package; import at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachmentMapper; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import at.bestsolution.persistence.PersistanceException; import at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.TasktrackerFactory; import at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment; import at.bestsolution.persistence.model.ResolveDelegate; import at.bestsolution.persistence.model.LazyEObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import at.bestsolution.persistence.MappedQuery; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.Arrays; import java.sql.Statement; import; import; import at.bestsolution.persistence.Callback; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Collection; public final class CommentAttachmentMapperFactory implements ObjectMapperFactory<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachmentMapper,CommentAttachment> { @Override public at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachmentMapper createMapper(JavaSession session) { return new CommentAttachmentMapperImpl(session); } final static class CommentAttachmentMapperImpl implements CommentAttachmentMapper,<CommentAttachment>, ResolveDelegate { private final JavaSession session; private boolean inAutoResolve; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CommentAttachmentMapperImpl.class); public CommentAttachmentMapperImpl(JavaSession session) { this.session = session; } @Override public final at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment selectById(long sid) { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Executing selectById"); String query = Util.loadFile(getClass(), "CommentAttachment_selectById_"+session.getDatabaseType()+".sql"); if( query == null ) { query = Util.loadFile(getClass(), "CommentAttachment_selectById_default.sql"); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug(" Plain-Query: " + query); Connection connection = session.checkoutConnection(); PreparedStatement pStmt = null; ResultSet set = null; try { final ProcessedSQL processedSQL = Util.processSQL(query); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug(" Processed-Query: " + processedSQL.sql); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Preparing query"); pStmt = connection.prepareStatement(processedSQL.sql); List<String> debugParams = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i = 0; i < processedSQL.dynamicParameterNames.size(); i++) { if( "sid".equals(processedSQL.dynamicParameterNames.get(i)) ) { if( isDebug ) { debugParams.add("sid = " + sid); } pStmt.setLong(i+1,sid); } } if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug(" Dynamic-Parameters: " + debugParams); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Executing query"); set = pStmt.executeQuery(); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping result started"); final CommentAttachment rv; if( ) { rv = map_default_CommentAttachment(connection,set); } else { if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("No result for query"); rv = null; } set.close(); set = null; pStmt.close(); pStmt = null; if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping result ended"); return rv; } catch(SQLException e) { throw new PersistanceException(e); } finally { try { if( set != null ) { set.close(); } if( pStmt != null ) { pStmt.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { LOGGER.fatal("Unable to clean up resources", e); } finally { session.returnConnection(connection); } } } @Override public final java.util.List<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment> selectAll() { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Executing selectAll"); String query = Util.loadFile(getClass(), "CommentAttachment_selectAll_"+session.getDatabaseType()+".sql"); if( query == null ) { query = Util.loadFile(getClass(), "CommentAttachment_selectAll_default.sql"); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug(" Plain-Query: " + query); Connection connection = session.checkoutConnection(); PreparedStatement pStmt = null; ResultSet set = null; try { if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Preparing query"); pStmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Executing query"); set = pStmt.executeQuery(); final List<CommentAttachment> rv = new ArrayList<CommentAttachment>(); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping results started"); while( { rv.add(map_default_CommentAttachment(connection, set)); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping results ended. Mapped '"+rv.size()+"' objects."); set.close(); set = null; pStmt.close(); pStmt = null; if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping result ended"); return rv; } catch(SQLException e) { throw new PersistanceException(e); } finally { try { if( set != null ) { set.close(); } if( pStmt != null ) { pStmt.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { LOGGER.fatal("Unable to clean up resources", e); } finally { session.returnConnection(connection); } } } public final CommentAttachmentMappedQuery selectAllMappedQuery() { MappedQuery<CommentAttachment> dbQuery = session.getDatabaseSupport().createMappedQuery( this, null, new ListDelegate<CommentAttachment>() { public List<CommentAttachment> list(MappedQuery<CommentAttachment> criteria) { return selectAll((MappedQueryImpl<CommentAttachment>)criteria); } } ); return new CommentAttachmentMappedQueryImpl(dbQuery); } final List<CommentAttachment> selectAll(MappedQueryImpl<CommentAttachment> criteria) { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Executing selectAll"); String query = Util.loadFile(getClass(), "CommentAttachment_selectAll_criteria_"+session.getDatabaseType()+".sql"); if( query == null ) { query = Util.loadFile(getClass(), "CommentAttachment_selectAll_criteria_default.sql"); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug(" Plain-Query: " + query); String criteriaStr = criteria.getCriteria(); if( criteriaStr != null && ! criteriaStr.isEmpty() ) { query += " WHERE " + criteriaStr; } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug(" Final query: " + query); Connection connection = session.checkoutConnection(); try { PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); int idx = 1; for(TypedValue t : criteria.getParameters()) { Util.setValue(pstmt,idx++,t); } ResultSet set = pstmt.executeQuery(); List<CommentAttachment> rv = new ArrayList<CommentAttachment>(); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping results started"); while( { rv.add(map_default_CommentAttachment(connection, set)); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping results ended. Mapped '"+rv.size()+"' objects."); return rv; } catch(SQLException e) { throw new PersistanceException(e); } finally { session.returnConnection(connection); } } @Override public final java.util.List<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment> selectAllForComment(long sid) { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Executing selectAllForComment"); String query = Util.loadFile(getClass(), "CommentAttachment_selectAllForComment_"+session.getDatabaseType()+".sql"); if( query == null ) { query = Util.loadFile(getClass(), "CommentAttachment_selectAllForComment_default.sql"); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug(" Plain-Query: " + query); Connection connection = session.checkoutConnection(); PreparedStatement pStmt = null; ResultSet set = null; try { final ProcessedSQL processedSQL = Util.processSQL(query); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug(" Processed-Query: " + processedSQL.sql); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Preparing query"); pStmt = connection.prepareStatement(processedSQL.sql); List<String> debugParams = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i = 0; i < processedSQL.dynamicParameterNames.size(); i++) { if( "sid".equals(processedSQL.dynamicParameterNames.get(i)) ) { if( isDebug ) { debugParams.add("sid = " + sid); } pStmt.setLong(i+1,sid); } } if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug(" Dynamic-Parameters: " + debugParams); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Executing query"); set = pStmt.executeQuery(); final List<CommentAttachment> rv = new ArrayList<CommentAttachment>(); if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping results started"); while( { rv.add(map_default_CommentAttachment(connection, set)); } if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping results ended. Mapped '"+rv.size()+"' objects."); set.close(); set = null; pStmt.close(); pStmt = null; if( isDebug ) LOGGER.debug("Mapping result ended"); return rv; } catch(SQLException e) { throw new PersistanceException(e); } finally { try { if( set != null ) { set.close(); } if( pStmt != null ) { pStmt.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { LOGGER.fatal("Unable to clean up resources", e); } finally { session.returnConnection(connection); } } } public final CommentAttachment map_default_CommentAttachment(Connection connection, ResultSet set) throws SQLException { Object id = set.getObject("SID_COMMENT_ATTACHMENT"); EClass eClass = at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.TasktrackerPackage.eINSTANCE.getCommentAttachment(); CommentAttachment rv = session.getCache().getObject(eClass,id); if( rv != null ) { if( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) { LOGGER.debug("Using cached version"); } return rv; } rv = session.getProxyFactory().createProxy(eClass); ((EObject)rv).eSetDeliver(false); rv.setSid(set.getLong("SID_COMMENT_ATTACHMENT")); rv.setBinary(session.handleBlob("ATTACHMENT","BINARY","SID_ATTACHMENT",set)); rv.setDescription(set.getString("DESCRIPTION")); rv.setMimetype(set.getString("MIMETYPE")); rv.setTitle(set.getString("TITLE")); ((LazyEObject)rv).setProxyData(new ProxyData_CommentAttachment(set.getLong("FK_COMMENT"))); ((LazyEObject)rv).setProxyDelegate(this); ((EObject)rv).eSetDeliver(true); session.registerObject(rv,getPrimaryKeyValue(rv),getLockColumn() != null ? set.getLong(getLockColumn()) : -1); return rv; } @Override public final void update(CommentAttachment object) { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("Starting insert of '"+object+"'"); } if( session.getTransaction() == null ) { throw new PersistanceException("You can only modify data while in a transaction"); } stmt = session.getDatabaseSupport().createQueryBuilder("COMMENT_ATTACHMENT").createUpdateStatement("SID_COMMENT_ATTACHMENT", getLockColumn()); if( object.getComment() != null ) { stmt.addLong("FK_COMMENT",object.getComment().getSid()); } else { stmt.addNull("FK_COMMENT",getJDBCType("comment")); } Connection connection = session.checkoutConnection(); try { boolean success = stmt.execute(connection, object.getSid()); if( getLockColumn() != null && ! success ) { throw new PersistanceException("The entity '"+object.getClass().getName()+"' is stale"); } session.clearChangeDescription(object); } catch(SQLException e) { throw new PersistanceException(e); } finally { session.returnConnection(connection); } } @Override public final void insert(CommentAttachment object) { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("Starting insert of '"+object+"'"); } if( session.getTransaction() == null ) { throw new PersistanceException("You can only modify data while in a transaction"); } // TODO WHAT TO GENERATE } public final void deleteById(Object... id) { deleteById(true, id); } private final void deleteById(boolean cacheClearance, Object... id) { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("Started deleteById the following objects '"+Arrays.toString(id)+"'"); } if( session.getTransaction() == null ) { throw new PersistanceException("You can only modify data while in a transaction"); } StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for(Object t : id) { if(b.length() != 0 ) { b.append(","); } b.append(t); } String sql = "DELETE FROM COMMENT_ATTACHMENT WHERE SID_COMMENT_ATTACHMENT IN ("+b+")"; Connection connection = session.checkoutConnection(); try { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); stmt.close(); stmt = null; if( cacheClearance ) { //TODO What can we clear at this point?? } } catch(SQLException e) { throw new PersistanceException(e); } finally { if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("Finished deleteById"); } session.returnConnection(connection); } } public final void delete(CommentAttachment object) { delete(new CommentAttachment[] { object }); } public final void delete(CommentAttachment... object) { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("Started delete the following objects '"+Arrays.toString(object)+"'"); } if( session.getTransaction() == null ) { throw new PersistanceException("You can only modify data while in a transaction"); } List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>(object.length); for(CommentAttachment o : object) { l.add(o.getSid()); session.unregisterObject(o,getPrimaryKeyValue(o)); } deleteById(false, l.toArray()); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("Finished delete"); } } public final void deleteAll() { final boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("Started deleting all entities"); } String sql = "DELETE FROM COMMENT_ATTACHMENT"; if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("SQL: " + sql); } Connection connection = session.checkoutConnection(); Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); stmt.close(); stmt = null; } catch(SQLException e) { if( stmt != null ) { try { stmt.close(); } catch(SQLException e1) { // skip } } throw new PersistanceException(e); } finally { LOGGER.debug("Delete all entities finished"); session.returnConnection(connection); } } public final boolean resolve(final LazyEObject eo, final Object proxyData, final EStructuralFeature f) { if( inAutoResolve ) { return true; } return session.runWithoutChangeTracking(new Callback<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() { return doResolve(eo,proxyData,f); } }).booleanValue(); } final boolean doResolve(LazyEObject eo, Object proxyData, EStructuralFeature f) { boolean isDebug = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if( isDebug ) { LOGGER.debug("Lazy resolving " + f + " from " + eo + " using " + proxyData); } if(eo instanceof CommentAttachment) { at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment target = (at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment)eo; switch(f.getFeatureID()) { case 5: { { EClass eClass = at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.TasktrackerPackage.eINSTANCE.getComment(); at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.Comment o = session.getCache().getObject(eClass, ((ProxyData_CommentAttachment)proxyData).comment); if( o == null ) { o = session.createMapper(at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentMapper.class).selectById(((ProxyData_CommentAttachment)proxyData).comment); } else { if( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) { LOGGER.debug("Using cached version"); } } target.setComment(o); } return true; } default : { return false; } } } return false; } public final String getTableName() { return "COMMENT_ATTACHMENT"; } private static Map<String,String> PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING = new HashMap<String,String>(); private static Map<String,JDBCType> TYPE_MAPPING = new HashMap<String,JDBCType>(); private static Map<String,EStructuralFeature> REF_ID_FEATURES = new HashMap<String,EStructuralFeature>(); private static Set<EReference> REFERENCE_FEATURES = new HashSet<EReference>(); static { PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING.put("sid","SID_COMMENT_ATTACHMENT"); PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING.put("comment","FK_COMMENT"); PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING.put("sid","SID_ATTACHMENT"); PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING.put("binary","BINARY"); PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING.put("description","DESCRIPTION"); PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING.put("mimetype","MIMETYPE"); PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING.put("title","TITLE"); TYPE_MAPPING.put("sid",JDBCType.LONG); TYPE_MAPPING.put("comment",JDBCType.LONG); TYPE_MAPPING.put("sid",JDBCType.LONG); TYPE_MAPPING.put("binary",JDBCType.UNKNOWN); TYPE_MAPPING.put("description",JDBCType.STRING); TYPE_MAPPING.put("mimetype",JDBCType.STRING); TYPE_MAPPING.put("title",JDBCType.STRING); REF_ID_FEATURES.put("comment",at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.TasktrackerPackage.eINSTANCE.getBaseObject_Sid()); REFERENCE_FEATURES.add(at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.TasktrackerPackage.eINSTANCE.getCommentAttachment_Comment()); } public String getLockColumn() { return "E_VERSION"; } public final String getColumnName(String propertyName) { return PROPERTY_COL_MAPPING.get(propertyName); } public final JDBCType getJDBCType(String property) { return TYPE_MAPPING.get(property); } public final EStructuralFeature getReferenceId(String property) { return REF_ID_FEATURES.get(property); } public final Set<EReference> getReferenceFeatures() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(REFERENCE_FEATURES); } public final <P> P getPrimaryKeyValue(CommentAttachment o) { return (P)(Object)o.getSid(); } } public final NamedQuery<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment> createNamedQuery(final JavaSession session, String name) { if( "selectById".equals(name) ) { return new NamedQuery<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment>() { public final List<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment> queryForList(Object... parameters) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This is a single value query"); } public final at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment queryForOne(Object... parameters) { return createMapper(session).selectById(((Long)parameters[0]).longValue()); } public final String[] getParameterNames() { String[] rv = new String[1]; int i = 0; rv[i++] = "sid"; return rv; } }; } if( "selectAll".equals(name) ) { return new NamedQuery<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment>() { public final List<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment> queryForList(Object... parameters) { return createMapper(session).selectAll(); } public final at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment queryForOne(Object... parameters) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This is a list value query"); } public final String[] getParameterNames() { String[] rv = new String[0]; int i = 0; return rv; } }; } if( "selectAllForComment".equals(name) ) { return new NamedQuery<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment>() { public final List<at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment> queryForList(Object... parameters) { return createMapper(session).selectAllForComment(((Long)parameters[0]).longValue()); } public final at.bestsolution.persistence.tasktracker.CommentAttachment queryForOne(Object... parameters) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This is a list value query"); } public final String[] getParameterNames() { String[] rv = new String[1]; int i = 0; rv[i++] = "sid"; return rv; } }; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown query '"+getClass().getSimpleName()+"."+name+"'"); } public final MappedQuery<CommentAttachment> mappedQuery(JavaSession session, String name) { if("selectAll".equals(name)) { return createMapper(session).selectAllMappedQuery(); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown criteria query '"+getClass().getSimpleName()+"."+name+"'"); } final static class ProxyData_CommentAttachment { public final long comment; public ProxyData_CommentAttachment(long comment) { this.comment = comment; } } static final class CommentAttachmentMappedQueryImpl extends CommentAttachmentMapper.CommentAttachmentMappedQuery { private final MappedQuery<CommentAttachment> dbQuery; CommentAttachmentMappedQueryImpl(MappedQuery<CommentAttachment> dbQuery) { this.dbQuery = dbQuery; } public final CommentAttachment unique() { return dbQuery.unique(); } public final CommentAttachmentMapper.CommentAttachmentMappedQuery where(at.bestsolution.persistence.expr.Expression<CommentAttachment> expression) { dbQuery.where(expression); return this; } public final List<CommentAttachment> list() { return dbQuery.list(); } public final CommentAttachmentMapper.CommentAttachmentMappedQuery orderBy(at.bestsolution.persistence.order.OrderColumn<CommentAttachment>... columns) { dbQuery.orderBy(columns); return this; } } }