package com.vanillaforums; import java.util.*; /** * @author Todd Burry <> * @version 1.0b * This object contains the client code for Vanilla jsConnect signle-sign-on. */ public class jsConnect { /** * Convenience method that returns a map representing an error. * @param code The code of the error. * @param message A user-readable message for the error. * @return */ protected static Map Error(String code, String message) { Map result = new HashMap(); result.put("error", code); result.put("message", message); return result; } /** * Returns a JSONP formatted string suitable to be consumed by jsConnect. * This is usually the only method you need to call in order to implement jsConnect. * @param user A map containing the user information. The map should have the following keys: * - uniqueid: An ID that uniquely identifies the user in your system. This value should never change for a given user. * @param request: A map containing the query string for the current request. You usually just pass in request.getParameterMap(). * @param clientID: The client ID for your site. This is usually configured on Vanilla's jsConnect configuration page. * @param secret: The secret for your site. This is usually configured on Vanilla's jsConnect configuration page. * @param secure: Whether or not to check security on the request. You can leave this false for testing, but you should make it true in production. * @return The JSONP formatted string representing the current user. */ public static String GetJsConnectString(Map user, Map request, String clientID, String secret, Boolean secure) { Map error = null; long timestamp = 0; try { timestamp = Long.parseLong(Val(request, "timestamp")); } catch (Exception ex) { timestamp = 0; } long currentTimestamp = jsConnect.Timestamp(); if (secure) { if (Val(request, "client_id") == null) { error = jsConnect.Error("invalid_request", "The client_id parameter is missing."); } else if (!Val(request, "client_id").equals(clientID)) { error = jsConnect.Error("invalid_client", "Unknown client " + Val(request, "client_id") + "."); } else if (Val(request, "timestamp") == null && Val(request, "signature") == null) { if (user != null && !user.isEmpty()) { error = new HashMap(); error.put("name", user.get("name")); error.put("photourl", user.containsKey("photourl") ? user.get("photourl") : ""); } else { error = new HashMap(); error.put("name", ""); error.put("photourl", ""); } } else if (timestamp == 0) { error = jsConnect.Error("invalid_request", "The timestamp is missing or invalid."); } else if (Val(request, "signature") == null) { error = jsConnect.Error("invalid_request", "The signature is missing."); } else if (Math.abs(currentTimestamp - timestamp) > 30 * 60) { error = jsConnect.Error("invalid_request", "The timestamp is invalid."); } else { // Make sure the timestamp's signature checks out. String timestampSig = jsConnect.MD5(Long.toString(timestamp) + secret); if (!timestampSig.equals(Val(request, "signature"))) { error = jsConnect.Error("access_denied", "Signature invalid."); } } } Map result; if (error != null) { result = error; } else if (user != null && !user.isEmpty()) { result = new LinkedHashMap(user); SignJsConnect(result, clientID, secret, true); } else { result = new LinkedHashMap(); result.put("name", ""); result.put("photourl", ""); } String json = jsConnect.JsonEncode(result); if (Val(request, "callback") == null) { return json; } else { return Val(request, "callback") + "(" + json + ");"; } } /** * JSON encode some data. * @param data The data to encode. * @return The JSON encoded data. */ public static String JsonEncode(Map data) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iterator = data.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (result.length() > 0) { result.append(", "); } Map.Entry v = (Map.Entry); String key = v.getKey().toString(); key = key.replace("\"", "\\\""); String value = v.getValue().toString(); value = value.replace("\"", "\\\""); String q = "\""; result.append(q + key + q + ": " + q + value + q); } return "{ " + result.toString() + " }"; } /** * Compute the MD5 hash of a string. * @param password The data to compute the hash on. * @return A hex encoded string representing the MD5 hash of the string. */ public static String MD5(String password) { try { digest ="MD5"); digest.update(password.getBytes("UTF-8")); byte[] hash = digest.digest(); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & hash[i]); if (hex.length() == 1) { // could use a for loop, but we're only dealing with a single byte ret.append('0'); } ret.append(hex); } return ret.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { return "ERROR"; } } /** * Get a value from a map. * @param request The map to get the value from. * @param key The key of the value. * @param defaultValue The default value if the map doesn't contain the value. * @return The value from the map or the default if it isn't found. */ protected static String Val(Map request, String key, String defaultValue) { try { Object result = null; if (request.containsKey(key)) { result = request.get(key); if (result instanceof String[]) { return ((String[]) request.get(key))[0]; } else { return result.toString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return defaultValue; } return defaultValue; } /** * Get a value from a map. * @param request The map to get the value from. * @param key The key of the value. * @return The value from the map or the null if it isn't found. */ protected static String Val(Map request, String key) { return Val(request, key, null); } /** * Sign a jsConnect response. Responses are signed so that the site requesting the response knows that this is a valid site signing in. * @param data The data to sign. * @param clientID The client ID of the site. This is usually configured on Vanilla's jsConnect configuration page. * @param secret The secret of the site. This is usually configured on Vanilla's jsConnect configuration page. * @param setData Whether or not to add the signature information to the data. * @return The computed signature of the data. */ public static String SignJsConnect(Map data, String clientID, String secret, Boolean setData) { // Generate a sorted list of the keys. String[] keys = new String[data.keySet().size()]; data.keySet().toArray(keys); Arrays.sort(keys, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // Generate the String to sign. StringBuilder sigStr = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (sigStr.length() > 0) { sigStr.append("&"); } String key = keys[i]; String value = data.get(key).toString(); try { sigStr.append(, "UTF-8")); sigStr.append("="); sigStr.append(, "UTF-8")); } catch (Exception ex) { if (setData) { data.put("clientid", clientID); data.put("signature", "ERROR"); } return "ERROR"; } } // MD5 sign the String with the secret. String signature = jsConnect.MD5(sigStr.toString() + secret); if (setData) { data.put("clientid", clientID); data.put("signature", signature); } return signature; } /** * Returns the current timestamp of the server, suitable for synching with the site. * @return The current timestamp. */ public static long Timestamp() { long result = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; return result; } }