package org.genmymodel.common.account; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * This class manage the keyStore. * @author Ali Gourch */ public class GMMKeyStore { public static Map<String, GMMCredential> CREDENTIALS; public static GMMCredential CREDENTIAL; public static GMMKeyStore KEYSTORE = new GMMKeyStore(); /** * Prevents external instance creation. */ private GMMKeyStore() { initialize(); } synchronized protected void initialize() { GMMKeyStore.CREDENTIALS = new HashMap<String, GMMCredential>(); } /** * Gets the GMMKeyStore instance. * @return The GMMKeyStore instance. */ public static GMMKeyStore getInstance() { return KEYSTORE; } /** * gets the GMMKeyStore credentials. * @return The map of credentials. */ synchronized public Map<String, GMMCredential> getCredentials() { return GMMKeyStore.CREDENTIALS; } /** * Adds the GMMKeyStore credential. */ synchronized public void addCredential(String username, GMMCredential credential) { GMMKeyStore.CREDENTIALS.put(username, credential); } /** * Removes the GMMKeyStore credential. */ synchronized public void removeCredential(String username) { GMMKeyStore.CREDENTIALS.remove(username); } /** * gets the GMMKeyStore credential. * @return The current credential. */ synchronized public GMMCredential getCurrentCredential() { return GMMKeyStore.CREDENTIAL; } /** * Loads the GMMKeyStore credential. */ synchronized public void loadCredential(String username) { GMMKeyStore.CREDENTIAL = GMMKeyStore.CREDENTIALS.get(username); } }