/* * Copyright (c) 2009,2012-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor * the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package qcom.fmradio; import qcom.fmradio.FmReceiver; import qcom.fmradio.FmTransceiver; import java.util.Arrays; import android.util.Log; class FmRxEventListner { private final int EVENT_LISTEN = 1; private final int STD_BUF_SIZE = 256; private enum FmRxEvents { READY_EVENT, TUNE_EVENT, SEEK_COMPLETE_EVENT, SCAN_NEXT_EVENT, RAW_RDS_EVENT, RT_EVENT, PS_EVENT, ERROR_EVENT, BELOW_TH_EVENT, ABOVE_TH_EVENT, STEREO_EVENT, MONO_EVENT, RDS_AVAL_EVENT, RDS_NOT_AVAL_EVENT, TAVARUA_EVT_NEW_SRCH_LIST, TAVARUA_EVT_NEW_AF_LIST } private Thread mThread; private static final String TAG = "FMRadio"; public void startListner (final int fd, final FmRxEvCallbacks cb) { /* start a thread and listen for messages */ mThread = new Thread(){ public void run(){ byte [] buff = new byte[STD_BUF_SIZE]; Log.d(TAG, "Starting listener " + fd); while ((!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())) { try { int index = 0; int state = 0; Arrays.fill(buff, (byte)0x00); int freq = 0; int eventCount = FmReceiverJNI.getBufferNative (fd, buff, EVENT_LISTEN); if (eventCount >= 0) Log.d(TAG, "Received event. Count: " + eventCount); for ( index = 0; index < eventCount; index++ ) { Log.d(TAG, "Received <" +buff[index]+ ">" ); switch(buff[index]){ case 0: Log.d(TAG, "Got READY_EVENT"); if(FmTransceiver.getFMPowerState() == FmTransceiver.subPwrLevel_FMRx_Starting) { /*Set the state as FMRxOn */ FmTransceiver.setFMPowerState(FmTransceiver.FMState_Rx_Turned_On); Log.v(TAG, "RxEvtList: CURRENT-STATE : FMRxStarting ---> NEW-STATE : FMRxOn"); cb.FmRxEvEnableReceiver(); } else if (FmTransceiver.getFMPowerState() == FmTransceiver.subPwrLevel_FMTurning_Off) { /*Set the state as FMOff */ FmTransceiver.setFMPowerState(FmTransceiver.FMState_Turned_Off); Log.v(TAG, "RxEvtList: CURRENT-STATE : FMTurningOff ---> NEW-STATE : FMOff"); FmTransceiver.release("/dev/radio0"); cb.FmRxEvDisableReceiver(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } break; case 1: Log.d(TAG, "Got TUNE_EVENT"); freq = FmReceiverJNI.getFreqNative(fd); state = FmReceiver.getSearchState(); switch(state) { case FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SeekInPrg : Log.v(TAG, "Current state is " + state); FmReceiver.setSearchState(FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SrchComplete); Log.v(TAG, "RxEvtList: CURRENT-STATE : Search ---> NEW-STATE : FMRxOn"); cb.FmRxEvSearchComplete(freq); break; default: if (freq > 0) cb.FmRxEvRadioTuneStatus(freq); else Log.e(TAG, "get frequency command failed"); break; } break; case 2: Log.d(TAG, "Got SEEK_COMPLETE_EVENT"); state = FmReceiver.getSearchState(); switch(state) { case FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_ScanInProg: Log.v(TAG, "Current state is " + state); FmReceiver.setSearchState(FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SrchComplete); Log.v(TAG, "RxEvtList: CURRENT-STATE : Search ---> NEW-STATE : FMRxOn"); cb.FmRxEvSearchComplete(FmReceiverJNI.getFreqNative(fd)); break; case FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SrchAbort: Log.v(TAG, "Current state is SRCH_ABORTED"); Log.v(TAG, "Aborting on-going search command..."); FmReceiver.setSearchState(FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SrchComplete); Log.v(TAG, "RxEvtList: CURRENT-STATE : Search ---> NEW-STATE : FMRxOn"); cb.FmRxEvSearchComplete(FmReceiverJNI.getFreqNative(fd)); break; } break; case 3: Log.d(TAG, "Got SCAN_NEXT_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvSearchInProgress(); break; case 4: Log.d(TAG, "Got RAW_RDS_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvRdsGroupData(); break; case 5: Log.d(TAG, "Got RT_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvRdsRtInfo(); break; case 6: Log.d(TAG, "Got PS_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvRdsPsInfo(); break; case 7: Log.d(TAG, "Got ERROR_EVENT"); break; case 8: Log.d(TAG, "Got BELOW_TH_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvServiceAvailable (false); break; case 9: Log.d(TAG, "Got ABOVE_TH_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvServiceAvailable(true); break; case 10: Log.d(TAG, "Got STEREO_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvStereoStatus (true); break; case 11: Log.d(TAG, "Got MONO_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvStereoStatus (false); break; case 12: Log.d(TAG, "Got RDS_AVAL_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvRdsLockStatus (true); break; case 13: Log.d(TAG, "Got RDS_NOT_AVAL_EVENT"); cb.FmRxEvRdsLockStatus (false); break; case 14: Log.d(TAG, "Got NEW_SRCH_LIST"); state = FmReceiver.getSearchState(); switch(state) { case FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SrchListInProg: Log.v(TAG, "FmRxEventListener: Current state is AUTO_PRESET_INPROGRESS"); FmReceiver.setSearchState(FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SrchComplete); Log.v(TAG, "RxEvtList: CURRENT-STATE : Search ---> NEW-STATE : FMRxOn"); cb.FmRxEvSearchListComplete (); break; case FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SrchAbort: Log.v(TAG, "Current state is SRCH_ABORTED"); Log.v(TAG, "Aborting on-going SearchList command..."); FmReceiver.setSearchState(FmTransceiver.subSrchLevel_SrchComplete); Log.v(TAG, "RxEvtList: CURRENT-STATE : Search ---> NEW-STATE : FMRxOn"); cb.FmRxEvSearchCancelled(); break; } break; case 15: Log.d(TAG, "Got NEW_AF_LIST"); cb.FmRxEvRdsAfInfo(); break; case 18: Log.d(TAG, "Got RADIO_DISABLED"); if (FmTransceiver.getFMPowerState() == FmTransceiver.subPwrLevel_FMTurning_Off) { /*Set the state as FMOff */ FmTransceiver.setFMPowerState(FmTransceiver.FMState_Turned_Off); Log.v(TAG, "RxEvtList: CURRENT-STATE : FMTurningOff ---> NEW-STATE : FMOff"); FmTransceiver.release("/dev/radio0"); cb.FmRxEvDisableReceiver(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Unexpected RADIO_DISABLED recvd"); cb.FmRxEvRadioReset(); } break; case 19: FmTransceiver.setRDSGrpMask(0); break; case 20: Log.d(TAG, "got RT plus event"); cb.FmRxEvRTPlus(); break; case 21: Log.d(TAG, "got eRT event"); cb.FmRxEvERTInfo(); break; default: Log.d(TAG, "Unknown event"); break; } }//end of for } catch ( Exception ex ) { Log.d( TAG, "RunningThread InterruptedException"); ex.printStackTrace(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } }; mThread.start(); } public void stopListener(){ //mThread.stop(); //Thread stop is deprecate API //Interrupt the thread and check for the thread status // and return from the run() method to stop the thread //properly Log.d( TAG, "stopping the Listener\n"); if( mThread != null ) { mThread.interrupt(); } } }