/* * Copyright 2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P. * Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */ package com.autonomy.abc.dashboards; import com.hp.autonomy.frontend.selenium.config.TestConfig; import org.junit.Before; public class SunburstWidgetITCase extends ClickableDashboardITCase { public SunburstWidgetITCase(final TestConfig config) { super(config, 1, "Sunburst Dashboard", "Sunburst", "SunburstSearch"); } @Override @Before public void setUp() { super.setUp(); page.waitForSunburstWidgetToRender(); } //TODO once config is set up, test: // * sunburst renders segments // * sunburst resizes // * legend is populated (colours, order by counts) // * segment colours and ordering are correct (give segments data-id for testing?) // * the 'too many entries' legend item is displayed when necessary // * legend changes position with resizing }