package com.matrobot.gha; import; import; import com.matrobot.gha.archive.cmd.FindEventsCmd; import com.matrobot.gha.archive.cmd.RepoActivityCmd; import com.matrobot.gha.archive.cmd.RepoTimelineCmd; public class MainApp { private Configuration params; public MainApp(Configuration params){ this.params = params; } public void run() throws IOException { ICommand command = findCommand(params.getCommand()); if(command == null){ System.out.println("Command " + params.getCommand() + " not found"); return; }; } private ICommand findCommand(String command) { command = command.trim(); if(command.equals("find_events")){ return new FindEventsCmd(); } else if(command.equals("repo_activity")){ return new RepoActivityCmd(); } else if(command.equals("repo_timeline")){ return new RepoTimelineCmd(); } return null; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ Configuration params; try { params = new Configuration(args[0]); if(params.getCommand() != null){ MainApp app = new MainApp(params);; } else{ showHelp(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Can't find configuration file: " + args[0]); } } private static void showHelp() { System.out.println("Commands:"); System.out.println("- find_events: Find all events and save them to csv file"); System.out.println("- repos: Create report with repository activity"); System.out.println(); } }