/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Jurriaan Mous and contributors as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package mousio.etcd4j; import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext; import mousio.client.retry.RetryPolicy; import mousio.client.retry.RetryWithExponentialBackOff; import mousio.etcd4j.requests.*; import mousio.etcd4j.responses.EtcdAuthenticationException; import mousio.etcd4j.responses.EtcdException; import mousio.etcd4j.responses.EtcdHealthResponse; import mousio.etcd4j.responses.EtcdMembersResponse; import mousio.etcd4j.responses.EtcdSelfStatsResponse; import mousio.etcd4j.responses.EtcdStoreStatsResponse; import mousio.etcd4j.responses.EtcdVersionResponse; import mousio.etcd4j.responses.EtcdLeaderStatsResponse; import mousio.etcd4j.transport.EtcdClientImpl; import mousio.etcd4j.transport.EtcdNettyClient; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; /** * Etcd client. */ public class EtcdClient implements Closeable { private final EtcdClientImpl client; private RetryPolicy retryHandler; /** * Constructor * * @param baseUri URI to create connection on */ public EtcdClient(URI... baseUri) { this(EtcdSecurityContext.NONE, baseUri); } /** * Constructor * * @param username username * @param password password * @param baseUri URI to create connection on */ public EtcdClient(String username, String password, URI... baseUri) { this(EtcdSecurityContext.withCredential(username, password), baseUri); } /** * Constructor * * @param sslContext context for Ssl connections * @param username username * @param password password * @param baseUri URI to create connection on */ public EtcdClient(SslContext sslContext, String username, String password, URI... baseUri) { this(new EtcdSecurityContext(sslContext, username, password), baseUri); } /** * Constructor * * @param sslContext context for Ssl connections * @param baseUri URI to create connection on */ public EtcdClient(SslContext sslContext, URI... baseUri) { this(EtcdSecurityContext.withSslContext(sslContext), baseUri); } /** * Constructor * * @param securityContext context for security * @param baseUri URI to create connection on */ public EtcdClient(EtcdSecurityContext securityContext, URI... baseUri) { this(new EtcdNettyClient( securityContext, (baseUri.length == 0) ? new URI[] { URI.create("") } : baseUri )); } /** * Create a client with a custom implementation * * @param etcdClientImpl to create client with. */ public EtcdClient(EtcdClientImpl etcdClientImpl) { this.client = etcdClientImpl; this.retryHandler = RetryWithExponentialBackOff.DEFAULT; } /** * Get the version of the Etcd server * * @return version as String * @deprecated use version() when using etcd 2.1+. */ @Deprecated public String getVersion() { try { return new EtcdOldVersionRequest(this.client, retryHandler).send().get(); } catch (IOException | EtcdException | EtcdAuthenticationException | TimeoutException e) { return null; } } /** * Get the version of the Etcd server * * @return version */ public EtcdVersionResponse version() { try { return new EtcdVersionRequest(this.client, retryHandler).send().get(); } catch (IOException | EtcdException | EtcdAuthenticationException | TimeoutException e) { return null; } } /** * Get the Self Statistics of Etcd * * @return EtcdSelfStatsResponse */ public EtcdSelfStatsResponse getSelfStats() { try { return new EtcdSelfStatsRequest(this.client, retryHandler).send().get(); } catch (IOException | EtcdException | EtcdAuthenticationException | TimeoutException e) { return null; } } /** * Get the Leader Statistics of Etcd * * @return EtcdLeaderStatsResponse */ public EtcdLeaderStatsResponse getLeaderStats() { try { return new EtcdLeaderStatsRequest(this.client, retryHandler).send().get(); } catch (IOException | EtcdException | EtcdAuthenticationException | TimeoutException e) { return null; } } /** * Get the Store Statistics of Etcd * * @return vEtcdStoreStatsResponse */ public EtcdStoreStatsResponse getStoreStats() { try { return new EtcdStoreStatsRequest(this.client, retryHandler).send().get(); } catch (IOException | EtcdException | EtcdAuthenticationException | TimeoutException e) { return null; } } /** * Get the Members of Etcd * * @return vEtcdMembersResponse */ public EtcdMembersResponse getMembers() { try { return new EtcdMembersRequest(this.client,retryHandler).send().get(); } catch (IOException | EtcdException | EtcdAuthenticationException | TimeoutException e) { return null; } } /** * Get the Members of Etcd * * @return vEtcdMembersResponse */ public EtcdHealthResponse getHealth() { try { return new EtcdHealthRequest(this.client,retryHandler).send().get(); } catch (IOException | EtcdException | EtcdAuthenticationException | TimeoutException e) { return null; } } /** * Put a key with a value * * @param key to put * @param value to put on key * @return EtcdKeysRequest */ public EtcdKeyPutRequest put(String key, String value) { return new EtcdKeyPutRequest(client, key, retryHandler).value(value); } /** * Refresh a key with new ttl * (without notifying watchers when using etcd 2.3+) * * @param key to refresh * @param ttl to update key with * @return EtcdKeysRequest */ public EtcdKeyPutRequest refresh(String key, Integer ttl) { return new EtcdKeyPutRequest(client, key, retryHandler).refresh(ttl); } /** * Create a dir * * @param dir to create * @return EtcdKeysRequest */ public EtcdKeyPutRequest putDir(String dir) { return new EtcdKeyPutRequest(client, dir, retryHandler).isDir(); } /** * Post a value to a key for in-order keys. * * @param key to post to * @param value to post * @return EtcdKeysRequest */ public EtcdKeyPostRequest post(String key, String value) { return new EtcdKeyPostRequest(client, key, retryHandler).value(value); } /** * Deletes a key * * @param key to delete * @return EtcdKeysRequest */ public EtcdKeyDeleteRequest delete(String key) { return new EtcdKeyDeleteRequest(client, key, retryHandler); } /** * Deletes a directory * * @param dir to delete * @return EtcdKeysRequest */ public EtcdKeyDeleteRequest deleteDir(String dir) { return new EtcdKeyDeleteRequest(client, dir, retryHandler).dir(); } /** * Get by key * * @param key to get * @return EtcdKeysRequest */ public EtcdKeyGetRequest get(String key) { return new EtcdKeyGetRequest(client, key, retryHandler); } /** * Get directory * * @param dir to get * @return EtcdKeysGetRequest */ public EtcdKeyGetRequest getDir(String dir) { return new EtcdKeyGetRequest(client, dir, retryHandler).dir(); } /** * Get all keys * * @return EtcdKeysRequest */ public EtcdKeyGetRequest getAll() { return new EtcdKeyGetRequest(client, retryHandler); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (client != null) { client.close(); } } /** * Set the retry handler. Default is an exponential back-off with start of 20ms. * * @param retryHandler to set * @return this instance */ public EtcdClient setRetryHandler(RetryPolicy retryHandler) { this.retryHandler = retryHandler; return this; } }