package io.futuristic; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.function.Consumer; /** * @autor: julio */ public final class Futures { private static final Executor EXECUTOR = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); private Futures(){ } /** * Returns an object that has a trigger and a future. The future will be "known" when the trigger gets fired * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> FutureWithTrigger<T> withTrigger(){ return new FutureWithTrigger<T>(); }; /** * Returns a Future object that is triggered by the {@link Callback} passed to the * {@link java.util.function.Consumer} * @param consumer * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> Future<T> withCallback(Consumer<Callback<T>> consumer){ FutureWithTrigger<T> futureWithTrigger = new FutureWithTrigger<>(); consumer.accept(futureWithTrigger.getTrigger()); return futureWithTrigger.getFuture(); }; /** * Returns a future which value is already known * @param value * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> Future<T> withValue(T value){ return new FutureWithValue<>(value); } /** * Returns a future which {@link java.lang.Exception} is already known. * @param exception * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> Future<T> withException(Exception exception){ return new FutureWithException<>(exception); } /** * Executes the {@link java.util.concurrent.Callable} in a separate thread and the result will be exposed on the * future that is returned from this function. * @param callable * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> Future<T> withCallable(Callable<T> callable){ return withCallable(EXECUTOR, callable); } /** * Executes the {@link java.util.concurrent.Callable} in a separate thread and the result will be exposed on the * future that is returned from this function. * @param executor Executor to run the callable * @param callable * @param <T> * @return */ public static <T> Future<T> withCallable(Executor executor, Callable<T> callable){ FutureWithTrigger<T> futureWithTrigger = new FutureWithTrigger<>(); executor.execute(() -> { try { T res =; futureWithTrigger.getTrigger().completed(res); } catch (Exception ex) { futureWithTrigger.getTrigger().failed(ex); } }); return futureWithTrigger.getFuture(); } /** * Returns a future that will be known when all of the futures passed as arguments are known * @param futures * @param <T> * @return a {@link java.util.Set} with the result of all the futures */ public static <T> Future<Set<T>> all(Future<T>... futures) { FuturePool<T> pool = new FuturePool<>(); for(Future<T> future: futures) { pool.listen(future); } return pool.all(); } /** * Returns a future that will be known when all of the futures passed as arguments are known * @param futures * @param <T> * @return a {@link java.util.Set} with the result of all the futures */ public static <T> Future<Set<T>> all(Iterable<Future<T>> futures) { FuturePool<T> pool = new FuturePool<>(); for(Future<T> future: futures) { pool.listen(future); } return pool.all(); } /** * Returns a future that will be known when any of the futures passed as arguments are known * @param futures * @param <T> * @return the result of the first future to be known */ public static <T> Future<T> any(Future<T>... futures) { FuturePool<T> pool = new FuturePool<>(); for(Future<T> future: futures) { pool.listen(future); } return pool.first(); } /** * Returns a future that will be known when any of the futures passed as arguments are known * @param futures * @param <T> * @return the result of the first future to be known */ public static <T> Future<T> any(Iterable<Future<T>> futures) { FuturePool<T> pool = new FuturePool<>(); for(Future<T> future: futures) { pool.listen(future); } return pool.first(); } }