/* * Original work Copyright (c) 2005-2008, The Android Open Source Project * Modified work Copyright (c) 2013, rovo89 and Tungstwenty * Modified work Copyright (c) 2015, Alibaba Mobile Infrastructure (Android) Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.taobao.android.dexposed; import static com.taobao.android.dexposed.XposedHelpers.getIntField; import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build.VERSION; import android.util.Log; import com.taobao.android.dexposed.XC_MethodHook.MethodHookParam; import com.taobao.android.dexposed.XC_MethodHook.Unhook; import com.taobao.android.dexposed.XC_MethodHook.XC_MethodKeepHook; import com.taobao.android.dexposed.XC_MethodReplacement.XC_MethodKeepReplacement; import com.taobao.android.dexposed.XposedHelpers.InvocationTargetError; public final class DexposedBridge { private static final int RUNTIME_UNKNOW = 0; private static final int RUNTIME_DALVIK = 1; private static final int RUNTIME_ART = 2; private static int runtime = RUNTIME_UNKNOW; private static final Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Object[0]; public static final ClassLoader BOOTCLASSLOADER = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); // built-in handlers private static final Map<Member, CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook>> hookedMethodCallbacks = new HashMap<Member, CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook>>(); private static final ArrayList<XC_MethodHook.Unhook> allUnhookCallbacks = new ArrayList<XC_MethodHook.Unhook>(); private static int getRuntime() { if(VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21){ return RUNTIME_ART; } else if(VERSION.SDK_INT >= 20) { String vm = System.getProperty("persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib", ""); if(vm.contains("art")) return RUNTIME_ART; else return RUNTIME_DALVIK; } else { return RUNTIME_DALVIK; } } /** * Writes a message to BASE_DIR/log/debug.log (needs to have chmod 777) * @param text log message */ public synchronized static void log(String text) { Log.d("Dexposed", text); } /** * Log the stack trace * @param t The Throwable object for the stacktrace * @see DexposedBridge#log(String) */ public synchronized static void log(Throwable t) { log(Log.getStackTraceString(t)); } /** * Hook any method with the specified callback * * @param hookMethod The method to be hooked * @param callback */ public static XC_MethodHook.Unhook hookMethod(Member hookMethod, XC_MethodHook callback) { if (!(hookMethod instanceof Method) && !(hookMethod instanceof Constructor<?>)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only methods and constructors can be hooked"); } boolean newMethod = false; CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook> callbacks; synchronized (hookedMethodCallbacks) { callbacks = hookedMethodCallbacks.get(hookMethod); if (callbacks == null) { callbacks = new CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook>(); hookedMethodCallbacks.put(hookMethod, callbacks); newMethod = true; } } callbacks.add(callback); if (newMethod) { Class<?> declaringClass = hookMethod.getDeclaringClass(); if(runtime == RUNTIME_UNKNOW) runtime = getRuntime(); int slot = (runtime == RUNTIME_DALVIK) ? (int) getIntField(hookMethod, "slot") : 0; Class<?>[] parameterTypes; Class<?> returnType; if (hookMethod instanceof Method) { parameterTypes = ((Method) hookMethod).getParameterTypes(); returnType = ((Method) hookMethod).getReturnType(); } else { parameterTypes = ((Constructor<?>) hookMethod).getParameterTypes(); returnType = null; } AdditionalHookInfo additionalInfo = new AdditionalHookInfo(callbacks, parameterTypes, returnType); hookMethodNative(hookMethod, declaringClass, slot, additionalInfo); } return callback.new Unhook(hookMethod); } /** * Removes the callback for a hooked method * @param hookMethod The method for which the callback should be removed * @param callback The reference to the callback as specified in {@link #hookMethod} */ public static void unhookMethod(Member hookMethod, XC_MethodHook callback) { CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook> callbacks; synchronized (hookedMethodCallbacks) { callbacks = hookedMethodCallbacks.get(hookMethod); if (callbacks == null) return; } callbacks.remove(callback); } public static Set<XC_MethodHook.Unhook> hookAllMethods(Class<?> hookClass, String methodName, XC_MethodHook callback) { Set<XC_MethodHook.Unhook> unhooks = new HashSet<XC_MethodHook.Unhook>(); for (Member method : hookClass.getDeclaredMethods()) if (method.getName().equals(methodName)) unhooks.add(hookMethod(method, callback)); return unhooks; } public static XC_MethodHook.Unhook findAndHookMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Object... parameterTypesAndCallback) { if (parameterTypesAndCallback.length == 0 || !(parameterTypesAndCallback[parameterTypesAndCallback.length-1] instanceof XC_MethodHook)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("no callback defined"); XC_MethodHook callback = (XC_MethodHook) parameterTypesAndCallback[parameterTypesAndCallback.length-1]; Method m = XposedHelpers.findMethodExact(clazz, methodName, parameterTypesAndCallback); XC_MethodHook.Unhook unhook = hookMethod(m, callback); if (!(callback instanceof XC_MethodKeepHook || callback instanceof XC_MethodKeepReplacement)) { synchronized (allUnhookCallbacks) { allUnhookCallbacks.add(unhook); } } return unhook; } public static void unhookAllMethods() { synchronized (allUnhookCallbacks) { for (int i = 0; i < allUnhookCallbacks.size(); i++) { ((Unhook) allUnhookCallbacks.get(i)).unhook(); } allUnhookCallbacks.clear(); } } public static Set<XC_MethodHook.Unhook> hookAllConstructors(Class<?> hookClass, XC_MethodHook callback) { Set<XC_MethodHook.Unhook> unhooks = new HashSet<XC_MethodHook.Unhook>(); for (Member constructor : hookClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) unhooks.add(hookMethod(constructor, callback)); return unhooks; } /** * This method is called as a replacement for hooked methods. */ private static Object handleHookedMethod(Member method, int originalMethodId, Object additionalInfoObj, Object thisObject, Object[] args) throws Throwable { AdditionalHookInfo additionalInfo = (AdditionalHookInfo) additionalInfoObj; Object[] callbacksSnapshot = additionalInfo.callbacks.getSnapshot(); final int callbacksLength = callbacksSnapshot.length; if (callbacksLength == 0) { try { return invokeOriginalMethodNative(method, originalMethodId, additionalInfo.parameterTypes, additionalInfo.returnType, thisObject, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getCause(); } } MethodHookParam param = new MethodHookParam(); param.method = method; param.thisObject = thisObject; param.args = args; // call "before method" callbacks int beforeIdx = 0; do { try { ((XC_MethodHook) callbacksSnapshot[beforeIdx]).beforeHookedMethod(param); } catch (Throwable t) { log(t); // reset result (ignoring what the unexpectedly exiting callback did) param.setResult(null); param.returnEarly = false; continue; } if (param.returnEarly) { // skip remaining "before" callbacks and corresponding "after" callbacks beforeIdx++; break; } } while (++beforeIdx < callbacksLength); // call original method if not requested otherwise if (!param.returnEarly) { try { param.setResult(invokeOriginalMethodNative(method, originalMethodId, additionalInfo.parameterTypes, additionalInfo.returnType, param.thisObject, param.args)); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { param.setThrowable(e.getCause()); } } // call "after method" callbacks int afterIdx = beforeIdx - 1; do { Object lastResult = param.getResult(); Throwable lastThrowable = param.getThrowable(); try { ((XC_MethodHook) callbacksSnapshot[afterIdx]).afterHookedMethod(param); } catch (Throwable t) { DexposedBridge.log(t); // reset to last result (ignoring what the unexpectedly exiting callback did) if (lastThrowable == null) param.setResult(lastResult); else param.setThrowable(lastThrowable); } } while (--afterIdx >= 0); // return if (param.hasThrowable()) throw param.getThrowable(); else return param.getResult(); } /** * Check device if can run dexposed, and load libs auto. */ public synchronized static boolean canDexposed(Context context) { if (!DeviceCheck.isDeviceSupport(context)) { return false; } //load dexposed lib for hook. return loadDexposedLib(context); } private static boolean loadDexposedLib(Context context) { // load dexposed lib for hook. try { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == 22){ System.loadLibrary("dexposed_l51"); } else if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 19 && android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 21){ System.loadLibrary("dexposed_l"); } else if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 14){ System.loadLibrary("dexposed"); } else { return false; } return true; } catch (Throwable e) { return false; } } private native static Object invokeSuperNative(Object obj, Object[] args, Member method, Class<?> declaringClass, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Class<?> returnType, int slot) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException; public static Object invokeSuper(Object obj, Member method, Object... args) throws NoSuchFieldException { try { if(runtime == RUNTIME_UNKNOW) runtime = getRuntime(); int slot = 0; if(runtime == RUNTIME_DALVIK) { //get the super method slot Method m = XposedHelpers.findMethodExact(obj.getClass().getSuperclass(), method.getName(), ((Method) method).getParameterTypes()); slot = (int) getIntField(m, "slot"); } return invokeSuperNative(obj, args, method, method.getDeclaringClass(), ((Method) method).getParameterTypes(), ((Method) method).getReturnType(), slot); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalAccessError(e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw e; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new InvocationTargetError(e.getCause()); } } /** * Intercept every call to the specified method and call a handler function instead. * @param method The method to intercept */ private native synchronized static void hookMethodNative(Member method, Class<?> declaringClass, int slot, Object additionalInfo); private native static Object invokeOriginalMethodNative(Member method, int methodId, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Class<?> returnType, Object thisObject, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException; /** * Basically the same as {@link Method#invoke}, but calls the original method * as it was before the interception by Xposed. Also, access permissions are not checked. * * @param method Method to be called * @param thisObject For non-static calls, the "this" pointer * @param args Arguments for the method call as Object[] array * @return The result returned from the invoked method * @throws NullPointerException * if {@code receiver == null} for a non-static method * @throws IllegalAccessException * if this method is not accessible (see {@link AccessibleObject}) * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the number of arguments doesn't match the number of parameters, the receiver * is incompatible with the declaring class, or an argument could not be unboxed * or converted by a widening conversion to the corresponding parameter type * @throws InvocationTargetException * if an exception was thrown by the invoked method */ public static Object invokeOriginalMethod(Member method, Object thisObject, Object[] args) throws NullPointerException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { if (args == null) { args = EMPTY_ARRAY; } Class<?>[] parameterTypes; Class<?> returnType; if (method instanceof Method) { parameterTypes = ((Method) method).getParameterTypes(); returnType = ((Method) method).getReturnType(); } else if (method instanceof Constructor) { parameterTypes = ((Constructor<?>) method).getParameterTypes(); returnType = null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("method must be of type Method or Constructor"); } return invokeOriginalMethodNative(method, 0, parameterTypes, returnType, thisObject, args); } public static class CopyOnWriteSortedSet<E> { private transient volatile Object[] elements = EMPTY_ARRAY; public synchronized boolean add(E e) { int index = indexOf(e); if (index >= 0) return false; Object[] newElements = new Object[elements.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(elements, 0, newElements, 0, elements.length); newElements[elements.length] = e; Arrays.sort(newElements); elements = newElements; return true; } public synchronized boolean remove(E e) { int index = indexOf(e); if (index == -1) return false; Object[] newElements = new Object[elements.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(elements, 0, newElements, 0, index); System.arraycopy(elements, index + 1, newElements, index, elements.length - index - 1); elements = newElements; return true; } public synchronized void clear(){ elements = EMPTY_ARRAY; } private int indexOf(Object o) { for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (o.equals(elements[i])) return i; } return -1; } public Object[] getSnapshot() { return elements; } } private static class AdditionalHookInfo { final CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook> callbacks; final Class<?>[] parameterTypes; final Class<?> returnType; String shorty; private AdditionalHookInfo(CopyOnWriteSortedSet<XC_MethodHook> callbacks, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Class<?> returnType) { this.callbacks = callbacks; this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes; this.returnType = returnType; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64); sb.append(Class2Shorty(returnType)); for(Class<?> c : parameterTypes){ sb.append(Class2Shorty(c)); } shorty = sb.toString(); } String Class2Shorty(Class<?> cls) { if(cls.isPrimitive()){ return builtInMap.get(cls); } else return "L"; } } private static Map<Class, String> builtInMap = new HashMap<Class, String>(){ { put(Integer.TYPE, "I"); put(Long.TYPE, "J"); put(Double.TYPE, "D" ); put(Float.TYPE, "F" ); put(Boolean.TYPE, "Z" ); put(Character.TYPE, "C" ); put(Byte.TYPE, "B" ); put(Void.TYPE, "V" ); put(Short.TYPE, "S" ); } }; }