package com.github.dockerjava.core.command; import static; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.CopyArchiveToContainerCmd; import com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.DockerClientException; import com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.NotFoundException; import com.github.dockerjava.core.util.CompressArchiveUtil; public class CopyArchiveToContainerCmdImpl extends AbstrDockerCmd<CopyArchiveToContainerCmd, Void> implements CopyArchiveToContainerCmd { private String containerId; private String remotePath = "."; private InputStream tarInputStream; private String hostResource; private boolean noOverwriteDirNonDir = false; private boolean dirChildrenOnly = false; public CopyArchiveToContainerCmdImpl(CopyArchiveToContainerCmd.Exec exec, String containerId) { super(exec); withContainerId(containerId); } @Override public CopyArchiveToContainerCmd withContainerId(String containerId) { checkNotNull(containerId, "containerId was not specified"); this.containerId = containerId; return this; } @Override public CopyArchiveToContainerCmd withHostResource(String hostResource) { checkNotNull(hostResource, "hostResource was not specified"); this.hostResource = hostResource; return this; } @Override public CopyArchiveToContainerCmd withNoOverwriteDirNonDir(boolean noOverwriteDirNonDir) { this.noOverwriteDirNonDir = noOverwriteDirNonDir; return this; } @Override public CopyArchiveToContainerCmd withRemotePath(String remotePath) { checkNotNull(remotePath, "remotePath was not specified"); this.remotePath = remotePath; return this; } @Override public CopyArchiveToContainerCmd withTarInputStream(InputStream tarInputStream) { checkNotNull(tarInputStream, "tarInputStream was not specified"); this.tarInputStream = tarInputStream; return this; } @Override public CopyArchiveToContainerCmd withDirChildrenOnly(boolean dirChildrenOnly) { this.dirChildrenOnly = dirChildrenOnly; return this; } @Override public InputStream getTarInputStream() { return tarInputStream; } @Override public String getContainerId() { return this.containerId; } @Override public String getHostResource() { return this.hostResource; } @Override public boolean isNoOverwriteDirNonDir() { return this.noOverwriteDirNonDir; } @Override public String getRemotePath() { return this.remotePath; } @Override public boolean isDirChildrenOnly() { return this.dirChildrenOnly; } @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("cp ").append(hostResource).append(" ").append(containerId).append(":") .append(remotePath).toString(); } private InputStream buildUploadStream(String hostResource, boolean dirChildrenOnly) throws IOException { Path toUpload = Files.createTempFile("docker-java", ".tar.gz"); CompressArchiveUtil.tar(Paths.get(hostResource), toUpload, true, dirChildrenOnly); return Files.newInputStream(toUpload); } /** * @throws com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.NotFoundException * No such container */ @Override public Void exec() throws NotFoundException { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.hostResource)) { // User set host resource and not directly a stream if (this.tarInputStream != null) { throw new DockerClientException( "Only one of host resource or tar input stream should be defined to perform the copy, not both"); } // We compress the given path, call exec so that the stream is consumed and then close it our self try (InputStream uploadStream = buildUploadStream(this.hostResource, this.dirChildrenOnly)) { this.tarInputStream = uploadStream; return super.exec(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DockerClientException("Unable to perform tar on host resource " + this.hostResource, e); } } else if (this.tarInputStream == null) { throw new DockerClientException( "One of host resource or tar input stream must be defined to perform the copy"); } // User set a stream, so we will just consume it and let the user close it by him self return super.exec(); } }