package; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.exist.EXistException; import; import org.exist.util.DatabaseConfigurationException; import org.exist.xmldb.XmldbURI; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import; import java.util.Properties; /** * Represents a user within the database. * *@author Wolfgang Meier <> * Modified by {Marco.Tampucci, Massimo.Martinelli} */ public class User { private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(User.class); public final static User DEFAULT = new User( "guest", null, "guest" ); private final static String GROUP = "group"; private final static String NAME = "name"; private final static String PASS = "password"; private final static String DIGEST_PASS = "digest-password"; private final static String USER_ID = "uid"; private final static String HOME = "home"; private static String realm = "exist"; public final static int PLAIN_ENCODING = 0; public final static int SIMPLE_MD5_ENCODING = 1; public final static int MD5_ENCODING = 2; public static int PASSWORD_ENCODING; public static boolean CHECK_PASSWORDS = true; static { Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load( User.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("org/exist/security/") ); } catch (IOException e) { } String option = props.getProperty("passwords.encoding", "md5"); setPasswordEncoding(option); option = props.getProperty("passwords.check", "yes"); CHECK_PASSWORDS = option.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || option.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } static public void enablePasswordChecks(boolean check) { CHECK_PASSWORDS = check; } static public void setPasswordEncoding(String encoding) { if (encoding != null) { LOG.equals("Setting password encoding to "+encoding); if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("plain")) { PASSWORD_ENCODING = PLAIN_ENCODING; } else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("md5")) { PASSWORD_ENCODING = MD5_ENCODING; } else { PASSWORD_ENCODING = SIMPLE_MD5_ENCODING; } } } static public void setPasswordRealm(String value) { realm = value; } private String[] groups = null; private String password = null; private String digestPassword = null; private String user; private int uid = -1; private XmldbURI home = null; /** * Indicates if the user belongs to the dba group, * i.e. is a superuser. */ private boolean hasDbaRole = false; /** * Create a new user with name and password * *@param user Description of the Parameter *@param password Description of the Parameter */ public User( String user, String password ) { this.user = user; setPassword( password ); } /** * Create a new user with name * *@param user Description of the Parameter */ public User( String user ) { this.user = user; } /** * Create a new user with name, password and primary group * *@param user Description of the Parameter *@param password Description of the Parameter *@param primaryGroup Description of the Parameter */ public User( String user, String password, String primaryGroup ) { this( user, password ); addGroup( primaryGroup ); } /** * Read a new user from the given DOM node * *@param node Description of the Parameter *@exception DatabaseConfigurationException Description of the Exception */ public User( int majorVersion, int minorVersion,Element node ) throws DatabaseConfigurationException { this.user = node.getAttribute( NAME ); if ( user == null || user.length() == 0) throw new DatabaseConfigurationException( "user needs a name" ); Attr attr; if (majorVersion==0) { attr = node.getAttributeNode(PASS); this.digestPassword = attr == null ? null : attr.getValue(); this.password = null; } else { attr = node.getAttributeNode(PASS); this.password = attr == null ? null : attr.getValue(); if (this.password!=null && this.password.length() > 0) { if (this.password.startsWith("{MD5}")) { this.password = this.password.substring(5); } if (this.password.charAt(0)=='{') { throw new DatabaseConfigurationException("Unrecognized password encoding "+password+" for user "+user); } } attr = node.getAttributeNode(DIGEST_PASS); this.digestPassword = attr == null ? null : attr.getValue(); } Attr userId = node.getAttributeNode( USER_ID ); if(userId == null) throw new DatabaseConfigurationException("attribute id missing"); try { uid = Integer.parseInt(userId.getValue()); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { throw new DatabaseConfigurationException("illegal user id: " + userId + " for user " + user); } Attr homeAttr = node.getAttributeNode( HOME ); this.home = homeAttr == null ? null : XmldbURI.create(homeAttr.getValue()); NodeList gl = node.getChildNodes(); Node group; for ( int i = 0; i < gl.getLength(); i++ ) { group = gl.item( i ); if(group.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && group.getLocalName().equals(GROUP)) addGroup( group.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() ); } } /** * Add the user to a group * *@param group The feature to be added to the Group attribute */ public final void addGroup( String group ) { if (groups == null) { groups = new String[1]; groups[0] = group; } else { int len = groups.length; String[] ngroups = new String[len + 1]; System.arraycopy(groups, 0, ngroups, 0, len); ngroups[len] = group; groups = ngroups; } if (SecurityManager.DBA_GROUP.equals(group)) hasDbaRole = true; } /** * Remove the user to a group * Added by {Marco.Tampucci and Massimo.Martinelli} * *@param group The feature to be removed to the Group attribute */ public final void remGroup( String group ) { if (groups == null) { groups = new String[1]; groups[0] = "guest"; } else { int len = groups.length; String[] rgroup = null; if (len>1) rgroup = new String[len-1]; else { rgroup = new String[1]; len=1; } boolean found = false; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { if (!groups[i].equals(group)) { if (found == true) rgroup[i-1] = groups[i]; else rgroup[i] = groups[i]; } else { found = true; } } if (found == true && len==1) rgroup[0] = "guest"; groups=rgroup; } if (SecurityManager.DBA_GROUP.equals(group)) hasDbaRole = false; } public final void setGroups(String[] groups) { this.groups = groups; for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) if (SecurityManager.DBA_GROUP.equals(groups[i])) hasDbaRole = true; } /** * Get all groups this user belongs to * *@return The groups value */ public final String[] getGroups() { return groups == null ? new String[0] : groups; } public final boolean hasDbaRole() { return hasDbaRole; } /** * Get the user name * *@return The user value */ public final String getName() { return user; } public final int getUID() { return uid; } /** * Get the user's password * *@return Description of the Return Value */ public final String getPassword() { return password; } public final String getDigestPassword() { return digestPassword; } /** * Get the primary group this user belongs to * *@return The primaryGroup value */ public final String getPrimaryGroup() { if ( groups == null || groups.length == 0 ) return null; return groups[0]; } /** * Is the user a member of group? * *@param group Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public final boolean hasGroup( String group ) { if (groups == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { if (groups[i].equals(group)) return true; } return false; } /** * Sets the password attribute of the User object * *@param passwd The new password value */ public final void setPassword( String passwd ) { if (passwd==null) { this.password = null; this.digestPassword = null; } else { this.password = MessageDigester.md5(passwd,true); this.digestPassword = digest(passwd); } } /** * Sets the digest passwod value of the User object * *@param passwd The new passwordDigest value */ public final void setPasswordDigest( String passwd ) { this.digestPassword = ( passwd == null ) ? null : passwd; } /** * Sets the encoded passwod value of the User object * *@param passwd The new passwordDigest value */ public final void setEncodedPassword( String passwd ) { this.password = ( passwd == null ) ? null : passwd; } public final String digest(String passwd) { switch(PASSWORD_ENCODING) { case PLAIN_ENCODING: return passwd; case MD5_ENCODING: return MessageDigester.md5(user + ":"+realm+":" + passwd,false); default: return MessageDigester.md5(passwd,true); } } public final String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append( "<user name=\"" ); buf.append( user ); buf.append( "\" " ); buf.append( "uid=\""); buf.append( Integer.toString(uid) ); buf.append( "\"" ); if ( password != null ) { buf.append( " password=\"{MD5}" ); buf.append( password ); buf.append( '"' ); } if (digestPassword!=null) { buf.append( " digest-password=\"" ); buf.append( digestPassword ); buf.append( '"' ); } if( home != null ) { buf.append(" home=\"" ); buf.append(home); buf.append("\">"); } else buf.append(">"); if (groups != null) { for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { buf.append( "<group>" ); buf.append( groups[i] ); buf.append( "</group>" ); } } buf.append( "</user>" ); return buf.toString(); } /** * Split up the validate method into two, to make * it possible to authenticate users, which are not * defined in the instance named "exist" without * having impact on the standard functionality. * * @param passwd * @return true if the password was correct, false if not, * or if there was a problem. */ public final boolean validate( String passwd ) { SecurityManager sm; try { sm=BrokerPool.getInstance().getSecurityManager(); return validate(passwd, sm); } catch (EXistException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to get security manager in validate: ",e); return false; } } public final boolean validate( String passwd, SecurityManager sm ) { // security management is disabled if in repair mode if (!CHECK_PASSWORDS) return true; if (password==null && digestPassword==null) { return true; } if ( passwd == null ) { return false; } // [ 1557095 ] LDAP passwords patch //Try to authenticate using LDAP if(sm != null) { if(sm instanceof LDAPbindSecurityManager ) { if( ((LDAPbindSecurityManager)sm).bind(user,passwd)) return true; else return false; } } if (password!=null) { if (MessageDigester.md5(passwd,true).equals( password )) { return true; } } if (digestPassword!=null) { if (digest( passwd ).equals( digestPassword )) { return true; } } return false; } public final boolean validateDigest( String passwd ) { if ( digestPassword == null ) return true; if ( passwd == null ) return false; return digest( passwd ).equals( digestPassword ); } public void setUID(int uid) { this.uid = uid; } public void setHome(XmldbURI homeCollection) { home = homeCollection; } public XmldbURI getHome() { return home; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { User other = (User)obj; if(other != null) { return uid == other.uid; } else { return(false); } } }