package org.codehaus.groovy.gjit.db; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.codehaus.groovy.gjit.DebugUtils; public class SiteTypePersistentCache implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7031435017464448743L; private Map<String, ClassEntry> classEntries = new HashMap<String, ClassEntry>(); // private static final String CACHE_FILE_NAME = "test.cache"; public SiteTypePersistentCache(){} // public static void read() throws Throwable { // FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(CACHE_FILE_NAME); // ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(f); // instance = (SiteTypePersistentCache) o.readObject(); // } // // public static void write() throws Throwable { // FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(CACHE_FILE_NAME); // ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(f); // o.writeObject(SiteTypePersistentCache.v()); // } private static SiteTypePersistentCache instance; public static SiteTypePersistentCache v() { if(instance==null) instance = new SiteTypePersistentCache(); return instance; } public Map<String, ClassEntry> getClassEntries() { return classEntries; } public void setClassEntries(Map<String, ClassEntry> classEntries) { this.classEntries = classEntries; } // TODO changed cache root private static final String ROOT_DIR = "/temp/"; // private static final String ROOT_DIR = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.gjit/"; private static final String CACHE_EXT = ".cache"; public ClassEntry find(String name) throws Throwable { String filename = ROOT_DIR + name + CACHE_EXT; if(new File(filename).exists()) { FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(filename); ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(f); ClassEntry ce = (ClassEntry) o.readObject(); this.classEntries.put(name, ce); return ce; } else { return null; } } public ClassEntry add(String name, long stamp) { int i = name.lastIndexOf('/'); boolean newlyCreated = false; if(i!=-1) { String dir = name.substring(0, i); // System.out.println(dir); File fdir = new File(ROOT_DIR + dir); if(fdir.exists() == false) { // System.out.println("fdir exists == false"); fdir.mkdirs(); newlyCreated = true; } } ClassEntry ce = new ClassEntry(name, stamp); String filename = ROOT_DIR + name + CACHE_EXT; try { if(newlyCreated) { FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(filename); ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(f); o.writeObject(ce); } else { // read and compare FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(filename); ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(f); ClassEntry objOnDisk = (ClassEntry) o.readObject(); if(objOnDisk.getTimeStamp() > ce.getTimeStamp()) { throw new RuntimeException("Cache on disk is created from a compiled class file in the future: " + filename); } else if(objOnDisk.getTimeStamp() == ce.getTimeStamp()){ ce = objOnDisk; DebugUtils.println("reading from cache, instead of creating the new one"); } } this.classEntries.put(name, ce); return ce; } catch(Throwable e) { return null; } } }