* Copyright 2011 Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mBH
* This file is part of easyrec.
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package org.easyrec.plugin.slopeone.model;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.easyrec.model.core.ItemVO;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.Serializable;
* Stores Slope One's average deviations.<p><b>Company: </b> SAT, Research Studios Austria</p>
* <p><b>Copyright: </b> (c) 2007</p> <p><b>last modified:</b><br/> $Author: dmann $<br/> $Date: 2011-12-20 15:22:22 +0100 (Di, 20 Dez 2011) $<br/> $Revision: 18685 $</p>
* @author Patrick Marschik
public class Deviation implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6064201804889054767L;
private Integer id;
private double numerator;
private int item1Id;
private int item2Id;
private int item1TypeId;
private int item2TypeId;
private int tenantId;
private long denominator;
* A hash code using only the {@code item1Id} and {@code item2Id} fields.
* @param item1Id Id of item 1.
* @param item1TypeId Type of item 1.
* @param item2Id Id of item 2.
* @param item2TypeId Type of item 2.
* @return Hash code.
public static long hashCodeOfItems(int item1Id, int item1TypeId, int item2Id, int item2TypeId) {
return Objects.hashCode(item1Id, item1TypeId, item2Id, item2TypeId);
public Deviation(ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item1, ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item2, double numerator,
long denominator) {
this(null, item1, item2, numerator, denominator);
public Deviation(@Nullable Integer id, ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item1,
ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item2, double numerator, long denominator) {
validateItems(item1, item2);
this.item1Id = item1.getItem();
this.item2Id = item2.getItem();
this.tenantId = item1.getTenant();
this.item1TypeId = item1.getType();
this.item2TypeId = item2.getType();
this.id = id;
this.numerator = numerator;
this.denominator = denominator;
* Checks if item1 and item2 have the same tenant and item type.
* @param item1 Item 1.
* @param item2 Item 2.
private void validateItems(ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item1, ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item2) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(item1, "item1 can't be null.");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(item2, "item2 can't be null.");
Preconditions.checkArgument(item1.getTenant().intValue() == item2.getTenant().intValue(),
"Tenant of item1 and item2 doesn't match.");
public Deviation(int tenantId, int item1Id, int item1TypeId, int item2Id, int item2TypeId, double numerator,
long denominator) {
this(null, tenantId, item1Id, item1TypeId, item2Id, item2TypeId, numerator, denominator);
public Deviation(@Nullable Integer id, int tenantId, int item1Id, int item1TypeId, int item2Id, int item2TypeId,
double numerator, long denominator) {
this.id = id;
this.item1Id = item1Id;
this.item2Id = item2Id;
this.item1TypeId = item1TypeId;
this.item2TypeId = item2TypeId;
this.tenantId = tenantId;
this.numerator = numerator;
this.denominator = denominator;
public long getDenominator() { return denominator; }
public void setDenominator(long denominator) { this.denominator = denominator; }
public Integer getId() { return id; }
public void setId(@Nullable Integer id) { this.id = id; }
public int getItem1Id() { return item1Id; }
public void setItem1Id(int item1Id) { this.item1Id = item1Id; }
public int getItem2Id() { return item2Id; }
public void setItem2Id(int item2Id) { this.item2Id = item2Id; }
public int getItem1TypeId() { return item1TypeId; }
public void setItem1TypeId(int item1TypeId) { this.item1TypeId = item1TypeId; }
public int getItem2TypeId() { return item2TypeId; }
public void setItem2TypeId(int item2TypeId) { this.item2TypeId = item2TypeId; }
public double getNumerator() { return numerator; }
public void setNumerator(double numerator) { this.numerator = numerator; }
public int getTenantId() { return tenantId; }
public void setTenantId(int tenantId) { this.tenantId = tenantId; }
* The hash code ignores the id, denominator and numerator fields.
* @return Hash code.
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(item1Id, item2Id, item1TypeId, item2TypeId, tenantId);
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("id", id)
.add("item1Id", item1Id)
.add("item1TypeId", item1TypeId)
.add("item2Id", item2Id)
.add("item2TypeId", item2TypeId)
.add("tenantId", tenantId)
.add("numerator", numerator)
.add("denominator", denominator)
* Adds checking for equality of id, numerator and denominator to standard equality.
* @param other Object to test equality.
* @return {@code true} if equal, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean equalsWithDeviationAndId(Deviation other) {
return this.equalsWithDeviation(other) && Objects.equal(getId(), other.getId());
* Adds checking for equality of numerator and denominator to standard equality.
* @param other Object to test equality.
* @return {@code true} if equal, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean equalsWithDeviation(Deviation other) {
return this.equals(other) && getNumerator() == other.getNumerator() &&
getDenominator() == other.getDenominator();
* Equality ignores the id, numerator and denominator fields.
* @param obj Object to test equality.
* @return {@code true} if equal, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
final Deviation that = (Deviation) obj;
return Objects.equal(item1Id, that.item1Id) && Objects.equal(item2Id, that.item2Id) &&
Objects.equal(item1TypeId, that.item1TypeId) && Objects.equal(tenantId, that.tenantId) &&
Objects.equal(item2TypeId, this.item2TypeId);
public double getDeviation() { return denominator != 0.0 ? numerator / denominator : 0.0; }
public ItemVO<Integer, Integer> getItem1() {
return new ItemVO<Integer, Integer>(tenantId, item1Id, item1TypeId);
public ItemVO<Integer, Integer> getItem2() {
return new ItemVO<Integer, Integer>(tenantId, item2Id, item2TypeId);
* A hash code using only the {@code item1Id} and {@code item2Id} fields.
* @return Hash code.
public long hashCodeOfItems() { return hashCodeOfItems(item1Id, item1TypeId, item2Id, item2TypeId); }
public void setItem1(ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item1) {
item1Id = item1.getItem();
item1TypeId = item1.getType();
* Checks if the item has the same tenant and item type are the same as the currently used values.
* @param item Item to check.
private void validateItem(ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(item, "item can't be null.");
Preconditions.checkArgument(item.getTenant() == tenantId, "Tenant of item doesn't match.");
public void setItem2(ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item2) {
item2Id = item2.getItem();
item2TypeId = item2.getType();
public void setItems(ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item1, ItemVO<Integer, Integer> item2) {
validateItems(item1, item2);
this.item1Id = item1.getItem();
this.item2Id = item2.getItem();
this.tenantId = item1.getTenant();
this.item1TypeId = item1.getType();
this.item2TypeId = item2.getType();