package; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.struts.action.Action; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import org.fenixedu.bennu.struts.annotations.Mapping; /* * This class (and subclasses) exist only to signal search engines to remove these old URLs from their index. * * After a while, this class can be deleted. */ public class GoneActions extends Action { @Override public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { response.sendError(410, "Gone for good"); return null; } @Mapping(path = "/executionCourse", module = "publico") public static class OldExecutionCourseDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/announcementManagement", module = "publico") public static class OldAnnouncementManagementDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/showDegreeTheses", module = "publico") public static class OldShowDegreeThesisDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/showDegreeSite", module = "publico") public static class OldShowDegreeSiteDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/department/theses", module = "publico") public static class OldDepartmentThesisDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/chooseContextDANew", module = "publico") public static class OldChooseContextDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/viewClassTimeTableNew", module = "publico") public static class OldViewClassTimeTableDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/chooseExamsMapContextDANew", module = "publico") public static class OldChooseExamsMapContextDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/showDegreeAnnouncements", module = "publico") public static class OldShowDegreeAnnouncementsDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/siteViewer", module = "publico") public static class OldViewSiteDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/department/events", module = "publico") public static class OldDepartmentEventsDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/viewClassTimeTableWithClassNameAndDegreeInitialsAction", module = "publico") public static class OldClassTimeTableDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/department/announcements", module = "publico") public static class OldDepartmentAnnouncementsDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/department/announcementsRSS", module = "publico") public static class OldDepartmentAnnouncementsRSSDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/department/eventsRSS", module = "publico") public static class OldDepartmentEventsRSSDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/researchSite/viewResearchUnitSite", module = "publico") public static class OldResearchUnitSiteDA extends GoneActions { } @Mapping(path = "/searchScormContent", module = "publico") public static class OldSearchScormContentDA extends GoneActions { } }