package net.iponweb.disthene.reader.service.metric; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.iponweb.disthene.reader.beans.TimeSeries; import net.iponweb.disthene.reader.config.DistheneReaderConfiguration; import net.iponweb.disthene.reader.config.Rollup; import net.iponweb.disthene.reader.exceptions.TooMuchDataExpectedException; import net.iponweb.disthene.reader.service.index.IndexService; import net.iponweb.disthene.reader.service.stats.StatsService; import; import net.iponweb.disthene.reader.utils.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * @author Andrei Ivanov */ public class MetricService { final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MetricService.class); private IndexService indexService; private CassandraService cassandraService; private StatsService statsService; private DistheneReaderConfiguration distheneReaderConfiguration; private ExecutorService executorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); public MetricService(IndexService indexService, CassandraService cassandraService, StatsService statsService, DistheneReaderConfiguration distheneReaderConfiguration) { this.indexService = indexService; this.cassandraService = cassandraService; this.distheneReaderConfiguration = distheneReaderConfiguration; this.statsService = statsService; } public String getMetricsAsJson(String tenant, List<String> wildcards, long from, long to) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { List<String> paths = indexService.getPaths(tenant, wildcards); Collections.sort(paths); // Calculate rollup etc Long now = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000; Long effectiveTo = Math.min(to, now); Rollup bestRollup = getRollup(from); Long effectiveFrom = (from % bestRollup.getRollup()) == 0 ? from : from + bestRollup.getRollup() - (from % bestRollup.getRollup()); effectiveTo = effectiveTo - (effectiveTo % bestRollup.getRollup()); logger.debug("Effective from: " + effectiveFrom); logger.debug("Effective to: " + effectiveTo); // now build the weird data structures ("in the meanwhile") final Map<Long, Integer> timestampIndices = new HashMap<>(); Long timestamp = effectiveFrom; int index = 0; while (timestamp <= effectiveTo) { timestampIndices.put(timestamp, index++); timestamp += bestRollup.getRollup(); } final int length = timestampIndices.size(); logger.debug("Expected number of data points in series is " + length); logger.debug("Expected number of series is " + paths.size()); // Now let's query C* List<ListenableFuture<SinglePathResult>> futures = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(paths.size()); for (final String path : paths) { Function<ResultSet, SinglePathResult> serializeFunction = new Function<ResultSet, SinglePathResult>() { public SinglePathResult apply(ResultSet resultSet) { SinglePathResult result = new SinglePathResult(path); result.makeJson(resultSet, length, timestampIndices); return result; } }; futures.add( Futures.transform( cassandraService.executeAsync(tenant, path, bestRollup.getPeriod(), bestRollup.getRollup(), effectiveFrom, effectiveTo), serializeFunction, executorService ) ); } futures = Futures.inCompletionOrder(futures); // Build response content JSON List<String> singlePathJsons = new ArrayList<>(); for (ListenableFuture<SinglePathResult> future : futures) { SinglePathResult singlePathResult = future.get(); if (!singlePathResult.isAllNulls()) { singlePathJsons.add("\"" + singlePathResult.getPath() + "\":" + singlePathResult.getJson()); } } return "{\"from\":" + effectiveFrom + ",\"to\":" + effectiveTo + ",\"step\":" + bestRollup.getRollup() + ",\"series\":{" + Joiner.on(",").skipNulls().join(singlePathJsons) + "}}"; } public List<TimeSeries> getMetricsAsList(String tenant, List<String> wildcards, long from, long to) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TooMuchDataExpectedException { List<String> paths = indexService.getPaths(tenant, wildcards); statsService.incRenderPathsRead(tenant, paths.size()); // Calculate rollup etc Long now = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000; Long effectiveTo = Math.min(to, now); Rollup bestRollup = getRollup(from); Long effectiveFrom = (from % bestRollup.getRollup()) == 0 ? from : from + bestRollup.getRollup() - (from % bestRollup.getRollup()); effectiveTo = effectiveTo - (effectiveTo % bestRollup.getRollup()); logger.debug("Effective from: " + effectiveFrom); logger.debug("Effective to: " + effectiveTo); // now build the weird data structures ("in the meanwhile") final Map<Long, Integer> timestampIndices = new HashMap<>(); Long timestamp = effectiveFrom; int index = 0; while (timestamp <= effectiveTo) { timestampIndices.put(timestamp, index++); timestamp += bestRollup.getRollup(); } final int length = timestampIndices.size(); logger.debug("Expected number of data points in series is " + length); logger.debug("Expected number of series is " + paths.size()); // Fail (return empty list) right away if we exceed maximum number of points if (paths.size() * length > distheneReaderConfiguration.getReader().getMaxPoints()) { logger.debug("Expected total number of data points exceeds the limit: " + paths.size() * length); throw new TooMuchDataExpectedException("Expected total number of data points exceeds the limit: " + paths.size() * length + " (the limit is " + distheneReaderConfiguration.getReader().getMaxPoints() + ")"); } // Now let's query C* List<ListenableFuture<SinglePathResult>> futures = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(paths.size()); for (final String path : paths) { Function<ResultSet, SinglePathResult> serializeFunction = new Function<ResultSet, SinglePathResult>() { public SinglePathResult apply(ResultSet resultSet) { SinglePathResult result = new SinglePathResult(path); result.makeArray(resultSet, length, timestampIndices); return result; } }; futures.add( Futures.transform( cassandraService.executeAsync(tenant, path, bestRollup.getPeriod(), bestRollup.getRollup(), effectiveFrom, effectiveTo), serializeFunction, executorService ) ); } Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); futures = Futures.inCompletionOrder(futures); List<TimeSeries> timeSeries = new ArrayList<>(); for (ListenableFuture<SinglePathResult> future : futures) { SinglePathResult singlePathResult = future.get(); if (singlePathResult.getValues() != null) { TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(singlePathResult.getPath(), effectiveFrom, effectiveTo, bestRollup.getRollup()); ts.setValues(singlePathResult.getValues()); timeSeries.add(ts); } } logger.debug("Number of series fetched: " + timeSeries.size()); timer.stop(); logger.debug("Fetching from Cassandra took " + timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) + " milliseconds (" + wildcards + ")"); // sort it by path Collections.sort(timeSeries, new Comparator<TimeSeries>() { @Override public int compare(TimeSeries ts1, TimeSeries ts2) { return ts1.getName().compareTo(ts2.getName()); } }); int totalPoints = 0; for (TimeSeries ts : timeSeries) { totalPoints += ts.getValues().length; } statsService.incRenderPointsRead(tenant, totalPoints); return timeSeries; } public Rollup getRollup(long from) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L ; // Let's find a rollup that potentially can have all the data taking retention in account List<Rollup> survivals = new ArrayList<>(); for (Rollup rollup : distheneReaderConfiguration.getReader().getRollups()) { if (now - rollup.getPeriod() * rollup.getRollup() <= from) { survivals.add(rollup); } } // no survivals found - take the last rollup (may be there is something there) if (survivals.size() == 0) { return distheneReaderConfiguration.getReader().getRollups().get(distheneReaderConfiguration.getReader().getRollups().size() - 1); } return survivals.get(0); } private static class SinglePathResult { String path; String json; Double[] values = null; boolean allNulls = true; private SinglePathResult(String path) { this.path = path; } public String getPath() { return path; } public String getJson() { return json; } public Double[] getValues() { return values; } public boolean isAllNulls() { return allNulls; } public void makeJson(ResultSet resultSet, int length, Map<Long, Integer> timestampIndices) { Double values[] = new Double[length]; for (Row row : resultSet) { allNulls = false; values[timestampIndices.get(row.getLong("time"))] = isSumMetric(path) ? CollectionUtils.unsafeSum(row.getList("data", Double.class)) : CollectionUtils.unsafeAverage(row.getList("data", Double.class)); } json = new Gson().toJson(values); } public void makeArray(ResultSet resultSet, int length, Map<Long, Integer> timestampIndices) { if (resultSet.getAvailableWithoutFetching() > 0) { allNulls = false; values = new Double[length]; for (Row row : resultSet) { values[timestampIndices.get(row.getLong("time"))] = isSumMetric(path) ? CollectionUtils.unsafeSum(row.getList("data", Double.class)) : CollectionUtils.unsafeAverage(row.getList("data", Double.class)); } } else { values = new Double[length]; for (Map.Entry<Long, Integer> entry : timestampIndices.entrySet()) { values[entry.getValue()] = null; } } } private static boolean isSumMetric(String path) { return path.startsWith("sum"); } } }