import fj.*;
import fj.function.Booleans;
import java.util.Iterator;
import static fj.Equal.p3Equal;
import static fj.Equal.p4Equal;
import static fj.Equal.streamEqual;
import static fj.Equal.treeEqual;
import static fj.Function.compose;
import static fj.Function.curry;
import static fj.Function.flip;
import static fj.Function.uncurryF2;
import static fj.Show.p3Show;
import static fj.Show.p4Show;
import static fj.Show.streamShow;
import static fj.Show.treeShow;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* Provides a zipper structure for rose trees, which is a Tree supplied with a location within that tree.
* Provides navigation, insertion, deletion, and memorization of visited locations within a tree.
public final class TreeZipper<A> implements Iterable<TreeZipper<A>> {
* Returns an iterator of all the positions of this TreeZipper. Exists for use with the foreach syntax.
* @return An iterator of all the positions of this TreeZipper.
public Iterator<TreeZipper<A>> iterator() {
return positions().toTree().iterator();
private final Tree<A> tree;
private final Stream<Tree<A>> lefts;
private final Stream<Tree<A>> rights;
private final Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>>> parents;
private TreeZipper(final Tree<A> tree,
final Stream<Tree<A>> lefts,
final Stream<Tree<A>> rights,
final Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>>> parents) {
this.tree = tree;
this.lefts = lefts;
this.rights = rights;
this.parents = parents;
* Creates a new tree zipper given a currently selected tree, a forest on the left, a forest on the right,
* and a stream of parent contexts.
* @param tree The currently selected tree.
* @param lefts The selected tree's left siblings, closest first.
* @param rights The selected tree's right siblings, closest first.
* @param parents The parent of the selected tree, and the parent's siblings.
* @return A new zipper with the given tree selected, and the given forests on the left and right.
public static <A> TreeZipper<A> treeZipper(final Tree<A> tree,
final Stream<Tree<A>> lefts,
final Stream<Tree<A>> rights,
final Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>>> parents) {
return new TreeZipper<>(tree, lefts, rights, parents);
* First-class constructor for tree zippers.
* @return A function that returns a new tree zipper, given a selected tree, left and right siblings,
* and a parent context.
public static <A>
F<Tree<A>, F<Stream<Tree<A>>, F<Stream<Tree<A>>, F<Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>>>, TreeZipper<A>>>>>
treeZipper() {
return curry(
* Returns the product-4 representation of this zipper.
* @return the product-4 representation of this zipper.
public P4<Tree<A>, Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>>>> p() {
return P.p(tree, lefts, rights, parents);
* A first-class function that returns the product-4 representation of a given zipper.
* @return a function that converts a given zipper to its product-4 representation.
public static <A>
F<TreeZipper<A>, P4<Tree<A>, Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>>>>> p_() {
return TreeZipper::p;
* An Equal instance for tree zippers.
* @param e An Equal instance for tree elements.
* @return An Equal instance for tree zippers.
public static <A> Equal<TreeZipper<A>> eq(final Equal<A> e) {
return p4Equal(
streamEqual(p3Equal(streamEqual(treeEqual(e)), e, streamEqual(treeEqual(e))))).contramap(TreeZipper.p_());
* A Show instance for tree zippers.
* @param s A Show instance for tree elements.
* @return A Show instance for tree zippers.
public static <A> Show<TreeZipper<A>> show(final Show<A> s) {
return p4Show(
streamShow(p3Show(streamShow(treeShow(s)), s, streamShow(treeShow(s))))).contramap(TreeZipper.p_());
private static <A> Stream<Tree<A>> combChildren(final Stream<Tree<A>> ls,
final Tree<A> t,
final Stream<Tree<A>> rs) {
return ls.foldLeft(compose(flip(Stream.cons()), P.p1()), Stream.cons(t, P.p(rs)));
* Navigates to the parent of the current location.
* @return A new tree zipper focused on the parent node of the current node,
* or none if the current node is the root node.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> parent() {
if (parents.isEmpty())
return none();
else {
final P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>> p = parents.head();
return some(treeZipper(node(p._2(), combChildren(lefts, tree, rights)), p._1(), p._3(), parents.tail()._1()));
* Navigates to the top-most parent of the current location.
* @return A new tree zipper focused on the top-most parent of the current node.
public TreeZipper<A> root() {
return parent().option(this, TreeZipper.root_());
* A first-class version of the root function.
* @return A function that returns a new tree-zipper focused on the root of the given tree zipper's tree.
public static <A> F<TreeZipper<A>, TreeZipper<A>> root_() {
return TreeZipper::root;
* Navigates to the left sibling of the current location.
* @return A new tree zipper focused on the left sibling of the current node,
* or none if there are no siblings on the left.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> left() {
return lefts.isEmpty() ? Option.none()
: some(treeZipper(lefts.head(), lefts.tail()._1(), rights.cons(tree), parents));
* Navigates to the right sibling of the current location.
* @return A new tree zipper focused on the right sibling of the current node,
* or none if there are no siblings on the right.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> right() {
return rights.isEmpty() ? Option.none()
: some(treeZipper(rights.head(), lefts.cons(tree), rights.tail()._1(), parents));
* Navigtes to the first child of the current location.
* @return A new tree zipper focused on the first child of the current node, or none if the node has no children.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> firstChild() {
final Stream<Tree<A>> ts = tree.subForest()._1();
return ts.isEmpty() ? Option.none()
: some(treeZipper(ts.head(), Stream.nil(), ts.tail()._1(), downParents()));
* Navigtes to the last child of the current location.
* @return A new tree zipper focused on the last child of the current node, or none if the node has no children.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> lastChild() {
final Stream<Tree<A>> ts = tree.subForest()._1().reverse();
return ts.isEmpty() ? Option.none()
: some(treeZipper(ts.head(), ts.tail()._1(), Stream.nil(), downParents()));
* Navigates to the given child of the current location, starting at index 0.
* @param n The index of the child to which to navigate.
* @return An optional tree zipper focused on the child node at the given index, or none if there is no such child.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> getChild(final int n) {
Option<TreeZipper<A>> r = none();
for (final P2<Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<Tree<A>>> lr
: splitChildren(Stream.nil(), tree.subForest()._1(), n)) {
r = some(treeZipper(lr._1().head(), lr._1().tail()._1(), lr._2(), downParents()));
return r;
* Navigates to the first child of the current location, that satisfies the given predicate.
* @param p A predicate to be satisfied by the child node.
* @return An optional tree zipper focused on the first child node that satisfies the given predicate,
* or none if there is no such child.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> findChild(final F<Tree<A>, Boolean> p) {
Option<TreeZipper<A>> r = none();
final F2<Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<Tree<A>>, Option<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, Tree<A>, Stream<Tree<A>>>>> split =
new F2<Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<Tree<A>>, Option<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, Tree<A>, Stream<Tree<A>>>>>() {
public Option<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, Tree<A>, Stream<Tree<A>>>> f(final Stream<Tree<A>> acc,
final Stream<Tree<A>> xs) {
return xs.isNotEmpty()
? p.f(xs.head()) ? some(P.p(acc, xs.head(), xs.tail()._1()))
: f(acc.cons(xs.head()), xs.tail()._1())
: Option.none();
Stream<Tree<A>> subforest = tree.subForest()._1();
if (subforest.isNotEmpty()) {
for (final P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, Tree<A>, Stream<Tree<A>>> ltr
: split.f(Stream.nil(), subforest)) {
r = some(treeZipper(ltr._2(), ltr._1(), ltr._3(), downParents()));
return r;
private Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>>> downParents() {
return parents.cons(P.p(lefts, tree.root(), rights));
private static <A> Option<P2<Stream<A>, Stream<A>>> splitChildren(final Stream<A> acc,
final Stream<A> xs,
final int n) {
return n == 0 ? some(P.p(acc, xs))
: xs.isNotEmpty() ? splitChildren(acc.cons(xs.head()), xs.tail()._1(), n - 1)
: Option.none();
private static <A> Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<A>>, A, Stream<Tree<A>>>> lp3nil() {
return nil();
* Creates a new tree zipper focused on the root of the given tree.
* @param t A tree over which to create a new zipper.
* @return a new tree zipper focused on the root of the given tree.
public static <A> TreeZipper<A> fromTree(final Tree<A> t) {
return treeZipper(t, Stream.nil(), Stream.nil(), TreeZipper.lp3nil());
* Creates a new tree zipper focused on the first element of the given forest.
* @param ts A forest over which to create a new zipper.
* @return a new tree zipper focused on the first element of the given forest.
public static <A> Option<TreeZipper<A>> fromForest(final Stream<Tree<A>> ts) {
return ts.isNotEmpty()
? some(treeZipper(ts.head(), Stream.nil(), ts.tail()._1(), TreeZipper.lp3nil()))
: Option.none();
* Returns the tree containing this location.
* @return the tree containing this location.
public Tree<A> toTree() {
return root().tree;
* Returns the forest containing this location.
* @return the forest containing this location.
public Stream<Tree<A>> toForest() {
final TreeZipper<A> r = root();
return combChildren(r.lefts, r.tree, r.rights);
* Returns the tree at the currently focused node.
* @return the tree at the currently focused node.
public Tree<A> focus() {
return tree;
* Returns the left siblings of the currently focused node.
* @return the left siblings of the currently focused node.
public Stream<Tree<A>> lefts() {
return lefts;
* Returns the right siblings of the currently focused node.
* @return the right siblings of the currently focused node.
public Stream<Tree<A>> rights() {
return rights;
* Indicates whether the current node is at the top of the tree.
* @return true if the current node is the root of the tree, otherwise false.
public boolean isRoot() {
return parents.isEmpty();
* Indicates whether the current node is the leftmost tree in the current forest.
* @return true if the current node has no left siblings, otherwise false.
public boolean isFirst() {
return lefts.isEmpty();
* Indicates whether the current node is the rightmost tree in the current forest.
* @return true if the current node has no siblings on its right, otherwise false.
public boolean isLast() {
return rights.isEmpty();
* Indicates whether the current node is at the bottom of the tree.
* @return true if the current node has no child nodes, otherwise false.
public boolean isLeaf() {
return tree.subForest()._1().isEmpty();
* Indicates whether the current node is a child node of another node.
* @return true if the current node has a parent node, otherwise false.
public boolean isChild() {
return !isRoot();
* Indicates whether the current node has any child nodes.
* @return true if the current node has child nodes, otherwise false.
public boolean hasChildren() {
return !isLeaf();
* Replaces the current node with the given tree.
* @param t A tree with which to replace the current node.
* @return A new tree zipper in which the focused node is replaced with the given tree.
public TreeZipper<A> setTree(final Tree<A> t) {
return treeZipper(t, lefts, rights, parents);
* Modifies the current node with the given function.
* @param f A function with which to modify the current tree.
* @return A new tree zipper in which the focused node has been transformed by the given function.
public TreeZipper<A> modifyTree(final F<Tree<A>, Tree<A>> f) {
return setTree(f.f(tree));
* Modifies the label at the current node with the given function.
* @param f A function with which to transform the current node's label.
* @return A new tree zipper with the focused node's label transformed by the given function.
public TreeZipper<A> modifyLabel(final F<A, A> f) {
return setLabel(f.f(getLabel()));
* Replaces the label of the current node with the given value.
* @param v The new value for the node's label.
* @return A new tree zipper with the focused node's label replaced by the given value.
public TreeZipper<A> setLabel(final A v) {
return modifyTree(t -> Tree.node(v, t.subForest()));
* Returns the label at the current node.
* @return the label at the current node.
public A getLabel() {
return tree.root();
* Inserts a tree to the left of the current position. The inserted tree becomes the current tree.
* @param t A tree to insert to the left of the current position.
* @return A new tree zipper with the given tree in focus and the current tree on the right.
public TreeZipper<A> insertLeft(final Tree<A> t) {
return treeZipper(t, lefts, rights.cons(tree), parents);
* Inserts a tree to the right of the current position. The inserted tree becomes the current tree.
* @param t A tree to insert to the right of the current position.
* @return A new tree zipper with the given tree in focus and the current tree on the left.
public TreeZipper<A> insertRight(final Tree<A> t) {
return treeZipper(t, lefts.cons(tree), rights, parents);
* Inserts a tree as the first child of the current node. The inserted tree becomes the current tree.
* @param t A tree to insert.
* @return A new tree zipper with the given tree in focus, as the first child of the current node.
public TreeZipper<A> insertDownFirst(final Tree<A> t) {
return treeZipper(t, Stream.nil(), tree.subForest()._1(), downParents());
* Inserts a tree as the last child of the current node. The inserted tree becomes the current tree.
* @param t A tree to insert.
* @return A new tree zipper with the given tree in focus, as the last child of the current node.
public TreeZipper<A> insertDownLast(final Tree<A> t) {
return treeZipper(t, tree.subForest()._1().reverse(), Stream.nil(), downParents());
* Inserts a tree at the specified location in the current node's stream of children. The inserted tree
* becomes the current node.
* @param n The index at which to insert the given tree, starting at 0.
* @param t A tree to insert.
* @return A new tree zipper with the given tree in focus, at the specified index in the current node's stream
* of children, or None if the current node has fewer than <code>n</code> children.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> insertDownAt(final int n, final Tree<A> t) {
Option<TreeZipper<A>> r = none();
for (final P2<Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<Tree<A>>> lr
: splitChildren(Stream.nil(), tree.subForest()._1(), n)) {
r = some(treeZipper(t, lr._1(), lr._2(), downParents()));
return r;
* Removes the current node from the tree. The new position becomes the right sibling, or the left sibling
* if the current node has no right siblings, or the parent node if the current node has no siblings.
* @return A new tree zipper with the current node removed.
public Option<TreeZipper<A>> delete() {
Option<TreeZipper<A>> r = none();
if (rights.isNotEmpty())
r = some(treeZipper(rights.head(), lefts, rights.tail()._1(), parents));
else if (lefts.isNotEmpty())
r = some(treeZipper(lefts.head(), lefts.tail()._1(), rights, parents));
else for (final TreeZipper<A> loc : parent())
r = some(loc.modifyTree(t -> node(t.root(), Stream.nil())));
return r;
* Zips the nodes in this zipper with a boolean that indicates whether that node has focus.
* All of the booleans will be false, except for the focused node.
* @return A new zipper of pairs, with each node of this zipper paired with a boolean that is true if that
* node has focus, and false otherwise.
public TreeZipper<P2<A, Boolean>> zipWithFocus() {
final F<A, P2<A, Boolean>> f = flip(P.<A, Boolean>p2()).f(false);
return map(f).modifyLabel(P2.map2_(Booleans.not));
* Maps the given function across this zipper (covariant functor pattern).
* @param f A function to map across this zipper.
* @return A new zipper with the given function applied to the label of every node.
public <B> TreeZipper<B> map(final F<A, B> f) {
final F<Tree<A>, Tree<B>> g = Tree.<A, B>fmap_().f(f);
final F<Stream<Tree<A>>, Stream<Tree<B>>> h = Stream.<Tree<A>, Tree<B>>map_().f(g);
return treeZipper(tree.fmap(f),,,
p -> p.map1(h).map2(f).map3(h)));
* First-class conversion of a Tree to the corresponding tree zipper.
* @return A function that takes a tree to its tree zipper representation.
public static <A> F<Tree<A>, TreeZipper<A>> fromTree() {
return TreeZipper::fromTree;
* A first-class version of the left() function.
* @return A function that focuses the given tree zipper on its left sibling.
public static <A> F<TreeZipper<A>, Option<TreeZipper<A>>> left_() {
return TreeZipper::left;
* A first-class version of the right() function.
* @return A function that focuses the given tree zipper on its right sibling.
public static <A> F<TreeZipper<A>, Option<TreeZipper<A>>> right_() {
return TreeZipper::right;
* Returns a zipper over the tree of all possible permutations of this tree zipper (comonad pattern).
* This tree zipper becomes the focused node of the new zipper.
* @return A tree zipper over the tree of all possible permutations of this tree zipper.
public TreeZipper<TreeZipper<A>> positions() {
final Tree<TreeZipper<A>> t = unfoldTree(TreeZipper.<A>dwn()).f(this);
final Stream<Tree<TreeZipper<A>>> l = uf(TreeZipper.left_());
final Stream<Tree<TreeZipper<A>>> r = uf(TreeZipper.right_());
final Stream<P3<Stream<Tree<TreeZipper<A>>>, TreeZipper<A>, Stream<Tree<TreeZipper<A>>>>> p = unfold(
o -> {
P3<Stream<Tree<TreeZipper<A>>>, TreeZipper<A>, Stream<Tree<TreeZipper<A>>>>,
Option<TreeZipper<A>>>> r1 = none();
for (final TreeZipper<A> z : o) {
r1 = some(P.p(P.p(z.uf(TreeZipper.left_()), z, z.uf(TreeZipper.right_())), z.parent()));
return r1;
}, parent());
return treeZipper(t, l, r, p);
private Stream<Tree<TreeZipper<A>>> uf(final F<TreeZipper<A>, Option<TreeZipper<A>>> f) {
return unfold(
o -> {
Option<P2<Tree<TreeZipper<A>>, Option<TreeZipper<A>>>> r = none();
for (final TreeZipper<A> c : o) {
r = some(P.p(unfoldTree(TreeZipper.<A>dwn()).f(c), f.f(c)));
return r;
}, f.f(this));
private static <A> F<TreeZipper<A>, P2<TreeZipper<A>, P1<Stream<TreeZipper<A>>>>> dwn() {
return tz -> P.p(tz, new P1<Stream<TreeZipper<A>>>() {
private F<Option<TreeZipper<A>>, Option<P2<TreeZipper<A>, Option<TreeZipper<A>>>>> fwd() {
return o -> {
Option<P2<TreeZipper<A>, Option<TreeZipper<A>>>> r = none();
for (final TreeZipper<A> c : o) {
r = some(P.p(c, c.right()));
return r;
public Stream<TreeZipper<A>> _1() {
return unfold(fwd(), tz.firstChild());
* Maps the given function over the tree of all positions for this zipper (comonad pattern). Returns a zipper
* over the tree of results of the function application.
* @param f A function to map over the tree of all positions for this zipper.
* @return A zipper over the tree of results of the function application.
public <B> TreeZipper<B> cobind(final F<TreeZipper<A>, B> f) {
return positions().map(f);
* A first-class version of the findChild function.
* @return a function that finds the first child, of a given tree zipper, that matches a given predicate.
public static <A> F2<F<Tree<A>, Boolean>, TreeZipper<A>, Option<TreeZipper<A>>> findChild() {
return (f, az) -> az.findChild(f);
* Zips this TreeZipper with another, applying the given function lock-step over both zippers in all directions.
* The structure of the resulting TreeZipper is the structural intersection of the two TreeZippers.
* @param bs A TreeZipper to zip this one with.
* @param f A function with which to zip together the two TreeZippers.
* @return The result of applying the given function over this TreeZipper and the given TreeZipper, location-wise.
public <B, C> TreeZipper<C> zipWith(final TreeZipper<B> bs, final F2<A, B, C> f) {
return F2Functions.zipTreeZipperM(f).f(this, bs);
* Zips this TreeZipper with another, applying the given function lock-step over both zippers in all directions.
* The structure of the resulting TreeZipper is the structural intersection of the two TreeZippers.
* @param bs A TreeZipper to zip this one with.
* @param f A function with which to zip together the two TreeZippers.
* @return The result of applying the given function over this TreeZipper and the given TreeZipper, location-wise.
public <B, C> TreeZipper<C> zipWith(final TreeZipper<B> bs, final F<A, F<B, C>> f) {
return zipWith(bs, uncurryF2(f));