package gradeapp; import java.util.*; import*; // for the tests /** * A MinedTree is created from an array of student data using the ID3 algorithm. * The noise threshold of the tree is adjusted and set at creation time. This * is meant to serve as a useful library for Software Engineering students * working on their project. * @author Peter Boothe - * @since date 9 Feb 2010 */ public class MinedTree { int correct; String[] key; Collection<String[]> students; public int numGood, numBad; public int question=-1; public MinedTree right=null, wrong=null; /** * Make a new MinedTree from the given inputs. * @param threshold A double between 0 and 1 inclusive. Closer 1 indicates * a smaller, less exact tree, while closer to 0 indicates a larger tree. * @param correct The number correct that serves as the dividing line * between high and low quality. * @param key The answer key. This array should be the same length as all * the arrays in students. * @param students This is the list of student answers */ public MinedTree(double threshold, int correct, String[] key, Collection<String[]> students) { this(threshold, correct, key, students, -1); } /** * Make a new MinedTree from the given inputs. * @param threshold A double between 0 and 1 inclusive. Closer 1 indicates * a smaller, less exact tree, while closer to 0 indicates a larger tree. * @param correct The number correct that serves as the dividing line * between high and low quality. * @param key The answer key. This array should be the same length as all * the arrays in students. * @param students This is the list of student answers * @param question The question that this node was split upon. */ public MinedTree(double threshold, int correct, String[] key, Collection<String[]> students, int question) { this.correct = correct; this.key = key; this.students = students; this.question = question; numGood = count(true, students); numBad = count(false, students); // find the most incisive question int bestQuestion = -1; double bestQuality = 0; for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { double quality = splitQuality(i); if (quality >= threshold && quality > bestQuality) { bestQuestion = i; } } // if there was a question incisive enough, recurse if (bestQuestion != -1) { //System.out.println("Make right"); right = new MinedTree(threshold, correct, key, findAnswers(bestQuestion, true), bestQuestion); //System.out.println("Make wrong"); wrong = new MinedTree(threshold, correct, key, findAnswers(bestQuestion, false), bestQuestion); } } double findEntropy(Collection<String[]> data) { double p_good = ((double)count(true, data)) / data.size(); double p_bad = ((double)count(false, data)) / data.size(); double entropy; if (p_good > 0 && p_bad > 0) entropy = -1.0 / Math.log(2) * (p_good * Math.log(p_good) + p_bad * Math.log(p_bad)); else entropy = 0; //System.out.println("p_good (" + p_good + ") p_bad (" + p_bad +")" + " entropy (" + entropy + ")"); return entropy; } double splitQuality(int question) { double classEntropy = findEntropy(students); Collection<String[]> right = findAnswers(question, true); Collection<String[]> wrong = findAnswers(question, false); double splitEntropy = (right.size() * findEntropy(right) + wrong.size() * findEntropy(wrong)) / ((double)students.size()); //System.out.println("question " + question); //System.out.println("ce " + classEntropy + " se " + splitEntropy); //System.out.println("se " + right.size() + " ws " + wrong.size()); //System.out.println("correct " + correct); return classEntropy - splitEntropy; } int count(boolean passing, Collection<String[]> students) { int c = 0; for (String[] person : students) { int corr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { if (person[i].equals(key[i])) corr++; } if ((corr >= correct) == passing) c++; } return c; } Collection<String[]> findAnswers(int question, boolean right) { return findAnswers(question, right, students); } Collection<String[]> findAnswers(int question, boolean right, Collection<String[]> students) { Collection<String[]> peeps = new LinkedList<String[]>(); for (String[] person : students) { if ((person[question].equals(key[question])) == right) { peeps.add(person); } } return peeps; } public String toString() { String m = "Top of tree\n "; m += count(true, students) + "/" + students.size() + " good\n "; m += count(false, students) + "/" + students.size() + " bad\n"; if (right != null && wrong != null) { return m + "\n" + right.toString(true) + "\n" + wrong.toString(false); } else { return m; } } String toString(boolean gotItCorrect) { if (question == -1) throw new RuntimeException("THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN"); String thisMessage = "They got question " + question + (gotItCorrect ? " right" : " wrong") + "\n "; thisMessage += count(true, students) + "/" + students.size() + " good\n "; thisMessage += count(false, students) + "/" + students.size() + " bad\n"; if (right != null && wrong != null) { thisMessage += "\n" + right.toString(true) + "\n" + wrong.toString(false); } return "(" + thisMessage + ")"; } public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0])); String line = br.readLine().trim(); String[] key = new String[line.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { key[i] = "" + line.charAt(i); System.out.print(key[i]); } System.out.println(); Collection<String[]> answers = new LinkedList<String[]>(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); String[] answer = new String[key.length]; for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { answer[i] = "" + line.charAt(i); System.out.print(answer[i]); } System.out.println(); answers.add(answer); } System.out.println(new MinedTree(.2, (int)(.7 * key.length), key, answers)); } }