* eGov suite of products aim to improve the internal efficiency,transparency,
* accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations.
* Copyright (C) <2015> eGovernments Foundation
* The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation
* is available at http://www.egovernments.org
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ or
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html .
* In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this
* program, the following additional terms are to be complied with:
* 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this
* Legal Notice.
* 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It
* is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in
* reasonable ways as different from the original version.
* 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program
* with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names
* or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation.
* In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at contact@egovernments.org.
package org.egov.services.report;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.egov.commons.Accountdetailtype;
import org.egov.egf.masters.model.LoanGrantBean;
import org.egov.infstr.services.PersistenceService;
import org.egov.utils.Constants;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers;
import org.hibernate.type.BigDecimalType;
import org.hibernate.type.IntegerType;
import org.hibernate.type.LongType;
import org.hibernate.type.StringType;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
* @author mani
public class LoanGrantService extends PersistenceService {
final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LoanGrantService.class);
public LoanGrantService() {
public LoanGrantService(Class type) {
public List<Object> schemeUtilizationBy(final Integer schemeId, final Integer subSchemeId, final Date fromDate,
final Date toDate,
final List<Integer> projectCodeIdList, final Integer fundId) {
final Accountdetailtype detailType = (Accountdetailtype) find("from Accountdetailtype where upper(name)=?", "PROJECTCODE");
final StringBuffer schemeUtilSql = new StringBuffer(512);
String pcStr = "";
if (projectCodeIdList != null && projectCodeIdList.size() > 0)
pcStr = projectCodeIdList.toString();
pcStr = pcStr.replace("[", "(");
pcStr = pcStr.replace("]", ")");
if (subSchemeId != null) {
.append("select ss.name as subScheme, pc.code as code, vh.voucherNumber as vouchernumber, vh.voucherDate as voucherdate, gld.amount as amount, gld.detailkeyid as id "
+ "from voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, generalledgerdetail gld , egf_subscheme_project ssp, egw_projectcode pc"
+ ",sub_scheme ss "
+ " where "
+ " vh.id= gl.voucherheaderid and vh.status not in (1,2,4) "
+ " and gl.id= gld.generalledgerid ");
if (fromDate != null)
schemeUtilSql.append(" and vh.voucherdate>='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(fromDate) + "'");
if (toDate != null)
schemeUtilSql.append(" and vh.voucherdate<='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(toDate) + "'");
schemeUtilSql.append(" and gld.detailtypeid=" + detailType.getId() + " and gld.detailkeyid= ssp.projectcodeid "
+ " and ssp.subschemeid=" + subSchemeId + " and ss.id=" + subSchemeId + " and ss.id=ssp.subschemeid"
+ " and pc.id= gld.detailkeyid "
+ " and pc.id= ssp.projectcodeid and vh.fundid=" + fundId + " ");
if (projectCodeIdList != null && projectCodeIdList.size() > 0)
schemeUtilSql.append(" and ssp.projectcodeid in " + pcStr + " ");
schemeUtilSql.append("ORDER by ss.name, pc.code,vh.voucherdate ");
else if (schemeId != null) {
.append("select ss.name as subScheme, pc.code as code, vh.voucherNumber as vouchernumber, vh.voucherDate as voucherdate, gld.amount as amount, gld.detailkeyid as id "
+ "from voucherheader vh, generalledger gl, generalledgerdetail gld , egf_subscheme_project ssp, egw_projectcode pc"
+ ",sub_scheme ss,scheme s "
+ " where "
+ " vh.id= gl.voucherheaderid and vh.status not in (1,2,4) " + " and gl.id= gld.generalledgerid ");
if (fromDate != null)
schemeUtilSql.append(" and vh.voucherdate>='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(fromDate) + "'");
if (toDate != null)
schemeUtilSql.append(" and vh.voucherdate<='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(toDate) + "'");
schemeUtilSql.append(" and gld.detailtypeid=" + detailType.getId() + " and gld.detailkeyid= ssp.projectcodeid "
+ " and ssp.subschemeid=ss.id" + " and ss.schemeid=s.id" + " and s.id=" + schemeId
+ " and ss.id=ssp.subschemeid"
+ " and pc.id= gld.detailkeyid " + " and pc.id= ssp.projectcodeid and vh.fundid=" + fundId + " ");
if (projectCodeIdList != null && projectCodeIdList.size() > 0)
schemeUtilSql.append(" and ssp.projectcodeid in " + pcStr + " ");
schemeUtilSql.append(" ORDER by ss.name, pc.code,vh.voucherdate ");
final String schemeUtilSqlQry = schemeUtilSql.toString();
final SQLQuery schemeUtilQry = getSession().createSQLQuery(schemeUtilSqlQry);
.addScalar("amount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE)
.addScalar("id", LongType.INSTANCE).setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(LoanGrantBean.class));
final List<Object> projecCodeResultList = schemeUtilQry.list();
return projecCodeResultList;
* @param subSchemeId
* @return
public List<LoanGrantBean> fundingPatternBy(final Integer subSchemeId, final Integer schemeId) {
List<LoanGrantBean> fundingPatternList = null;
final StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
sql.append(" select ss.name as subScheme, fa.name as name , sum(lgd.percentage) as amount from egf_LoanGrantDetail lgd,"
+ "egf_LoanGrantHeader lgh,egf_fundingAgency fa,sub_scheme ss ");
if (schemeId != null && subSchemeId == null)
sql.append(",Scheme s ");
sql.append(" where lgd.headerid=lgh.id and fa.id=lgd.agencyid and ss.id=lgh.subSchemeId ");
if (schemeId != null && subSchemeId == null)
sql.append(" and s.id=ss.schemeid and s.id= " + schemeId);
sql.append(" and lgh.subSchemeId=" + subSchemeId);
sql.append(" group by");
* if(schemeId!=null && subSchemeId==null) { sql.append(" ss.name ,"); }
sql.append(" ss.name , fa.name order by ss.name,fa.name");
final SQLQuery patternSql = getSearchSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString());
patternSql.addScalar("subScheme", StringType.INSTANCE).addScalar("name", StringType.INSTANCE)
.addScalar("amount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE)
fundingPatternList = patternSql.list();
return fundingPatternList;
* @param schemeId
* @param subSchemeId
* @param fromDate
* @param toDate
* @param agencyId
* @param faTypeId Funding Agency Detail Type Id
* @param pcTypeid Project Code Detail Type Id
* @return List<LoanGrantBean> SCHEME SUBSCHEME FUNDINGAGENCY RESULT YES YES YES Get the GJVs having both FA And PC as
* subledgers and PC ids are mapped for the SUBSCHEME and for the selected FA
* YES NO YES Get the GJVs having both FA And PC as subledgers and PC ids are mapped for the the SUBSCHEMES under selected
* SCHEME and for the selected FA
* YES YES NO Get the GJVs having both FA And PC as subledgers and PC ids are mapped for the SUBSCHEME and for all FA under
* the selected SUBSCHEME
* YES NO NO Get the GJVs having both FA And PC as subledgers and PC ids are mapped for the SUBSCHEME under selected Scheme
* and for all FA under the selected SCHEME NOTE: 1.If more than one FA is there in the JV the AgencyAmount will not match the
* projectwiseAmount since report is by Agency 2.If a GJV uses project codes of different SUBSCHEMES report by scheme only
* will give the correct result 3.If a GJV uses project codes of Different schemes itself then Total amount will never match
* since widest search is by Scheme
public List<Object> searchGC(final Integer schemeId, final Integer subSchemeId, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate,
final Long agencyId,
final Integer pcTypeId, final Integer faTypeId, final Integer fundId) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Starting searchGC");
List<Object> grantContribList = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (agencyId != null & agencyId != -1) {
if (subSchemeId != null)
grantContribList = getDataByAgency(schemeId, subSchemeId, fromDate, toDate, agencyId, pcTypeId, faTypeId, fundId);
grantContribList = getDataByAgency(schemeId, null, fromDate, toDate, agencyId, pcTypeId, faTypeId, fundId);
else {
List<Long> fundingAgencyList = null;
if (subSchemeId != null)
fundingAgencyList = findAllBy(
"select distinct fundingAgency.id from LoanGrantDetail lgd where lgd.header.subScheme.id=? ",
fundingAgencyList = findAllBy(
"select distinct lgd.fundingAgency.id from LoanGrantDetail lgd ,LoanGrantHeader lg,SubScheme ss,Scheme s where lg.subScheme.id=ss.id and s.id=ss.scheme.id and lg.id=lgd.header.id and s.id=?",
for (final Long faId : fundingAgencyList) {
List<Object> grantContribListByAgency = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (subSchemeId != null)
grantContribListByAgency = getDataByAgency(schemeId, subSchemeId, fromDate, toDate, faId, pcTypeId, faTypeId,
grantContribListByAgency = getDataByAgency(schemeId, null, fromDate, toDate, faId, pcTypeId, faTypeId, fundId);
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("exiting from searchGC and result size" + grantContribList.size());
return grantContribList;
* @param subSchemeId
* @param fromDate
* @param toDate
* @param agencyId
* @param faTypeId
* @param pcTypeId
* @param sql
* @return
private List<Object> getDataByAgency(final Integer schemeId, final Integer subSchemeId, final Date fromDate,
final Date toDate, final Long agencyId,
final Integer pcTypeId, final Integer faTypeId, final Integer fundId) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Starting getDataByAgency for agencyId:" + agencyId);
final StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
.append(" select * from (select distinct vh.vouchernumber as voucherNumber, gld1.amount as amount, null as agencyAmount,pc.code as code, gld1.detailkeyid as detailKey, gld1.detailtypeid detailType "
+ "from voucherheader vh, generalledger gl1,generalledger gl2, generalledgerdetail gld1, generalledgerdetail gld2, "
+ "egf_subscheme_project ssp,egw_projectcode pc ");
if (subSchemeId == null)
sql.append(",scheme s,sub_scheme ss ");
sql.append(" where vh.id= gl1.voucherheaderid and gl1.id= gld1.generalledgerid "
+ " and gl2.id=gld2.generalledgerid and gl2.voucherheaderid=vh.id and gl1.creditamount>0 "
+ " and gl2.debitamount>0 and gld1.detailtypeid=" + pcTypeId + " and gld2.detailtypeid=" + faTypeId
+ " and ssp.projectcodeid=gld1.detailkeyid and pc.id=gld1.detailkeyid and pc.id=ssp.projectcodeid "
+ " and vh.type='Journal Voucher' and vh.name='JVGeneral' and vh.fundid=" + fundId + " ");
if (subSchemeId != null)
sql.append(" and ssp.subschemeId=" + subSchemeId);
sql.append(" and ss.schemeid=s.id and s.id=" + schemeId + " and ssp.subschemeid=ss.id");
if (fromDate != null)
sql.append(" and vh.voucherdate>='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(fromDate) + "' ");
if (toDate != null)
sql.append(" and vh.voucherdate<='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(toDate) + "' ");
sql.append(" and gld2.detailkeyid=" + agencyId);
sql.append(" union ");
sql.append(" select distinct vh.vouchernumber as voucherNumber,null as amount,gld2.amount as agencyAmount,null as code, gld2.detailKeyid as detailKey, gld2.detailtypeid detailType "
+ "from voucherheader vh, generalledger gl1,generalledger gl2, generalledgerdetail gld1, generalledgerdetail gld2 ");
sql.append(",egf_loangrantdetail lgd,egf_loanGrantHeader lg,egf_subscheme_project ssp ");
// check here if u have errors
if (subSchemeId == null)
sql.append(",scheme s,sub_scheme ss ");
sql.append(" where vh.id= gl1.voucherheaderid and gl1.id= gld1.generalledgerid "
+ "and gl2.id=gld2.generalledgerid and gl2.voucherheaderid=vh.id and gl1.creditamount>0 "
+ "and gl2.debitamount>0 and gld1.detailtypeid="
+ pcTypeId
+ " and gld2.detailtypeid="
+ faTypeId
+ "and vh.type='Journal Voucher' and vh.name='JVGeneral' and lg.id=lgd.headerid and ssp.projectcodeid=gld1.detailkeyid and vh.fundid="
+ fundId + " ");
if (subSchemeId != null)
sql.append(" and lg.subschemeId=" + subSchemeId + " and ssp.subschemeid=" + subSchemeId);
sql.append(" and ss.schemeid=s.id and s.id=" + schemeId + " and lg.subschemeId=ss.id and ssp.subschemeid=ss.id");
if (fromDate != null)
sql.append(" and vh.voucherdate>='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(fromDate) + "' ");
if (toDate != null)
sql.append(" and vh.voucherdate<='" + Constants.DD_MON_YYYYFORMAT.format(toDate) + "' ");
sql.append(" and gld2.detailkeyid=" + agencyId);
if (subSchemeId != null)
sql.append(" and lgd.agencyId= " + agencyId);
sql.append(" ) order by voucherNumber,detailType desc,detailKey");
final SQLQuery gcSql = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString());
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
LOGGER.info("sql: " + sql.toString());
gcSql.addScalar("voucherNumber").addScalar("code").addScalar("amount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE)
.addScalar("agencyAmount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE)
.addScalar("detailKey", IntegerType.INSTANCE).addScalar("detailType", IntegerType.INSTANCE).setResultTransformer(
// Grant Contribution List
final List<Object> gcList = gcSql.list();
if (gcList.size() > 0) {
final List<LoanGrantBean> grantAmountList = getGrantAmountBy(schemeId, subSchemeId, agencyId);
if (grantAmountList != null && grantAmountList.size() > 0) {
// check if fa is used in loan header else ommit
((LoanGrantBean) gcList.get(0)).setAgencyName(grantAmountList.get(0).getAgencyName());
((LoanGrantBean) gcList.get(0)).setGrantAmount(grantAmountList.get(0).getGrantAmount());
else {
final List<LoanGrantBean> grantAmountList = getGrantAmountBy(schemeId, subSchemeId, agencyId);
if (grantAmountList != null && grantAmountList.size() > 0)
if (grantAmountList.get(0).getGrantAmount() != null
&& grantAmountList.get(0).getGrantAmount().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)
gcList.add(0, new LoanGrantBean());
((LoanGrantBean) gcList.get(0)).setAgencyName(grantAmountList.get(0).getAgencyName());
((LoanGrantBean) gcList.get(0)).setGrantAmount(grantAmountList.get(0).getGrantAmount());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("exiting getDataByAgency ");
return gcList;
* @param agencyId
* @param subSchemeId
* @param schemeId
* @return
private List<LoanGrantBean> getGrantAmountBy(final Integer schemeId, final Integer subSchemeId, final Long agencyId) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Starting getGrantAmountBy for" + agencyId);
final StringBuffer gaSql = new StringBuffer();
gaSql.append("select fa.name as agencyName, sum( case when lgd.grantamount = null THEN 0 else lgd.grantamount end)*100000 as grantAmount");
gaSql.append(" from egf_loangrantheader lg, egf_loangrantdetail lgd, egf_fundingagency fa");
if (subSchemeId == null)
gaSql.append(", sub_scheme ss,scheme s");
gaSql.append(" where lg.id= lgd.headerid and lgd.agencyid=fa.id ");
if (subSchemeId == null)
gaSql.append(" and lg.subschemeid=ss.id and ss.schemeid=s.id and s.id=" + schemeId);
gaSql.append(" and lg.subschemeid=" + subSchemeId);
gaSql.append(" and lgd.agencyid=" + agencyId);
gaSql.append(" group by fa.name");
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
LOGGER.info("GrantAmoountSql for Schemeid" + schemeId + " SubSchemeId " + subSchemeId + " agencyId" + agencyId + ":"
+ gaSql.toString());
final SQLQuery gaSQLQuery = getSearchSession().createSQLQuery(gaSql.toString());
gaSQLQuery.addScalar("agencyName").addScalar("grantAmount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE)
final List<LoanGrantBean> galist = gaSQLQuery.list();
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Exiting from getGrantAmountBy for" + agencyId);
return galist;
* @param schemeId
* @param agencyId
* @return
public List<Object> getLoanBy(final Integer schemeId, final Long agencyId, final Integer faTypeId, final Integer fundId) {
List<Object> loanByAgencyList = null;
if (agencyId != null && agencyId != -1)
loanByAgencyList = getLoanByAgency(schemeId, agencyId, faTypeId, fundId);
final StringBuffer ss = new StringBuffer(256);
ss.append("select distinct lgd.fundingAgency.id from LoanGrantDetail lgd ,LoanGrantHeader lg,SubScheme ss," +
"Scheme s where lg.subScheme.id=ss.id and s.id=ss.scheme.id and lg.id=lgd.header.id and s.id=?");
final List<Long> agencyList = findAllBy(ss.toString(), schemeId);
loanByAgencyList = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (final Long id : agencyList)
loanByAgencyList.addAll(getLoanByAgency(schemeId, id, faTypeId, fundId));
return loanByAgencyList;
public List<Object> getLoanByAgency(final Integer schemeId, final Long agencyId, final Integer faTypeId, final Integer fundId) {
final StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(512);
sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT vh.vouchernumber AS voucherNumber, gld.amount AS amount, " +
" gld.detailkeyid AS detailKey, gld.detailtypeid detailType ,vh.voucherdate " +
" FROM voucherheader vh, vouchermis vmis, generalledger gl, generalledgerdetail gld " +
" WHERE vh.id = gl.voucherheaderid " +
" AND gl.id = gld.generalledgerid " +
" AND gl.debitamount >0 " +
" AND gld.detailtypeid = " + faTypeId +
" AND vh.type ='Payment' " +
" AND vh.name ='Direct Bank Payment' " +
" and vh.status in (0,5) " +
" and vmis.schemeid= " + schemeId +
" and vh.fundid=" + fundId +
" and vmis.voucherheaderid=vh.id");
if (agencyId != null && agencyId != -1)
sql.append(" and gld.detailkeyid =" + agencyId);
sql.append(" order by vh.voucherdate ");
final SQLQuery loanSql = getSearchSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("getLoanByAgency sql:" + sql.toString());
.addScalar("amount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE)
.addScalar("detailKey", IntegerType.INSTANCE)
.addScalar("detailType", IntegerType.INSTANCE)
final List<Object> repayedList = loanSql.list();
final List<LoanGrantBean> loanAmountList = getLoanAmountBy(schemeId, agencyId);
if (loanAmountList != null && loanAmountList.size() > 0)
if (loanAmountList.get(0).getLoanAmount() != null
&& loanAmountList.get(0).getLoanAmount().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0)
repayedList.add(0, new LoanGrantBean());
((LoanGrantBean) repayedList.get(0)).setAgencyName(loanAmountList.get(0).getAgencyName());
((LoanGrantBean) repayedList.get(0)).setLoanAmount(loanAmountList.get(0).getLoanAmount());
final BigDecimal loanPaidSoFar = getLoanPaidSoFar(schemeId, agencyId);
((LoanGrantBean) repayedList.get(0)).setAgencyAmount(loanPaidSoFar);
((LoanGrantBean) repayedList.get(0)).setBalance(loanAmountList.get(0).getLoanAmount().subtract(loanPaidSoFar));
return repayedList;
* @param schemeId
* @param agencyId
* @return
private BigDecimal getLoanPaidSoFar(final Integer schemeId, final Long agencyId) {
BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
final SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(
"select amount as amount from egf_loan_paid where schemeid=" +
schemeId + " and agencyid=" + agencyId);
query.addScalar("amount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE)
final List<LoanGrantBean> list = query.list();
if (list != null && list.size() > 0)
if (list.get(0).getAmount() != null)
amount = list.get(0).getAmount();
return amount;
* @param schemeId
* @param agencyId is mandatory
* @return
private List<LoanGrantBean> getLoanAmountBy(final Integer schemeId, final Long agencyId) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Starting getLoanAmountBy for" + agencyId);
final StringBuffer loanSql = new StringBuffer(256);
loanSql.append("select fa.name as agencyName, sum( case when lgd.loanamount = null then 0 else lgd.loanamount)*100000 as loanAmount");
loanSql.append(" from egf_loangrantheader lg, egf_loangrantdetail lgd, egf_fundingagency fa,sub_scheme ss,scheme s");
loanSql.append(" where lg.id= lgd.headerid and lgd.agencyid=fa.id ");
loanSql.append(" and lgd.agencyid=" + agencyId);
loanSql.append(" and lg.subSchemeId=ss.id");
loanSql.append(" and s.id=" + schemeId);
loanSql.append(" and s.id=ss.schemeid ");
loanSql.append(" group by fa.name");
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
LOGGER.info("GrantAmoountSql for Schemeid" + schemeId + " agencyId" + agencyId + ":" + loanSql.toString());
final SQLQuery gaSQLQuery = getSearchSession().createSQLQuery(loanSql.toString());
.addScalar("loanAmount", BigDecimalType.INSTANCE)
final List<LoanGrantBean> galist = gaSQLQuery.list();
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Exiting from getLoanAmountBy for" + agencyId);
return galist;