package org.openlmis.stockmanagement.repository.mapper; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.*; import org.openlmis.core.domain.Product; import org.openlmis.stockmanagement.domain.Lot; import org.openlmis.stockmanagement.domain.LotOnHand; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; @Repository public interface LotMapper { @Select("SELECT *" + " FROM lots" + " WHERE id = #{id}") @Results({ @Result( property = "product", column = "productId", javaType = Product.class, one = @One(select = "org.openlmis.core.repository.mapper.ProductMapper.getById")), @Result(property = "lotCode", column = "lotnumber") }) Lot getById(@Param("id")Long id); @Select("SELECT *" + " FROM lots" + " WHERE LOWER(lotnumber) = LOWER(#{lotCode})" + " AND LOWER(manufacturername) = LOWER(#{manufacturerName})" + " AND EXTRACT(year from expirationdate) = date_part('year', #{expirationDate}::TIMESTAMP)" + " AND EXTRACT(month from expirationdate) = date_part('month', #{expirationDate}::TIMESTAMP)") @Results({ @Result( property = "product", column = "productId", javaType = Product.class, one = @One(select = "org.openlmis.core.repository.mapper.ProductMapper.getById")), @Result(property = "lotCode", column = "lotnumber") }) Lot getByObject(Lot lot); @Select("SELECT *" + " FROM lots_on_hand" + " WHERE stockcardid = #{stockCardId}" + " AND lotid = #{lotId}") @Results({ @Result( property = "lot", column = "lotId", javaType = Lot.class, one = @One(select = "getById")) }) LotOnHand getLotOnHandByStockCardAndLot(@Param("stockCardId")Long stockCardId, @Param("lotId")Long lotId); @Select("SELECT *" + " FROM lots_on_hand loh" + " JOIN lots l ON = loh.lotid" + " WHERE loh.stockcardid = #{stockCardId}" + " AND LOWER(l.lotnumber) = LOWER(#{lot.lotCode})" + " AND LOWER(l.manufacturername) = LOWER(#{lot.manufacturerName})" + " AND EXTRACT(year from l.expirationdate) = date_part('year', #{lot.expirationDate}::TIMESTAMP)" + " AND EXTRACT(month from l.expirationdate) = date_part('month', #{lot.expirationDate}::TIMESTAMP)" ) @Results({ @Result( property = "lot", column = "lotId", javaType = Lot.class, one = @One(select = "getById")) }) LotOnHand getLotOnHandByStockCardAndLotObject(@Param("stockCardId")Long stockCardId, @Param("lot")Lot lot); @Insert("INSERT into lots " + " (productId, lotNumber, manufacturerName, manufactureDate, expirationDate" + ", createdBy, createdDate, modifiedBy, modifiedDate) " + "values " + " (#{}, #{lotCode}, #{manufacturerName}, #{manufactureDate}, #{expirationDate}" + ", #{createdBy}, NOW(), #{modifiedBy}, NOW())") @Options(useGeneratedKeys = true) void insert(Lot lot); @Update("UPDATE lots " + "SET lotNumber = #{lotCode}" + ", manufacturerName = #{manufacturerName}" + ", manufactureDate = #{manufactureDate}" + ", expirationDate = #{expirationDate}" + ", modifiedBy = #{modifiedBy}" + ", modifiedDate = NOW()" + "WHERE id = #{id}") int update(Lot lot); @Insert("INSERT into lots_on_hand " + " (stockCardId, lotId, quantityOnHand, effectiveDate" + ", createdBy, createdDate, modifiedBy, modifiedDate) " + "values " + " (#{}, #{}, #{quantityOnHand}, #{effectiveDate}" + ", #{createdBy}, NOW(), #{modifiedBy}, NOW())") @Options(useGeneratedKeys = true) void insertLotOnHand(LotOnHand lotOnHand); @Update("UPDATE lots_on_hand " + "SET quantityOnHand = #{quantityOnHand}" + ", effectiveDate = NOW()" + ", modifiedBy = #{modifiedBy}" + ", modifiedDate = NOW()" + "WHERE id = #{id}") int updateLotOnHand(LotOnHand lotOnHand); }