package egovframework.rte.fdl.string; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.junit.Test; /** * @author sjyoon * */ public class EgovStringUtilTest { Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); /** * String이 특정 Pattern(정규표현식)에 부합하는지 검사한다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testPatternMatch() throws Exception { String source = "2009-02-3"; String pattern = "\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isPatternMatch(source, pattern)); // pattern match 성공 String str = "abc-def"; pattern = "*-*"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isPatternMatching(str, pattern)); // pattern match 실패 str = "abc"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isPatternMatching(str, pattern)); } /** * 전체 String 중 일부를 가져온다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testToSubString() throws Exception { String source = "substring test"; assertEquals("test", EgovStringUtil.toSubString(source, 10)); assertEquals("string", EgovStringUtil.toSubString(source, 3, 9)); } /** * 전체 String 중 앞뒤에 존재하는 공백 문자(white character)를 제거한다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testStringTrim() throws Exception { String str = " substring "; assertEquals("substring", EgovStringUtil.trim(str)); assertEquals("substring ", EgovStringUtil.ltrim(str)); assertEquals(" substring", EgovStringUtil.rtrim(str)); } /** * 두 String을 붙여서 하나의 String을 생성한다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testConcatenate() throws Exception { String str1 = "substring"; String str2 = "test"; assertEquals("substringtest", EgovStringUtil.concat(str1, str2)); } /** * 전체 String 중 특정 String Pattern이 있는지 찾는다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testFindPattern() throws Exception { String pattern = "\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}"; // 일치하는 pattern 을 찾는다. Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher("2009-02-03"); assertTrue(matcher.find()); assertTrue(matcher.matches()); // 일치하는 pattern 을 찾는다. matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher("abcdef2009-02-03abcdef"); assertTrue(matcher.find()); assertFalse(matcher.matches()); // 일치하는 pattern 을 찾지 못한다. matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher("abcdef2009-02-A3abcdef"); assertFalse(matcher.find()); assertFalse(matcher.matches()); } /** * string 이 null 인지 검사한다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testIsNull() throws Exception { // 1. check empty string assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isNull("")); // 2. check null assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isNull(null)); // 3. check not null assertFalse(EgovStringUtil.isNull("string")); } /** * string이 알파벳인지 검사한다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testIsAlpha() throws Exception { // 1. string is empty String str = ""; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isAlpha(str)); // 2. string is null str = null; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isAlpha(str)); // 3. strigng consist of only alphabet str = "abc"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isAlpha(str)); // 4. string has a special character str = "a-bc"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isAlpha(str)); // 5. strigng consist of alphabet and number str = "abc4"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isAlpha(str)); } /** * string이 알파벳 숫자식인지 검사한다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testIsAlphaNumeric() throws Exception { // 1. string is empty String str = ""; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); // 2. string is null str = null; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); // 3. strigng consist of only alphabet str = "abc"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); // 4. string has a special character str = "a-bc"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); // 5. strigng consist of alphabet and number str = "abc4"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); } /** * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testNull2void() throws Exception { String source = null; assertEquals("", EgovStringUtil.null2void(source)); source = " "; assertEquals("", EgovStringUtil.null2void(source)); source = ""; assertEquals("", EgovStringUtil.null2void(source)); } /** * 다양한 형식의 string을 다른 형식으로 변환한다. * 다양한 형식의 데이터를 String 형식으로 변환한다. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testTypeConversion() throws Exception { // int => string assertEquals("1", EgovStringUtil.integer2string(1)); // long => string assertEquals("1000000000", EgovStringUtil.long2string(1000000000)); // float => string assertEquals("34.5", EgovStringUtil.float2string(34.5f)); // double => string assertEquals("34.5", EgovStringUtil.double2string(34.5)); // string => int assertEquals(1, EgovStringUtil.string2integer("1")); assertEquals(0, EgovStringUtil.string2integer(null, 0)); // string => float assertEquals(Float.valueOf(34.5f), Float.valueOf(EgovStringUtil.string2float("34.5"))); assertEquals(Float.valueOf(10.5f), Float.valueOf(EgovStringUtil.string2float(null, 10.5f))); // string => double assertEquals(Double.valueOf(34.5), Double.valueOf(EgovStringUtil.string2double("34.5"))); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(34.5), Double.valueOf(EgovStringUtil.string2double(null, 34.5))); // string => long assertEquals(100000000, EgovStringUtil.string2long("100000000")); assertEquals(100000000, EgovStringUtil.string2long(null, 100000000)); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testNull2string1() throws Exception { String string = null; assertEquals("", EgovStringUtil.null2string(string, "")); } public void testEquals(String source, String target) throws Exception { EgovStringUtil.equals(source, target); } public void testSearch() throws Exception { String source = "substring test"; String target = "test"; int count = 1; assertEquals(count,, target)); } /** * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testLPad() throws Exception { String source = "test "; int i = 10; char c = 'a'; String result = EgovStringUtil.lPad(source, i, c); assertEquals("aaaaatest ", result); result = EgovStringUtil.lPad(source, i, c, true); assertEquals("aaaaaatest", result); source = " test"; result = EgovStringUtil.rPad(source, i, c); assertEquals(" testaaaaa", result); result = EgovStringUtil.rPad(source, i, c, true); assertEquals("testaaaaaa", result); } /** * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testAlignString() throws Exception { String source = "align test"; String result = ""; int i = 15; // align Left result = EgovStringUtil.alignLeft(source, i); assertEquals("align test ", result); assertEquals(i, result.length()); i = 5; result = EgovStringUtil.alignLeft(source, i); assertEquals("align", result); assertEquals(i, result.length()); // align Right i = 15; result = EgovStringUtil.alignRight(source, i); assertEquals(" align test", result); assertEquals(i, result.length()); i = 5; result = EgovStringUtil.alignRight(source, i); assertEquals("align", result); assertEquals(i, result.length()); } /* public void testAlignLeft() throws Exception { String source; int i; boolean b; EgovStringUtil.alignLeft(source, i, b); } public void testAlignRight() throws Exception { String source; int i; EgovStringUtil.alignRight(source, i); } public void testAlignRight() throws Exception { String source; int i; boolean b; EgovStringUtil.alignRight(source, i, b); } public void testAlignCenter() throws Exception { String source; int i; EgovStringUtil.alignCenter(source, i); } public void testAlignCenter() throws Exception { String source; int i; boolean b; EgovStringUtil.alignCenter(source, i, b); } public void testCapitalize() throws Exception { String source; EgovStringUtil.capitalize(source); } */ /** * @throws Exception */ public void testEncodePassword() throws Exception { // 1. try to encode password and compare String encoded1 = EgovStringUtil.encodePassword("password", "MD5"); String encoded2 = EgovStringUtil.encodePassword("password", "MD5"); assertEquals(encoded1, encoded2); // 2. define not available algorithm 'MD6 MessageDigest' String encoded3 = EgovStringUtil.encodePassword("password", "MD6"); assertEquals("password", encoded3); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testEncodeString() throws Exception { // 1. try to encode string and decode that. String encoded = EgovStringUtil.encodeString("password"); String decoded = EgovStringUtil.decodeString(encoded); assertEquals("password", decoded); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testDecodeString() throws Exception { // 1. try to encode password and compare decoded string and original // string String encoded = EgovStringUtil.encodeString("password"); String decoded = EgovStringUtil.decodeString(encoded); assertEquals("password", decoded); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testSwapFirstLetterCase() throws Exception { // 1. In case, first letter is small letter. try to swap. String swapped = EgovStringUtil.swapFirstLetterCase("password"); assertEquals("Password", swapped); // 2. In case, first letter is big letter. try to swap. swapped = EgovStringUtil.swapFirstLetterCase("PASSWORD"); assertEquals("pASSWORD", swapped); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testTrim() throws Exception { // 1. try to trim when trimmed string is 'trim' String trimmed = EgovStringUtil.trim("passwordtrimpassword", "trim"); assertEquals("passwordpassword", trimmed); // 2. try to trim when trimmed string is ',' trimmed = EgovStringUtil.trim("passwordtrimpassword", ","); assertEquals("passwordtrimpassword", trimmed); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetLastString() throws Exception { // 1. get last string when token is ',' String trimmed = EgovStringUtil.getLastString("password,password", ","); assertEquals("password", trimmed); // 2. get last string when original doesn't have token. trimmed = EgovStringUtil.getLastString("password,password", "*"); assertEquals("password,password", trimmed); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetStringArray() throws Exception { // 1. when original string has token, get string array. String[] strings = EgovStringUtil.getStringArray("password,password", ","); assertEquals(2, strings.length); // 2. when original string doesn't have token, get string array. strings = EgovStringUtil.getStringArray("password", ","); assertEquals(1, strings.length); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testIsNotEmpty() throws Exception { // 1. check which string is not empty or not assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isNotEmpty("passwordtrimpassword")); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testIsEmpty() throws Exception { // 1. check empty string assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isEmpty("")); // 2. check null assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isEmpty(null)); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testReplace() throws Exception { // 1. try to replace ',' to '-' String replaced = EgovStringUtil.replace("password,password", ",", "-"); assertEquals("password-password", replaced); } /** * converts the string representation of a * number to integer type * public void testString2integer() { // 1. converts the string representation of a number to integer type assertEquals(1, StringUtil.string2integer("1")); } /** * converts integer type to String * public void testInteger2string() { // 1. converts integer type to String assertEquals("1", StringUtil.integer2string(1)); } /** * check that str matches the pattern * string * * @throws Exception * fail to test */ public void testIsPatternMatching() throws Exception { // 1. str matches the pattern String str = "abc-def"; String pattern = "*-*"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isPatternMatching(str, pattern)); // 2. str doesn't match the pattern str = "abc"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isPatternMatching(str, pattern)); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testContainsMaxSequence() throws Exception { // 1. string contains 2 sequences of the same character String str = "password"; String maxSeqNumber = "2"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.containsMaxSequence(str, maxSeqNumber)); // 2. string contains 3 sequences of the same character str = "my000"; maxSeqNumber = "3"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.containsMaxSequence(str, maxSeqNumber)); // 3. string doesn't contain any sequence of the same character str = "abbbbc"; maxSeqNumber = "5"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.containsMaxSequence(str, maxSeqNumber)); // 4. string is null str = null; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.containsMaxSequence(str, maxSeqNumber)); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testContainsInvalidChars() throws Exception { // 1. string is empty. String str = ""; char[] invalidChars = new char[] { '*', '%' }; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.containsInvalidChars(str, invalidChars)); // 2. string is null. str = null; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.containsInvalidChars(str, invalidChars)); // 3. invalid chars doesn't defined. str = ""; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.containsInvalidChars(str, new char[] {})); // 4. string has invalid chars. str = "x*yz"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.containsInvalidChars(str, invalidChars)); assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.containsInvalidChars(str, "yz")); } /** * [Flow #-16] Positive, Negative Case : check that String contains only * unicode letters or digits * public void testIsAlphaNumeric() { // 1. string is empty String str = ""; assertTrue(!StringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); // 2. string is null str = null; assertTrue(!StringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); // 3. strigng consist of only alphabet str = "abc"; assertTrue(StringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); // 4. string has a special character str = "a-bc"; assertTrue(!StringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); // 5. strigng consist of alphabet and number str = "abc4"; assertTrue(StringUtil.isAlphaNumeric(str)); } /** * [Flow #-17] Positive, Negative Case : check that String contains only * unicode letters * public void testIsAlpha() { // 1. string is empty String str = ""; assertTrue(!StringUtil.isAlpha(str)); // 2. string is null str = null; assertTrue(!StringUtil.isAlpha(str)); // 3. strigng consist of only alphabet str = "abc"; assertTrue(StringUtil.isAlpha(str)); // 4. string has a special character str = "a-bc"; assertTrue(!StringUtil.isAlpha(str)); // 5. strigng consist of alphabet and number str = "abc4"; assertTrue(!StringUtil.isAlpha(str)); } */ /** * @throws Exception */ public void testIsNumeric() throws Exception { // 1. string is empty String str = ""; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isNumeric(str)); // 2. string is null str = null; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isNumeric(str)); // 3. strigng consist of only alphabet str = "abc"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isNumeric(str)); // 4. string has a special character str = "a-bc"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isNumeric(str)); // 5. strigng consist of alphabet and number str = "abc4"; assertTrue(!EgovStringUtil.isNumeric(str)); // 5. strigng consist of only number str = "1234"; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isNumeric(str)); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testReverse() throws Exception { // 1. string is null String str = null; assertNull(EgovStringUtil.reverse(str)); // 1. string is 'bat' str = "bat"; assertEquals("tab", EgovStringUtil.reverse(str)); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testFillString() throws Exception { String originalStr = "1"; char ch = '0'; int cipers = 6; assertEquals("000001", EgovStringUtil.fillString(originalStr, ch, cipers)); originalStr = "12345"; cipers = 4; assertNull(EgovStringUtil.fillString(originalStr, ch, cipers)); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testIsEmptyTrimmed() throws Exception { // 1. string is null String str = null; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isEmptyTrimmed(str)); // 2. string is empty string str = " "; assertTrue(EgovStringUtil.isEmptyTrimmed(str)); // 3. string is not empty string str = "not empty"; assertFalse(EgovStringUtil.isEmptyTrimmed(str)); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testGetTokens() throws Exception { // 1. original string String str = "a,b,c,d"; // 2. get token list assertEquals(4, EgovStringUtil.getTokens(str).size()); } }