package egovframework.rte.itl.integration.message.typed; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import egovframework.rte.itl.integration.type.ListType; import egovframework.rte.itl.integration.type.PrimitiveType; import egovframework.rte.itl.integration.type.UnassignableValueException; import org.junit.Test; public class TypedListTest { private static ListType stringListType = new ListType("string[]", "string[]", PrimitiveType.STRING); @Test public void testCreation() throws Exception { // Empty List List<Object> emptyList = new TypedList(stringListType); assertEquals(0, emptyList.size()); // With Array String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }; List<Object> listWithArray = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); assertEquals(strings.length, listWithArray.size()); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { assertEquals(strings[i], listWithArray.get(i)); } // With Collection Collection<String> c = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }); List<Object> listWithCollection = new TypedList(stringListType, c); assertEquals(c.size(), listWithCollection.size()); for (Iterator<? extends Object> i = c.iterator(), j = listWithCollection.iterator(); i.hasNext() && j.hasNext();) { assertEquals(,; } // Fails with Null Type try { new TypedList(null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } // Fails with Null Argument try { new TypedList(stringListType, null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } // Fails with TypeMismatched try { new TypedList(stringListType, Arrays.asList(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 })); fail(); } catch (UnassignableValueException e) { } } @Test public void testAdd() throws Exception { List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType); // append to empty list String a = "a"; assertTrue(list.add(a)); assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertEquals(a, list.get(0)); // append to the end of list String b = "b"; assertTrue(list.add(b)); assertEquals(2, list.size()); assertEquals(a, list.get(0)); assertEquals(b, list.get(1)); // append fails with TypeMismatched try { list.add(1); fail(); } catch (UnassignableValueException e) { } // insert String c = "c"; list.add(1, c); assertEquals(3, list.size()); assertEquals(a, list.get(0)); assertEquals(c, list.get(1)); assertEquals(b, list.get(2)); // insert fails with IndexOutOfBounds String d = "d"; try { list.add(-1, d); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { list.add(list.size() + 1, d); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } } @Test public void testAddAll() throws Exception { List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType); // append all to empty list String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }; assertTrue(list.addAll(Arrays.asList(strings))); assertEquals(strings.length, list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { assertEquals(strings[i], list.get(i)); } // append nothing assertFalse(list.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] {}))); // append all fails with null try { list.addAll(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } // append all fails with TypeMismatched try { list.addAll(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 })); fail(); } catch (UnassignableValueException e) { } // insert all to the list assertTrue(list.addAll(2, Arrays.asList(strings))); assertEquals(strings.length * 2, list.size()); assertEquals(strings[0], list.get(0)); assertEquals(strings[1], list.get(1)); assertEquals(strings[0], list.get(2)); // inserted assertEquals(strings[1], list.get(3)); // inserted assertEquals(strings[2], list.get(4)); // inserted assertEquals(strings[2], list.get(5)); // insert nothing assertFalse(list.addAll(2, Arrays.asList(new String[] {}))); // insert all fails with null try { list.addAll(0, null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } // insert all fails with IndexOutOfBounds try { list.addAll(-1, Arrays.asList(strings)); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { list.addAll(list.size() + 1, Arrays.asList(strings)); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } // insert all fails with TypeMismatched try { list.addAll(0, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "string", 1 })); } catch (UnassignableValueException e) { } } @Test public void testClear() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); list.clear(); assertEquals(0, list.size()); } @Test public void testContains() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); for (String s : strings) { assertTrue(list.contains(s)); } assertTrue(list.contains(null)); assertFalse(list.contains("e")); } @Test public void testContainsAll() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); assertTrue(list.containsAll(Arrays.asList(strings))); assertTrue(list.containsAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", null }))); assertFalse(list.containsAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "e" }))); assertFalse(list.containsAll(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "a", 1 }))); // fails with null try { list.containsAll(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } @Test public void testEquals() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "d" }; List<Object> list1 = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); List<Object> list2 = new TypedList(stringListType); for (String s : strings) { list2.add(s); } assertTrue(list1.equals(list2)); assertTrue(list2.equals(list1)); List<Object> list3 = new TypedList(stringListType); for (String s : strings) { list3.add(0, s); } assertFalse(list1.equals(list3)); assertFalse(list3.equals(list1)); } @Test public void testGet() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { assertEquals(strings[i], list.get(i)); } // fails with IndexOutOfBounds try { list.get(-1); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { list.get(list.size()); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } } @Test public void testIndexOf() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); assertEquals(0, list.indexOf("a")); assertEquals(1, list.indexOf("b")); assertEquals(2, list.indexOf("c")); assertEquals(3, list.indexOf(null)); assertEquals(7, list.indexOf("d")); assertEquals(-1, list.indexOf("e")); } @Test public void testIsEmpty() throws Exception { assertTrue(new TypedList(stringListType).isEmpty()); assertFalse(new TypedList(stringListType, new String[] { "a" }).isEmpty()); } @Test public void testIterator() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); Iterator<Object> i = list.iterator(); // [ a b c null a b c d ] // ^ assertTrue(i.hasNext()); assertEquals("a",; // [ a b c null a b c d ] // ^ assertEquals("b",; // [ a b c null a b c d ] // ^ i.remove(); // [ a c null a b c d ] // ^ assertEquals("c",; // [ a c null a b c d ] // ^ assertEquals(null,; // [ a c null a b c d ] // ^ assertEquals("a",; // [ a c null a b c d ] // ^ assertEquals("b",; // [ a c null a b c d ] // ^ i.remove(); // [ a b null a c d ] // ^ assertEquals("c",; // [ a b null a c d ] // ^ assertEquals("d",; // [ a b null a c d ] // ^ assertFalse(i.hasNext()); try {; fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } } @Test public void testLastIndexOf() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); assertEquals(4, list.lastIndexOf("a")); assertEquals(5, list.lastIndexOf("b")); assertEquals(6, list.lastIndexOf("c")); assertEquals(3, list.lastIndexOf(null)); assertEquals(7, list.lastIndexOf("d")); assertEquals(-1, list.lastIndexOf("e")); } @Test public void testListIterator() throws Exception { // see TypedListIteratorTest } @Test public void testRemoveWithIndex() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); assertEquals(strings[4], list.remove(4)); assertEquals(strings.length - 1, list.size()); assertEquals(strings[0], list.get(0)); assertEquals(strings[1], list.get(1)); assertEquals(strings[2], list.get(2)); assertEquals(strings[3], list.get(3)); assertEquals(strings[5], list.get(4)); assertEquals(strings[6], list.get(5)); assertEquals(strings[7], list.get(6)); try { list.remove(-1); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { list.remove(list.size()); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } } @Test public void testRemoveWithObject() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); assertTrue(list.remove("a")); assertEquals(strings.length - 1, list.size()); assertEquals(strings[1], list.get(0)); assertEquals(strings[2], list.get(1)); assertEquals(strings[3], list.get(2)); assertEquals(strings[4], list.get(3)); assertEquals(strings[5], list.get(4)); assertEquals(strings[6], list.get(5)); assertEquals(strings[7], list.get(6)); assertTrue(list.remove(null)); assertEquals(strings.length - 2, list.size()); assertEquals(strings[1], list.get(0)); assertEquals(strings[2], list.get(1)); assertEquals(strings[4], list.get(2)); assertEquals(strings[5], list.get(3)); assertEquals(strings[6], list.get(4)); assertEquals(strings[7], list.get(5)); assertFalse(list.remove("e")); } @Test public void testRemoveAll() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); Collection<String> c = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b" }); assertTrue(list.removeAll(c)); // [ c null c d ] assertEquals("c", list.get(0)); assertEquals(null, list.get(1)); assertEquals("c", list.get(2)); assertEquals("d", list.get(3)); // nothing to be removed assertFalse(list.removeAll(c)); // fails with null try { list.removeAll(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } @Test public void testRetainAll() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); Collection<String> c = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b" }); assertTrue(list.retainAll(c)); // [ a b a b ] assertEquals("a", list.get(0)); assertEquals("b", list.get(1)); assertEquals("a", list.get(2)); assertEquals("b", list.get(3)); // nothing to be removed assertFalse(list.retainAll(c)); // fails with null try { list.retainAll(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } @Test public void testSet() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); assertEquals(strings[4], list.set(4, "e")); // [ a b c null e b c d ] assertEquals(strings.length, list.size()); assertEquals("a", list.get(0)); assertEquals("b", list.get(1)); assertEquals("c", list.get(2)); assertEquals(null, list.get(3)); assertEquals("e", list.get(4)); assertEquals("b", list.get(5)); assertEquals("c", list.get(6)); assertEquals("d", list.get(7)); assertEquals(strings[0], list.set(0, null)); // [ null b c null e b c d] assertEquals(strings.length, list.size()); assertEquals(null, list.get(0)); assertEquals("b", list.get(1)); assertEquals("c", list.get(2)); assertEquals(null, list.get(3)); assertEquals("e", list.get(4)); assertEquals("b", list.get(5)); assertEquals("c", list.get(6)); assertEquals("d", list.get(7)); // fails with TypeMismatched try { list.set(0, 1); fail(); } catch (UnassignableValueException e) { } // fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException try { list.set(-1, "a"); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { list.set(list.size(), "a"); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } } @Test public void testSize() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); assertEquals(strings.length, list.size()); } @Test public void testSubList() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); // empty sublist assertEquals(0, list.subList(4, 4).size()); // sublist int fromIndex = 1; int toIndex = 3; List<Object> subList = list.subList(fromIndex, toIndex); // [ a [ b c ] null a b c d ] assertEquals(toIndex - fromIndex, subList.size()); for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) { assertEquals(strings[i], subList.get(i - fromIndex)); } // add subList.add("e"); // [ a [ b c e ] null a b c d ] assertEquals(3, subList.size()); assertEquals("b", subList.get(0)); assertEquals("c", subList.get(1)); assertEquals("e", subList.get(2)); assertEquals(9, list.size()); assertEquals("a", list.get(0)); assertEquals("b", list.get(1)); assertEquals("c", list.get(2)); assertEquals("e", list.get(3)); assertEquals(null, list.get(4)); assertEquals("a", list.get(5)); assertEquals("b", list.get(6)); assertEquals("c", list.get(7)); assertEquals("d", list.get(8)); // remove subList.remove("b"); // [ a [ c e ] null a b c d ] assertEquals(2, subList.size()); assertEquals("c", subList.get(0)); assertEquals("e", subList.get(1)); assertEquals(8, list.size()); assertEquals("a", list.get(0)); assertEquals("c", list.get(1)); assertEquals("e", list.get(2)); assertEquals(null, list.get(3)); assertEquals("a", list.get(4)); assertEquals("b", list.get(5)); assertEquals("c", list.get(6)); assertEquals("d", list.get(7)); // clear subList.clear(); // [ a null a b c d ] assertEquals(0, subList.size()); assertEquals(6, list.size()); assertEquals("a", list.get(0)); assertEquals(null, list.get(1)); assertEquals("a", list.get(2)); assertEquals("b", list.get(3)); assertEquals("c", list.get(4)); assertEquals("d", list.get(5)); } @Test public void testToArray() throws Exception { String[] strings = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", null, "a", "b", "c", "d" }; List<Object> list = new TypedList(stringListType, strings); Object[] array = list.toArray(); assertNotNull(array); assertEquals(strings.length, array.length); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { assertEquals(strings[i], array[i]); } String[] stringArray = list.toArray(new String[] {}); assertNotNull(stringArray); assertEquals(strings.length, stringArray.length); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { assertEquals(strings[i], stringArray[i]); } // Un Assignable try { list.toArray(new Integer[] {}); fail(); } catch (ArrayStoreException e) { } // null try { list.toArray(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } } @Test public void testRetrieve() throws Exception { String[] stringArray = new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "b" }; TypedList stringTypedList = new TypedList(stringListType, stringArray); // size assertEquals(stringArray.length, stringTypedList.size()); // get int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) { assertEquals(stringArray[i], stringTypedList.get(i)); } // iterator i = 0; for (Object o : stringTypedList) { assertEquals(stringArray[i], o); i++; } // iterator i = 0; for (Iterator<?> it = stringTypedList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { assertEquals(stringArray[i],; i++; } // contains for (i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) { assertTrue(stringTypedList.contains(stringArray[i])); } assertFalse(stringTypedList.contains("x")); assertFalse(stringTypedList.contains(1)); // containsAll assertTrue(stringTypedList.containsAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b" }))); assertFalse(stringTypedList.containsAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "x" }))); assertFalse(stringTypedList.containsAll(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "a", 1 }))); // indexOf assertEquals(0, stringTypedList.indexOf("a")); assertEquals(1, stringTypedList.indexOf("b")); assertEquals(2, stringTypedList.indexOf("c")); assertEquals(3, stringTypedList.indexOf("d")); assertEquals(-1, stringTypedList.indexOf("x")); // isEmpty assertTrue(new TypedList(stringListType).isEmpty()); assertFalse(stringTypedList.isEmpty()); // lastIndexOf assertEquals(4, stringTypedList.lastIndexOf("a")); assertEquals(5, stringTypedList.lastIndexOf("b")); assertEquals(2, stringTypedList.lastIndexOf("c")); assertEquals(3, stringTypedList.lastIndexOf("d")); // subList Object object = stringTypedList.subList(1, 3); assertNotNull(object); assertTrue(object instanceof TypedList); TypedList subList = (TypedList)object; assertEquals(stringListType, subList.getType()); assertEquals(2, subList.size()); i = 1; for (Object o : subList) { assertEquals(stringArray[i], o); i++; } // toArray Object[] array = stringTypedList.toArray(); assertNotNull(array); assertEquals(stringArray.length, array.length); for (i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) { assertEquals(stringArray[i], array[i]); } // toArray(T[] a) String[] stringArray2 = stringTypedList.toArray(new String[] {}); assertNotNull(stringArray2); assertEquals(stringArray.length, stringArray2.length); for (i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) { assertEquals(stringArray[i], stringArray2[i]); } } @Test public void testModify() throws Exception { TypedList stringTypedList = new TypedList(stringListType); assertEquals(0, stringTypedList.size()); // add stringTypedList.add("a"); assertEquals(1, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(0)); try { stringTypedList.add(1); fail(); } catch (UnassignableValueException e) { } stringTypedList.add("b"); assertEquals(2, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(0)); assertEquals("b", stringTypedList.get(1)); // add(int index, E element) stringTypedList.add(0, "x"); assertEquals(3, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("x", stringTypedList.get(0)); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(1)); assertEquals("b", stringTypedList.get(2)); // addAll stringTypedList.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "c", "d" })); assertEquals(5, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("x", stringTypedList.get(0)); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(1)); assertEquals("b", stringTypedList.get(2)); assertEquals("c", stringTypedList.get(3)); assertEquals("d", stringTypedList.get(4)); // addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) stringTypedList.addAll(1, Arrays.asList(new String[] { "q", "r" })); assertEquals(7, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("x", stringTypedList.get(0)); assertEquals("q", stringTypedList.get(1)); assertEquals("r", stringTypedList.get(2)); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(3)); assertEquals("b", stringTypedList.get(4)); assertEquals("c", stringTypedList.get(5)); assertEquals("d", stringTypedList.get(6)); // clear stringTypedList.clear(); assertEquals(0, stringTypedList.size()); stringTypedList.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "b", "c", "d" })); // remove stringTypedList.remove(5); assertEquals(7, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(0)); assertEquals("b", stringTypedList.get(1)); assertEquals("c", stringTypedList.get(2)); assertEquals("d", stringTypedList.get(3)); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(4)); assertEquals("c", stringTypedList.get(5)); assertEquals("d", stringTypedList.get(6)); // remove(Object o) stringTypedList.remove("c"); assertEquals(6, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(0)); assertEquals("b", stringTypedList.get(1)); assertEquals("d", stringTypedList.get(2)); assertEquals("a", stringTypedList.get(3)); assertEquals("c", stringTypedList.get(4)); assertEquals("d", stringTypedList.get(5)); // removeAll stringTypedList.removeAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b" })); assertEquals(3, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("d", stringTypedList.get(0)); assertEquals("c", stringTypedList.get(1)); assertEquals("d", stringTypedList.get(2)); // retainAll stringTypedList.retainAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "a", "b", "c" })); assertEquals(1, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("c", stringTypedList.get(0)); // set stringTypedList.set(0, "x"); assertEquals(1, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("x", stringTypedList.get(0)); // listIterator ListIterator<Object> listIterator = stringTypedList.listIterator(); // [ x ] // ^ // assertEquals("x",; // [ (x) ] // ^ // listIterator.add listIterator.add("y"); assertEquals(2, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("x", stringTypedList.get(0)); assertEquals("y", stringTypedList.get(1)); // [ x y ] // ^ // listIterator.hasNext assertFalse(listIterator.hasNext()); // listIterator.hasPrevious assertTrue(listIterator.hasPrevious()); // listIterator.nextIndex assertEquals(2, listIterator.nextIndex()); // listIterator.previousIndex assertEquals(1, listIterator.previousIndex()); // listIterator.remove try { listIterator.remove(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } // [ x y ] // ^ // listIterator.previous assertEquals("y", listIterator.previous()); // [ x (y) ] // ^ // listIterator.remove (again) listIterator.remove(); assertEquals(1, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("x", stringTypedList.get(0)); // [ x ] // ^ // listIterator.set try { listIterator.set("z"); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } assertEquals("x", listIterator.previous()); // [ (x) ] // ^ listIterator.set("z"); assertEquals(1, stringTypedList.size()); assertEquals("z", stringTypedList.get(0)); // [ (z) ] // ^ } }