinition="A manifestation or symptom that led to the recording of this condition." ) @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet="") protected List<CodeableConcept> code; /** * Links to other relevant information, including pathology reports. */ @Child(name = "detail", type = {Reference.class}, order=2, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Supporting information found elsewhere", formalDefinition="Links to other relevant information, including pathology reports." ) protected List<Reference> detail; /** * The actual objects that are the target of the reference (Links to other relevant information, including pathology reports.) */ protected List<Resource> detailTarget; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1135831276L; /** * Constructor */ public ConditionEvidenceComponent() { super(); } /** * @return {@link #code} (A manifestation or symptom that led to the recording of this condition.) */ public List<CodeableConcept> getCode() { if (this.code == null) this.code = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); return this.code; } /** * @return Returns a reference to <code>this</code> for easy method chaining */ public ConditionEvidenceComponent setCode(List<CodeableConcept> theCode) { this.code = theCode; return this; } public boolean hasCode() { if (this.code == null) return false; for (CodeableConcept item : this.code) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } public CodeableConcept addCode() { //3 CodeableConcept t = new CodeableConcept(); if (this.code == null) this.code = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); this.code.add(t); return t; } public ConditionEvidenceComponent addCode(CodeableConcept t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.code == null) this.code = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); this.code.add(t); return this; } /** * @return The first repetition of repeating field {@link #code}, creating it if it does not already exist */ public CodeableConcept getCodeFirstRep() { if (getCode().isEmpty()) { addCode(); } return getCode().get(0); } /** * @return {@link #detail} (Links to other relevant information, including pathology reports.) */ public List<Reference> getDetail() { if (this.detail == null) this.detail = new ArrayList<Reference>(); return this.detail; } /** * @return Returns a reference to <code>this</code> for easy method chaining */ public ConditionEvidenceComponent setDetail(List<Reference> theDetail) { this.detail = theDetail; return this; } public boolean hasDetail() { if (this.detail == null) return false; for (Reference item : this.detail) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } public Reference addDetail() { //3 Reference t = new Reference(); if (this.detail == null) this.detail = new ArrayList<Reference>(); this.detail.add(t); return t; } public ConditionEvidenceComponent addDetail(Reference t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.detail == null) this.detail = new ArrayList<Reference>(); this.detail.add(t); return this; } /** * @return The first repetition of repeating field {@link #detail}, creating it if it does not already exist */ public Reference getDetailFirstRep() { if (getDetail().isEmpty()) { addDetail(); } return getDetail().get(0); } /** * @deprecated Use Reference#setResource(IBaseResource) instead */ @Deprecated public List<Resource> getDetailTarget() { if (this.detailTarget == null) this.detailTarget = new ArrayList<Resource>(); return this.detailTarget; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("code", "CodeableConcept", "A manifestation or symptom that led to the recording of this condition.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, code)); childrenList.add(new Property("detail", "Reference(Any)", "Links to other relevant information, including pathology reports.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, detail)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3059181: /*code*/ return this.code == null ? new Base[0] : this.code.toArray(new Base[this.code.size()]); // CodeableConcept case -1335224239: /*detail*/ return this.detail == null ? new Base[0] : this.detail.toArray(new Base[this.detail.size()]); // Reference default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public Base setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3059181: // code this.getCode().add(castToCodeableConcept(value)); // CodeableConcept return value; case -1335224239: // detail this.getDetail().add(castToReference(value)); // Reference return value; default: return super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public Base setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("code")) { this.getCode().add(castToCodeableConcept(value)); } else if (name.equals("detail")) { this.getDetail().add(castToReference(value)); } else return super.setProperty(name, value); return value; } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3059181: return addCode(); case -1335224239: return addDetail(); default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public String[] getTypesForProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3059181: /*code*/ return new String[] {"CodeableConcept"}; case -1335224239: /*detail*/ return new String[] {"Reference"}; default: return super.getTypesForProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("code")) { return addCode(); } else if (name.equals("detail")) { return addDetail(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public ConditionEvidenceComponent copy() { ConditionEvidenceComponent dst = new ConditionEvidenceComponent(); copyValues(dst); if (code != null) { dst.code = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); for (CodeableConcept i : code) dst.code.add(i.copy()); }; if (detail != null) { dst.detail = new ArrayList<Reference>(); for (Reference i : detail) dst.detail.add(i.copy()); }; return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ConditionEvidenceComponent)) return false; ConditionEvidenceComponent o = (ConditionEvidenceComponent) other; return compareDeep(code, o.code, true) && compareDeep(detail, o.detail, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ConditionEvidenceComponent)) return false; ConditionEvidenceComponent o = (ConditionEvidenceComponent) other; return true; } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.isEmpty(code, detail); } public String fhirType() { return "Condition.evidence"; } } /** * This records identifiers associated with this condition that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate (e.g. in CDA documents, or in written / printed documentation). */ @Child(name = "identifier", type = {Identifier.class}, order=0, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="External Ids for this condition", formalDefinition="This records identifiers associated with this condition that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate (e.g. in CDA documents, or in written / printed documentation)." ) protected List<Identifier> identifier; /** * The clinical status of the condition. */ @Child(name = "clinicalStatus", type = {CodeType.class}, order=1, min=0, max=1, modifier=true, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="active | recurrence | inactive | remission | resolved", formalDefinition="The clinical status of the condition." ) @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet="") protected Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus> clinicalStatus; /** * The verification status to support the clinical status of the condition. */ @Child(name = "verificationStatus", type = {CodeType.class}, order=2, min=0, max=1, modifier=true, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="provisional | differential | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error | unknown", formalDefinition="The verification status to support the clinical status of the condition." ) @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet="") protected Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus> verificationStatus; /** * A category assigned to the condition. */ @Child(name = "category", type = {CodeableConcept.class}, order=3, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="problem-list-item | encounter-diagnosis", formalDefinition="A category assigned to the condition." ) @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet="") protected List<CodeableConcept> category; /** * A subjective assessment of the severity of the condition as evaluated by the clinician. */ @Child(name = "severity", type = {CodeableConcept.class}, order=4, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Subjective severity of condition", formalDefinition="A subjective assessment of the severity of the condition as evaluated by the clinician." ) @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet="") protected CodeableConcept severity; /** * Identification of the condition, problem or diagnosis. */ @Child(name = "code", type = {CodeableConcept.class}, order=5, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Identification of the condition, problem or diagnosis", formalDefinition="Identification of the condition, problem or diagnosis." ) @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet="") protected CodeableConcept code; /** * The anatomical location where this condition manifests itself. */ @Child(name = "bodySite", type = {CodeableConcept.class}, order=6, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Anatomical location, if relevant", formalDefinition="The anatomical location where this condition manifests itself." ) @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet="") protected List<CodeableConcept> bodySite; /** * Indicates the patient or group who the condition record is associated with. */ @Child(name = "subject", type = {Patient.class, Group.class}, order=7, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Who has the condition?", formalDefinition="Indicates the patient or group who the condition record is associated with." ) protected Reference subject; /** * The actual object that is the target of the reference (Indicates the patient or group who the condition record is associated with.) */ protected Resource subjectTarget; /** * Encounter during which the condition was first asserted. */ @Child(name = "context", type = {Encounter.class, EpisodeOfCare.class}, order=8, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Encounter or episode when condition first asserted", formalDefinition="Encounter during which the condition was first asserted." ) protected Reference context; /** * The actual object that is the target of the reference (Encounter during which the condition was first asserted.) */ protected Resource contextTarget; /** * Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician. */ @Child(name = "onset", type = {DateTimeType.class, Age.class, Period.class, Range.class, StringType.class}, order=9, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age", formalDefinition="Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician." ) protected Type onset; /** * The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate. */ @Child(name = "abatement", type = {DateTimeType.class, Age.class, BooleanType.class, Period.class, Range.class, StringType.class}, order=10, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="If/when in resolution/remission", formalDefinition="The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called \"abatement\" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with \"remission\" or \"resolution\" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate." ) protected Type abatement; /** * The date on which the existance of the Condition was first asserted or acknowledged. */ @Child(name = "assertedDate", type = {DateTimeType.class}, order=11, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Date record was believed accurate", formalDefinition="The date on which the existance of the Condition was first asserted or acknowledged." ) protected DateTimeType assertedDate; /** * Individual who is making the condition statement. */ @Child(name = "asserter", type = {Practitioner.class, Patient.class, RelatedPerson.class}, order=12, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Person who asserts this condition", formalDefinition="Individual who is making the condition statement." ) protected Reference asserter; /** * The actual object that is the target of the reference (Individual who is making the condition statement.) */ protected Resource asserterTarget; /** * Clinical stage or grade of a condition. May include formal severity assessments. */ @Child(name = "stage", type = {}, order=13, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Stage/grade, usually assessed formally", formalDefinition="Clinical stage or grade of a condition. May include formal severity assessments." ) protected ConditionStageComponent stage; /** * Supporting Evidence / manifestations that are the basis on which this condition is suspected or confirmed. */ @Child(name = "evidence", type = {}, order=14, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Supporting evidence", formalDefinition="Supporting Evidence / manifestations that are the basis on which this condition is suspected or confirmed." ) protected List<ConditionEvidenceComponent> evidence; /** * Additional information about the Condition. This is a general notes/comments entry for description of the Condition, its diagnosis and prognosis. */ @Child(name = "note", type = {Annotation.class}, order=15, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Additional information about the Condition", formalDefinition="Additional information about the Condition. This is a general notes/comments entry for description of the Condition, its diagnosis and prognosis." ) protected List<Annotation> note; private static final long serialVersionUID = -585250376L; /** * Constructor */ public Condition() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public Condition(Reference subject) { super(); this.subject = subject; } /** * @return {@link #identifier} (This records identifiers associated with this condition that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate (e.g. in CDA documents, or in written / printed documentation).) */ public List<Identifier> getIdentifier() { if (this.identifier == null) this.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); return this.identifier; } /** * @return Returns a reference to <code>this</code> for easy method chaining */ public Condition setIdentifier(List<Identifier> theIdentifier) { this.identifier = theIdentifier; return this; } public boolean hasIdentifier() { if (this.identifier == null) return false; for (Identifier item : this.identifier) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } public Identifier addIdentifier() { //3 Identifier t = new Identifier(); if (this.identifier == null) this.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); this.identifier.add(t); return t; } public Condition addIdentifier(Identifier t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.identifier == null) this.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); this.identifier.add(t); return this; } /** * @return The first repetition of repeating field {@link #identifier}, creating it if it does not already exist */ public Identifier getIdentifierFirstRep() { if (getIdentifier().isEmpty()) { addIdentifier(); } return getIdentifier().get(0); } /** * @return {@link #clinicalStatus} (The clinical status of the condition.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getClinicalStatus" gives direct access to the value */ public Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus> getClinicalStatusElement() { if (this.clinicalStatus == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.clinicalStatus"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.clinicalStatus = new Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus>(new ConditionClinicalStatusEnumFactory()); // bb return this.clinicalStatus; } public boolean hasClinicalStatusElement() { return this.clinicalStatus != null && !this.clinicalStatus.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasClinicalStatus() { return this.clinicalStatus != null && !this.clinicalStatus.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #clinicalStatus} (The clinical status of the condition.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getClinicalStatus" gives direct access to the value */ public Condition setClinicalStatusElement(Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus> value) { this.clinicalStatus = value; return this; } /** * @return The clinical status of the condition. */ public ConditionClinicalStatus getClinicalStatus() { return this.clinicalStatus == null ? null : this.clinicalStatus.getValue(); } /** * @param value The clinical status of the condition. */ public Condition setClinicalStatus(ConditionClinicalStatus value) { if (value == null) this.clinicalStatus = null; else { if (this.clinicalStatus == null) this.clinicalStatus = new Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus>(new ConditionClinicalStatusEnumFactory()); this.clinicalStatus.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #verificationStatus} (The verification status to support the clinical status of the condition.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getVerificationStatus" gives direct access to the value */ public Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus> getVerificationStatusElement() { if (this.verificationStatus == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.verificationStatus"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.verificationStatus = new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(new ConditionVerificationStatusEnumFactory()); // bb return this.verificationStatus; } public boolean hasVerificationStatusElement() { return this.verificationStatus != null && !this.verificationStatus.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasVerificationStatus() { return this.verificationStatus != null && !this.verificationStatus.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #verificationStatus} (The verification status to support the clinical status of the condition.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getVerificationStatus" gives direct access to the value */ public Condition setVerificationStatusElement(Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus> value) { this.verificationStatus = value; return this; } /** * @return The verification status to support the clinical status of the condition. */ public ConditionVerificationStatus getVerificationStatus() { return this.verificationStatus == null ? null : this.verificationStatus.getValue(); } /** * @param value The verification status to support the clinical status of the condition. */ public Condition setVerificationStatus(ConditionVerificationStatus value) { if (value == null) this.verificationStatus = null; else { if (this.verificationStatus == null) this.verificationStatus = new Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus>(new ConditionVerificationStatusEnumFactory()); this.verificationStatus.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #category} (A category assigned to the condition.) */ public List<CodeableConcept> getCategory() { if (this.category == null) this.category = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); return this.category; } /** * @return Returns a reference to <code>this</code> for easy method chaining */ public Condition setCategory(List<CodeableConcept> theCategory) { this.category = theCategory; return this; } public boolean hasCategory() { if (this.category == null) return false; for (CodeableConcept item : this.category) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } public CodeableConcept addCategory() { //3 CodeableConcept t = new CodeableConcept(); if (this.category == null) this.category = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); this.category.add(t); return t; } public Condition addCategory(CodeableConcept t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.category == null) this.category = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); this.category.add(t); return this; } /** * @return The first repetition of repeating field {@link #category}, creating it if it does not already exist */ public CodeableConcept getCategoryFirstRep() { if (getCategory().isEmpty()) { addCategory(); } return getCategory().get(0); } /** * @return {@link #severity} (A subjective assessment of the severity of the condition as evaluated by the clinician.) */ public CodeableConcept getSeverity() { if (this.severity == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.severity"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.severity = new CodeableConcept(); // cc return this.severity; } public boolean hasSeverity() { return this.severity != null && !this.severity.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #severity} (A subjective assessment of the severity of the condition as evaluated by the clinician.) */ public Condition setSeverity(CodeableConcept value) { this.severity = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #code} (Identification of the condition, problem or diagnosis.) */ public CodeableConcept getCode() { if (this.code == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.code"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.code = new CodeableConcept(); // cc return this.code; } public boolean hasCode() { return this.code != null && !this.code.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #code} (Identification of the condition, problem or diagnosis.) */ public Condition setCode(CodeableConcept value) { this.code = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #bodySite} (The anatomical location where this condition manifests itself.) */ public List<CodeableConcept> getBodySite() { if (this.bodySite == null) this.bodySite = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); return this.bodySite; } /** * @return Returns a reference to <code>this</code> for easy method chaining */ public Condition setBodySite(List<CodeableConcept> theBodySite) { this.bodySite = theBodySite; return this; } public boolean hasBodySite() { if (this.bodySite == null) return false; for (CodeableConcept item : this.bodySite) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } public CodeableConcept addBodySite() { //3 CodeableConcept t = new CodeableConcept(); if (this.bodySite == null) this.bodySite = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); this.bodySite.add(t); return t; } public Condition addBodySite(CodeableConcept t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.bodySite == null) this.bodySite = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); this.bodySite.add(t); return this; } /** * @return The first repetition of repeating field {@link #bodySite}, creating it if it does not already exist */ public CodeableConcept getBodySiteFirstRep() { if (getBodySite().isEmpty()) { addBodySite(); } return getBodySite().get(0); } /** * @return {@link #subject} (Indicates the patient or group who the condition record is associated with.) */ public Reference getSubject() { if (this.subject == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.subject"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.subject = new Reference(); // cc return this.subject; } public boolean hasSubject() { return this.subject != null && !this.subject.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #subject} (Indicates the patient or group who the condition record is associated with.) */ public Condition setSubject(Reference value) { this.subject = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #subject} The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't populate this, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (Indicates the patient or group who the condition record is associated with.) */ public Resource getSubjectTarget() { return this.subjectTarget; } /** * @param value {@link #subject} The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't use these, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (Indicates the patient or group who the condition record is associated with.) */ public Condition setSubjectTarget(Resource value) { this.subjectTarget = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #context} (Encounter during which the condition was first asserted.) */ public Reference getContext() { if (this.context == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.context"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.context = new Reference(); // cc return this.context; } public boolean hasContext() { return this.context != null && !this.context.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #context} (Encounter during which the condition was first asserted.) */ public Condition setContext(Reference value) { this.context = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #context} The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't populate this, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (Encounter during which the condition was first asserted.) */ public Resource getContextTarget() { return this.contextTarget; } /** * @param value {@link #context} The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't use these, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (Encounter during which the condition was first asserted.) */ public Condition setContextTarget(Resource value) { this.contextTarget = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #onset} (Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician.) */ public Type getOnset() { return this.onset; } /** * @return {@link #onset} (Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician.) */ public DateTimeType getOnsetDateTimeType() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.onset instanceof DateTimeType)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type DateTimeType was expected, but "+this.onset.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (DateTimeType) this.onset; } public boolean hasOnsetDateTimeType() { return this.onset instanceof DateTimeType; } /** * @return {@link #onset} (Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician.) */ public Age getOnsetAge() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.onset instanceof Age)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type Age was expected, but "+this.onset.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (Age) this.onset; } public boolean hasOnsetAge() { return this.onset instanceof Age; } /** * @return {@link #onset} (Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician.) */ public Period getOnsetPeriod() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.onset instanceof Period)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type Period was expected, but "+this.onset.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (Period) this.onset; } public boolean hasOnsetPeriod() { return this.onset instanceof Period; } /** * @return {@link #onset} (Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician.) */ public Range getOnsetRange() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.onset instanceof Range)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type Range was expected, but "+this.onset.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (Range) this.onset; } public boolean hasOnsetRange() { return this.onset instanceof Range; } /** * @return {@link #onset} (Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician.) */ public StringType getOnsetStringType() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.onset instanceof StringType)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type StringType was expected, but "+this.onset.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (StringType) this.onset; } public boolean hasOnsetStringType() { return this.onset instanceof StringType; } public boolean hasOnset() { return this.onset != null && !this.onset.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #onset} (Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician.) */ public Condition setOnset(Type value) { this.onset = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #abatement} (The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.) */ public Type getAbatement() { return this.abatement; } /** * @return {@link #abatement} (The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.) */ public DateTimeType getAbatementDateTimeType() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.abatement instanceof DateTimeType)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type DateTimeType was expected, but "+this.abatement.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (DateTimeType) this.abatement; } public boolean hasAbatementDateTimeType() { return this.abatement instanceof DateTimeType; } /** * @return {@link #abatement} (The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.) */ public Age getAbatementAge() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.abatement instanceof Age)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type Age was expected, but "+this.abatement.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (Age) this.abatement; } public boolean hasAbatementAge() { return this.abatement instanceof Age; } /** * @return {@link #abatement} (The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.) */ public BooleanType getAbatementBooleanType() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.abatement instanceof BooleanType)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type BooleanType was expected, but "+this.abatement.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (BooleanType) this.abatement; } public boolean hasAbatementBooleanType() { return this.abatement instanceof BooleanType; } /** * @return {@link #abatement} (The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.) */ public Period getAbatementPeriod() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.abatement instanceof Period)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type Period was expected, but "+this.abatement.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (Period) this.abatement; } public boolean hasAbatementPeriod() { return this.abatement instanceof Period; } /** * @return {@link #abatement} (The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.) */ public Range getAbatementRange() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.abatement instanceof Range)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type Range was expected, but "+this.abatement.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (Range) this.abatement; } public boolean hasAbatementRange() { return this.abatement instanceof Range; } /** * @return {@link #abatement} (The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.) */ public StringType getAbatementStringType() throws FHIRException { if (!(this.abatement instanceof StringType)) throw new FHIRException("Type mismatch: the type StringType was expected, but "+this.abatement.getClass().getName()+" was encountered"); return (StringType) this.abatement; } public boolean hasAbatementStringType() { return this.abatement instanceof StringType; } public boolean hasAbatement() { return this.abatement != null && !this.abatement.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #abatement} (The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called "abatement" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with "remission" or "resolution" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.) */ public Condition setAbatement(Type value) { this.abatement = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #assertedDate} (The date on which the existance of the Condition was first asserted or acknowledged.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getAssertedDate" gives direct access to the value */ public DateTimeType getAssertedDateElement() { if (this.assertedDate == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.assertedDate"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.assertedDate = new DateTimeType(); // bb return this.assertedDate; } public boolean hasAssertedDateElement() { return this.assertedDate != null && !this.assertedDate.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasAssertedDate() { return this.assertedDate != null && !this.assertedDate.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #assertedDate} (The date on which the existance of the Condition was first asserted or acknowledged.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getAssertedDate" gives direct access to the value */ public Condition setAssertedDateElement(DateTimeType value) { this.assertedDate = value; return this; } /** * @return The date on which the existance of the Condition was first asserted or acknowledged. */ public Date getAssertedDate() { return this.assertedDate == null ? null : this.assertedDate.getValue(); } /** * @param value The date on which the existance of the Condition was first asserted or acknowledged. */ public Condition setAssertedDate(Date value) { if (value == null) this.assertedDate = null; else { if (this.assertedDate == null) this.assertedDate = new DateTimeType(); this.assertedDate.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #asserter} (Individual who is making the condition statement.) */ public Reference getAsserter() { if (this.asserter == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.asserter"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.asserter = new Reference(); // cc return this.asserter; } public boolean hasAsserter() { return this.asserter != null && !this.asserter.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #asserter} (Individual who is making the condition statement.) */ public Condition setAsserter(Reference value) { this.asserter = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #asserter} The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't populate this, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (Individual who is making the condition statement.) */ public Resource getAsserterTarget() { return this.asserterTarget; } /** * @param value {@link #asserter} The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't use these, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (Individual who is making the condition statement.) */ public Condition setAsserterTarget(Resource value) { this.asserterTarget = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #stage} (Clinical stage or grade of a condition. May include formal severity assessments.) */ public ConditionStageComponent getStage() { if (this.stage == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Condition.stage"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.stage = new ConditionStageComponent(); // cc return this.stage; } public boolean hasStage() { return this.stage != null && !this.stage.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #stage} (Clinical stage or grade of a condition. May include formal severity assessments.) */ public Condition setStage(ConditionStageComponent value) { this.stage = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #evidence} (Supporting Evidence / manifestations that are the basis on which this condition is suspected or confirmed.) */ public List<ConditionEvidenceComponent> getEvidence() { if (this.evidence == null) this.evidence = new ArrayList<ConditionEvidenceComponent>(); return this.evidence; } /** * @return Returns a reference to <code>this</code> for easy method chaining */ public Condition setEvidence(List<ConditionEvidenceComponent> theEvidence) { this.evidence = theEvidence; return this; } public boolean hasEvidence() { if (this.evidence == null) return false; for (ConditionEvidenceComponent item : this.evidence) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } public ConditionEvidenceComponent addEvidence() { //3 ConditionEvidenceComponent t = new ConditionEvidenceComponent(); if (this.evidence == null) this.evidence = new ArrayList<ConditionEvidenceComponent>(); this.evidence.add(t); return t; } public Condition addEvidence(ConditionEvidenceComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.evidence == null) this.evidence = new ArrayList<ConditionEvidenceComponent>(); this.evidence.add(t); return this; } /** * @return The first repetition of repeating field {@link #evidence}, creating it if it does not already exist */ public ConditionEvidenceComponent getEvidenceFirstRep() { if (getEvidence().isEmpty()) { addEvidence(); } return getEvidence().get(0); } /** * @return {@link #note} (Additional information about the Condition. This is a general notes/comments entry for description of the Condition, its diagnosis and prognosis.) */ public List<Annotation> getNote() { if (this.note == null) this.note = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); return this.note; } /** * @return Returns a reference to <code>this</code> for easy method chaining */ public Condition setNote(List<Annotation> theNote) { this.note = theNote; return this; } public boolean hasNote() { if (this.note == null) return false; for (Annotation item : this.note) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } public Annotation addNote() { //3 Annotation t = new Annotation(); if (this.note == null) this.note = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); this.note.add(t); return t; } public Condition addNote(Annotation t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.note == null) this.note = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); this.note.add(t); return this; } /** * @return The first repetition of repeating field {@link #note}, creating it if it does not already exist */ public Annotation getNoteFirstRep() { if (getNote().isEmpty()) { addNote(); } return getNote().get(0); } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("identifier", "Identifier", "This records identifiers associated with this condition that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate (e.g. in CDA documents, or in written / printed documentation).", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, identifier)); childrenList.add(new Property("clinicalStatus", "code", "The clinical status of the condition.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, clinicalStatus)); childrenList.add(new Property("verificationStatus", "code", "The verification status to support the clinical status of the condition.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, verificationStatus)); childrenList.add(new Property("category", "CodeableConcept", "A category assigned to the condition.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, category)); childrenList.add(new Property("severity", "CodeableConcept", "A subjective assessment of the severity of the condition as evaluated by the clinician.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, severity)); childrenList.add(new Property("code", "CodeableConcept", "Identification of the condition, problem or diagnosis.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, code)); childrenList.add(new Property("bodySite", "CodeableConcept", "The anatomical location where this condition manifests itself.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, bodySite)); childrenList.add(new Property("subject", "Reference(Patient|Group)", "Indicates the patient or group who the condition record is associated with.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, subject)); childrenList.add(new Property("context", "Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare)", "Encounter during which the condition was first asserted.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, context)); childrenList.add(new Property("onset[x]", "dateTime|Age|Period|Range|string", "Estimated or actual date or date-time the condition began, in the opinion of the clinician.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, onset)); childrenList.add(new Property("abatement[x]", "dateTime|Age|boolean|Period|Range|string", "The date or estimated date that the condition resolved or went into remission. This is called \"abatement\" because of the many overloaded connotations associated with \"remission\" or \"resolution\" - Conditions are never really resolved, but they can abate.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, abatement)); childrenList.add(new Property("assertedDate", "dateTime", "The date on which the existance of the Condition was first asserted or acknowledged.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, assertedDate)); childrenList.add(new Property("asserter", "Reference(Practitioner|Patient|RelatedPerson)", "Individual who is making the condition statement.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, asserter)); childrenList.add(new Property("stage", "", "Clinical stage or grade of a condition. May include formal severity assessments.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, stage)); childrenList.add(new Property("evidence", "", "Supporting Evidence / manifestations that are the basis on which this condition is suspected or confirmed.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, evidence)); childrenList.add(new Property("note", "Annotation", "Additional information about the Condition. This is a general notes/comments entry for description of the Condition, its diagnosis and prognosis.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, note)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: /*identifier*/ return this.identifier == null ? new Base[0] : this.identifier.toArray(new Base[this.identifier.size()]); // Identifier case -462853915: /*clinicalStatus*/ return this.clinicalStatus == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.clinicalStatus}; // Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus> case -842509843: /*verificationStatus*/ return this.verificationStatus == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.verificationStatus}; // Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus> case 50511102: /*category*/ return this.category == null ? new Base[0] : this.category.toArray(new Base[this.category.size()]); // CodeableConcept case 1478300413: /*severity*/ return this.severity == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.severity}; // CodeableConcept case 3059181: /*code*/ return this.code == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.code}; // CodeableConcept case 1702620169: /*bodySite*/ return this.bodySite == null ? new Base[0] : this.bodySite.toArray(new Base[this.bodySite.size()]); // CodeableConcept case -1867885268: /*subject*/ return this.subject == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.subject}; // Reference case 951530927: /*context*/ return this.context == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.context}; // Reference case 105901603: /*onset*/ return this.onset == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.onset}; // Type case -921554001: /*abatement*/ return this.abatement == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.abatement}; // Type case -174231629: /*assertedDate*/ return this.assertedDate == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.assertedDate}; // DateTimeType case -373242253: /*asserter*/ return this.asserter == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.asserter}; // Reference case 109757182: /*stage*/ return this.stage == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.stage}; // ConditionStageComponent case 382967383: /*evidence*/ return this.evidence == null ? new Base[0] : this.evidence.toArray(new Base[this.evidence.size()]); // ConditionEvidenceComponent case 3387378: /*note*/ return this.note == null ? new Base[0] : this.note.toArray(new Base[this.note.size()]); // Annotation default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public Base setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: // identifier this.getIdentifier().add(castToIdentifier(value)); // Identifier return value; case -462853915: // clinicalStatus value = new ConditionClinicalStatusEnumFactory().fromType(castToCode(value)); this.clinicalStatus = (Enumeration) value; // Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus> return value; case -842509843: // verificationStatus value = new ConditionVerificationStatusEnumFactory().fromType(castToCode(value)); this.verificationStatus = (Enumeration) value; // Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus> return value; case 50511102: // category this.getCategory().add(castToCodeableConcept(value)); // CodeableConcept return value; case 1478300413: // severity this.severity = castToCodeableConcept(value); // CodeableConcept return value; case 3059181: // code this.code = castToCodeableConcept(value); // CodeableConcept return value; case 1702620169: // bodySite this.getBodySite().add(castToCodeableConcept(value)); // CodeableConcept return value; case -1867885268: // subject this.subject = castToReference(value); // Reference return value; case 951530927: // context this.context = castToReference(value); // Reference return value; case 105901603: // onset this.onset = castToType(value); // Type return value; case -921554001: // abatement this.abatement = castToType(value); // Type return value; case -174231629: // assertedDate this.assertedDate = castToDateTime(value); // DateTimeType return value; case -373242253: // asserter this.asserter = castToReference(value); // Reference return value; case 109757182: // stage this.stage = (ConditionStageComponent) value; // ConditionStageComponent return value; case 382967383: // evidence this.getEvidence().add((ConditionEvidenceComponent) value); // ConditionEvidenceComponent return value; case 3387378: // note this.getNote().add(castToAnnotation(value)); // Annotation return value; default: return super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public Base setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("identifier")) { this.getIdentifier().add(castToIdentifier(value)); } else if (name.equals("clinicalStatus")) { value = new ConditionClinicalStatusEnumFactory().fromType(castToCode(value)); this.clinicalStatus = (Enumeration) value; // Enumeration<ConditionClinicalStatus> } else if (name.equals("verificationStatus")) { value = new ConditionVerificationStatusEnumFactory().fromType(castToCode(value)); this.verificationStatus = (Enumeration) value; // Enumeration<ConditionVerificationStatus> } else if (name.equals("category")) { this.getCategory().add(castToCodeableConcept(value)); } else if (name.equals("severity")) { this.severity = castToCodeableConcept(value); // CodeableConcept } else if (name.equals("code")) { this.code = castToCodeableConcept(value); // CodeableConcept } else if (name.equals("bodySite")) { this.getBodySite().add(castToCodeableConcept(value)); } else if (name.equals("subject")) { this.subject = castToReference(value); // Reference } else if (name.equals("context")) { this.context = castToReference(value); // Reference } else if (name.equals("onset[x]")) { this.onset = castToType(value); // Type } else if (name.equals("abatement[x]")) { this.abatement = castToType(value); // Type } else if (name.equals("assertedDate")) { this.assertedDate = castToDateTime(value); // DateTimeType } else if (name.equals("asserter")) { this.asserter = castToReference(value); // Reference } else if (name.equals("stage")) { this.stage = (ConditionStageComponent) value; // ConditionStageComponent } else if (name.equals("evidence")) { this.getEvidence().add((ConditionEvidenceComponent) value); } else if (name.equals("note")) { this.getNote().add(castToAnnotation(value)); } else return super.setProperty(name, value); return value; } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: return addIdentifier(); case -462853915: return getClinicalStatusElement(); case -842509843: return getVerificationStatusElement(); case 50511102: return addCategory(); case 1478300413: return getSeverity(); case 3059181: return getCode(); case 1702620169: return addBodySite(); case -1867885268: return getSubject(); case 951530927: return getContext(); case -1886216323: return getOnset(); case 105901603: return getOnset(); case -584196495: return getAbatement(); case -921554001: return getAbatement(); case -174231629: return getAssertedDateElement(); case -373242253: return getAsserter(); case 109757182: return getStage(); case 382967383: return addEvidence(); case 3387378: return addNote(); default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public String[] getTypesForProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: /*identifier*/ return new String[] {"Identifier"}; case -462853915: /*clinicalStatus*/ return new String[] {"code"}; case -842509843: /*verificationStatus*/ return new String[] {"code"}; case 50511102: /*category*/ return new String[] {"CodeableConcept"}; case 1478300413: /*severity*/ return new String[] {"CodeableConcept"}; case 3059181: /*code*/ return new String[] {"CodeableConcept"}; case 1702620169: /*bodySite*/ return new String[] {"CodeableConcept"}; case -1867885268: /*subject*/ return new String[] {"Reference"}; case 951530927: /*context*/ return new String[] {"Reference"}; case 105901603: /*onset*/ return new String[] {"dateTime", "Age", "Period", "Range", "string"}; case -921554001: /*abatement*/ return new String[] {"dateTime", "Age", "boolean", "Period", "Range", "string"}; case -174231629: /*assertedDate*/ return new String[] {"dateTime"}; case -373242253: /*asserter*/ return new String[] {"Reference"}; case 109757182: /*stage*/ return new String[] {}; case 382967383: /*evidence*/ return new String[] {}; case 3387378: /*note*/ return new String[] {"Annotation"}; default: return super.getTypesForProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("identifier")) { return addIdentifier(); } else if (name.equals("clinicalStatus")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Condition.clinicalStatus"); } else if (name.equals("verificationStatus")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Condition.verificationStatus"); } else if (name.equals("category")) { return addCategory(); } else if (name.equals("severity")) { this.severity = new CodeableConcept(); return this.severity; } else if (name.equals("code")) { this.code = new CodeableConcept(); return this.code; } else if (name.equals("bodySite")) { return addBodySite(); } else if (name.equals("subject")) { this.subject = new Reference(); return this.subject; } else if (name.equals("context")) { this.context = new Reference(); return this.context; } else if (name.equals("onsetDateTime")) { this.onset = new DateTimeType(); return this.onset; } else if (name.equals("onsetAge")) { this.onset = new Age(); return this.onset; } else if (name.equals("onsetPeriod")) { this.onset = new Period(); return this.onset; } else if (name.equals("onsetRange")) { this.onset = new Range(); return this.onset; } else if (name.equals("onsetString")) { this.onset = new StringType(); return this.onset; } else if (name.equals("abatementDateTime")) { this.abatement = new DateTimeType(); return this.abatement; } else if (name.equals("abatementAge")) { this.abatement = new Age(); return this.abatement; } else if (name.equals("abatementBoolean")) { this.abatement = new BooleanType(); return this.abatement; } else if (name.equals("abatementPeriod")) { this.abatement = new Period(); return this.abatement; } else if (name.equals("abatementRange")) { this.abatement = new Range(); return this.abatement; } else if (name.equals("abatementString")) { this.abatement = new StringType(); return this.abatement; } else if (name.equals("assertedDate")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Condition.assertedDate"); } else if (name.equals("asserter")) { this.asserter = new Reference(); return this.asserter; } else if (name.equals("stage")) { this.stage = new ConditionStageComponent(); return this.stage; } else if (name.equals("evidence")) { return addEvidence(); } else if (name.equals("note")) { return addNote(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public String fhirType() { return "Condition"; } public Condition copy() { Condition dst = new Condition(); copyValues(dst); if (identifier != null) { dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy()); }; dst.clinicalStatus = clinicalStatus == null ? null : clinicalStatus.copy(); dst.verificationStatus = verificationStatus == null ? null : verificationStatus.copy(); if (category != null) { dst.category = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); for (CodeableConcept i : category) dst.category.add(i.copy()); }; dst.severity = severity == null ? null : severity.copy(); dst.code = code == null ? null : code.copy(); if (bodySite != null) { dst.bodySite = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); for (CodeableConcept i : bodySite) dst.bodySite.add(i.copy()); }; dst.subject = subject == null ? null : subject.copy(); dst.context = context == null ? null : context.copy(); dst.onset = onset == null ? null : onset.copy(); dst.abatement = abatement == null ? null : abatement.copy(); dst.assertedDate = assertedDate == null ? null : assertedDate.copy(); dst.asserter = asserter == null ? null : asserter.copy(); dst.stage = stage == null ? null : stage.copy(); if (evidence != null) { dst.evidence = new ArrayList<ConditionEvidenceComponent>(); for (ConditionEvidenceComponent i : evidence) dst.evidence.add(i.copy()); }; if (note != null) { dst.note = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); for (Annotation i : note) dst.note.add(i.copy()); }; return dst; } protected Condition typedCopy() { return copy(); } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof Condition)) return false; Condition o = (Condition) other; return compareDeep(identifier, o.identifier, true) && compareDeep(clinicalStatus, o.clinicalStatus, true) && compareDeep(verificationStatus, o.verificationStatus, true) && compareDeep(category, o.category, true) && compareDeep(severity, o.severity, true) && compareDeep(code, o.code, true) && compareDeep(bodySite, o.bodySite, true) && compareDeep(subject, o.subject, true) && compareDeep(context, o.context, true) && compareDeep(onset, o.onset, true) && compareDeep(abatement, o.abatement, true) && compareDeep(assertedDate, o.assertedDate, true) && compareDeep(asserter, o.asserter, true) && compareDeep(stage, o.stage, true) && compareDeep(evidence, o.evidence, true) && compareDeep(note, o.note, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof Condition)) return false; Condition o = (Condition) other; return compareValues(clinicalStatus, o.clinicalStatus, true) && compareValues(verificationStatus, o.verificationStatus, true) && compareValues(assertedDate, o.assertedDate, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.isEmpty(identifier, clinicalStatus , verificationStatus, category, severity, code, bodySite, subject, context, onset , abatement, assertedDate, asserter, stage, evidence, note); } @Override public ResourceType getResourceType() { return ResourceType.Condition; } /** * Search parameter: <b>severity</b> * <p> * Description: <b>The severity of the condition</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.severity</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="severity", path="Condition.severity", description="The severity of the condition", type="token" ) public static final String SP_SEVERITY = "severity"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>severity</b> * <p> * Description: <b>The severity of the condition</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.severity</b><br> * </p> */ public static final SEVERITY = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>evidence-detail</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Supporting information found elsewhere</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.evidence.detail</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="evidence-detail", path="Condition.evidence.detail", description="Supporting information found elsewhere", type="reference" ) public static final String SP_EVIDENCE_DETAIL = "evidence-detail"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>evidence-detail</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Supporting information found elsewhere</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.evidence.detail</b><br> * </p> */ public static final EVIDENCE_DETAIL = new; /** * Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies * the path value of "<b>Condition:evidence-detail</b>". */ public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_EVIDENCE_DETAIL = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Condition:evidence-detail").toLocked(); /** * Search parameter: <b>identifier</b> * <p> * Description: <b>A unique identifier of the condition record</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.identifier</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Condition.identifier", description="A unique identifier of the condition record", type="token" ) public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b> * <p> * Description: <b>A unique identifier of the condition record</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.identifier</b><br> * </p> */ public static final IDENTIFIER = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>onset-info</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Onsets as a string</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.onset[x]</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="onset-info", path="", description="Onsets as a string", type="string" ) public static final String SP_ONSET_INFO = "onset-info"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>onset-info</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Onsets as a string</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.onset[x]</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ONSET_INFO = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>code</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Code for the condition</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.code</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="Condition.code", description="Code for the condition", type="token" ) public static final String SP_CODE = "code"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Code for the condition</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.code</b><br> * </p> */ public static final CODE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>evidence</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Manifestation/symptom</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.evidence.code</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="evidence", path="Condition.evidence.code", description="Manifestation/symptom", type="token" ) public static final String SP_EVIDENCE = "evidence"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>evidence</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Manifestation/symptom</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.evidence.code</b><br> * </p> */ public static final EVIDENCE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>subject</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Who has the condition?</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.subject</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="subject", path="Condition.subject", description="Who has the condition?", type="reference", target={Group.class, Patient.class } ) public static final String SP_SUBJECT = "subject"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>subject</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Who has the condition?</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.subject</b><br> * </p> */ public static final SUBJECT = new; /** * Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies * the path value of "<b>Condition:subject</b>". */ public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Condition:subject").toLocked(); /** * Search parameter: <b>verification-status</b> * <p> * Description: <b>provisional | differential | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.verificationStatus</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="verification-status", path="Condition.verificationStatus", description="provisional | differential | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error | unknown", type="token" ) public static final String SP_VERIFICATION_STATUS = "verification-status"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>verification-status</b> * <p> * Description: <b>provisional | differential | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error | unknown</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.verificationStatus</b><br> * </p> */ public static final VERIFICATION_STATUS = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>clinical-status</b> * <p> * Description: <b>The clinical status of the condition</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.clinicalStatus</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="clinical-status", path="Condition.clinicalStatus", description="The clinical status of the condition", type="token" ) public static final String SP_CLINICAL_STATUS = "clinical-status"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>clinical-status</b> * <p> * Description: <b>The clinical status of the condition</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.clinicalStatus</b><br> * </p> */ public static final CLINICAL_STATUS = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>encounter</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Encounter when condition first asserted</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.context</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="encounter", path="Condition.context", description="Encounter when condition first asserted", type="reference", target={Encounter.class } ) public static final String SP_ENCOUNTER = "encounter"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>encounter</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Encounter when condition first asserted</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.context</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ENCOUNTER = new; /** * Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies * the path value of "<b>Condition:encounter</b>". */ public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENCOUNTER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Condition:encounter").toLocked(); /** * Search parameter: <b>abatement-boolean</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Abatement boolean (boolean is true or non-boolean values are present)</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.abatement[x]</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="abatement-boolean", path=" | | | | |", description="Abatement boolean (boolean is true or non-boolean values are present)", type="token" ) public static final String SP_ABATEMENT_BOOLEAN = "abatement-boolean"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>abatement-boolean</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Abatement boolean (boolean is true or non-boolean values are present)</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.abatement[x]</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ABATEMENT_BOOLEAN = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>onset-date</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)</b><br> * Type: <b>date</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.onset[x]</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="onset-date", path=" |", description="Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)", type="date" ) public static final String SP_ONSET_DATE = "onset-date"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>onset-date</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)</b><br> * Type: <b>date</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.onset[x]</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ONSET_DATE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>abatement-date</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)</b><br> * Type: <b>date</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.abatement[x]</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="abatement-date", path=" |", description="Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)", type="date" ) public static final String SP_ABATEMENT_DATE = "abatement-date"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>abatement-date</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)</b><br> * Type: <b>date</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.abatement[x]</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ABATEMENT_DATE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>asserter</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Person who asserts this condition</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.asserter</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="asserter", path="Condition.asserter", description="Person who asserts this condition", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Patient"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Practitioner"), @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="RelatedPerson") }, target={Patient.class, Practitioner.class, RelatedPerson.class } ) public static final String SP_ASSERTER = "asserter"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>asserter</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Person who asserts this condition</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.asserter</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ASSERTER = new; /** * Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies * the path value of "<b>Condition:asserter</b>". */ public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ASSERTER = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Condition:asserter").toLocked(); /** * Search parameter: <b>stage</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Simple summary (disease specific)</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.stage.summary</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="stage", path="Condition.stage.summary", description="Simple summary (disease specific)", type="token" ) public static final String SP_STAGE = "stage"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>stage</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Simple summary (disease specific)</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.stage.summary</b><br> * </p> */ public static final STAGE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>abatement-string</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Abatement as a string</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.abatement[x]</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="abatement-string", path="", description="Abatement as a string", type="string" ) public static final String SP_ABATEMENT_STRING = "abatement-string"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>abatement-string</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Abatement as a string</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.abatement[x]</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ABATEMENT_STRING = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>patient</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Who has the condition?</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.subject</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="patient", path="Condition.subject", description="Who has the condition?", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Patient") }, target={Patient.class } ) public static final String SP_PATIENT = "patient"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>patient</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Who has the condition?</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.subject</b><br> * </p> */ public static final PATIENT = new; /** * Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies * the path value of "<b>Condition:patient</b>". */ public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Condition:patient").toLocked(); /** * Search parameter: <b>context</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Encounter or episode when condition first asserted</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.context</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="Condition.context", description="Encounter or episode when condition first asserted", type="reference", providesMembershipIn={ @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Compartment(name="Encounter") }, target={Encounter.class, EpisodeOfCare.class } ) public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Encounter or episode when condition first asserted</b><br> * Type: <b>reference</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.context</b><br> * </p> */ public static final CONTEXT = new; /** * Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies * the path value of "<b>Condition:context</b>". */ public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_CONTEXT = new ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include("Condition:context").toLocked(); /** * Search parameter: <b>onset-age</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Onsets as age or age range</b><br> * Type: <b>quantity</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.onset[x]</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="onset-age", path=" |", description="Onsets as age or age range", type="quantity" ) public static final String SP_ONSET_AGE = "onset-age"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>onset-age</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Onsets as age or age range</b><br> * Type: <b>quantity</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.onset[x]</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ONSET_AGE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>abatement-age</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Abatement as age or age range</b><br> * Type: <b>quantity</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.abatement[x]</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="abatement-age", path=" | |", description="Abatement as age or age range", type="quantity" ) public static final String SP_ABATEMENT_AGE = "abatement-age"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>abatement-age</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Abatement as age or age range</b><br> * Type: <b>quantity</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.abatement[x]</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ABATEMENT_AGE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>asserted-date</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Date record was believed accurate</b><br> * Type: <b>date</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.assertedDate</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="asserted-date", path="Condition.assertedDate", description="Date record was believed accurate", type="date" ) public static final String SP_ASSERTED_DATE = "asserted-date"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>asserted-date</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Date record was believed accurate</b><br> * Type: <b>date</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.assertedDate</b><br> * </p> */ public static final ASSERTED_DATE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>category</b> * <p> * Description: <b>The category of the condition</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.category</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="category", path="Condition.category", description="The category of the condition", type="token" ) public static final String SP_CATEGORY = "category"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>category</b> * <p> * Description: <b>The category of the condition</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.category</b><br> * </p> */ public static final CATEGORY = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>body-site</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Anatomical location, if relevant</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.bodySite</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="body-site", path="Condition.bodySite", description="Anatomical location, if relevant", type="token" ) public static final String SP_BODY_SITE = "body-site"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>body-site</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Anatomical location, if relevant</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Condition.bodySite</b><br> * </p> */ public static final BODY_SITE = new; }