package com.ambientideas;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
* Use the SecureRandom java security class to generate
* a more expensive, but cryptographically secure random number.
public class DelayLogin
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
//Static map for username and incorrect login attempts
Map wrongLoginAttemps = new HashMap();
wrongLoginAttemps.put("matthewm", new Integer(0));
boolean loginSuccess = false;
String correctPassword = "1234";
while (!loginSuccess) {
//Prompt for username
System.out.println("Username?: ");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
String attemptedUsername =;
//Prompt for password
System.out.println("Password?: ");
String attemptedPassword =;
//If password is right
if (attemptedPassword.equals(correctPassword)) {
System.out.println("Password correct.");
loginSuccess = true;
else {
System.out.println("Password or username incorrect.");
int count = 1;
//Non-existent username guard
if (wrongLoginAttemps.get(attemptedUsername) != null) {
count = ((Integer)wrongLoginAttemps.get(attemptedUsername)).intValue() + 1;
wrongLoginAttemps.put(attemptedUsername, new Integer(count));
//If previously incorrect, delay by a small amount before allowing
//another login attempt
System.out.println("Throttling by a factor of: " + count);
long sleepTime = (long) (100 * Math.pow(2, count));
System.out.println("Sleep time was, in milliseconds: " + sleepTime);