package com.opcoach.genmodeladdon.core; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModel; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; /** * A class to provide some generation common methods */ @SuppressWarnings("all") public class GenerateCommon { /** * Extract the project name from the genmodel resource */ public static String getProjectName(final GenModel gm) { Resource _eResource = gm.eResource(); URI _uRI = _eResource.getURI(); return GenerateCommon.getProjectNameFromURI(_uRI); } public static String getProjectNameFromURI(final URI genModelUri) { IWorkspace _workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRoot _root = _workspace.getRoot(); _locationURI = _root.getLocationURI(); String _string = _locationURI.toString(); final URI rootUri = URI.createURI(_string); final String lastSegOfRootUri = rootUri.lastSegment(); final String genModelUriStr = genModelUri.toString(); boolean _startsWith = genModelUriStr.startsWith("platform:/resource/"); if (_startsWith) { final String s = genModelUriStr.replace("platform:/resource/", ""); final int lastSlash = s.indexOf("/"); return s.substring(0, lastSlash); } final List<String> segments = genModelUri.segmentsList(); final int lastIndex = segments.lastIndexOf(lastSegOfRootUri); return segments.get((lastIndex + 1)); } /** * Find the project from a genmodel */ public static IProject getProject(final GenModel gm) { IProject _xblockexpression = null; { final String projectName = GenerateCommon.getProjectName(gm); IWorkspace _workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRoot _root = _workspace.getRoot(); _xblockexpression = _root.getProject(projectName); } return _xblockexpression; } /** * Find the model name from the genmodel */ public static String getModelName(final GenModel gm) { Resource _eResource = gm.eResource(); final URI uri = _eResource.getURI(); final String s = uri.toString(); int pos = s.lastIndexOf("/"); String modelName = s.substring((pos + 1)); int _indexOf = modelName.indexOf(".genmodel"); pos = _indexOf; String _substring = modelName.substring(0, pos); modelName = _substring; return modelName; } /** * Find the model directory in its project */ public static String getModelPath(final GenModel gm) { Resource _eResource = gm.eResource(); final URI uri = _eResource.getURI(); IProject _project = GenerateCommon.getProject(gm); final String projectName = _project.getName(); String _string = uri.toString(); return GenerateCommon.getModelPathFromStringURI(projectName, _string); } /** * Find the model directory in its project */ public static String getModelPathFromStringURI(final String projectName, final String uri) { int _lastIndexOf = uri.lastIndexOf(projectName); int _length = projectName.length(); int _plus = (_lastIndexOf + _length); final int pathPos = (_plus + 1); final int lastSlashPos = uri.lastIndexOf("/"); String modelDir = "."; if ((pathPos < lastSlashPos)) { String _substring = uri.substring(pathPos, lastSlashPos); modelDir = _substring; } return modelDir; } }