/* * Copyright 2004 original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.extremecomponents.table.core; /** * @author Jeff Johnston */ public class PreferencesConstants { public final static String TABLE_AUTO_INCLUDE_PARAMETERS = "table.autoIncludeParameters"; public final static String TABLE_BORDER = "table.border"; public final static String TABLE_BUFFER_VIEW = "table.bufferView"; public final static String TABLE_CELLPADDING = "table.cellpadding"; public final static String TABLE_CELLSPACING = "table.cellspacing"; public final static String TABLE_EXPORTABLE = "table.exportable"; public final static String TABLE_FILTERABLE = "table.filterable"; //public final static String TABLE_FILTER_ROWS_CALLBACK = "table.filterRowsCallback."; public final static String TABLE_HEADER_CLASS = "table.headerClass"; public final static String TABLE_HEADER_SORT_CLASS = "table.headerSortClass"; public final static String TABLE_IMAGE_PATH = "table.imagePath"; public final static String TABLE_INTERCEPTOR = "table.interceptor."; public final static String TABLE_LOCALE = "table.locale"; public final static String TABLE_MAX_ROWS_DISPLAYED = "table.maxRowsDisplayed"; public final static String TABLE_MEDIAN_ROWS_DISPLAYED = "table.medianRowsDisplayed"; public final static String TABLE_METHOD = "table.method"; public final static String TABLE_RETRIEVE_ROWS_CALLBACK = "table.retrieveRowsCallback."; public final static String TABLE_ROWS_DISPLAYED = "table.rowsDisplayed"; public final static String TABLE_SHOW_EXPORTS = "table.showExports"; public final static String TABLE_SHOW_PAGINATION = "table.showPagination"; public final static String TABLE_SHOW_STATUS_BAR = "table.showStatusBar"; public final static String TABLE_SHOW_TITLE = "table.showTitle"; public final static String TABLE_SHOW_TOOLTIPS = "table.showTooltips"; public final static String TABLE_SORTABLE = "table.sortable"; //public final static String TABLE_SORT_ROWS_CALLBACK = "table.sortRowsCallback."; public final static String TABLE_STATE = "table.state."; public final static String TABLE_STATE_ATTR = "table.stateAttr"; public final static String TABLE_STYLE_CLASS = "table.styleClass"; public final static String TABLE_THEME = "table.theme"; public final static String TABLE_VIEW = "table.view."; public final static String TABLE_WIDTH = "table.width"; public final static String ROW_HIGHLIGHT_CLASS = "row.highlightClass"; public final static String ROW_HIGHLIGHT_ROW = "row.highlightRow"; public final static String ROW_INTERCEPTOR = "row.interceptor."; public final static String COLUMN_CALC = "column.calc."; public final static String COLUMN_CELL = "column.cell."; public final static String COLUMN_ESCAPE_AUTO_FORMAT = "column.escapeAutoFormat"; public final static String COLUMN_FILTER_CELL = "column.filterCell."; public final static String COLUMN_FORMAT = "column.format."; public final static String COLUMN_HEADER_CELL = "column.headerCell."; public final static String COLUMN_INTERCEPTOR = "column.interceptor."; public final static String COLUMN_PARSE = "column.parse."; public final static String COLUMNS_AUTO_GENERATE_COLUMNS = "columns.autoGenerateColumns."; public final static String EXPORT_ENCODING = "export.encoding"; public final static String EXPORT_INTERCEPTOR = "export.interceptor."; public final static String EXPORT_VIEW = "export.view."; public final static String EXPORT_VIEW_RESOLVER = "export.viewResolver."; public final static String EXPORT_PDF_HEADERBACKGROUNDCOLOR ="export.pdf.headerBackgroundColor"; public final static String EXPORT_PDF_HEADERCOLOR ="export.pdf.headerColor"; public final static String DEFAULT_CALC_LAYOUT = "defaultCalcLayout"; public final static String MESSAGES = "messages"; public final static String TOOLBAR_SHOW_ROWS_DISPLAYED = "toolbar.showRowsDisplayed"; }